(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

hmmm...i've been married for slightly more than 2 yrs and it's only recently that i felt comfortable with the thought of having kids. u gals are very b-r-a-v-e!

btw, ky jelly is ok although not recommended as generally lubricants contain some form of spermicide which kill the sperms, thus inhibiting pregnancy. by i've checked johnson & johnson's ky jelly and they do not use it. but nevertheless, shld not be too diff if u're trying for one during ovulation period as the area would already be very moist (wouldn't it?)

morng gals,

all e best in yr ttc-ing, need some babydust.

seems like it's been quite a well since e last grads.

nw e thread is moving so fast.
Gd Afternoon,

Can i check with u gals. If AF due in 5 days time, i should be feeling dry or wet? Bec i am still feeling wet and keep having a slight cramp dont know its bec of AF or preg
hi all there, missing a while due to work constraint....

anyone can share with me how reliable this brand is lvondfo for testing our ovulation. Currently using this brand, and this month it shows i didn't surge at all hence wonder if i didn't "o" or this brand is not v reliable.

anyone using this brand here? any v kind lady can post up a pic of the surge results using this brand of test strips..would really appreciate v much.

or anyone can tell me what brand they are using that u gals think more reliable? thanks
Hi tuliprose
oh.. so u also ah...
I also just use this brand Ivondfo and miss my this month LH surge...

There is a faint line on the test strip... slightly fainter than the control strip.. Usually, i consider this as negative. Tested a few days from faint line to none at all.

But as this cycle i dun really TTC.. so after testing opk negative for more days.. i give up.. anyhow BD when HB initiate.. did not really bother lor...

I try to post a pic up when i got time.. the opk strips are at home..

I think from the next 2 cycles onwards, i switched back to using from babydust..
hi jowin where do u get yr babydust one from can u pm me...hey yr description exactly fits mine lei...There is a faint line on the test strip... slightly fainter than the control strip.. Usually, i consider this as negative. Tested a few days from faint line to none at all.

i also like that hence i wondering anything wrong with this brand, this cycle is it the first time u using this brand?? for me is first time using such test strip, so far i never use any before but if u ever use this brand before and had a surge before then should be reliable right...

thanks thanks appreciate u post a pic for me, thanks so muchy jowin
Just bought 100 tablets of 5mg folic acid at $5.40...is it ex or cheap? It's my 1st time buying...

Folic acid will increasev one's chances of striking or it just provides a better 'support' IF one gets preg?
folci acid will not increasev one's chances of striking. it helps in the development of bb cos floic acid is easy destroy thru natural food
Have an article to share...


This could happen to your child
McDonalds, Ikea, Go Banannas, Discovery Zone... All places with ball pits in the children's play area.

One of my sons lost his watch, and was very upset. We dug and dug in those balls, trying to find his watch. Instead, we found vomit, food, faeces, and other stuff I do not want to discuss. I went to the manager and
raised hell. Come to find out, the ball pit is only cleaned out once a month.

I have doubts that it is even done that often. My kids will never play in another ball pit. Some of you might not be parents, but you may have nieces, nephews, grandchildren, or friends with children.

Hi. My name is Lauren Archer. On October 2nd, 1999 I took my only son Kevin to McDonald's for his 3rd birthday. After he finished lunch, I
allowed him to play in the ball pit.

When he started whining later on, I asked him what was wrong, he pointed to the back of his pull-up and simply said "Mummy, it hurts." I
couldn't find anything wrong with him at that time. I bathed him when we got home, and it
was at that point when I found a welt on his left buttock. Upon investigating, it seemed as if there was something like a splinter under
the welt.

I made an appointment to see the doctor the next day, but soon he started vomiting and shaking, then his eyes rolled back into his head. From
there, we went to the emergency room. He died later that night. It turned out that the welt on his Buttock was the tip of a ypodermic needle that had broken off inside.

The autopsy revealed that Kevin had died from a heroine overdose. The next week, The police removed the balls from the ball pit. There was
rotten food, several hypodermic needles: some full, some used; knives, half-eaten lollies, nappies, faeces, and the stench of urine. (You can find the article on Kevin Archer in the October 10,1999 issue of the Midland

Don't think it's just McDonald's either. A little boy had been playing in a ball pit @ a Hungry Jacks & started complaining of his legs hurting.
He later died too. He was found to have snake bites all over his legs & buttocks. When they cleaned the ball pit they found that there was a copperhead's nest in the ball pit. He had suffered numerous bites from a very poisonous snake.

Repost this if it scares the crap out of you!! Repost this if you care about kids!! Please forward this to all loving mothers, fathers and
anyone who loves and cares for children!! What has this world come to??
Thanks skinny_pig and avocado...since I've bought it I'll just take it together with my daily supplement of Centrum...not gonna wait till strike then take...
gynae recommend to take 3mths before preggy and the first 3mths after preggy. I already start taking so now waiting to strike
hi jowin thanks for posting up the strip - this strip u post is the brand that i mentioned right? oh really elaine also encounter this problem, hmm, perhaps really should change brand.

hmm at least yrs still have the slight faint liao for me is just the control line i think but it says that if just control line meaning the test is invalid right? i think only once the line is a bit faint only rest is jus one control like...hmm really have a bit of doubt lei, anyone can share if u using this brand as us, yr experience, thanks!
jowinbaby, the strips you posted are from baby dust right? I can recognise the green ends.. Can I check if the lines (even the control line) is more faint than the control one that appears in strips used to test for pregnancy..
Hi gals.
The strip i posted is from lvonfo.. Babydust ones has better quality than this...

Yes, if just control line, no test line, its invalid..

Below are the pics that one is from clearblue and one is from baby dust.. as u can see the test line is darker than control line.

I'm also curious to know how long to wait before we can know results of our BD...

It's DPO7 for me today...don't know why keep feeling v.bloated in my womb area...sometimes also tugging pain...can it be implantation symptoms? Or am I just thinking too much?
Hi ladies
HTH By right ovulation is 14 days before ur next period. So i would think its more accurate to test with ur 1st urine of the day on the day ur mense suppose to arrive.
I had symtoms very early since its my #2 but when I tested it was very very faint line like dunno have or not n I had to wait till 2 days pass mense for the line to be clearer.
dear all !
this month is the last month of ttc for me !

hubby ask me go slim down first for the next 6months.
Then start ttc again.

gd luck to all ttc ladies !
i will be back soon k !
wish me luck to strike #2 next month if not it will be my slimming program !
hee .
For bloating symtoms think its more above the tummy kind of area n will keep burping. Ummm for me personally lah.
Slight tugging pain at ur normal cramping area is cos the womb is stretching. Implantation think only spotting no pain leh. Errr not that sure but hope it helps.
Elchwong, bloating and burping is a common symptom is the last trimester when the baby is pressing on the stomach. For implantation, the most common symptom is spotting.. Some will even mistaken the spotting as the onset of menses.. Guess for those of us who are ttcing, we won't mistaken lah. Applies to those who are unaware they are pregnant..
Happened to me with my first baby..
Bloating can also happen in the first or whole trim ester, especially those already have gastric pain before preggy. I am one of them who feel bloated all the way.
dor dor, Make Baby, avocado...no more tugging pains and etc but woke up this morning and found some brownish blood onn my pantyliner...not alot but just abit like what I'll find during the last day of my menses...it's DPO8 for me...so I think this might be implantation bleeding right? I mean that's if I'm lucky...maybe it's my system playing a trick on me...haha...
yesterday i happen to saw the 2009 calender and realise the cny is on the 26th Jan, which is very early so guess if we want mickey and minnie, last try will be mar08, if nt will be moo moo liao....
Elchwong, If you menses didn't come in the next few days, then yes, very likely it's implantation.. Congratulations!!! Spread the baby dust around..

Littlemini2: Wah! You're very early to look at the CNY in 2009!
I still have 4 more chances for 2008, actually I wish for a 2008 baby, not 2009 Jan. rat or ox also can, but i perfer yr2008. If this 4 more try also not strike, I have to "ren min" liao
xpink_xuanx: I've been eating a lot lately. Dunno why appetite is very good. It's scaring me as I'm putting on weight.. If I don't get preggie soon, me have to go on diet as well..
Make Baby,
There maybe chances you might be preggy so do not go n a diet. Even TTC also not wise to go on a diet, eat a healthy meal.
Make Baby, avocado...I hope so but I not really sure till I can test positive end of this wk...I've actually history of spotting up to a wk b4 menses...so there's actually a possibility that history's repeating itself...

I'm secretly hoping I can be preg but yet on the other hand I'm telling myself nt to put too much high hopes else I'll disappoint even more...if I really strike will sure 'throw' babydusts all over the thread...hee...
jo...dun gv up...just try lar....dun care abt anything liao...

my hb also say want a rat than a cow, i told him after wat happen , i dun bother liao, gt wat take wat lor...

makebaby...i happen to saw the calender, somemore i also cant try till feb, so i wana see hw much chances i hv, but realise nt high, nt even 50% lor....
elchwong, lst try is oways like tat...when i try lst time, i oso pin very high hopes until so stress and af delay for very long, so try to tell urself to relax...

Elchwong, I know exactly your fears. Think all of us ttc will understand. We know if result turns out negative, we'll be disppointed, but yet can't help but pin hopes that it could be positive..
I wish you all the best! Yes, remember to dump babydust on all of us when you test positive..

Littlemini2, let's all jia you together.

Preseed: I feel like buying preseed. Anyone knows where got sell? Is it ex?
