(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Kwoli, if you dun intend to bring baby travelling now, then better to make passport later. The new passport is biometric passport and lasts 5 years. However, you cannot update the photo and have to make new one if you wish to change the photo.

Taztaz, I share Iching's view on yao lan, once habitual, baby might have difficulty getting to sleep without it, so very ley chey during travelling or when outside.

talking bout yaolan, my gal using ot now for daytime when she taking her nap..as for nite, i will put her slp on bed wif me coz easier for me to breastfeed during nite time .. she seems ok leh..
but its true that bb can slp very well in yaolan..b4 she used yaolan, whe hardly take nap..cant slp for long hours..
Yan, *hugs* to you. Dun despair, you just have to hang on. Its only a phase you have to go thru. My eldest girl also cries a lot during her 1st 3 mths.
Ashleigh, my colleagues also experienced bad skin rashes after her pregnancy. Apparently its quite common as your hormone changes after pregnancy, you have to watch your diet closely to be able to detect what could be the cause of outbreak.
din come in for so long, how's everyone doing? my gal had milk flow out from her nose last mon, dunno wat happen. so tired working n coping with 2!
Hi Ashleigh.... Oh my, u really went thru a lot!!! Will pray for u that the blisters will go away soon. I can imageine how stressful and uncomfy it must have been!!!!
For me, I will be returning to work in July. Initially, wanted to put him in infantcare. But as u said, dunno if they will be able to give him the attention he needs, esp if he needs a lot of carrying and coaxing.. So I was thinking a better alternative is nanny. If cant get a reliable nanny, then no choice, put infantcare.

Ramy, I have bought Great Eastern medical insurance for my boy. If you are interested, I can pass u my agent's contacts. They are my close frens, very good and reliable agents.
Ramy, in case u wondering, I said "they" cos is a couple fren, they also have a daughter 1.5 yrs old. You can ask them more details about ur case, they very experienced in this field.
wed to be > Where u stay ? We can gather in the west, im at Queenstown...
DK > u at holland ? Maybe we can arrange for a gathering in the west.

There are a few mummies in jurong west area ?

Either meet at baby frenly shopping centre or someone hse again
But must before my ML runs out !! hehe

I almost every weekday also at home, getting a bit bored liao... hehe... but i need to buy a carrier !! Going to see BP have any or not !!
My eczema has been bad this past week too. I attribute it to a few things : weather so hot, outside my window, they are building something with cement, and I'm VERY VERY allergic to cement dust, hormones, eat prawns (catering got dried prawns in the veges). Very irritating. Trying to get rid of the rashes but I think it's really impossible. My rashes are not blisters though, but more like very itchy goose bumps. Usually my eczema is confined to a few spots on my feet and hands and neck, but this pregnancy, it got all over my face too. And now, all over everywhere! So you're not so bad off. Cheer up

Don't want to go on stronger medicines than mild steroid creams cos I want to TBF.

My husband n i bought a insurance from AVIVA... paid by medisave... den the insurance for baby will be free until 20 yrs old...
Hi Mummies,

I have following items to let go.

1) My Brest Fren nursing pillow
2) Pumpin' Pal Premium Breast Pumping Flanges (Medium)
3) Medela Contact Nipple (Small)
4) Nestle Alfare milk powder (for those baby allergy to cow's milk)

Pls PM me if you are interested.
Are you stopping already? Not keeping the BF pillow and breast pump stuff for the next kids to come?

Tonight, my bb moves to his cot in the boys' room. Hope my older boy doesn't scream during the night. Wish me luck!

my gal oso suspected cow's milk allergy fue to blood in stool when during hospital stay... the PD there recommended those totally hydrolyzed milk which the protein is oredi break down... but tis type of milk powder is quite expensive, taste super awful and onli kk hospital carries it... hope tis help...

kind of stopping oredi... onli pump once in awhile when feeling engorged... as some of the mummies here said... dun wan to stress myself on BF... stress too much oso no BM... me oso a FM bb and still growing up well... although still abit guilty abt it but will try to overcome it... my gal dun wan to latch on oredi and she seem like dun like the nursing pillow leh... once i put her on it she will scream like hell so didnt use the nursing pillow oso...

hmm... me one oso cannot handle oredi... so for next kids should be 2 yrs down the road oredi... so during tat time den c how loh... heehee...
i feel so sorry for u ash, although i may not be in ur situation but i can understand ur agony... no matter wat, u must be strong.

me oso trust no one except my mum. but my mum hv to help out in my bro's biz. so its either she or me, tat hv to leave e biz for e time. well, i choose to take care of my gal till she's probably bigger & will get my mum to take over. tat's my planning. my MIL oso cant make it cos of old age & hygiene.

think u shld carry on w ur job. since u like ur job, it will be ur source of stress release too. taking care of baby is not easy but i understand in infant care, they r trained to take care of them. a friend of mine is working in a child/ infant care centre, cant remember wats e name of e care centre. all along, i thot 1 caregiver to 5 infants. but she told me no, its abt 1:3. e centre actually employed more trained caregivers & yet fees r still reasonable. perhaps i'll check out more details & let u know.

whereabt do u stay? or perhaps can help u to lookout for a good nanny?
wow ashleigh
my heart really goes out to u. Me, after giving birth to first kid, i kena stones in my gall bladder. Admitted to hospital for 5 days without anything done... also threw away all my breastmilk tat time. Doctor said due to hormonal change, so i kena stones in me.. Very angry with the doctor loh.. cos kept me 5 days leh.. end up i went to a private hospital, and immediately schedule for operation n done in 1 day... but too bad my breastmilk turns green cos of the gall juice. Threw away again n stop breastfeeding loh.. very sad at that time

West gathering?
i am in for it leh.. i stay near Jurong point.

i bought medical insurance from great eastern too. Heard they cover the congenital disease more than other companies.

anyone here knew Xueling as a friend? i heard she has a friend here in feb thread too.
i started avent 2 teats for my gal when she was 6weeks. u hv to introduce e teat slowly to them. when u notice them sucking harder & often didnt finish their milk which is not e norm, u can start to use e #2 teat concurrently w #1... slowly, u can phase out e #1 totally.

Tap-Water for Baby
personally, i think not advisable. have u all been up to ur water tank at ur HDB? i supposed its not tat clean. though our water is safe to drink but... anyway, baby is just too small & hv no immune system yet. better be safe then sorry..
Whitegalz/ Qingsiew
Western Chow belongs to my brother... receipes comes from my dad but we modified abit & everyone in the family is helping out in e biz as e saying goes "Charity starts from HOME!" haha
LemonT, i almost wanted to go and try out last Sun if not for the rain. Maybe will go over this sun. My hubby is hainanese so i told him about this place.
hi joanne,
nt sure abt ur fren xueling as i happen to haf a fren named xueling too... she is 27 tis yr, same as me... stayin west area... lynn is her english name....

i always log in to read the latest happening for the mum but seldom give any comments myself as i'm a first time mum too.. jus wan to get some advice for my own BB girl..
can u please pass on their number . I would like to contact them. How much did u pay and whats the plan

whats the plan's name ? How much is the premium ?
plan name is myshield plus from AVIVA... my premium is $145 annually... u can contact Amos Wong 93676252...
hi ramy,

i bought prudential prushield for my bb. i did a comparison on all available medical insurance in the market & find prushield the best. use medisave & rider use cash.

Yaer: thks for the info! so what milk is ur bb on now? i might check out KKH (sold in KKH pharmacy?). thks again.

i'ching: actually the yaolan only manages to get my bb to zz coz my bb dun zz long in yaolan. she zz longer in bed. & she can zz even without yaolan. My nephew uses yaolan till he's abt 9 mths then he totally rejects. He's older & prefers the bed so he can stretch & move about. I guess it differs from baby to baby, but so far none of the babies I know become so used to yaolan that they dun wan zz in bed. Ultimately i guess babies still prefer bed coz more space?? ;)
Taztaz, my fren's boy became so attached to the yaolan that he will wake up once you carry him out of it and at night when sleeping on the bed, he will wake up very often. In the end, my fren had no choice but to put him in the yao lan even for night time. Btw, she is using automated swinging yao lan.
West gathering, would suggest to meet at jurong point/IMM for lunch since got nursing rooms and diaper changing stations there. Who is on?

1) spicegal - weekday/sat am; jp/IMM
2) joannelim
3) saro
4) webtobe
5) mrslim
6) djmama
7) samantha
oic, hmm i dun use automatic & once my bb zz i will stop shaking her. i think automatic yaolan u'll spoil the bb then without yaolan the bb really cannot zz liao.
thanks for e support.. relieve to know tat i am not e only weirdo w such bad skin allergy.. tho i hope no one else is gg thru wat i am facing now.. its realli stressful n depressing.. everyday i am still counting e blisters tat has not pop yet.

e happy thing, of cos is so far i hv not done any harm to my boy.. he is growing well. 6 weeks plus n he is 5.3kg already. He loves to be carried n being soft hearted, i gave in all e time. its reaali sweet to look at him when he doze off while leaning on u.. e angelic look on his face..

LemonT.. i stay at punggol. U noe of gd infantcare in this area?
West gathering, would suggest to meet at jurong point/IMM for lunch since got nursing rooms and diaper changing stations there. Who is on?

I'm on !

1) spicegal - weekday/sat am; jp/IMM
2) joannelim
3) saro - weekday ; JP/IMM/Anchorpoint
4) webtobe
5) mrslim
6) djmama
7) samantha

LemonT,Spicegal,qingsiew >>
i also Hainanese... seems like quite many Hainanese hubbies here hor ! Heee
West gathering, would suggest to meet at jurong point/IMM for lunch since got nursing rooms and diaper changing stations there. Who is on?

Can we also confirm on date? How about next week?

1) spicegal - 6th, 7th, 8th apr; jp/IMM
2) joannelim
3) saro - weekday ; JP/IMM/Anchorpoint
4) webtobe
5) mrslim
6) djmama
7) samantha
8) Qingsiew - weekday; JP
I'm on !

1) spicegal - weekday/sat am; jp/IMM
2) joannelim
3) saro - weekday ; JP/IMM/Anchorpoint
4) webtobe -except wedpm-dr appt,fri;JP/IMM/Westmall
5) mrslim
6) djmama
7) samantha
1) spicegal - weekday/sat am; jp/IMM
2) joannelim
3) saro - weekday ; JP/IMM/Anchorpoint
4) webtobe -except wedpm-dr appt,fri;JP/IMM/Westmall
5) mrslim
6) djmama
7) samantha
8) icc
hmmm what about Hainanese hubbies ah? My hubby also hainanese wor...keke...

If Im not wrong the plan is Myshield. It is a hospitalization plan that pay through medisave. Premium not refunded. So if hospitalised then got payout. But it is a good hospitalisation plan. In fact, u can buy at any POSB/DBS bank.
Not life insurance/endowment plan.
Dear Mummies,

anyone has a frightful baby?
I think i have mentioned before that my boy do not like to sleep on his back, cos he gets frightened easily and will end up crying so hard. So we alwaz let him sleep on his tummy ever since his umbilical cord dropped.
I thought it's just temporary to be like tat cos he's young. But at 2 months now, he's still like tat. Like just now, I changed his diapers liao, and i leave him lying there in the cot and went to wash my hands. When I came back, I saw his frightened face and his hands and legs are all lifted up high like trying to grab sth and afraid of falling. And then started to cry very loudly. This is not the first time liao. There's no loud sound or anything tat scare him. I feel that he just dun have sense of security, i duno why. I see liao very heartpain. The beanie pillow also no use for him. I put liao, he also scared.
I got a fren who give her bb drink Jin Feng San 惊凤桑, but I m quite reserved abt it cos i scared he's too young to take these herbs thinggy. Her Mum also gave me a pack of 七星茶. Anyone heard before or tried before? She say it's good to let bb drink. My Mum say she heard abt it before but dun really noe what it's for. Sth like- can help calm a bb down.

I live with my in-laws in an extended family with his grandparents also. My boy is the first great grandson of the family. So he's the darling of the house. He's quite easily unsettled and cry alot. So naturally, being the darling of the house, everyone is gan chiong abt him. So whenever he cry, there's alot of "comments" like what happened? Oh he's crying again. He wants to be carried isit, he wants du-du isit? He hungry isit? He sleepy isit? And then will try to go carry him and coax him immediately once he make a sound. Sometimes it's just a naughty cry and want to be carried. And I will prefer to let him cry for a while before carrying him so as not to "spoil" him.
Few wks ago, I was v blue when my bb keep crying & crying. But now I sort of noe his character and why he cry and all tat, so I m more patient with him already. But whenever he cry and those comments start, I become kind of stressed and sometime quite pissed. Which baby dun cry right? I know that they are of good intentions but I m already very upset abt my baby being so unsettled liao, sometimes those remarks just make me more frustrated. It seems like the babies of my hubby's family have all been "nice" babies and easy to take care. Too bad my one is more "noisy" and a cry baby too... I m really very vexed. Sometimes I just hope I can be left alone to deal with my own baby but yet I cant show it out.
I shared this with my colleague and she say I shldnt push myself too hard. Just 1 ear in and 1 ear out for all those remarks, and try not to be so self-centered. Maybe I am....

Sorry for such a long post and all the ranting. But seriously, anyone has a frightful baby??
lemont: tdy i start giv my baby friso comfort+ similac(clear similac then giv friso 1, smre my hubby cant find at ntuc n pharmacies yet). i hav a felg its nt easy for her to suck out..cos lik she wil stop smtime..nt the usual bcos she sleepy..
so think of use no.2 teat for her for milk.plain water stil use no.1 ..haha this is considered concurrently?..i mean thg the liquid is difnt
