(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

morning jo,

u jia you too okie...


kekeee me dun know leh ... but i realli believe muz relax n dun think abt bb .. cos this mth me sianz le so more relax... the last few mths we realli qing lao until we bd alternate days during that hot week ..but last mth me sianz le then onli bd near O day ....
me using the clearblue one with wording de.. either is "pregnant or not pregnant" ... act the pack said the day at our af due can test le ... hahaa me no choice haf to test cos dept today having big reno n packing .. then told my boss n he inform my supp not to let me do any packing/etc... heheeee

bbdust to all of u gals ... "jia you" ...
littlenotes, oh sorry to hear that, you must eat more nutritious food ya? Dun be too anxious to try for 3rd one cos most impt must nurse your health 1st. Meanwhile, 'shun qi zhi ran' and dun stress yourself too much.

Piggy, wow congrats!!! So happy for you. Must take extra care during the 1st few months ah..
Hi piggy
thanks..You must take care..
i m more or less giving up already
Had spotting from last Sat-Mon...yest finally no more...hopefully today oso no spotting...today's my CD26...can't wait for AF to due so tat I can start a new cycle...but of course will be even better if AF dun visit at all....hee...
thks gals ...n okie i will take good care of myself de....


hmmm me can understand the feeling ... dun think too much n relax during bd okie ... trust me, me on the verve of v sianz n like giving up then strike! le ... mayb like all the gals saying, relax then will have le ...

kiki, good luck good luck to u !!!

kekekee yup, feeling v excited n happi now .. colleague tellin me muz go n see gynae n take medicine 1st...abit blur on wat to do

hope, my preggie "soon soon" de....
remenber to inform us which gyne and their package okie we will need it real soon

So fast u announce yr preg, i also those ppl very kan cheong one will want to tell everybody the good news but some say 3mth liao then can tell. But i dont think i can wait for that long haha
hi piggy
congrats!!! now got July MTB liao. you know when is your EDD? no need to see gynae so early since now still too early to be able to scan anything. Juz go to pharmacy to get folic acid and have it everyday can liao. Then when you are abt 7 weeks, you can go see gynae cos by then can detect bb's hearbeat liao and can see bb oso.
okie no prob.. think i'm gg to tmc n look for adelina wong ....
no choice, cos my dept having major reno then haf to tell my boss if not i haf to pack mah ....

hmm if counting v qing lao one abt 4 mths (from aug)..but this yr feb'07 me started le .. but is like onli 1-2 times in a mth .. hahaaa

yaya i can understand .. but i think if relax realli help ...me cos this mth i sian le then kekeee lucky strike! le ...me pass many many many bb dust to u okie ....
act me no symtpon leh ... my breast never feel any pain leh (so thot not preggie) .. but i got stomach cramp sinic last wed... now still haf..so abit scare scare ... no bloated stomach also ....

from the chart edd is 28/7/08.. okie okie thank you soo much ... me now blur on wat to do ....
act me no symtpon leh ... my breast never feel any pain leh (so thot not preggie) .. but i got stomach cramp sinic last wed... now still haf..so abit scare scare ... no bloated stomach also ....

from the chart edd is 28/7/08.. okie okie thank you soo much ... me now blur on wat to do ....
hi avocado,
you are staying 1st trimester not suppose to take chinese herbs.. so wat will happen if i take???
Actually this morning i took a pregnancy test... result is negative. It has been 5 days late for menses already. So i sms-ed my frd telling her is was negative. But she told me her case where she took a test on day 4 and shows negative, after 7 days still no period and she take test again, this time a v faint positive... So i was abit worried if i am really preg or not or wat is the herbs impact on it?
kekekeee today me counted then juz found out if counted as realli serious ttcing is from aug'07... so meaning 4 mths ...

hmmm okie ..act my hubby still scare something wrong with him ...

okie okie .. but u relax n con't trying okie... dun give up .. juz like norm bd n see wether can "strike" or not .. try to bd near O day ....
hmmm i believe chinese herb will more or less haf effect on ur af de... me juz drink yomeishu then delay my norm super "zun" af le ...
Mrs Yap, don't worry. Stop taking now if you suspect u might be preggy.

WOW, CONGRATS! so happy to hear news that pp here test positive, been here for sometime liao and u r the first i hear preggy. Quick go and create a folder under this forum " (2008) AUGUST MTB" or is it July08?
mrs yap,

me symptoms is having stomach cramp lor .. till now also haf .. n also me suddenly got a few pimples popping out .. sobsob... ya i believe chinese herb mayb will delay cos they are "tiao-ing" our body mah ... than mayb too heaty bah ...

kekeee thank you thank you .. kekee no la, here got other graduates too ... hmm think is jul'08 de.... edd ard 28/7
My womb area has also been cramping on and off for the past few days...aiya...cnnt be preg la hor...1st try nt so lucky la hor...tink I'm imagining the cramp...dun wanna get my hopes up to high....=p
hi tuliprose, oo my cramp started last wed ... but not v frequent de... pimples also sinic last week .. kekeee .. hmm got any problem huh ??? pimples mayb i ate too much tibits le ...
hi hi piggy

oh no don't be mistaken, nothing wrong...bec now i also missed my menses for 3 days n i have some cramps and quite SOME PIMPLES, which i find i look so ugly now, plus i itchy hands go scratch it...

but still a bit quite impossible to get pregg this month bec as i same boat as jowin use the ovulation kit, it shows i didn't ovulate at all this month however i don't care still "bd" for that hot period...

my menses max delay for 5 days so i didn't want to test until missed 6th or 7 days or even more...as i tried testing on day 5 miss menses got neg results was super disappointed!
hi tuliprose,
icic.. okie ... phrew ....
ooo look like u n me got the same symptoms leh ... okie, sinic u got history of 5 days late b4 so now u wait for the 6 days then can test le ... good luck !!! me got late be4 by 1-2 days so this time me waited for 3 days then test ...

okie okie ..scali haf then u dun know leh .. rem to update me okie
oh oh today is yr 3rd day huh piggy..me v tempted to test but V SUPER SCARE OF DISAPPOINTED LOR plus this month the kit shows no ovulation so can't be preggie lor i thought unless kit not accurate
Piggy: Congrats!!
I wanna ask. Your nick is Piggy.. Does that mean you alrady have a piggy baby? Talking abt pimples, mine also started popping out! So ugly.. I have itchy fingers, will go squeeze them.. Hee hee.. Take good care of yourself and baby. Have plenty of rest!

Elchwong: Do u want to do a test? At most you "waste" one test strip. Other than implantation blood, other form of spotting is not healthy if you're really pregnant. Good luck!

Tuliprose: Your AF is late too? Good luck. Keep us posted! Maybe you're the other July baby..
tuliprose, yup, mine all along very accurate de... kekee like alarm clock like that... think onli got once i ate "bu" then that mth late by 1-2 days ....

make bb, hahahaa no la, me ttc-ing for the 1st one ... hehee okie okie thank you thank you ...u ttc-ing for 2nd bb le ???
hihi can i ask ..
act how may weeks then i muz go n see the gynae ??? me now in dilemma wether wanted to go those women clinic n do some scaning or chking or go to find a gynae straight away ... act i hv a gynae in mind.. my colleague saying like me wasting $$ to see a women clinic gynae then go n see my actual gynae again ...

sorri for asking this Q here so me more "su fu" talking to u gals...
Morning all...

Make Baby, avocado...I want to do a test but I'm controlling myself not to...don't want to waste a strip yet as I've yet to miss my menses which's due this Sat...spotting appeared only for 3 days and disappeared...hoping AF dun visit me on Sat and I can test on Sun morning...hee...if AF visits b4 I can test then oso ok lor...save a strip...=p
piggy, i suggest u call the clinic for your actual gynae and tell them u just testes positive and they will advise u when to go in to see the gynae. Mine advise me to go in to see gynae only when i am abt 7 weeks cos the nurse said if i go in earlier, it is just a waste of money since cannot see anything yet.
Hi all morning
Piggy first of all congra to u.Btw like to ask izzit conceive le than there wont be any discharge? Pls help as this month some how diffrent from other month but now still too early to test so temted to test but AF will only due in 1dec .Sian and super scare disappointed. Pls help Thanks
Piggy, for my 1st baby, I went to gynae once I tested positive. Though cannot see heartbeat yet, the gynae can scan for the sac and then also prescribed folic acid & 'An Tai Yao' if necessary. It does not cost a lot for this visit and I find that it gives us peace of mind. Just my two cents worth of advice.

Elchwong & tuliprose, wish you best of luck.
okie okie .. .thank you gals.. think i will go straight to the gynae that i wan... cos me got on n off stomach cramp then me abit scare ... aiyoyo die la, today me vvvv sleepy/tired leh ...

elaine, hmm u talking abt wat dischrg ??? okie so u in ur 2ww period.. is like that de, me can understand.. kekekee but realli too early to tell ....
This morning I had a dollop of milky discharge....for a moment thought my AF visited...

spicegal...thanks for the luck! We need it lots!
Hi Piggy
THanks.What I mean is usually we will have discharge during O rite?However this month I dun see any of this also scare is no O than no chance of getting pregy le SIAN.And still got to wait so long before I can reali test. Thanks anyway Piggy enjoy yoyr pregnancy.
The temptation to try was so great so i took a dip last nite and it was +ve. So meaning really I didn't O and hence didn't get preggie. Then I hope my menses will come soon I can TTC for the next round. This month i am so much better as i didn't feel so disappointed.
oic... yayaya for my case norm coming to O will haf the dischrg then when coming to af will haf some light colour sticky thing .. oo ya, cum to think of it, me this mth when coming to af time din have the dischrg ... its okie de, next sat is 1/12 le ... u "ren" okie ... good luck to u...

thanks spicegal, hope wont affect the work can le ...

hi tupliprose, hmmm me "suku suku" ..can ask wat dip u do ?? for wat de ??? okie yayaya.. norm if u dun put in soo much hope then the disappointment wont b big ... norm if u relax n dun pin hope then will strike! le ...this is true .. cos act many pple told me that be n i dun realli believe it .. but it happen to me so me sharing with u

good luck gals !!!!1
