(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?


I didn't latch my girl since she is 4 mths. What I did to reduce the bf (for expressing method) is to reduce the no of times I expressed. From 5 times per day to 4 times per day then slowly to 1 time and finally stopped.

Initially, will feel uncomfortable and the breasts very full when time up. After 3 to 4 days, somehow it will be adjusted and you will be fine.

Do not take medicine to stop. Stop gradually is a better option.


Redgin, we usually have lunch/dinner with my parents/ILs. then chit chat for a while lor.don't really do anything special. occasionally watch movie but very seldom cos very hard to fix the timing. I usually talk to my mom over the phone cos if sit there very long, my hubby will be bored and vice versa
jasminetea, tks, i will try this. I also don't want to eat med....
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
Its always good to bf as lng as possible but if you were to think of stopping then better not to take medicine & let it stop naturally.. (as wht jasminetea mentioned too), me also stop latchin my gal since she is 3 mths old, I did some expressing when it is v.full & when i feel painful if not as I am a SAHM at that period, I put on those bra pads thruout the whole day & eventually the milk will stop gradually.

I think the more u express it the lnger it takes to stop isnt it, jasminetea?

If I rem correctly, my gal also had short sleepin hrs at abt the age of yr boy. I rem wht I do is I will bring her for a stroll every noon time to let her expose outside & normally will make the bb's eyes feel tired. And do rem that during the night my hb even carry her walk up & dwn the stairs to make her sleep (we stay at the 7th floor) while I rest at home after whole day tking care of my gal... I believe this stage will go off soon, can try bringin her out for a walk or shopping or put him into walker to make him tired.. mayb helps.. =))

Yeah!! heehee.. Tell you, my hb havent go n book the trial class for me bcos he wans to go wif me on the first time. He thinks ppl there speaks Jap & I may not know hw to answer them but until now he doesnt have any free time on Mon (trial class for my gal age group is only on Mon).. So see hw lor... wait till he manage to slot out 1 Mon for my gal liao. =(</font>

Can understand you.. alot of travelling. Guess it's like what you said, to accept it.
Feeling much better now. Thanks.

You working or SATM?

Me too.. usually have lunch/dinner but sometimes boring cause every time like talk about the same thing. Hee.. :p i just have to accept it loh..

Jia you on your TTCing! Just keep on at it and i'm sure can strike one.

Me too.. usually have lunch/dinner but sometimes boring cause every time like talk about the same thing. Hee.. :p i just have to accept it loh..

Jia you on your TTCing! Just keep on at it and i'm sure can strike one.

Haaa.... let me know your review on Yahama. I was suppose to go for BJG trial last Sat but the admin staff there mixed up all the dates and ended up no class for my girl. Went all the way down to Pasir Ris only to have them telling me no class and the teacher wasn't very friendly. No good 1st impression. Don't think I will sign up.


Initially will be quite tough but it will get better.


I'm a FTWM. I took care of my gal at night after work and weekends. So after got my gal, don't really have time to call my own haaaa...
<font color="aa00aa">
Can i check wif u ladies, anyone knows any of the preschool or kindergarten which hav Japanese language lesson in Sgp? Pls share wif me.. thanks in advance!!

Yeap, will let u know once after I bring her for the class... =)) serious?.. They shld hav realised it & inform you ma, wasted yr time to travel dwn there leh.. oh dear... </font>
Hi Ladies
Thanks for welcoming me here..

Hi Kylene and eniale
Till now, still brown spotting and with slight clear mucus... Hmmmm.... Maybe i have to wait till if AF become full blown....I keep thinking of AF coming soon as AF symptoms seem more than pregnancy symptoms.. although i wish to suceed in TTCing..This is my 3rd serious attempt for TTC..

Hi kiki
babydust on you.....
<font color="aa00aa">Good mrning ladies!!

HiHi, thanks for sharing.....uhmm I am looking for those kindergartens where the main language spoken are Eng then they also provide Japanese enrichment lesson or a 3rd language lesson for the students.. this kind lor.. not really on those original Jap Kindergarten where the main language they spoen are in japanese.... =))</font>
Good morning Ladies


Hai~ no choice lor. I guess they weren't very good in managing such situation. Anyway, it is okay, still got many good schools around here


How long do you have this brown spotting already? Just want to share with you that brown spotting during intial stage of pregnancy is very common and if you are pregnant you need to consult a gynae immediately for jab or medicine to stablise the pregnancy. (It happened during my 1st pregnancy)

Have you taken a test already?


Really admire working mothers cause for myself, i'm seriously thinking of what to do if got baby. I'm scared that working full time and taking care of kid like very tough. :p

Your parents help you with your children?

Hb and i actually toyed with the idea of me taking up some part time job and looking after kids. But, have to wait till got baby first lah!

AF ended so will be hard at work from now on.

All the best for TTCing to All!

U know what you just mentioned is very familiar! Because a year ago, I was thinking of the same thing. I wonder how can I a "Xiao Jie" (someone who don't know how to do housework etc) cope with a baby and work full time.

But along the way, somehow things just fell in place leh. I think a lot of mummies here have some thoughts and went through the same stage as me.

After a hard day work, you go home, see your baby smiling, playing with you, all the tiredness will be gone
You won't even think of how tough it could be. Never imagine myself washing my baby's clothes, make milk etc etc. But I'm doing all that now.

My parents do not help me with my girl. My SIL takes care of my girl when I'm at work. The moment I reach home, I take care myself lor.

So heeee.. don't be scared ok?

I'm also toying with the idea of working PT now 'cos intending to send my girl to childcare next yr and would like to put her 1/2 day instead of full day. Right now talking to my boss about working hours etc.
See how it goes.

Ya, all the best to TTCing for all.

My AF still hasn't report and it had been 2 weeks plus already. But no pregnancy signs at all. Haaa... maybe it is time to take a pregnancy test for me... :p

Thanks for the encouragement. Have to see how when things happen and i agree with you that somehow things will fall into place. I'm a worrier myself. Sometimes worry too much! :p

Your AF late for 2 weeks plus already? Go take pregnancy test already liao! Maybe got good news!
Sigh... this month no need to TTC cos hubby will be going overseas during my most fertile period.... I was telling him no need to TTC, coz every time you are away.. I joking tell him I better find someone else then...

Is Jap child-friendly? I like Jap stuff but very exp leh...

Can't provide any comment on visiting ILs coz I stay with them... argh...
<font color="aa00aa">Jasminetea
Yalor, there's so much school for you to choose slowly, not that only got theirs mah hor...
Hope that yr discussion wif yr boss b a smooth one!! heehee =)) WEiiii... faster go check check test test.. we waiting for yr good news hor!!

I agree wif Jasminetea, after yr hard wrk in the day, when u cm bk n saw yr baobei, sure all yr tiredness will naturally go away!! Applies to me as well... I was in e wrkforce for 6 mths since my gal was 4 mth old. My mum took care of my gal but every mrning from bukit panjang I take lrt to cck then take mrt to sembawang pass my gal to my mum then take mrt again to amk then take bus to my office.. is a v.v.v.tedious & tirin journey everyday but once after wrk when i go n fetch my gal at sembawang, the tiredness that I felt along the way from office to my mum's plc totally gone once i saw my gal.. its true!! I can even have the strength to carry & play with her...

See, its so natural... And I took her hm everyday... :p So I feel dun really ned to worry if u able to cope or not...+))

alamak u, be more KS mah even he not around at e most fertile period also mus try try try... even a 1% chance also chance mah kekekeke....

In the city area, not really so baby friendly, even in some stns there's no escalator or lift (esp the subway) so imagine carryin up the pram wif a baby inside is hw tough..

I also loves jap stuffs.. but of cos if u shops in e city all r v.exp. If you shops in the outskirts, can easily grab some cheap stuffs.. I loves shoppin at their 100yen shop like daiso in sgp... heehee... Wht stuffs u like in jap?</font>

Just keep on trying. Even not fertile period also can try. :p Last month it happened to me that hb was away on business trip, we tried once on fertile week but didn't strike. Now trying loh... but now my hb sick. I don't care, if i want, i'm going to jump on him.

I get the feeling you not quite happy staying at ILs ah? I did stay with them for a very very very short while after i got married. But i couldn't make it lah, i didn't know how to say no to my ILs and i would complain to my hb. So my hb say, we go to your parents place to stay then. hehehe.. but soon after that, we also got our own place so everything works out fine. now, the tiring part is the weekly visitings. just have to cope i guess. you waiting for your hse?

wah! you got alot of travelling from home to your mum's place and then to work. how early will you wake up then?

my mum's place at woodlands and i'm staying at sengkang. quite far but i got direct bus home. so still dunnoe how the plan lah.

i guess i'll only truely know the feeling when i have baby. that's why mother's love is the greatest.

You now trying for boy or girl?
Hi Jasminetea
AF just reported... Haiz...got to wait for June O day again....

Babydust on you....2week AF no report.. seem like good news already....
<font color="aa00aa">redgin
Yalor.. heehee I wake up like 7am n go out from hse like 7.30am.. wrk start at 9am. heehee.... tough man!!.. Ya, tink naturally the plans / thots will cm to u once yr baobei pops out...heehee jia you jia you !!!

I am tryin for a boy lor.. hope to get a companion for my hb... keke.. but leave it to fate la.. if girl I also happy!! can form a mkt in e hse & bully my hb wahah....Hw abt u?</font>
Yeah in a way don't feel comfortable staying with ILs. Some of their way of handling things clashes with mine, esp cooking. they like to do most fried stuff (deep fried etc), and used big fire, everytime they cook, the kitchen sure oily and the whole place will have cooking smell. Not sure have I shared in this thread before, since when my boy is about 4 months old, I and my boy had been staying at my parent's place on weekdays and only go back to IL's place on weekends. At least I don't need to see ILs everyday. However I still very much prefer to have our own place. Now am looking around for resales housing that is near to my parent's place.

Talking about TTC, maybe due to being older now, don't have the drive to continue TTC esp after trying for quite a while... feel it more like a chore.. so sick of it liao..

Can't really pinpoint what stuff I like in Jap but in general I like their food - cooked stuff, don't dare to try raw food. Esp their tibits, snacks and cake stuff. I find their plasticware are of good quality as well. Basically I find Jap made product got certain level of high QA and their things are very cute and innovative.
Don't worry! This month can jia you some more. My AF just over so now working very hard!

one girl and one boy should be ideal lah... so you trying for boy boy must BD on ovulation day hor.
actually, i any gender also can as long baby is healthy. however, hb wants girl. don't know why also, he says baby girl will be like another me so he can sayang lah... hehehe... i told him that usually first child look like hb. so not so like me. bluff him one. :p

Anyway, how you change the colour of your text of bold it? I simply have no idea.

Sympathise with you. Seems like you got alot of travelling and unpacking and packing to do since you're staying at two houses. At least you're staying at IL's place for the weekends only, not so bad. Own parent's place always surely the best right? I actually was looking for resale when i was buying hse, but couldn't find one suitable and at the right price. Slowly find, i'm sure you'll be able to get one which suits you and your family.

About TTC, i agree with you that when older seems more tired and busy to get it on cause got so many things to do. But since I started TTC, it's me who's pestering my hb and reminding him. hehehe... paiseh. Have to lah... :p
Hi redgin
Ya..got to work harder too... but sometimes, its really kind of tired.. Seem like a chore..

I also the one pestering my HB.. remind him that the " today is CD12 already"... then use OPK to test the "O" date..Last month is my 1st time to use OPK strips.. once saw positive, i tell Hubby liao.. But AF still comes today

Wonder if shd see gynae and ask abt it


Talked to my boss 1/2 way just now, so no chance for conclusion yet.

Wow, you got to travel so many places last time. My work place is very far away from my home. Every morning is 1.5 hrs of travelling time. Now my hb drives me to work, not so bad. That is why now got a bit of problem 'cos next time if my gal go childcare, we might not be able to fetch her in time. That is why got to negoitate for better work hours. If not, maybe I got to find a new job nearby my place. Hmmm..


Like what Redgin said, jia you next mth


You can get tips on how to bold/colour your text here ===> http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/discus.cgi?pg=formatting

Have fun!

By the way, heee.. my girl looks more like me than my hb heeee..

<font color="0000ff">Aiya, just now on my way to lunch, forgot to buy pregnancy test kit. Haaa.. will hv to rem to buy tonight.

After the false alarm last mth, I'm a bit hesitating to test this mth. That is why 2 weeks plus liao, I'm still not doing anything. And somemore this round, no pregnancy signs and didn't really "work" hard for it. Heeee..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">baby
I dont have any gynae before I am preggie leh...

ya, I also felt that those Jap made products are v.long lasting & good Quality.. esp their design are so nice & cute where we seldoms can find in sgp.. I loves the designs on kids clothing, very unique.. U guys wan anything from jap can voice out to me, I can always get for you all & send over.. =))

best hor if got 1 boy & 1 gal.. heehee enuff liao if next is a gal, I might wan to consider tryin for #3.. keke.. Yalor, bb healthy is the most impt thing!!! agree... I think most of the daddys loves gal than boys ba.. my hb also loves gal.. but hor his thinkin is diff frm yr hb.. yr hb says wans bb gal cos will b like another u & can sayang right? my hb says got another gal in the hse exactly sme like me, he headache!! if #2 a gal he more headache, got 3 eniale in e hse!! he jus cant stand us.. haha..

For the fonts & colour, theres a help icon on the top, beside the topics icon.. u can go there and there are lots of codes... I show u some exampes on Words attachment cos cant put a sample here to show you as will 'activate' the codes.. heehee =)) enjoy playin with it!!

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

fonts - SMF.doc (19.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Enjoy enjoy while ttcing... heehee dun care who ask who who remind who ... jus do do do n bb sure pop out.. heeheehee cheers & good luck to everyone !!</font>
I live quite near my workplace. in the morning we'll leave the house about 7am, then my hubby drive me to work before he goes to work. Then I always very early reach my workplace, eat breakfast, take nap. heh

I cannot imagine living with my ILs! Initially worried have to stay with them as my SO is only son(he has 1 sister) but in the end the ILs say they don't want to stay with us. so heng!
No need paiseh.. me same as you.. since starting TTC.. although I am not really in the mood sometimes but when the time is due for it, will pester hubby. Sometimes I grumble to hubby why he didn't go do some reading up on woman's cycle. He though anytime can TTC... I buay tahan him..

Last time when I had #1, I also got no pregnancy sign or any signs at all, except that keep eating a lot... hee hee.. I think your chances quite high.. must remember to buy the kit to test. I had the kit at home but till now never had the chance to use it...

Thanks.. will keep this offer of yours in mind. By the way, I wonder is the shipment expensive to ship from jap to sin?

For me, my #2 will prefer to be a gal. However if boy also not problem, at least can recycle #1 clothings and toys.

I also don't have any gynae before I am preggie.
So good.. at least your ILs are very 'automatic'.

If there is a childcare near your workplace, at least you don't have to worry about not fetching them in time

Thanks for the link. I actually bought the diagnostic pregnancy test kit from Tan Tock Seng Hospital cause very cheap, only $1.70 or something. I think that one they use in clinics and should be quite ok if you test like one week after your AF due to come. Cause I find preg test kits very ex. :p

How long you trying to TTC already? If less than 6 mths or a year, sld still be ok, no need to go see gynae. But if you want to go checkup also can. For me, haven't go see gynae yet but i'm TTC using the ovulation calendar found on website only. Not using the OPK kit yet.

hehe... my hb likes girl cause he came from family of 3 boys. so i guess, quite natural lah. anyway girl bb better cause when girl grow up, they are most attached to parents esp mum but boy grow up will find wife and listen to wife! :p
I guess I'm quite lucky. but because we stay very near them(5min drive) they ask us go back for dinner quite often. Initially my SO would want to go back almost everyday for dinner (faint). now he finds driving to and fro tiring also, so now we go back like 2 -3 times a week for dinner. usually just eat dinner with his parents then disappear

Jowinbaby, redgin,
I saw my gyne after TTC 1 yr and no news. found out that i have a fibroid and gyne told me it will not affect fertility and try 6 more months. going back to her next week cos already 6 more months and still no news

Hehe.. My hb rougly know when my AF come so he knows around two weeks later is fertile week. That is how we control when we not TTC yet. Now of course different lah..
I also stay quite close to ILs too but i don't go there everyday for dinner. It's the weekends then we go over. I need to do my housework can't every night go there, then i no life already. :p

Good to go back gynae to check up also. I'm sure it'll be ok.
I dun have any gynae now for the moment, just go to normal GP do pap smear. But now like 2 yrs + haven't do. my GP every time ask me to do but keep putting it off.

I'm ok with dinner with them, just not too often cos to be honest I dun really like my MIL food :p
but it's free food and sometimes very tired after work, dont feet like cooking also. Now I;m thinking of my own mummy's food! yum! looking forward to my mom's food this weekend.

I'm afraid what the gyne will tell me. but the last time she did say maybe do a sperm analysis for my SO and for me, a HSG - to check patency of my tubes
I like to cook but still learning... :p So cook very very simple dish at home and sometimes buy back some dish for added flavour. Me now thinking of mummy's food also feel hungry. Can have early dinner today!

Don't think too much on your gynae visit. Just go with open mind and don't worry too much yah?


So envy you. I wish I can work nearby 'cos I do not like to rush every morning. Hai~ Been rushing for 6 years liao.

Don't think too much about your gynae visit ya? Everything will be fine.


Did consider the childcare over my workplace here but I do not quite like the childcare over here leh. That is why still looking around. So far, the few in my list are nearer to my in-laws' place. But I'm not sure if my gal is okay for my in-laws to fetch her because until today she still don't let her ah gong and ah ma to carry her. So I guess I need to rush down to fetch her.

My first sign of pregnancy for my #1 is also eating a lot and crave for apple pies. Heee..

Well, hope so got good news lor. Let see how tonight.


Ya! Pregnancy test kit is expensive. Last month wasted $ to test 4 times which in the end is a false alarm.
That is why this round I'm taking my own sweet time. In fact, dont want to think about it. But it is already CD51 day liao. Hmmmm....
Hey Eniale,

Heee.. that is interesting.

I prefer another girl actually 'cos can share my girl's clothes and everything as I bought a lot! But of course, 1 boy 1 girl more ideal. Heee.. just let it be.
<font color="aa00aa">JasTan

Jus cm back from kaikai if my gal & meet my hb to go home togther & also get some grocery.. went to buy the miso also so jus now took a pic to show you.. Guess there's alot of types but if there's the Jap wording stated on the label pkt then mus be the stock inside miso type. (Refer to the wrding on e orange backgroud stated on e label)</font>

<font color="aa00aa">JasTan
I know for sending stuff weighted 1 kg thru EMS cost est S$20.. shld be average pricing ba.. =))

Yahor, actually hav another also good, can share their clothing & toys.. also they can chat many common issues... heehee</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Jasmineta
I mean have another gal.. heehee to blurred after doin the attachment heehee...

I got this "baby sex" info frm one of my frd.. she email to me.. hehe so thot of sharin wif u ladies.. </font>
Hi redgin, jasminetea and kylene
I do not know whether its consider ttc for 2 yrs or 3 months.. B4 wedding, i am on contraceptive pills.. right after wedding, i stopped and just thought let it be natural. I had a software program on Hubby's palmtop which shows us when is the fertilize date.. During the days, we just BD once..Simply hack care.

Then this 2007, we thought we must seriously consider about conceiving already.. So starting from March, we did really TTC, take note of dates and sign up for online calendar etc. Only last month, i started buying OPK strips to help to conceive..

Thats why i thought of seeing a gynae..

My hubby and I also like bb girl leh..
I also prefer my mum's cooking style and food. She is more creative type whereas ILs are always the same type of dishes.

I used to buy watson's brand pregnancy test kit, is cheaper. But now I buy pregnancy test strip, even cheaper, I think less than $2 per strip.

Thanks for the pic. This is dark brown colour right? do you know what is the ingredients? I saw from those jap shop here that it contains alcohol leh, hence I don't dare to buy. You know there is another type which is yellowish colour?
Hi, thanks all for the encouragement re: gyne.

the miso u showed us is it the 'ryo tei' brand? I have that! bought from cold storage, usually I use it to marinate salmon and then bake.

wah u so good, can 'ren' till so long! If my AF 1 day late, I will go test already!
Hey gals,

First of all welcome all the newbies.

Talking abt sex of baby, i would prefer the first one is a boy coz my hubby is the eldest and only son. As for my hubby he has no prefernce. I heard from my friend that if we BD during our O, chances of having boys r higher. Is it true or just old wife tale?

hi Joy
I heard so too, as Boy sperm swim faster than female sperms yet lifespan is shorter, while female sperm swim much slower and steady..Therefore, if BD on O day, boy sperm can attach to the egg faster... I guess these are the reasons ba.. =P
