(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

littlemini2, Make Baby...thanks!
Elchwong, when do u intend to do the test? If I were you, I wouldn't be able to wait so long leh..

Btw, you said DP08. What does DP mean? Is it Day Pass ovulation?
Elchwong, so how? How many days have you missed your period? If missed for 5 days or more can start testing.

Make Baby, when did you do the test? Like avocado say maybe too early?
i think its actually all our thinking of symptoms we are having... "surprisingly" when i dun really TTC this cycle, all symptoms like O pain, implantion pain, CM creamy or watever.. dun seem to appear at all..

but then if really something obvious...gals have to take note lor
sorry ladies, i have a very stupid and silly question to ask, but i just wanna make sure that I did the right test...When we test, the green part dipped into the urine or is the part marked "Max" or "Marked" that is dipped into our urine to test? Thank you for enlightement on this blur blur one thanks - pls don't laugh at me, thanks!
hi tuliprose
haha.. will there be any lines if you dip the green part into the urine? I din know=P

Dip the part mark " max" , there is a line to show that your urine can't cross over

ha so i am correct, heng..!! but still the test shows invalid lei not sure why, my urine didn't cross over that line lei..i think only once got a faint line rest is jus the control line lei ah ya i should keep n show u hor but i threw them away...
Hi everyone,
Haven't logged in for such a long time now... hope I haven't been forgotten =)

Went back to work on 5th Nov, after being away for 12 weeks! So, still not used to it. Am down with a sore throat and classic symptoms of the flu. Sigh. O due sometime on 28th I think. dunno whethr i shd try or not. Still feeling a little bit of depression - i guess it's the month. Supposed to be due on 20 Nov. HHHLEEEELLLLPPPP
Make Baby...I haven't even miss my menses leh...how to test? I meant Day Past Ovulation (DPO)...I very eager to test but I never miss my menses yet leh...today still got spotting...weird...my mense due only around 27th leh...
spicegal...never miss menses yet....it's not even due and I'm having spotting...wonder if it's infection...but no pain or itch leh...
Hi tuliprose..
did i phrase wrongly?
You should not dip the green part into the urine... its the white part with the "max" line..
Tuliprose, the green part is for you to hold. Dip the other end into the urine and do not dip further than the line marked "max". I think you're doing correctly. When I do the tests, the control line is very faint as well.. I just assume that when the test line is as bold as the control line, that I have a positive reading.

Avocado, Spicegal: I tested too early. It was my 7 days after I tested positive on the LH surge.. I didn't expect to get a positive reading anyway.. But just couldn't wait anymore.. Hahaha..
hi jowin n make baby both thanks for enlightening me...

make baby, when i first started to ttc, i tested on 10days or 11 days also v v anxious to know, but subsequently, i just can't be bothered anymore...for some ladies at DPO10 or 11 can be detected +ve for pregnancy so depending on individual
Hi all
How are u gals doing.I am quite new here.Would like to check cos I understand that if we O there will be like raw egg white mucus, however this month there is no this kind of mucus is it possible if there is no O than there wont be mucus.If so super sian than sure no chance le.Ah Pls Help its being more than half a yr .Haha or izzit possible strike le so no mucus maybe I think too much PRAY.Dunno izzit that I previously inserted the IUDS will affect pls help if anyone knows thanks. Sorry for so long winded. TIA
make baby,
to be sure, it is best to test one week after missed menses. All the months I TTC, no chance to test cos my menses sure on time so my test kit can collect dust liao.

my next O date is also 28Nov. Hi 5, hope we will strike. 28th seem so long
Hi littlemini...

=) tks for remembering me. Hope you are well. I disappeared for such a long time huh. Guess I was just feeling down and depressed =( But trying to pull myself together- leave it in God's hands. Baby dust to all of us! You're right, rat or Ox - doesn't really matter.

Hi Avocado, let's hope we will strike!! Sigh, my cycle not so predictable nowadays - Sept 30 days, Oct 35 days, Nov 27 days. How lah! Thot of buying the Clearblue ovulation kit which I used for my last pregnancy. Very ex...Hubby's travelling next Mon & Tues and will be back only on Wed, which is the expected O date. Sigh, dun wanna think so much. Let's not stress outselves...... but Babydust babydust babydust!!

Btw gals, when is the next gathering.....
Elchwong, hmmm...still spotting ah, maybe its really implatation spotting...cos not possible infection if you do not have any pain or discomfort...you monitor for a few days, suggest you go to a gynae if it continues for a week..during my 1st pregnancy i do not have implatation spotting so can't advice on this.

Make Baby, yah..you tested too early, dun be too gan cheong, just wait and see. Dun pin too high hopes each month, or else disappointment will be higher if never strike.

Littlenotes76, you trying for 2nd baby? Me too. How old is your 1st child? Mine is 17mths going 18. I think if you are not sure when is ovulation, when got chance and not tired, just give it a try, who knows, you might just strike. Sometimes i find that calculating the days may not be that accurate also lor.
morning gals,

hmm if AF suppose to cum on last sun then till today no news yet so meaning i miss by 3 days or 2 days huh ??? but i got the cramping feeling n the breast is not painful unless me go n press it thot ...
Morning all...

spicegal...ya lor...yest spotting's quite bad as compared to the past few days but still those brownish kind...this morning never see spotting le but dunno later in the day will see or not...if this continues till nxt wk I'm gonna c a gynae...
piggy, you only missed for 2 days. If your mensus is all along quite regular, you can start testing on fri/sat. The cramping feeling and tender breast is the same as pre-mensus symptom.

Elchwong, keep your fingers crossed. Hope you will strike..
icic ... no la, cos i thot like most of the preggie women the breast will feel painful de.. then mine dun have leh ... but i kept on having those cramp for many days le .. sinic last wk till yest nite still haf ....

hmm i cant wait till fri cos my dept having major reno on fri then if realli preggie cannot stay in office ...
Hi Piggy,

I also had the same feeling cramp for almost 1wk and some time and feeling nauseous. My AF is only 1 to 2 days late. This morning anxious went to test and negative so sad.

SO u decide to test only end this week?

Good luck.
hmm me thinking mayb testing tonite or tml morning .. cos my dept having major reno then if realli preggie i will take leave lor .. my colleague expecting then my boss asked her to take leave cos not v good to stay in office ... then also haf to carry all those doc/files thing ...

hahaaa the gender thing .. last time me die die wan dec bb n gal somemore ... now have bb can liao ...
Ya me too have baby can liao no matter what gender rat or ox. Been TTC for a few mth liao sometime just wondering it's my problem. haha

have you got yourself a gyne and which area u staying?

I am 27, staying in Sengkang area
then hor i tell u, i am so stress that i woke up at 2.30am this morning to test. Haha i though need to use FMU gosh I am crazy and it turns out -neg i am so sian
kekeee u try for a few more mths then see ....

hmm act my cousin all reccomend me tis gyne at gleneagles (their whole family went to him ...)
but my hubby prefer tmc leh ... we staying at toa payoh n i'm coming to 29 tis yr ... u still v young .. heheee.. u leh ?? found urself a gynae le mah ???

urs all along v "zun" de mah ?? act my af all v zun de, but a few mths back 1st time late for 2 days then i went to test then -ve ... then v sianz .. so now scare le... scare another false alarm ...
Hi spicegal
actually intending to try again for my 3rd. I lost my 3rd in my 25th week in August. It was a traumatic experience
My 2 children are girls and they are now 5 & 3 yrs old. Babydust to all !!
i have not get myself a gyne. Will want to see a gyne nearby hehe when kena already no need to travel so far.
Mine used to be very zun but after when I am TTC, i had missed AF a 2 time maybe too stress lor keeping thinking abt baby.
Bec married for 2yrs been toegther with DH for 6yrs time to parents liao
hi littlenotes76,

take it easy okie ... at least u got 2 "bao bei" le ... we all still struggling for the 1st one ....


ya lor... that's y hubby wanted tmc.. v near our plc... act gleneagles also okie ... ooo urs also v zun de then miss 2 times ... hmmm if me this time false alarm also miss af by 2 times le .. ooo god ... dun play me leh .... me married for 4-5yrs le ... but onli ttc this yr ..

Can anyone advice what is TLK. Its a gyne or TCM and where's its located and what treatment they provide.

Had been seeing many ladies mention abt TLK so would like to know more.


ya lor, me TTC for 6mth do u think i need to see TLK or see a gyne first to do scanning. From 2WW tread waiting time for TLK is 5hrs above and need to be there at 5.30am to quee for no.
sound crazy leh
oooo okie okie ... thanks u sooo much gal ....

hahaaa if counted like that ... me also "qing lao" for 6 mths also ... kekee my colleague went at 4am n she 2nd one le lor ... think try till next yr then see bah ....

yo gals, bbdust for me plssss
hi gals,

can ask norm menses stomach cramp will last how long huh ?? my norm one like 1-2 days prior to the due date then will haf the cramp ...
but this time my cramp act started from last wed....
hi ladies,
anyone aware of any herbs that will cause menses to be delayed? I took Chong Cao, Pao Sheng, DuZhong recently and i wondered which of these caused my delayed menses. Its overdue for 5 days already and mine usually super accurate 28days cycle. But me n hb use withdrawal method cos we thot of TCC-ing only in Jan08. I wonder if it is the herbs or am i really Pregnant. Any advise on those herbs? Thanks for any feedback
Mrs Yap,
Many things can cause delay eg: stress, sick etc...
To be safe, check if you are preggy cos first trimester suppose not to take those chinese gerbs.
hi mrs yap ...

mine all along also v "zun" one until that 1st mth that i tried to drink yomeishu (i drank it every nite) then that mth my menses late by 2 days ....

congrats piggy BFP

so envy
How come this mth so accurate any secret to share with us?

Which brand of test kit u use bec 3 days last can see result liao.

**faster grab your babydust**
