(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Sandy, tenderloin is the fillet part?
Yes i put in one piece of soft bone pork, carrot, potato and sweet potato, it is tasty actually but my gal doesnt like it anymore. She used to eat that initially but now rejects it. haiz. I never try scraping the pork yet thinking it'll be hard, hmm think i shld try.
Btw do u put in ur veg to cook right from the start too?

lonerunner, my bb also fussy eater lah... haiz. Plus i'm gonna try FM again, excited to try but scared of rejection haha

iceblue, normally i use the small type of banana, in hokkien it's called "pang jio".

Btw do u all still steamed apple and pear? I want to scrap directly and give it to bb but it's too hard to scrap so still have to steam.

I wanna intro tofu too, maybe add in porridge.

My PD says bb now shld be drinking ave 800ml of milk daily.

thanks lonerunner and sandy ... i guess could be teething as well...will wait and see. His mood keeps changing every other day :p

Aquaduck trial...i don't mind joining if there is another one
deedee, i gave peach to my boy. he loves it too

ginn, i don't steam the fruits. Just wait till they are a bit more ripe and soft then scrap directly to feed.

my baby also sleeps very little now..she plays more than she sleep and super active...tiring to play with her. her nap is usually 30 mins to 45 mins. however, at my in laws' place, she can nap for more than 1 hour.


im not sure if tenderloin its fillet part but its a long tubular form and the meat is darker red compared to the other parts of the pig.


chicken and seafood are allergenic foods cos they contain allergens that people can be allergic to.
I know seafood is definitely a NO to bb below 1yr age but chicken is also allergic food, this is not that I know of. Any idea what kind of allergic reaction would be if consuming chicken?

I will not introduce those highly allergic food, except fish (so far only thread fish and cod fish) coz I myself when young were allergic to certain fish (‘sera)’, veggie (bonjour, kangkong), fruit (mango), egg, and shellfish (all types of shellfish including scallop), so most likely my BB is inherited. All these food will be given to bb only after she turns 1 yr old.
You said round spinach? Is it those ‘xian cai’ that cook with century egg? I named this type of veggie ‘chinese spinach’. I was confused at the beginning which type of spinach shld give to bb as there are so many types of spinach. At the end I gave her 2 types of spinach, chinese spinach (u named them as round spinach) and ‘ang mo’ baby spinach (usually serve in salad dish).

Any idea the difference b/w diff types of spinach in terms of nutrition?
<font color="aa00aa"><u>NOV Gathering</u>
Dear mummies,
Some of us are planning a Nov BB Bash and need to choose a date that is more convenient to most mummies.
Therefore, we are balloting the below dates so that we can book the venue for our gathering..
If you are keen, please choose one of the dates and the dates with most votes will be selected.. Thanks.</font>
<font color="0000ff">
Nov 14, 2009 (Sat)
Nov 15, 2009 (Sun)
Venue: Function Room in a Condo in Sengkang</font>

Lonerunner, Blueb, Wing79, Gerly, Snow_luplup &amp; Myself
do u mummmies give pork/beef to bb even if they have not teeth yet? cas have this chewing motion perfected (she feeds her baby bites on her own) but afraid that she won't be able to chew meat. any advice?
i do give meat. so far give pork n chix. but in stripes, like the fineness of our hair... so tt she can slowly chew but i dun give much. cos BB disgestive system nt mature yet.. =)

My pd said chix can be given progressively after 6 mths.


Hmm.. My pd said grapes like strawberries can cause oral allergy. To be given after 1yr. Guess all pds have different opinions.


I feed my boy chix and he has no tooth at all. But he can chew very well.. With his gums..

How to know if bb has diarrhoea? I am very worried. My boy poo 4-5 times a day nowadays. Sometimes hard, sometimes watery. He has been like that past wk. But he is very active. Drink milk normally and eat as usual. Doesnt look sick. I even weighed him every few days to see if he lost weight. Can pls pls pls advise me? Thinking of going to see a doc but he looks so healthy! Is it cos he eats veg and fruits everyday and too much fibre?? Before this happens he just poo twice a day.

But honestly i am so confused too. My pd gave me a list of foods that is ok and not. And mango also to give after bb much older. But in annabel karmel's recipe book there is blueberry, mango and worse butter!!
my gal takes abt 2-3 naps, each time 30 to 45min. She's also very active, love to be on her tummy trying to master crawling. So far she can cruise on her stomach fast, need to watch her already. Can get on her knees for a few seconds then rock back and forth, am waiting for the day when she can really crawl!

sandy, think that's fillet if i'm not wrong. Let me try scraping the pork next round see if it's easy to scrap.

I went for a course on weaning previously, they taught us to scrap the raw chicken first before cooking so that it'll be fine, maybe u all can try that too.

PD told me to intro pork, chicken, fish and tofu.
BB do not necessarily need teeth to chew. We use our molars to chew but babies don't even get molars until after they turn 1yr and they're well into solids. My PD said as long as it is no bigger than a gerber puff or a normal size cloth button it is OK and they will use their gums to chew it down.
A mummy said alrdy feed bb bread. may i know wat kind of bread to giv? plain or wholemeal? cut into slice?

plan to intro bread tis weekend. not sure if she wld allergic to bread or not cos contains egg.

is there any bread made without egg?
oh, i juz gave my gal mango leh! din noe it's oso allergenic... gd thing no allergic reaction... and she luvs it! wif it, she actually can finish e whole tub of bb yoplait yogurt!

i oso give nectarine, juz tat gotta wait a long time for it to ripen and become soft... so till now, only gave once...

same, i still steam apple as it's too hard for me to scrap off... she oso luvs apple! cooked it wif her porridge e other day and she ate more...

i gave chix and pork... but chix like more difficult cos my mil buys me e thigh, which makes it difficult for me to mince it... maybe i shd try shredding like some mummies are doing...

planning to intro beef soon!

anyway, my gal oso can chew quite well despite no teeth... so whenever ppl feeding her on my behalf try to mash e food, i always have to intercept and say tat she can chew... let her get used to e texture, if not next time she doesn't wanna chew...

thank God tat my gal still naps pretty well! she naps between 1.5-2.5 hrs, twice a day... but if we go out, sometimes she wakes up in slightly less than 1 hr... then tis mummy becomes super stressed, cos dun like her to be cranky due to lack of sleep! but think she's getting better liao, now not so cranky even if not enuff sleep...

my gal still leopard crawling leh! so sandy, tis kind of crawling still contributes to e brain development not? last time she ever gets on her knees for few seconds and rock to and fro, now no more... eh, wonder when she'll really crawl...

still no teeth yet! but these few days, got drooling quite a but... so maybe coming out soon!

oso dunno pincer pick, dunno how to say bye bye, nor action to twinkle twinkle little star... but, she juz managed to go "papa papa papapa"... haha, to my delight! even thouh she did not say "mama" 1st...
oki...will give it a try this weekend.
as for bread, cas has already tried the gardenia white bread adnt even the bun used for kaya toast =) i gave her just the white part but jsut small bits coz my mom said the bread can sometimes make bb choke so better watch them when u give them bread.

Do you give bb milk at naptime or near bedtime? i always giv my gal milk b4 her bedtime/naptime.

I read an article from HPB said "Do not give milk, infant formula or juice at naptime or near bedtime".
hello mummies glad t koe tat yr bb also nap lesser..was so afraid if its was my too obssesed chocloate cookie intake last two weeks pass through breast milk for her..

yeh agree different books/advice diff..think best we trial n error..
i also try add tofu in bb porridge she reject..
when can we add dried scallop??
deedee, my bb have habit of drinking milk to go sleep at night, though may not be good cos they'll probably wet their bed next time, is this the reason?

Ya which bread shld we give? Is wholemeal ok?

Sheepish, me too, tried cooking porridge with apple and pumpkin, she loves it but i guess i put too much pumpkin, resulting in her constipation! PD advise me to cut back on pumpkin. And probably this recipe tastes so sweet that she's rejecting my not so sweet porridge haiz

My gal likes to use her tongue to make "clak clak" sound and she uses her finger to point at things. Also likes to use saliva to blow bubbles haha
Nov09 Gathering:
I'm ok with either sat or sun!

my girl usually must have her milk before she sleeps at nite! :p

Me no time or day off but I'm trying to claim my OT and transport allowance today. Then I saw my boss' boss face black black cos I 'crashed' with him yesterday infront of the project director (his boss) becos he was trying to pick on our procedure that he dun understand at all but trying to find fault to push blames on us. So I'll try to make my claims again next week :p

I still got the same words to say to him - "Not happy, sack me lah!" hhaahahhaahaaa!

ok! that makes 2 of us! if we can get 4 more mummies to join in, I'm sure AquaDuck will open another trial again :p
my gal also drinks her milk before she sleeps at nite. this actually helps us coz she won't wake up at nite asking for milk. she will usually sleep thru the night when given her milk before sleeping.
i give her the normal gardenia wholemeal bread le.. but in chunks, dipped in milk... occassionally only.. and nt too much, cos i scare bloat her...

<u>Daily Meals</u>
Actually i have this feeding schedule tt I would wan to try out with my gal next month.. Jus a preview, and share your comments with me...

8am - FM(60ml)with half slice of whole meal bread
1130am to 12noon - Porridge with 1 or 2 x veg
230pm - Snack (1 x fruits + 1 x BB biscuits)
<font color="0000ff">4pm - Milk (if she asked for it) or
530pm - Porridge with 1 or 2 x veg</font>

830pm to 9pm - Milk then sleep
i heard somewhere (i can't remember where) that for babies < 1 yr old have to give them atleast 600ml of milk as this is where they mostly get their nutrients. so better consider this in ur gal's daily meals =)
really ah.. tks for tellin me.. then i must make sure she haf at least 3 x milk serving.. cos each is 180ml.. =)
Then i need to revise my meal schedule.. =)
no probs. what they say is that the solid meals that they have now should not really replace their milk intake
dbaby, agree with mibebe, <1yr old, milk is still important for them, cannot substitute solids for milk. My PD told me ave 800ml per day. Think for the snacks time, u shld give some milk too.
Thanks for sharing with me on how to give bb bread. If giving plain bread itself likely to have choking hazard, (guess is too dry?), why not toast the bread so it will become crispy, or spread avocado on bread? So bb can chew on. Is it a good idea? I will let her try plain bread first, prefer to whole meal bread for its nutritional benefits. if she cant handle well then I will use these methods.

Re: Feed bb at naptime/b4 bedtime
I oso dun know the reasons why can’t feed bb at naptime/b4 bedtime. I’ve been doing this all the while and thought doing tis will help my gal sleep throughout the night, until I saw the HPB article and wonder why they said this. Any mummies know the reasons?
Hi... long time no post... the thread grows so much for me to follow up... How r u mommies and babies doin?

Teeth: my bb still teethless... but can see 1 and the bottom has come out abit... One is coming. The gum is abit swelling...

bb chewing: yes, agree that bb dun need teeth to chew... we need to start introducing textured food now... otherwise, bb will lose the reaction to chew and just swallow... will be hard to train them to chew later...

Gathering: we're going to gather @ SengKang? So far... afraid i can't make it...

bread: I gave my bb small pieces bread dipped in FM mixed with pumpkin... u can try... can mix with other fruits also... but i use normal bread only... not wholemeal one... make it like porridge like... my boy can finish abt half of it...
any mummies wan to share with me a carton of fitti premium diapers? 6 packs total. I just need 3. I thought got large size. Only nb, s and m. 44 pces in m pack. $10 per pack. I stay at tiong baru.
<font color="ff0000">Any good and reasonable priced PD to recommend in the North?></font>

Hi mummies staying at AMK, Yishun, Sembawang, Woodlands,

Which PD are u seeing??? and what are the charges for 6-in-1 injections??
Can share with me?
I'm from Sept thread and looking to change a PD for all future jabs and consultation...

Please PM me!!

hello dbaby, i also read somewhere bb got to drink at least 600ml milk before 1yr..solids cant replace milk..

as for bread been giving bb plain n milk bread..coz puffs n cereal r wholegrains alreadi..

bb always drink milk before nap n bedtimes..soothing esp when milk is hot..coz my bb dun have pacifier think the logic is we dun get to clean their mouth before they sleep just like us brush teeth before sleep..bact inside..but if clean then bb will like vomit..worse
seems like u are waging a war in your office ...me got so much work and no time to come to forum ..today was friday so i thought i will drop in

hw are u .....

Tahnks for the feedback on the cereal spoon count and so on .....

how are ya doing ? how is your bb
it has always been a mad rush in my office but for this project, this has totally gone out of hand. poor planning, poor foresight, ppl trying to avoid responsibilities etc. And guess wat? After expressing milk, I need to go back to attehd an office event which is compulsory! Nvm if it starts at 7pm and we just ended meeting at 7pm! hahahaa! I just reached home to drop my pump, store my EBM and express milk then I'll run off again. nvm .. I'm counting down to end of year ... maybe I can throw letter at last! hehehee!

tat makes 3 of us for AquaDuck! pending 3 more, then I'll ask for details from you ladies for AquaDuck registration!
AquaDuck Trial for 24Oct
For mummies attending the trial on the above date, here is the reply from Aquaduck!

Trial session for the 6 children stated below on Saturday 24 October 2009 at 2pm with Coach Keshona at the Suntec City location. Please be at the poolside 15 minutes in advance as classes commence on time. Please bring along towels and toiletries for washing up after as necessary. Please be reminded that this is a Parent &amp; Child programme so an adult has to accompany each child in the pool.

Here is some basic information on how to reach the pool location in Suntec City:

There is only one lift which goes up to the pool, which is Lift Lobby T5, located at Suntec City tower 2. It is located outside of the building, near the shops Hollywood Nails, or the Beauty Spa. When you go outside, you will see a bus stop, and right next to this bus stop is where lift lobby T5 is located. If you drive, park at surface car park C2, or park at basement 1 or 2, in the Yellow zone. If you can, park in rows 44, 45, 46, 47, or 48, near alphabets, N, P, Q and R. You can the lift lobby next to car park column numbers Q46 and R46. Take the lift up to the 4th floor where the pool is located. Hope this is of some help.

Please kindly confirm if all the children are able to attend the trial class this weekend.

Should you wish to sign the children up for the aquaDucks programme after the trial session, kindly email us. Hope they have a splashing good time!
Nana, no L for Fitti diapers? I thought some mums ordered the L from them previously. Maybe they are low on stocks...

Sleep workshop on 14th Nov, so I vote for gathering on 15th

Mummies, don't forget add'l 15% off at Taka til tomorrow - Medela, Munchkin etc

Ralph Lauren kids has good offer.
Originally 30-50% off
Less add'l 20%-30$ depending on number of pieces you buy
Less add'l 15% for Taka members!

lonerunner: so pai seh leh. u not going still organize for us.

bb's feeding still not exploring much yet, just puree and rice cereal and porridge that MIL cooks with fish.

gathering: any of 14 or 15 nov is ok, but actual attendance have to confirm when nearer to the date.

chalet: manage to book chalet this month end. intending to do the bb's 1st yr celebration in chalet, so this is sort of try it out first. a bit early but take it as part of 'getaway' from the routine and norms.
am looking v much forward to it liaoz. :p
