(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

Hi Peppermintt
Sorry to hear that you lost ur first at 23 weeks. Can I ask you how long it took you to get over it? I lost my 3rd in August at 25 weeks and till now, no reasons have been established
Can't get over it and I feel that I need to try again to really get past this... How long did you wait before you tried for your 2nd one? Sorry to ask you this, but really getting to me. So much to the point I am wondering if i shd go and see a psychiatrist....
Avocado: My case quite similar to yours for our #1. In my case, we haven't actually started ttc-ing. Got back from our honeymoon and discovered we're pregnant liao..

Now 1st month ttc-ing for #2.. Last month hubby overseas so didn't have chance to try..

Baby dust, baby dust to all...
Hi littlenotes76,

i understand how u feel. The strong feeling of having another.. to give yourself a closure.

I lost mine 4 mths ago. I tried when my gynae gave me the ok. Initially I was found with polyp. Was given medication and it's found cleared during my latest visit. Then i started ttc. The interval is abt 3 mths. Best is to check with ur gynae when u can try. And to build up ur health. Take folic acid and maybe bai feng yuan to regulate ur menses. I did read from the net that best is to wait 3 menstruation cycles. But some juz waited 1 or 2 cycles. I think the most imp thing is when u are emotional ready in addition to physically ready.

If seeing a psychiatrist will help go ahead. Do watever things u find will help you. For me i read books to cope with my grief as well as talking to pple who has the same experience as me.

Be strong and do take care!
Peppermint: I read from the july thread that you're spotting. Maybe you shd go see a gynae soon. Spotting can be normal but can be otherwise as well. Sorry to say this, but esp since you had a history. The gynae is able to give you hormone pills and a jab to stabilise the foetus. Rest well in the meantime..
Thanks Make Baby.
I got the hormone pills from my gynae and im taking it right now. The spotting seems to be clearing. This also happened during my first pregnancy. Things seems to be stablising.
Thanks for the advice
There goes hope for ttc-ing in dec... hubby not in town... can onli be back 4 days after ovulation day... too bad... probably we can try harder in Jan08... our 1st yr wedding anniversary
hi make bb,

went to see the gynae yest... yes, everything okie ...juz that can onli see a black dot .. hahaaa she sayin the cramp is okie de....
Hi piggy - congrats once again...did the gynae say when is your edd? my menses came liao :<. I will still try again this coming cycle to TTC for a baby. Hope like you piggy i can be successful! Wish me all the best ya, u take care piggy...
thank you ... haha yest me forget to ask this Q lor .. but saw from the scan photo stating 25-27/7/08 leh ...

okie okie.. jia you n bb dust to u .....
you mention you have cramp during ov or after BD. How do you suspect you are preggy. Although I am trying for #2, I do not know cos that time no feelings.
avocado, my cramping started during the 2ww so i thot my af coming .. my af late for 3 days then i tested le cos my af all along v "zhun" one ... act other than the cramp i dun have any other symptoms le ... i dun even felt pain in my breast ... but now i still have the cramp ....
Hi Ladies,
long time nvr post here liao? Can i ask if ttc-ing the BD position issit important coz my HB the "S" alwaz flow out of my "v" no matter how long i lift my butt
hi hui,

i think is normal will flow out de ... think inside our body already "full" le .. that's y the xtra will flow out bah .. hahahaaa.. try to lift up n place a pillow under ur butt there n lay for abt 15mins ...
hi guys, i had a m/c earlier this year and i'm officially ttc-ing again now! is anyone taking any sort of supplement besides folic?
btw, gals,
i also m/c in june this year... and had already tried 2 cycles... now into my 3rd cycles.... hopefully can strike soon... cos i see my friends 1 by 1 getting preg... the feeling is very strange.... i feel happy for them... but yet i feel sad for myself.........
but we jia you together... hopefully we'lll have bb in our arm one day......
thks. My Ov is starting tomorrow, but I have BD since last week and I feel cramp, that kind of cramp is intense and never feel before. Only feel for 2 days and than back to normal. I can only test 2 weeks later.
hi kit! nice to see you here.
what's the evening primrose for? i read that we should also strive for a more alkaline diet in order to offer a good sperm environment. i'm getting very excited just reading up on all these again!
hui, maybe can try man behind.. and if u can, try having a pillow to support ur butt higher and support ur back. it juz take 1 single spe*m to get pregnant..
hi xuanting and kit mum_mum2b, i used to be in the m/c thread.
juz to share that maybe u gals can try taking royal jelly and pre-natal pills.

Naturefarm is selling this pre-natal pills name Twinlab. juz take 2 capsules everyday and its suitable for ttc and pregnant ladies. u can try asking the store assistants for more details.
agree with you..juz 1 sperm but that 1 sperm seem diffcult leh.. i TTC for 4 years in the end surrnder to ICSI last year and gave birth this June..now TTC #2..

Xuanting & Kit ma,
sori to hear.. i bought alot Folic but haven touch on it..forgot abt it..
hmmm i think to lay down better .. cos if up then the sperm will like is flowing downwards n not upward...cos after bd, norm we also will place pillow underneath pur backside to let the sperm flow inwards n stay longer in our body ....
Morning ladies

I also heard of elevating the butts after doing that thing. When I had my No. 1 i also did that *lol*
hi good morning ladies... for those who already had a baby, is it really strenous for the back to support the baby to full term? Is it v painful everyday or occasionally when u do more strenous activities?
Cos i had a history of slip disc and i always experience backache and stiff back even when i am not preg... So what shd i do to strengthen my back?? any exercise or medicine? I heard of the herb DuZhong... my aunt passed me some and i brewed it and drink for 3 nights... however, it delayed my menses for 1 week... anyone had any backache experience b4 / during pregnancy can share with me on this? Your replies much appreciated.. Thanks
Hi xuanting, saki,

i find eating those capsule very difficult to swollow... sigh...
i read from website that evening primrose helps to make the mucus better quality so sperm is easier to swim inside... so i taking every evening 1 capsule (its so huge, suppose to take 2, but i think 1 enuff liao...)
u gals heard of bai feng wan? thinking of trying tat to "tiao" my menses... cos my menses very long cycle (range from 35-42 days) leh.... can tat help to regulate menses?
hi hui,

me too .. but hor, if realli ttc-ing sometime no choice .... me will lay down for a while then later wash off the surrounding like the leg etc ... no choice .. haf to do that leh ... cos i also scare will stain my panties then me put one pantie liner .. hahaaa
thanks, saki and kit. i will read up more about the supplements you've recommended.

kit, i'm not sure if bai feng wan can help to shorten your cycle although i've heard that it can help those with problematic periods. are you still seeing your tcm doc?

hi hui, how about lying down very quickly after that? you can clean yourself with wet tissues first and head to the toilet after you are done putting your butt up?

i read somewhere that the sperms take about 15 minutes to travel one inch (grand accomplishment for them), and to reach the fallopian tubes where an egg might be waiting, at least 45 minutes but more usually up to 12 hours (because they swim in all directions and dart around blindly). if this lying down really helps, i think we should all try to stay put for as long as we can tahan.
hi hui, yes ttc process can be really tiring and stressful..

hi kit, the pre-natal pills is those normal size of capsule but i feel they helps me in the ttc process cos they have a lot of vits and nutrients that are important for ttc and pregnant ladies. but not sure if it applies 2 all cos some preggies will feel like vomitting cos of the smell if they pop it before having their breakfast.
not bad idea..

i do wear panty liner..haha..very will wet the liner and very uncomfortable..

12hrs for the to flow? very long leh..

ya lor..
juz read another thread abt this lady wanna go for abortion.

so many ladies going thru m/c or ttc for a baby n she chose to go for an abortion.. wondering what's the hell is this woman thinking abt..
saki, I heard from my friend who is working in kkh told me in only one day there will be 20 plus abortion case. sign.. so in a mths, there are so many case
hi hui,

hmm think got no choice ... me will lay down for abt 15 mins then washed the surrounding then quickly go bk to slp ....
avocado, wow that's a lot of cases seen in kkh. not adding on other hospitals, or pte clinics. abortion rates are going higher each day.. that's really so sad for all these babies..
hi hui, apparently that's how long it can take in some cases, for the sperm to find the egg. but thankfully, both sperm and egg can survive for quite a long time (egg 48hrs and sperm 35 days) while waiting to meet.
hi ladies

may i seek some advice here about clomid pills??

when can i take clomid?? before or after period??

just started ttc- this month is my 2nd cycle
Hi hi

Same as woofwoof....i would like to know if clomid treatments would require frequent visits to the clinic. I have irregular periods hence would probly require clomid pills for ovulation.

I also have another concern. Recently gotta a good job offer and am now in dilemna whether i should ask gynae to put me on clomid (will be visting gyane next week). Afraid that frequent visits may cause inconvenience...

Wanted very much to get preggy but on the other hand afraid that new job maybe very demanding and bosses would probly not like it if i were to get pregnant before confirmation period. Any advise? This thing is really causing me headaches...

Taken from past posting from our learned friend, Heinz Beanz (justnew) sharing with us on clomid, since bebecraze08 is asking, i have re-extracted and post it for reference.

Below are some warnings and side effects for Clomid..

Special warnings about Clomiphene Citrate

Your doctor will evaluate you for normal liver function and normal estrogen levels before considering you for treatment with clomiphene.

Your doctor will also examine you for pregnancy, ovarian enlargement, or cyst formation prior to treatment with Clomiphene Citrate and between each treatment cycle. He or she will do a complete pelvic examination before each course of Clomiphene Citrate.

Clomiphene treatment increases the possibility of multiple births; also, birth defects have been reported following treatment to induce ovulation with clomiphene, although no direct effects of the drug on the unborn child have been established.

Because blurring and other visual symptoms may occur occasionally with clomiphene treatment, you should be cautious about driving a car or operating dangerous machinery, especially under conditions of variable lighting.

If you experience visual disturbances, notify your doctor immediately. Symptoms of visual disturbance may include blurring, spots or flashes, double vision, intolerance to light, decreased visual sharpness, loss of peripheral vision, and distortion of space. Your doctor may recommend a complete evaluation by an eye specialist.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (or OHSS, enlargement of the ovary) has occurred in women receiving treatment with clomiphene. OHSS may progress rapidly and become serious. The early warning signs are severe pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, and weight gain. Symptoms include abdominal pain, abdominal enlargement, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight gain, difficult or labored breathing, and less urine production. If you experience any of these warning signs or symptoms, notify your doctor immediately.

To lessen the risks associated with abnormal ovarian enlargement during treatment with clomiphene, the lowest effective dose should be prescribed. Women with the hormonal disorder, polycystic ovarian syndrome, may be unusually sensitive to certain hormones and may respond abnormally to usual doses of Clomiphene Citrate. If you experience pelvic pain, notify your doctor. He may discontinue your use of clomiphene until the ovaries return to pretreatment size.

Because the safety of long-term treatment with clomiphene has not been established, your doctor will not prescribe more than about 6 courses of therapy. Prolonged use may increase the risk of a tumor in the ovaries.
