(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hello lonerunner, sorry i went hortpark n forgot my hp..was quite nice..was hoping to c u n blueb, wow the goodie bag has rustic nirvana free massage n facial quite worth it thank you so much for inviting me there;(

hello blueb wah so many of us in LNT hope tat u n bb enjoy its quite fun...

sheepish yeh been feeding my gal with bread as snacks other than teddy puffs..i crumbs into tiny bits to feed her..i scared..btw anyone started adding dried scallop/chix/beef? i only tried fish n pork..seems boring alredi..

I have been feeding my boi chix everyday. He hates fish and beef. I add dried shrimp before. He dislikes it too.
hey nice meeting you and hb and bb this morning! hahaha bb is asleep as usual! so nice! sorrie din reply ur last sms cos my hp ganna bombed until no battery already! hehehee
aiya I also forgot to take photo with you! I bought my camera and forgot all abt it :p paisei paisei ...
my girl also got KO once we are at the Southen Ridges! It's the high high overhead bridge that connects telok blangah hill to kent ridge. nice view! next time u shld go and walk walk too!
Btw AquaDuck you still can make it rite, since LNT class is on sunday? ;)
Oh yeah I went back to office after the event this morning. I just reach home not too long ago. Now relieving my 2 super hard stones. haiz. at this rate I'm going, my BM supply sure gone soon.
oh u know that heiz biskit that they gave to all bb there? my girl duno how she held it until it got crumbled to pieces in her hand. when my hb freed her from the carrier to give her milk, she turned inwards and proceed to wipe her hand onto my hb's shirt! hahahahahaa!

oh u were there this morning! I tot I saw someone that looks like you in the function room but I may be mistaken. hahaha .. nice to hear that you had a great time! blueb took home many packs of huggies pull up diapers! I wished I have bought the magazine so that I could pick up some FOC diapers for my bb too!
wedg dinner experience:-
back frm wedg dinner, settled dwn liao..future i mus brg cereal/poridge for her wen at wedg dinner. too much distractions so she dun 1 drink.end up we in out tryg to find quiet plac to let her drink, also coax her drink. but at the end fail vry stubborn gal. but she was enjyin herslf there excpt the part of those poppers. n the smoky smell resulted frm the big poppers.

haha gt a damn funny/thg. she wanted me to carry her kp cm frwrd frm her stroller both hands towrds me, but i dint carry her, cos hav to eat leh.. so i cont eat..then sudly a stroke on my arm,haha it was my gal's hand ..then she tilt her head loo at me n smile,then bth hands out..haha wan me to carry .. me n my hubby cant help laughin
hi mommies
sorry about not posting .....am yet to read the posts here .

I was down with viral infection and could not even attend office .....so took rest at home ...now am getting ok ..... I will read your posts today

so hows everyone doing ?
am giving thooyan teething rusks from heinz.....i guess u just have to be worried about the choking hazard ..otherwise if ur baby can handle the chewing through the gums ..i think ok ...but please be with the bb when giving biscuits

me too viral infection last week ..was on MC ..how are you doing now ..my hb also down with viral...i think its the season lor .. thooyan can walk with his walker comfortable ..but crawling ..he can only swim ..he is trying to come on his fours and sit and all...but then walking is more interesting to him..for all u know they may skip crawling too !

oh..sorry for not enquiring..hows the flood situation now ....how are u managing ..sad to hear about that and your postponing of exams ..i personally like to do away with exams as soon as possible !
....... last week of oct u are here it is ..i read your post on detailed travel tips ..it was great ..thanks ya .... as i posted before ..my bb has two teeth now ...trying to crawl and sit.
take care ramy.

ginn: wah i waste alot of $ buyin biscuits end up throw.
finally nw she has biscuits. the pigeon- tt round mlk ball.. gerber puffs she nt rdy for it yet. gna try agn nxt mth
hi Ramy,
was wondering where u were.... i have not log in for a few days too... now a bit lost cos can see at least 2 archives.

how is dear Thooyan?
lonerunner:ya lor. damn funny/
wen naughty is super naughty too. frens at wedg dinner say she is a determined gal, fussing wantg to tak thgs on table..nt drinking milk.....oh "determined"..haha wonder gd or bad...
Ramy, take good care ya.

iceblue, why u throw? cos ur gal dun wanna eat? I'm also not sure if i shld try feeding her that, maybe i'll wait till later. i've bought yogurt for her, yet to try, not sure if she wants, scarly dun want, waste money too!
Whenever i need to feed my gal outside, i'll put her in stroller otherwise she also wont drink cos too many distractions also... difficult. Me too, i attended dinner over wkend but dun want bring bb, i know she'll sure fuss, troublesome.
My BB achieved more milestones over the weekend 
- say ‘dada’ and babbles and mumbles in sentence when she’s happy and angry. HB and I, LOL, she’s really trying to say something but we dun understand at all.
- drink from straw cup. She figured it out how to drink from a straw cup after few tries and with little helps from papa. she will play cheat sometimes instead of suck out water and drink, she ‘blow’ out and drink.

Your website is much easier to navigate liao. but hor the color contrast doesn’t seem right leh… the background color is quite dull and the pink color font is hurting my eyes, jus my personal opinions 

Hahahaha….Ur gal is so cute. Wow, I bet u had a wonderful time at hort park with family and good grabs of free goodies …. Did u win any lucky draw prize?

Yup! Same class.  C u there! Im super blur one so must guide/help me ok… HB and I will take turns to accompany her to the lessons.

I give u a stupid trick but dun use it too often unless ur bb cries till non-stop or reject watever toys u give to ur bb. I dun know if u know most bb like plastic bag, paper, remote controller, telephone and sterling wheel. These are the ‘toys’ that I will use if my gals became cranky during the car journey. You must watch them while playing esp. the plastic bag and paper.…

BB scared of dark
We always have a night light on in my gal’s room, so if she wakes up will have a little light and easy for us to ‘find’ our way to her crib instead of turn on the light in a sudden. I tried several times turn off the light and played with her on bed, so far she’s ok and kept looking at the glow in the dark little stars on the ceiling.

My gal has no problem traveling on expressway/tunnel at night.
my gal is opp of iceblue's. she loves the gerber puffs than the pigeon milk ball. She does really well chewing on them. can see her moving her gums and things. yah, i mentioned previously, she can self-feed the puffs using her thumb and index fingers. i usally put the puffs in the bowl or the high chair tray.
forgot to mention, my gal has no teeth yet!!!! and you can see she chew well and eat the puffs.

i wait till long long neck liao - to see her first tooth pop out.
Hi gerly..... Dont have ur hp no...if not we can meet up yest! Did u enjoy the walk there =)

Hi Lonerunner...haha...Ur gal very naughty, take daddy's clothes as towel =p My hubby told me last time that pumping milk v impt, so try not to compromise even though ur terrible boss is pushing u! Keep pumping! When I busy in sch, I also will take every chance to go and pump. That was last time, now I cut down already. Pump once or twice, as long as enuff to make up for what he has drank when I am at work, then ok. Oh no, hard stones ah...ya, not good if always like tat, its like telling the breast, " no need so much milk already"... Hope this wont happen often for u!
Yup, I can go for aquaduck trial =)

Hi Iceblue... On Sun, I fed my boy solids outside for the first time. At first he make a lot of noise and cant sit still to eat, keep turning away. I dunno if its becos he is distracted, or becos the porridge is very watery...(he dun like watery) But my fren did tell me before that they get v distracted outside and so she will always feed her girl in the car. I try not to do tat.

Deedee....Oh u in same class ah!! Great!! =)) Got company already....we can help each other. I also blur one...haha... I will be going in wif my boy this Sun. For u is u or ur hubby?

Drinking from spout/straw/cup
Til now, my boy still cant drink from the DIDOY cup, nor the spout from the pigeon mag mug. He will take it as a teether...

Proportion of veg/fruits
Hey mummies, check wif u ah... When u give porridge/cereal, how much veg/fruits do u give to go with it? Do u like try to follow the food pyramid? i.e. lesser portion of fruit/veg compared to cereal/porridge?
Eg. I give my boy 1 tablespn of porridge (grinded, before cookg). Then if add carrots, give 1 samll carrot. Is the prophortion too much? What about fruits? Each time, he can like eat 1 small appple/pear/jap sweet potato after taking cereal. Isit too much?
My mum also say evening cannot eat fruits. True or not?

Besides Go-Go Bambini, there is another gym that is free for bb under 1!
Lonerunner.... U know, when my boy woke up, I also went back to get a biscuit for him. He somehow managed to bite off a large piece of it! Luckily I saw and quickly took and ate it! I very scared he eat and choke! But he managed to eat some crumbs...My hubby was very shocked why I gv him, the biscuit cos i v against giving him food with added oil/salt/sugar...But as u said, give him a treat once in a while...haha

thooyan is fine ...he has got two teeth below growing now ..giving me teething rusks ...enjoying his bisuicts and wants to have everything from our food to pringles and pizza !!

My boy also says dada nad babbles and my god when he gets angry he will shout like an adult ...saying us to keep quiet !! ,,, and he will be perplexed if we laugh at him...coz he is angry and we are laughing ! ..hey where have u posed your website..i would like to have alook ...
hello blueb,so sorry i forgot my hp..yes was quite fun ,our 1st time there btw there's a rustic nirvana spa voucher..free facial n massage wan go together u n lonerunner?

hello wing may i koe when will u be ordering? bb supply running low im big fan of healthy times thank you so much
hey how was hort park event??

Dbaby, can post the website please? I missed it too.

blueb, just to say, Fidgets is super hard to find!!! Esp if you have a stroller.
my bb hates the barely cereal of healthy times. ..how to give it to them ..should we boil it or something ? i just mixed with water and gave and he simply refused to have it
do u get earth's best here in singapore ? I heard some product of theirs was recalled by singapore in 2007 coz of some problem ...do u still get it here .i cannot find it anywhere ..all i can find is healthy times. bellamy, frisocreme, nestle
hi Gerly

my boy love the arrowroot cookies fr HT.
U PM me yr order. hope to order as soon as hit $250, by tis weekend hopefully

**any more mum wanna share orders to get the 15% off? $250 & above 15% off. me not earning anything, jus wanna replenish stock. only taking orders fr Feb 09 Thread. PM me

no need boil. but all HT cereal u got to add BM or FM cos its not sweetened
my web - www.myaccessoriespage.webs.com
i am re-doin the layout, so tt it will be easier for buyers who are keen to purchase items from me.. Re-taking the pics too... =)
thus my web is rather empty now.. hopefully to finish up by this 2 days cos starting another BP on Oct 19...

Teething rusks
temp i haf not given irisa any rusks yet. jus the normal BB biscuits u can get off shelf frm NTUC etc... bought the heniz ones, but its so hard, and she dun like it..

BB Milestones
ya, now she keep sayinh 'ya ya ya' to us.. oh my.. she has learnt to crawl finally, sit up on her own from lying down position...
my baby loves HT barley cereal, i just add with BM. Congrats on Thooyan's teeth. SO happy.... I can't wait for mine to show her first tooth too.

RE: Toothless babies
quite surprised to find out that some babies here r also toothless. I thought mine was probably one of the two who have none yet.

RE: Teething biscuits
I bought bellamy's teething biscuit. I opened one but it is so hard... gave to baby but she drop it straight away. husband said dun give but i think i have read some mommies here used to give their babies before... can give to toothless baby, right? and it will melt or something, isn't it?

ur chimun is so cute....hahaha...

Update on my baby:
~as mentioned, still toothless
~can wave goodbye most of the time (unless to strangers or cranky)
~She can say papa, mama and daidai (which means hard in my dialect) when she touches the floor.
~"tell" us stories all the time... of course i dun understand her hahaha...
~she can crawl well and tries to pull herself up using any nearby human being or soft stuffs such as bolsters/pillows...
~her feeding is back to normal, she eats more, still a vegetarian and hates green veges; broccoli and spinach
~WARNING a bit TMI....poo poo twice a day on her little toilet seat at designated time. I have not using wipes for poo for quite sometime now :D hehehe...
any babies here likes HT oatmeal? my bb dont like it, maybe not as fragrant as brown rice. Hmm maybe i shld try HT barley cereal next... Wanna change cos she's constipated and oatmeal or barley will probably be better than brown rice.
HT barley/ oatmeal
at first, my boy dun like oatmeal! But wat I did was to mix it w brown rice cereal. I don't usually gv them on its own, unless its like oatmeal w apple mixed together.
Ginn/Ramy... Perhaps u can try mixing like 1-2 tablespons w brown rice first n c if ur bb ok? But of course mix w FM/BM.

P.seed... I enjoyed the park, not so much of the event... Guess cos the activities r mainly for older bb/ toddlers.
Haven't been to fidgets before but rem seeing it last time when we got lost at turf city! Haha... So guess I wldnt noe hw to go bk too, need to go find out hw to get there. Oh, thanks for tellg me cos in tt case I wun bring stroller. How was ur visit to France?
enjoyed ur stay?
hahaa .. I hadnt even got time to check out the vouchers inside the goodies bag! Got free spa ah? okok we can go together! blueb, wanna go too?

woah .. luckily u saw he'd bitten off a large piece! otherwise if bb juz swollow, he'll choke! But u also quite good leh, dare to try the biskit urself. until today I dare not eat any of the bb food!
yeah I'm doing my best to keep pumping! Otherwise the BM supply that I'd taken so much efforts to build up will be wasted!

me din stay for the lucky draw :p hehehe. Just went there grab the goodies then explore HortPark already, before moving to the southen Ridges. The catwalk events dun attract us as much as nature does :p

Ramy :
u take care woah... feeling better now?

my bb's teeth just emerging slightly one but I'm giving her bellamy husks. She prefers holding it in her hands like a wand and wave it around like lightsaber then eating it. the bellamy husk is much harder than the heiz husk. my hb's shirt that bb had wiped her hands with crumbs on it is a good testimonial of this :p

yeap yeap! I also suspect must be due to the fish oil and dha etc in FMs! hehehehee!

woah 2nd BP soon ah? jiayou!
hello wing btw may i koe w u stay.. if collection too far then difficult for me order from u.. id just get off the shelves...
my gal had almost everything from HT

lonerunner yes.theres rustic nirvana free facial/massage voucher..
bad bad day! 1st kena lousy service frm Friso.. next go out cm back then faint! hse kena loanshark splash blue color paint all over! ass! tt stupid woman at the other side is the person who owe them $, they no kena paint we kena. wat is this world cmg to? my peaceful neighbourhood is no longer safe n peaceful

blueb, thanks for suggestion, maybe i'll try mixing oatmeal with brown rice for a start. Will mixed grain cause constipation to worsen? Haiz problem is she dont like water, it's like fighting war with her hahah

Sandy, difficult to find earth's best cereals here, so havent got chance to try it. I suspect it's oatmeal sticky texture that she dont like?! Well if she doesnt like i'm thinking of having it myself! haha wonder how it tastes!

haha lonerunner, ur gal very smart eh, knows where to clean her hands hehehe. I think i'll not intro biscuits yet since she constipated lah.

Btw, anyone knows is it ok to mix BM with FM? Thinking of ways to intro FM to bb gradually.

oh dear iceblue, heard nowadays these loansharks spray on neighbours house instead... cos they want u to put pressure on ur neighbour who owes $. Did u make a police report?
woah so it's a common strategy to splash paint on neightbour's door now ah? I tot the loansharks need to wear specs liao. saw wrong unit to splash paint. after making police report u caught them liao?

better not mix BM with FM leh cos of the nutrition amt. maybe u wan try one feed BM another feed FM instead? if mix BM and FM together ah, wait if bb dun like the taste of FM inside, and refuse to drink milk, then the BM portion will be wasted too
lonerunner, the other time when i introed FM, she rejected BM for the next feed!! like going on strike, really headache...

cant wait to share the good news with everyone.

My gal Alethea finally got her first tooth cut thru the bottom gum yesterday!!!!

I think another one is coming out soon....
ya, trying out for a month's BP to see if can sustain anot. if so, earn tt little bit of $$ also shiok cos can do to pass time while SAHM lo..
hopefully can lo.. been trying to make more of the same designs with all the types of designs avail.. so tt easier for ppl to browse and knw wat they can choose frm each designs..

poor thing.. did u make a police report.. then hw u gonna get rid of the paint.. nw hor, the stupid loansharks really too much. i think they did it on purpose with the intent tt u might also 'persude' or 'push' ur neighbour to faster settle so tt they can get the $$ back...
iceblue: my colleague also kana that before once. called the town council to help repaint.

ginn: i'm mixing EBM and FM. cos bb rejects pure EBM after he has tasted FM. previously he is ok with everything. maybe he learnt what is called sweet and knows how to reject liao ... :p
Grace, which FM are u giving? I'm not sure which to choose. Tried mamil gold previously, it was ok, not that sweet. So u give half FM and half BM and then mix together? Did u ask PD on this? not sure if it's ok to mix leh. Haiz so dilemma, scared bb reject FM, then later scared bb reject BM hahaha...
oh hahaha, now I know who Dbaby is. ooh, saw some stuff I like. Hope we can meet soon and I'll buy some from you.

Overload, don't worry, my baby is toothless too. I find it adorable. Am actually dreading the day when she will bite me while latching on. Ouch.

blueb, thanks for review of the hortpark event. Guess I feel better now about missing it. France was very fun but extremely tiring with baby. She woke up twice a night during the whole trip. I barely had 4 hours sleep every night. So I would say that she and our relatives/friends enjoyed our vacation more than we did. Hah!
Plus I didn't get to do much shopping at all since everything takes 2-3 times as long with baby in tow. I walked past countless gorgeous little baby shops without going in. Not a bad thing in the end as everything is so expensive there.

iceblue, wow that's a little too much. Ask your neighbour to clean it up for you since it was meant for her? Hugs!

deedee, congrats!! pics??
i guess u were away a bit long so didnt knw my acc kanna suspended... end up i come up with a new acc lo... haiz.. no prb, perhaps if gt mummies keen, i can bring some to the Nov Gathering to sell? hee =) some mummies and I are discussin the details.. if anyone can afford time to help, we be glad.. =)
mummies: ya we gt make police report once we see tt, then we wait outside.. heng my gal was cooperative dint fuss thg she haven drink milk!

damn sian, nvr ask them clean dun 1 get involved wif tt woman, she stand frm her side see over giv a face lik so innocent.

we nvr clean the main door jus our gates n floor. nw i home alone also nt in peace i kp hav to look out wheth any shadows outside.. vry sad *sob*

can i get MP to help? lik cm see, ask him get ppl paint foc, n install cctv?

then anth thg. my mum dun let me brg my gal to bintan! hear ppl say her grandson go bintan cm back become fussy etc... argh!fan fan fan!
