(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi any mummies know of a any place in sg that sells nice plus size clothes?

btw giraffe at $29 is very cheap, i bought at $34. my bb is 4mths plus now & she likes her giraffe very much. else she'll be chewing her own fingers.

Hi Mummies!
Waah so many posts already.

Just an update. Had a 'showdown' with the maid last night. Gonna draw up a strict schedule that includes rest times and meal times. Basically, want her to rest at the right times and prioritise the chores. The schedule will be in black+white with our signatures. In case she goes nuts from exhaustion and makes a complaint to MOM! At least I have some evidence that we were trying to impose mandatory rest times on top of the work schedule she has to keep. Sigh!

Liting - thanks for the encouragement. I DID manage to pump more yesterday. Heard from a lactation consultant that with pumping, it's not how long we pump but how often we do it. So no choice lah! Just gotta whip out the pump and work it like a cow!

Honey is a definite No-No. If you drink it, it is OK. And if it is used in the cooking of certain foods for baby (like processed pureed fruits or whatever), it is OK. But not pure and diluted with water.

Regarding MIL... you may want to let her know that caregiving of your child is not a tussle between you and her. It is basically you trusting her to care for your child. But the health and safety of this baby is the most important thing. Not her methods, pride or even your mothering methods.

I speak from experience becos before Isabelle was born, my mum believed that her method was best. The famous line "I brought up you and your brother right? You all turned out ok what!" was used A LOT.

We fought and quarelled a lot and it made me question whether she was the right person to look after my baby. But once Isabelle was born, she had to read up and speak with many nurses, doctors and even the PD. She found that honey is out, so is feeding eggs at 3 mths (!) - she used to do that to my brother.

She even kept asking me to put Isabelle on her tummy to sleep. When she was an infant!

Basically, our mums and MILs do not really know about SIDS or the latest research. They brought us up the only way they know how. My mother kept thinking her way was best and I was trying to get her to see that it wasn't. But to mums, it's a question of pride and maybe that mother-daughter rivalry if you will.

My Dad finally had a chat with her and she realised that it's for the baby's benefit that she double checks everything - either with me or the PD.

I also told her, in the 9-10 hrs I'm away at work, I want to concentrate. Becos after that, I want to go home after work and focus on baby. I don't want to have phone calls telling me baby is not well after taking something she fed that I didn't say was OK to, etc.

You may want to bring this point home before u start work because it will cause you a lot of stress if you can't be at work and focus.

Pumpkinseed - Thanks. But I think all mothers have a different pregnancy for each child. The whole idea is to embrace the experience. I didn't like kids before honest! I only liked my friends' kids (and even then, only a few, not all. haha) and was even worried I wouldn't like my own! But of course, now with the experience, I'm more open to children. But am planning on 2 only!

Yaer - am glad Hayden is doing better. Babies are cranky when they are sick, get jabs, etc. Don't forget, crying is their only way of communicating now so even if she's fine but just wants a hug or cuddle, she'll end up crying. Take care of yourself too!

Anyhow, finally found a pic that's the right size to post. Here's my little girl last weekend at 3mth 2 weeks.
haha djmama, i oso sent e guy an email liao... he must be wondering wat's up wif e coordination... anyway, thanks for setting e deadline! yes, i can take it over from here...
can't wait!

in any case, if weekday is not gd for mummies who are working, may i suggest sun @ suntec? of cos, tis sun may be a little difficult since it's father's day... so will have to be next sun, unless u all dun mind... but i'm gd wif weekday too... pls indicate ur preference, so we noe how to continue from here...

i'm oso still waiting for e guy's reply, so i can proceed from there...
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
hello mummies,
i had started work & dun think i can collect the sophie on weekday in town leh.
Any mummy stay near by Sembawang that can collect for me and I go collect from your place ?
Thanks in advance.

If no one collect on my behalf, can you help to post it to me ? I'll pay for the postage but of course i still owe u a favour .. paiseh paiseh 1st
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
Your gal so sweet!

Just a suggestion, do you think it will be possible for the distributors to mail to us direct, and we pay the postage fee ah if not too ex...
But I would prefer weekends too cuz then I can go down personally to collect hehe
gosh Yaer, hang in there! If need to admit her, please do so. Don't want you to end up wondering what if.

Wow, so many mums getting the Sophie, reminds me to reply to the distributor. Still blur from jetlag, forgot to do it yest. I'll give them my addy and see what they send :p

curiousgal, that pic is hilarious!! so cute! Go to www.sophie.sg . I was abit worried too about spending so much but turns out MIL bought one as a gift for my girl and she loves it.

bellebubba, she;s pretty!!!!
hi mummies,
wow..so long didnt log in.. im lost in all the discusssions. have been rather bz at work and home. saw some new nicks, welcome new mummies.

anyway,have been feeling rather "stagnant" in a sense, everyday i seem to be going thru the same routine. work, go home, play with bb, feed, tug him to sleep, we sleep. i dont even watch much tv, cos i wana spend my time with him. v little time left for myself. but yet it's still enjoyable cos i can see Caleb smiling more, getting more active and responsive. I guess motherhood is like tat bah.

just to share his most recent pics heehee..
o yes.. what happened to our Multiply site?? :p
looks like nobody is posting anything there liao...

if i am not wrong, the distributor promises us $29 if they are only delivering to one address, therefore i dont think it is possible, maybe they can try to negotiate with them again. the last price quoted with delivery is $33 if i didnt recall wrongly.

anyhow if the collection pt is suntec, i rather choose postage frankly. why dont u choose a place which is at the mrt station? and also for me, to go city hall, its already around $3-4 dollars extra, i think postage still cheaper for me.
Hi mummies,
Do you all know where we can buy mini handheld blender? My friend told me to buy small blender as the quantity for our babies is very little so easier to wash.
actually, $33 wif delivery is quite reasonable wat... cos postage plus registered mail oreidi at least $4, i think... so wanna do delivery?
cos initially we only plan for feb mummies, then we can just hand out the teether during one of the gathering. but now, i think tough. $34 with delivery i think is the price quoted by the BP conducted in the forum.

anyhow, for me i wont go for registered mail to save the cost. see wat the rest says la.
hiya, I'm a Apr mum. Wld also like to buy a teether =) Whom do I make payment to?

listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. Rin
Sophie e Giraffe @ $29
Deadline for indicating interest: 19 Jun 2009 (Fri) @ 12pm

listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat

As of now, still undecided on collection place... Will wait for sophie.sg to reply before posting updates, thanks!
Hasnt been reading this forum for sometime and wow, this thread's moving fast!

Welcome new mummies!

Also felt the same ss catmomo. life's pretty stagnent now. Sleep -> feed bb -> wake up -> go to work -> back from work to mil's hse -> eat -> go back own hse -> bathe -> put bb to slp -> pump -> I slp.

Struggled each nite to keep eye awake to complete my last pump of the day before I slp is a common thing now. Hard to find time to come up online as workload is piling up as I speak. Everyday had to make sure I zip up my mouth when mil reported bb's daily feeds when picking bb up. bb is still drinking 110ml per 3hr feed. mil reckons that bb isnt drinking enf for her age group and BM isnt the rite way to go for bb as bb isnt growing as huge as her 40 days younger cousin, whom unfortunately for me, turned out to be a bb sumo in size. haiz. At work, still gotta meet tons of datelines.

Not easy to be a working mother.
Taztaz, happy_mummy, curiousgal and Pumpkin Seed
- Thanks! She looked like Daddy at birth but thankfully, still quite girly. She's great but a real handful!

I only wish can have Yaer's baby's poufy tai-tai hair!

AG - I bought my handheld blender from Harvery Norman. It's $49 and its a Philips one. I also have the Braun Blender (think it's $89 or 99) which has a glass jug. We used to use it to blend cocktails, etc when we had guests over. *sigh* All this partying... It's over now...Gotta use the blender for veggie baby soup heh.

Not sure about mini handheld ones tho.
But I strongly suggest using blenders with glass jugs. You never know when we have veggies that are boiled and what the heat can turn up, esp the chemical changes with plastic.
The previous deal is based on MOQ: 24 pcs. Since we have almost 40 pcs order now, maybe can get them to post to us at $29 ? *o*
Just my piece of thought.
Don't be discouraged.
I think sometimes routine can be a drag but to have one is very good for baby. Try to do more on the weekends to give yourself some allowance to be yourself.

Me? I drag husband+baby to my girly lunches with 2 gal pals so that I can have my 'me' time but still involve the family. Did the same when I went to the salon. At least, I'm not #1 caregiver for that 2 hrs and I'm still in touch with my friends. When we have meals with his friends, it's the reverse.

So both of you don't feel like your life has come to a standstill.
Life will and has changed with baby but it's not bad, just gotta juggle there a bit, make some adjustments here.
Don't forget, when child grows older, you will have more chances to reconnect with husband again and also with your own friends.
hi mummies,
i'm pretty new to here but nice seeing so many mummies and cutie pies here... i'm interested in Sophie e Giraffe but unsure abt how i can make payment... pls advise...

hi mummies,
I'm from the Jun09 MTB thread. I'm in my second week of confinement and urgently need another confinement lady for the remaining two weeks due to confinement lady is clueless and lazy.
If you have a good confinement lady to intro, kindly PM me. Thanks alot
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx

I prefer to collect on weekend too, so no need to take leave from work.
Thank you.
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin

u all miss out her name - Rin

for my march mummies... turned out can't fit them into the rental car with the packaging so I woke MIL up with the noise I made taking them out lol
funny huh. we were all laughing and laughing during breakfast
Your baby has this very curious look, so cute!

Re Sophie,
I dont mind postage also, but I think we really can ask for cheaper price keke, since now we have so many orders!!!!
e person still hasn't replied me yet, so everything is @ a standstill... i will check if they can send to us via postage then... however, if they can't, i'm afraid i will not be able to send out e giraffes if there are so many requests...

1st of all, e giraffes comes in boxes... if i send out in their boxes, u can be assured tat e boxes will arrive @ ur doorstep crushed... alternatively, if u still wan e boxes & need me to pack, i'm afraid i dun have e time even though i'm a sahm... finally, even if u dun wan e boxes, i will still have to pack them, which i really cannot fulfill for so many orders...

hence, if tat happens, maybe another mummy would like to take over to post out? alternatively, i can provide 2 other places of collection and those who are fine wif it can continue wif e order... 1 is my mum's place @ clementi near ite & e other is my place near tanah merah mrt... pls note tat for both locations, u will have to collect @ our blks as it is not feasible for my mum & i to keep meeting ppl @ e mrt...

finally, it is still possible to organise yet another outing as joanne & djmama has suggested to collect e giraffes... but some of u may have to drop ur orders if u are then unable to meet us, cos i dun think any mummy is able to drive back e other uncollected boxes of giraffes unless she has a car...
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. Luv J

I also interested . Can order 1 for me. Please let me know details
hi sheepish,
i'm sorry to trouble u but any idea how we can make payment should we r interested in getting Sophie???

thx thx
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. da_bin 1
43. da_bin 2
Hi, I am also an Apr Mum who'll like to buy the teether. Have added my name and Rin's below. Thanks

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. Rin
41. Baked Potato
Hey Sheepish,
No worries, can understand your difficulties, when I suggested postage, I meant ask Sophie to mail it to us, not by you.... If Sophie postage is expensive, then we just collect and meet up at one place, but meeting have to be weekend can?
Hi, I am also an Apr Mum who'll like to buy the teether. Have added my name SKS below. Thanks

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. Rin
41. Baked Potato
42. SKS
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. da_bin 1
43. da_bin 2
44. Baked potato
45. SKS

see the response of the distributor first then discuss about who to pay to. if they refuse to send out to individual ones.. then we see if they willing to send out to 4 locations? north south east west.. each group handle by 1 mummy? or just 2 locations.

we can organise a gathering in town during the weekend. so we no need to go there on purpose just to collect the sophie. other mummies can collect from there too. since its gathering we will be there for a longer time, so the collection time can be extended for like 2 hours or so.. those who cannot collect on tat day must inform so those mummies who attend the gathering can help to pass to those mummies in their area? hows that?
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. BabyOx
41. Rin
42. da_bin 1
43. da_bin 2
44. Baked potato
45. SKS
46. Lovj
hi mummies, i added myself liao. thks

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. Rin
41. Baked Potato
42. SKS
43. popipi
if u all dont want the boxes, i dont mind helping out to send out.. but hor.. i will charge handling fee liao.. cos i need to buy materials for posting such as envelopes n stampe to send them out.

hi mummies, i added myself also. Please keep us update when to make payment and how to collect. thks

1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
16. Happy
17. Ginn (TBC if order is finalised)
18. seahorse
19. Shyann
20. michelle
21. corrine
22. cin (bamboobride)
23. AG(ag_gal) -2nd piece
24. corene
25. sinmey
26. breezie
27. Liting
28. Blueb
29. Rei
30. Lolaz
31. Crystalline17
32. Ladysol14
33. Lipstar
34. Marbride
35. AMK_sk
36. Gallop
37. Piglet (Jane)
38. Chia (Samantha)
39. Idlecat
40. Rin
41. Baked Potato
42. SKS
43. popipi
44. Drizzlestars
