(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

Pinkie !!! U r good leh !!! The itineary seems fantabulous !!! but i will be rejected at 230-300 when they check identification !!! MUAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

I realized that pre-preggy signs and pre-menses signs very similar hor. Usually one week before AF visiting, my back will be aching and my boobs will be pain pain too. Then I will be hungry most of the times. Got craving for this and that.

BTW, I have an auntie who health is not good. She has difficulty getting pregnant and even she does, she will get miscarriage. She has been getting miscarriage for a few times already. Currently my auntie is preggy with a healthy baby and into her 5th month.

She tells it is with the help of fengshui. She done some reading on fengshui book on how to be able to conceive. She bought two pomegranates from House of Fengshui and put each one next to my uncle and her bed (the drawer next to the bed). Surprisely, she gets preggy and the baby is stable.

My auntie told me no harm to try. The tips she got from this website http://www.wofs.com/index.php?option=com_content&Itemid=33&task=view&id=41
got door gift n goody bag or not?

ok i need 2 volunteers to demo position 73 for me... photo will be taken n posted on this forum for future reference!
Hi Mrs Choo, smallberry very naughty leh... I am still spotting.. Haiz.. My mum say my bb disturb me... Kekeke... One month plus on MC liao...

Wow, the event seem very interesting wor... But Thenun session R rated leh, got bb & children coming leh.. Kekeke
Ya, my AF reported to work liao .. so happy .. that mean my cycle remain as ~28-29 days ... last mth hit 32 days ... sigh .. can help me to update me now start new cycle , today is CD2 ... I going to buy clearblue digital O kit man ...
dun worry storeberry... everyone's clothes staying on their backs... can tell the kiddies we're playing twister...

actually u all force me to demo wan... poor thenun...
oh ya ladies, today i saw Watson's Pregnancy kit selling for $5.90 !!! (or is it Ovulation)

Is the Watsons one good ?? These "housebrand" are much more affordable, n if use POSBank everyday credit card got 6% rebates !! If anyone interested, check out Watsons ya !!

Anyone used it before ? How is it compared to Clearblue ?
oh just remembered, yesterday afternoon my web-based msn kena jammed, so no response from me, sorry ladies, esp to Joy07 who kindly added me into the conversation.
door gifts will be provided, you have the choice of the kitchen door, toilet door, bedroom door, front door, sliding door, backyard door.

Only one per guest please. Husband and wife please share.
everybody who is going for party/torture camp, pls dun take the toilet door until party finish hor... if not we will all be in trouble...
maybe i go buy the watson kit..heehee if purchase $50 with DBS/POSB card can get 10% off the total bill n 6% rebate.

anyone interested?
snow - alamak... can u go on online shopping spree? hee hee

saro - sorlee, no idea... i use babydust's OPK and clearblue...
tee - shld not be a problem la... nw buy again too late liao lei...cos only have 14days to consolidate the shipment.

wat u want to buy this time :p
Hi Pinkie Pirate,

You itineary so good, how can dun go. Will be going alone since you itineary is RA.

blur_p (1 pax)
Caca (how many pax?)
Carine (1 pax)
Meilik, Dr Numa Numa and little Numa
Mrs Yap and Xiao Yappie
Pinkie Pirate
Storeberry and Smallberry (if no spotting)
pinkie! i just realised something... u joined the forum this year in Jan and you've chalked up 733 posts!!!!!

%$#&* - sound of thenun's head hitting wall...
The watson 10% off for DBS card cannot use to buy ovaluation kits and preganacy kits lah .. I want to buy last Sat and was told not entitle to 10% only selected items .. got term and conditions attached ...
Hehe.. Butter, I asked my hubby, should we BD or not, coz like every alternate day got EWCM! Then he was like "A guy will not say no when his wife ask to BD!!! So farnie, he not tired... I tired leh, coz got the lower abd pain... You still have the pain ma? Yesterday drank Thenun red date recipe tea... felt better but still have slight discomfort but better then yesterday, I suspect high chance is PMS hehe next mth work harder!!! *faintz* Butter you day 28 liao leh!!! how how?! Aiyo very excited for you leh! Btw, yeah my hubby gg Florida, sat... Yours leh?

Mrs choo, actually I asked my friends today leh... They all dun have pregnancy symptoms one!!! About 4 of them!!! So dun worry maybe you might be one of them!

Snow I thought doggie style more shiok for the guys!? Snow maybe too dry... But you are right, if uncomfortable then might be painful or some rough spots in you?

Carine! my PMS symptoms also very same as Pregnancy symptoms so difficult to gauge!
Back Ache- Always have
Eat alot -Always have
Breast Sore- Also have
Lower Abd pain/cramps- Also have
Nausea-Also have

Pinkie... SO FUN! I wanna go too la!!!
hi everyone,

just went to see dr and went back to work...so sleep now after taking dr medi, eyes closing soon...

trying hard to keep myself awake now..
tot the other time someone mentioned Robinson is havnt 20% discount for clearblue, anyone have any idea whether the discount is still on?

Me also..my PMS symptoms also very same as Pregnancy symptoms so difficult to gauge!

Back Ache- usually 1st or 2nd day of AF
Eat alot -Always have
Breast Sore- Also have
Lower Abd pain/cramps- never realise but usually day before have some strange feeling....
Nausea-Also have
Pinkie, can't help laughing out loud when i c the itineary of the gathering...wahahaha

& of course d oh so attractive door gifts...woah, I lugi liao lah...
kido - nt i dry la... it is too wet n keep slipping out haha... my DH say my bottom too high or low..aiyo... troublesome la.. he feel good but i feel so so....
A&E, I bought from Watson's at Great world and they gave me the 10% le. I bought clearblue digital ovulation sticks (7 tests) and free 2 pregnancy tests.

Oh i'm sick since CNY, still havnt recover from flu/ cough/ fever so i see another Dr today..the medi will cause drowsiness, thats why i'm sleepy..


Jia you! Purin!
pirate no la!!!! 20% off on original price... then 10% off on discounted price!!! hee then earn 6% rebate for everyday card lor
Snow, ya correct la, what I mean is that the 20% is by watson itself, so I don't know how long it last. They select whatever products they want to give discount la.

The 10% is from DBS/POSB so they have a fixed period. And DBS/POSB won't care what you buy, they just discount the final bill.
