(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

don't think they insert any pills lei. They put gel to make it watery and insert a thing to do pap smear.

If your cycle is 28days, ov should be 14 days after first day of menses, so the best day is 2-3 days before ov.

hi all!
thanks for all your comments and reassurances! i oso very scared pain one. me and hubby try very long b4 can put in (fainted...)

i also buy my folic acid from ntuc. $2.52 for a box of 100 iirc, but they will waive the 2c haha..

carine ya like the rest said, think is about 2 weeks before period. mine very not zun one. last month late i thot i kena baby liao... so was surprised when japan flag was raised hai... nvm this month after pap test jia you hee ;P i track my ovulation using this site called http://www.mymonthlycycles.com. think very good for me this kind irregular period one but makes hard to predict ovulation. my frend recommended billings method which charts cervical fluid? the mucous from down there, but i find very hard to identify leh. anyone else try this method?
hi all i'm new here too. been hopping around alot looking for support while trying to ttc. it ain't easy when the people around you kept getting pregnant and the elders kept bugging you with questions of when? when? when?

anyway, i've been ttc-ing for one and a half year. seen the doc, did all the blood test, hsg, ultrasounds, sperm analysis.. so far no major problems. we're both ok to conceive anytime. or so it seems. i've tried everything. been taking supplements called woman's 1 a day from watsons coz the folic acid content is 0.4mg more than the usual multi-vit for women. hub is also taking mega-men from GNC. recommended by doc.

went thru traditional massages. to properly adjust the womb for easier conceiving position.. even took traditional medicine.. done the pillow under the butt thing, alternate days BD, etc.

i only have to stop from going obsessive by not charting BBT and using OPK but I'm contemplating tho.

but still nothing. its very saddening to see 'red' everytime, every month. you think ur menses are super regular, exact 28days, it would be easy to predict ovulation. but then again, it doesn't seem so..

so, whatever other tips that you ladies can offer, i'm sure listening. i think i might have found solace in this site knowing there are others like me too.
Lenny, just learn to relax and enjoy each bd session. By keeping yourself fit and healthy also improve the chances of conception.

I know what you are going through, we went through that too.

Everyone ovulate differently so even with a 28 day cycle, you may not ovulate on the same day. BBT, OPK and checking the mucus discharge do help but if doing it make it stressful, then just bd regularly like 3-4 times a week and enjoying each session.

Greengal, wow, folic acid is pretty cheap in Singapore, I got my supply of 120 tablets at C$12plus in Canada.

I am now in 36CD and it is like 17DPO, praying that AF do not come and by early next week if AF does not show, will do a testing. Pray that I will strike this time, so that my 4 yr old boy will get a sibling soon, he is looking forward to have a sibling and simply loves little ones.

Issit? or maybe that time i got infection so the doctor insert pills inside bahz.. *hees*.. and I'm working... wad is SAHM? haha...


Oooo.... erm... i also heard u all say about what ovulation... erm.. sorry uh, i ish reli dun understand at all about the ovulation,and wad ovulation test, den what strip... i reli dun understand at all.. any kind heart can explain to me?? hehe.. i'm new to all these medication and test things(the stuff for TTC-ing) ... keke...
carine>> SAHM = stay at home mum =) dun worry i'm also very lost with all the short forms used! ok here's what i know:BBT = basal body temp, coZ wHEn we ovulate (period we women can conceive), our temperature will rise. correct me if i'm wrong but apparently thre's other way to test if ovulating, like peeing on a strip, similar to pregnancy test? there's no way u can detect the slight rise unless u chart your temperature. i also no idea what the rest means. hee

Lenny>> my frend recommended the billings method, which is the mucous thing mentioned. does it not work? i heard that taking charge of your fertility is a good book to read, if you interested. we havent really got to that stage yet. 1.5 years sounds really pretty long liao. all the best ya! like the rest say, try to relax and enjoy the process? mabbe this xmas can try again when in relax holiday mood? hee, we're gonna try that anyway ;P btw, which tcm u go? went to another forum where many were using fertiliy. btw i know couples like you where nothing wrong wif either but juz find it hard to concieve. have u tried deeper penetration? also supposed to not do everyday when u ovulating. coz guy's sperm nid time to recover. mine is all hearsay though, surely the doctors have better advice?

priscilla>> wa so ex, but think is worth it if can conceive ya? btw i dun think folic acid helps in the conception process leh. only helps prevent foetal problems. what is OPK, BD, AF, DPO, CD etc...??

This is What I've got from babyzone.com

1. Calendar day one (CD1) begins the day you get your period.

2. EWCM stands for egg white cervical mucous.

3. An ovulation predictor kit (OPK) measures the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine, and is used to predict ovulation.

4. True. If you took a home pregnancy test (HPT) and got a big fat positive (BFP) you are pregnant.

5. I just got Aunt Flo (AF) means you just got your period.

6. If you test frequently you are a pee-on-a-stick (POAS) addict.

7. The period of time between ovulation and the day your period is due is known as the two-week wait.(2WW)

8. Women who are charting take their basal body temperature (BBT) each morning.

9. Nine DPO stands for nine days past ovulation.

10. "Babydust" means "good luck in getting pregnant!"

Hopefully this did help us to understand more.. hehe....
Folic acid doesnt help in conception process, but it helps the body get the estiential vitamins to somehow keep ourself healthy...and yes, also prevent foetal problems at the same tims...(correct mi if i'm wrong okay?) hehe.. that's what i know laa~.. hehe...
hi anyone knows can advice, if we have the raw egg like muscus meaning O already or "ovulating" or going to Ovulate?? thanks
carine>> wow! haha thanks for the info, it was most entertaining hee... so creative these ppl!

tuliprose>> erm i think is ovulating. but i not sure at all but i think different women different leh... u have to abstain one month from sex (coz it will affect the mucous) then observe your own cycle before determining the 'most slippery' mucous. me oso havent chart b4 yet... must give up one month trying leh...
<font color="aa00aa"> baby dust to all</font>

<font color="aa00aa">SAHM = Stay AT Home Mum</font>

PAP smear is to check for cervical cancer if i din remember wrongly.
<font color="aa00aa"> baby dust to all</font>

<font color="aa00aa">SAHM = Stay AT Home Mum</font>

PAP smear is to check for cervical cancer if i din remember wrongly.
hi lenny,

Try to drink kopi be4 ttc-ing .. ask ur hubby to drink ... u can drink yomeishu mah ?? hahaaaa gals, dun b mistaken huh .. me dun work for yomeishu de... seem like me kept on advertising for em .. but i think by drinking can tiao n make our body stronger ...
<font color="aa00aa"> I read somewhere ard half an hr before sex, have to ask the man to drink Coke, those gasy drinks so to make the sperms swim faster and be more active. </font>

Drink coke ?? swim faster?? wahahaa.. so farnie.. cute loh... haha... but anyway since we are trying hard TTC-ing no harm trying all the farnie way as long we got preggie !! haha...

Haha.. okok.. thanks.. but just now that comment no offend ok?? cuz reli very farnie..but i will also give it a shot.. keke..
hi saki, i think it's not any gassy drink but the ones with caffeine. coffee would be good too, i read. gives the little soldiers a burst of energy. ha.
issit gas? i thot is the caffeine? anyway haha safest is coke i guess, got gas and caffeine hehe..

carine> how long u been trying? think we gonan take it slow 1st then if no news then mabbe try harder.

btw, me juz came back form pap test and it was really not the nightmare i feared at all =) thanks all
<font color="aa00aa">xuanting, caffeine also good.. Coffee, tea. i was wondering can substitue tea for bubble tea.. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">
caffeine and gas can boost n motivate the *S* to work harder to reach the correct goal.. try to drink one can before ML..
wow, drinks that can boost the soldiers.. you know what, i shall give it a try.. hehe.. will make coffee or give coke to hub.. but one thing though, how soon before should he drink? immediately b4? fluid need the time to travel to their target right? or few hours before? like the same amt of time for digestion?

sorry, hehe.. getting technical here..haha..

I've been trying for more than 6 months.. but still nothing nehz.. haha...how can i take it slow?? cuz i'm very worried, cuz given my age, should be preggie very easily de... haha...and also very eager to have BB ... hees...
told ya le, the pap test no worries de... haha.... caffeine and gassy drinks is good for people TTC?? reli?? haha... guess I'm gonna buy a carton for my hubby to DRINK!!!! Muahahaha.....
<font color="aa00aa">carine, guess we have to take things easy. the more eager n stressed up we are, the chances to get preggie is slim.

in the meantime, enjoy couple time. Once baby arrives, will be no free time. Hands will be tied up and no freedom liao..</font>
<font color="aa00aa"> merlenna, the website i read last time said drink it when u wanna ML. i think ard half an hr or 1hr so.. cant quite remember.

i got a shock when i read that.. haha. din know that Coke can helps TTC purpose..
but of cos when pregnant, have to limit caffine comsuption.</font>
I have heard abt he coffee drink when wanna ML. Will ask my hb to try next round cos I am still waiting for next week to test, hope my AF don't visit me next week.
<font color="aa00aa"> avocado, yeah all the best to u..

i also have a hard time having my baby. * sweat sweat*</font>
ok 1 hr or half hour before is not too bad. i was actually telling hub to stay away from caffeine coz i thot it'd do our health good. but turned out caffeine does otherwise aye? hehe..

Ya... I understand.. but i just cant relax!! I get so tense up loh... haha... but i'm trying hard not to think so much laa~~... hehe....
<font color="aa00aa"> merlanna, caffine is not good if drink too much. but so funny, it helps to serve TTC purpose. Penz, haha...

Carine, can understand. i used to be so anxious n stressed up as well. cos always being questioned by MIL every mth. wow lah.

I'm already so stressed n she's adding on to my burden.. can have a volcano eruption.. </font>

wahahah..... for my case is nobody stress mi up laa~~.... but i was afraid something bad might happen to mi...that's y was so worried y haven preggie... (and nobody in my family knows i have this problem... that's y they din ask mi..hehe...) and ya lar... they think i'm still young loh.. ask mi not to preggie now...hehe... Ok.. i shall try hard hard not to think so much.. hees..
i'm interested to buy the strip also.... when are u buying again? can don bang?
me thinking of buying the clearblue one... but very ex for 7 tests only
<font color="aa00aa"> carine, for me i took more than a yr .. cos i suffered a m/c before that. so took a few mths to rest, then started to read up n tried so many different kinds of vits, pre-natal pills, royal jelly, DHA and so on..


Oooo...... ok lar,at least u've got wat u want lohs... hees... hopefully I also can have one bahz... haha... this weekend I'm going to Malaysia... If i see any Royal Jelly, I'm going to buy a 100% pure ones.. haha...
<font color="aa00aa">carine, did u went back to the store for ur royal jelly with ginseng? they dun have the pure one there?</font>
The salesger gave mi her numbers..i did call up, but nobody pick up leh.... den i dun wan to go back to the store ar, cux she is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pushy loh... keep ask mi buy this n that.. den that time i've no cash, so i ask if i could use NETS, but they dun accept NETS, den she still ask mi to faster go n withdraw money, when before hand I've told her that ATM machine is DOWN!! -_-'' den I told her I'll be back later on, den she pull me back loh... den i told her i wanted to go NatureFarm to look for the Pre-pregnancy Pills, and u know what?? she talk SOOOO Loud : " u want pregnancy KIT huh? Guardian they got sell Pregnancy KIT!!! *faint* den i shouted back to her, I dun need Pregnancy KIT, i need supplyment pills for PRE-pregnancy!!! wah lao eh, make mi so paiseh loh!! but so funny laa~~..haha... that's y the thought of her make mi scare~~
Mrs Yap,

Yes, those LOud Aunty.. den she even say i have a very charming face, must be a god's gift blah blah blah...den say she's a christian (i'm not trying to be biased ok..)den must go to church often... den say i shouldn't spend money on other things, should spend money n buy things from her.... CRAZY! Argh!!! the Thought of her reli freak mi out man!
haha carine,
i think she is too enthu liao... usually this kind of pp mean well but put it in a wrong way..
it will scare pp off one... haha
I went to a pharmacy in Tiong Bahru, the one opp Guardian...dunno is it Unity or Nature farm...
i approach the pharmacist for help on Pre-natal pills... the pharmacist like v young.. acually until now hor i dunno is a HE or SHE... looks like man but small girly built... then the voice also cannot tell is man or woman...
I ask abt something which i can eat for pre-pregnancy... then he/she replied, its a variety of vitamins u must take, AND I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYTHING FROM HERE!!... i was taken aback by her words... i left being ridiculous...
<font color="aa00aa">wow carine, she so pushy. like that she got earn commision meh?? like so kan cheong dun wanna release pple.. </font>
Hi ladies,
dun give up easily, jia you okie? i aso have some womans' prob, n i tried TCM n now im 6mths preggie liao...
So im here to spread some babydust to u all..

hi kit, i've still got some left now so i probably will only think about buying after next month (still not entirely sure if i read the results correctly not as straight forward as reading pregnancy test kits!). will let you know when i'm going to order k. have you been charting your bbt?
Mrs Yap,

Wahaha... guess she's maybe butch... hehe...crazy people.. ask people not to buy things from them....wahhaha.... i pity the one who employ him'she..wahahaha...


she must have earn commission de lah, if not wun be like that de...some more still grab my hand sia.... haiyo...


Whao!! *envy* keke.... yea yea... we all try REAL HARD!!! hees... *blush*
Hi every1,
I am also trying for a 2008 bb. I hv a 1 yr old gal and wanted another bb for many many reason. My hubby wanted to stop at 1 but I finally manage to persuade him to have another 1. Let's jia you together, I do not know copi help to boost "S" ... hee hee I will keep that in mind. BTW i am in my D1 thought of having a christmas present but now hope to have a CNY present. jia you
