(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

Hi P pirate, watson beside your office hah? Can check straight away? Kekeke...

Mrs Choo thanks!!! Door gifts, I chop the front door!! :p
Storeberry, ya I got a few watson's near me. Raffles Place ma, turn left turn right sure got watson's.

Hope to see you at the gathering! Rest rest rest till then!
wahaha... ur programme si beh power loh! wahahha... Door gift? den if we take all the door, den u no more doors left liao, den how u close door BDBDBDBDBD?? haha... Oops... =X

Nova and saro,
Ya loh!! that's y always tot i preggy... haha

u must tell us wad is position 73 during the gathering ar! haha...

Will take lots of pictures and post here..
Pink, if u really can't get well then mayb when AF report (hopefully not lah) then get some stronger med to get well fast so tat it don't drag on & waste your previous TTC time.
hi any1 here TTC-ing? wld like to rec this bk to them, me currently preg, had used the tips as stated in the bk find it quite gd. now letin go at $5 wif postage,if interested, pls email me at [email protected] thks!. : >
Nova, ur hubby very cute leh!!!
Ya lor, BD alternate day really very tiring!!!
Ever since pass my O day, we never BD liao. Ha ha... I think like this, lower chance of getting conceive.

My hubby is not going for this deck and it means we can try again next month if AF comes next week and my O day will be around the Good Friday Holiday period... means can "work harder" since he's not working!!

The other symptom of preggie is tiredness or fatigue!!! U gers experiencing any????

tiredness or fatigue ah... hmm... i also duno... sometimes sleepy only lor... then might also because the night before then sleep too well.. now i feel bloated... sigh... more n more feeling of AF reporting..
snow....u going to taiwan...wat have u booked so far...we have intention to go thr for honeymoon but.....haizz...dun mention le....can share ur details....=)

pirate...ur iti sound so exciting dat all muz attend and sign up...kekeke
P Piglet and Nova,
Thanks. Yes Yes, we must all JIA YOU!!! DH more kan cheong than me cos we want a little mouse and hopefully yr end baby.

Must go and tell my gynae that he must do something for us since I don't think clomid works on me (took last month but AF still the same cycle as previous).

Hi P Pirate and Ladies who response to her events planned,
I almost fell off from my chair laughing when I saw the events and the responses. Definitely must turn up. I have a wedding dinner that night but will still go.
butter... if I miss this cycle then have to work hard for "Ox" baby liao... since hubby wont be around! Cannot BD liao!!! =( Hehe but never mind la... As long as have healthy baby. Zodiac not important. Let nature take its course ba! =)
PS- I am FOREVER tired and sleepy de!!! Arghhhh....

I think the only symptom that can prove if I am pregnant is miss menses for 9mths! hehe...
piyo - so sad that i hv yet to plan anything lei.. start to panic already.. mine is F&E lor.. left with 23days... haiz... but i hv a rough itinerary.. once done up i can forward to you.

don think so much ok?
Purin CD2 (LCB Member, Feb)
A&E CD3 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Bunnipet CD4 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
Caca CD5 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD7
Ylang Ylang CD8
Miffy CD16 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD16
Smallgirl CD17
Blitz CD18
Elina CD21 (Bukit Batok)
Spicegal CD23 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)
Pinkie Pirate CD24
Novakido CD24 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Mrs Choo CD26 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Saro CD28 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD29 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Andreanie CD33
BettyBoob CD39

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD22(Woodlands, TTC #1)
Butter DPO9 / CD29 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO9/10, CD30 (LCB Member)
Bubblepearl DP013, CD29 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
Blur DPO16, CD31 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO16 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Mei Lik CD24 (Woodlands, TTC#2, June)
Justmum CD26
TeddyBear DPO27

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
<font color="aa00aa"> Ladies, Sad news... I dun think I'll be able to attend the gathering. As my FIL's cancer is back... Haiz...and spread to his "Ling2 Ba1" ... So have to go for the chemotherapy... Really so sorrie.. Upon received the news from DH, I was in the train this morning, I teared... I reli duno what to do... I can only say, what a 21yrs old for me this year...</font>
And I think I'll have to stop TTC and maybe no 21yrs bday celebration... haiz.. I'm reli so sad for everything.... I'll just tear every now and then.. Cuz I'm reli in a loss...
i feel worried and sad.
today is my Cd17, i tested from CD 12 onwards for ovulation using clearblue opk and babydust opk.
they showed no signs of ovulation.

i wonder if there is something wrong with my ovaries tat there eggs cannot be released?

last mth, i tested from cd15 onwards and no sign of ovulation.
thanks snow....let mi noe if u noe sum help cos i have been there 2 years ago....which airline have u booked the tix &amp; wats the damage like? thanks for sharing ya....=)

carine...it's neber easy on the family when a loved one fall ill....u take care of urself....ur FIL will be up &amp; running soon ya...=)
Hi morning gals...

I really hated the wait!! Me now CD26.. 2more days to go then i will test.... but i think this mth another gone month liao
even though i try so hard..

that day my hand so itch, went to test on CD24.. of cos a BFN loh.. so mood slightly down tat day onwards..
piyo - wow good good.. any place that must go?? i flying by jetstar.7days.. total damage with hotel is ard $800 for 2pax..
Snow &amp; Piyo,
Thanks! Reli thanks for all the console... I'll try to be strong, even thru DH is not here... I may not make it, But I'll try...

I now jit tao no mood to work loh.. Haiz.. Feel like taking leave to SGH and see him...

Implantation is an event that occurs early in pregnancy in which the embryo adheres to the wall of uterus. At this stage of prenatal development, the embryo is a blastocyst. It is by this adhesion the fetus receives the oxygen and the nutrients from the mother to be able to grow.


Hope it helps!
morning everyone!!!

sigh* got PMS symptoms.... grrr

smallgirl - hey if u know u haven't ovulated for 2 months, then better go see gynae... to rule out PCOS or other anovulatory conditions... take care yeah...
carine - so sorry to hear abt ur FIL... will be praying for him... u take care yeah? dun tink too much lah, esp abt ttc... just concentrate on taking care of the family...
I duno whether by then u be able to fly anot (not trying to put u cold water) CUz DH told mi that all the aeroplane in airport cannot go out, because of the Terrorist. But of cuz hopefully by then , they nab him liao, then u can go for ur holiday !
carine - maybe u take half day to relax abit...

oh, if cannot fly then i m covered under insurance..heehee can fly another date
ya loh... And hope I ow better dun preggie, if not cham loh! More expenses..

haha.. Yeah! Hope u strike... And thanks for the console...
is ok, smallgirl, no need to get frightened ok? dun mean to scare u.... these are more common conditions among women than we all think... i tink cystal also has PCOS n she's fine!

my gynae is at paragon medical suites...r u looking for someone in town?
thenun, last month i tested from cd15 to cd28. no ovulation signs.
from cd 28 onwards, i felt menses coming, so did not test.
my menses came on cd31 and it becomes cd1.

yr gynae in paragon medical suites must be exp.
is the consultation fees above 100sgd?
how abt the month before, smallgirl... i read that it's possible to not ovulate for a month... but if it's more than a few months then shd check with gynae...

um, yeah, i usually pay more thn $100 per visit, including ultrasound scan...
Morning ladies...

I had a dream... that i got preggie but ended in a M/C.... sob sobz.......

Butter, today i CD28... feeling bloated... by sunday CD30 i will test if AF dun report...
pray n hope...
saro, wat a dream u have! but never mind, not that u say it out, it won't happen...

I don't feel bloated... I have lower abdominal cramps...

Maybe I will also go and buy those pregnancy test kits this weekend when I go to supermarket...

butter - i also cramped a bit yesterday, for a while n again this morning... sianz... boobs also getting a bit achy... ARGH...
