(2008/11) November 2008

big fish like shark fin? contain mercury? fainted.. this yr i have quite a few wedding to attend leh... bo hua if i nv eat the shark fin.. lolx..

half boil egg also cannot? how bout "he bao dan" leh ?

one in june, one in july & one in september wor.. tink i will attend bah. cos it's all after 1st trimester.

how bout Qing ming jie?
today is the 1st day of qing ming jie wor. ur still got go pray??
wedding ok for bb full month u nd to ask the bb parents pantang anot.. if no then u can go..

ya.. that time got bad infectin @ the cervial.. heng i notice early b4 it develope into cancer so nd to laser the virus part.. i remember i push n pee then drink water.. keep yelling for water.. i push abt 3 times and bb come out le..

thanks for sharing. was the laughing gas and injection effective in controlling the contraction pains? induce labour i know normally will take a long time. a few of my frens too. got 1 actually ended up emergency c-section.


hahahaa...for me i did eat sharks fin soup during the wedding dinner coz i find the content of the sharks fin very little hence shd be ok. not as if everyday eating it. but half boil egg definitely cannot coz it is not fully cooked so still have bacteria. basically, just remember whatever u eat, make sure it is fully cooked. My gynae told me i can even eat sashimi but i didn't during last pregnancy. coz not cooked mah...

last 2 years i nvr go to the lim chu kang for qing ming leh...

heng really...that u discovered early... wow, u pushed 3 times only huh... i think i pushed quite long coz epi mah... then midwives told me to stop pushing...they went to call gynae...once gynae arrived, pushed 3 times then all of a sudden, heard loud cries and u see a baby! hahaha... i was stun actually...

Note : once u preg, better dun touch or carry other people's baby leh... coz many people pantang...
ohoh.. i yday carried my gf's 7mths bb wor... and i still have a bb niece .. & nephew wor.

u r ok to carry other babies... as long as the mothers do not mind. it is that some babies' mummies are pantang that pregnant ladies cannot touch their babies.... that time, i visited my fren's baby. My fren's mother reminded me not to touch the baby. can see but cannot touch... so hor some people are pantang...
U guys are scaring me!!! we only in first trimester leh!!!! can keep ur scary labour stories for later?? Amore, i have to salute u! 27 hrs without epi!!

Val, oh u use conditioner ah.. i dun use it for my corgi cos his fur too short.. :p

Hui, wanting 5 kids is not the same as having 5 kids. my boss has 5 kids, give birth every 2 yr interval. so eldest is 28, youngest is 18. Some more my boss is a PhD holder! amazing hor.

Lovedogs, it is those DHA pills lor... may be when the pill has been digested, there might be some smell.. anyway i feel very nauseated now.. still haven't thrown up yet.. u know hor, i so scared waste the meds i eat so tahaning.. trying not to puke.

As for fish and mercury, very seldom u will exceed the maximum amt of mercury u can eat per day so dun worry... eat everything in moderation.
hey ladies,
talking about fish, i know nuts about fish type so i dun normally noe what fish i am eating except for e obvious ones like salmon..

i am also quite scared of the stitching process. is it any pain at all?? =Z no worries, i'll update u on e waiting time. i got to choose sat so as not to raise suspicion in my office leh. coz we are a close knit office so its like no secrets (i do have one now!hahaha) among bosses and colleagues.

oh dear, what do u mean by dunnno how to urinate? as in cannot control bladder??

good one man! think thats e dream for not just the new mummy but e daddy too!hahha..*blush*
if today i no nd work i sure go for praying..

i was order to push when gynae came leh.. and he say when u feel pain then push..Oh.. i forgot abt it leh.. i remember ppl say preg dun touch ppl bb or kid then i totali forgot and touch my BIL's son.. carry him and play with him somemore..
huh? mean we will pee as we push during labour? OMG...after tat, will be like vy shy to face the gynae or mayb after tat, we can't care less...muhahah
Me too, vy scare of the cutting & stitching process. My sis told me she saw the way her gynae pull at the string, she wonder how painful she would have been if not for the epi.
i read that its normal for the lady to also pass motion just before e birth. but i guess e docs and nurses are used to it. i also think its embarrasing, just gota try to clear bowels before delivering!

tot of going cafe cartel but found out their sandwiches all have ham or bacon. sigh..

i just bot a huge pack of nori (jap seaweed) and immediately ate 3 individual packs. so yummy...

poor thing...have u tried taking sweets or anything that can curb your urge to puke.. try to drink some nice sweet ribena or something?


after epi, it will take quite some time for the epi effect to wear off. So u got not much feeling on your lower half. Hence, the nurse will try to see whether u can urinate on your own. I insisted i want to try and i couldn't make it. So on day 1, i had to have that catheter (dunno how to spell) inserted with a bag.

it is ok if u are not on epi.

dun worry, if u r on epi, u wont feel anything when dr chan stitches. and trust me, he is famous for his stitching skills even if it is for c-section. heal super fast.


if ur BIL doesn't mind, it should be ok. i think family members shd be ok...


it will be good if u can sign up antenatal classes when u r abt 6 to 7 mths... can learn alot and will know what to expect during delivery
salute to u.. 27hr w/o epi

laughing gas works..

labour not that scary lah :D

i took 2 times shark fine this week..haa
my edd is 24th nov, gynae is Dr Chen Chern Yen, delivery at Mount Alvernia, and #1 is Charlene Ng 15 months, born on 3rd January 2007.

Lovedog & Jenn,
Ya dogs are really lovable & royal. They are my best friends!Great to see so many MTB who are dog lovers.

Haha, no not naming my bb zel. That's my name in short. Moreover also dun know bb's gender yet. Most likely going to fengshui master on advice for bb's name.

Hope you are feeling better already.
So far i still attend weddings cos i love to attend wedding functions. Full month also i go. Just that i don't touch or carry the newborn cos some might be pantang that pregnant women carried liao, bb will be diff to look after (always crying for nothing/ dun want to sleep that type)so i just be automatic lor. i avoid wakes.

Best to avoid qing ming during 1st tri. Advised by my relatives not to go. I didn't go this yr.

Ya that's true. Even as i'm reading the forum he must sit on the same chair as me.

Re: Epidural
I've allergy to strong painkiller. Dun think i can take epi. dun know how to build up high threshold for pain within these few mths..
amore, thks for updating.. here's themissing info for mine

Birth#- 2
Gynae- Dr Patrick Weix
Hospital - Las Colina Medical Centre (US)
Older Kids - Elliot, 21 months, 16.07.2006
The list is getting longer.
Nearly fainted when I read your birth hour. 27hr gosh. dun talk about the labour pain itself but imagine being confine to bed and CTG machine on 20 over hour. You are great man.

milderina, if the online calculator is correct, we be having the same edd.
hey ladies,
woke up early tis morn, automatically woke up somehow. went straight to bathroom to move my bowels.so happy my constipation is gone.now gota try to wake hubby up soon, can feel my tummy rumbling. do any of you also always feels super hungry e moment u wake up??

last nite dinner: i changed my mine and had katsudon instead. yummy! was soooo hungry decided i wanted to hv some real sobstantial food. hee...
Woke up early at 7plus though i slept only at 3am. Was feeling hungry so walk to the train station with hubby to send him off to work before heading to MAC for my big breakfast. Now going back to ZZzzz again soon.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Birth #</TD><TD>Gynea</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Older kids </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pkum</TD><TD>28-10-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr AL Lim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Val</TD><TD>25-10-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Lee Keen Whye</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Misaryeo</TD><TD>01-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Patrick Weix</TD><TD>Las Colina Medical Centre (US)</TD><TD>Elliot 21 months 16-07-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amore</TD><TD>03-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Brenda Low</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Carys 15mths 23-12-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hui</TD><TD>04-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Christopher Chong</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Jovial 10 months 17-05-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD>05-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maggie</TD><TD>05-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Adrian W</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamyjo</TD><TD>05-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr SN Lim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy</TD><TD>06-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Leow</TD><TD>Pantai Hospital (M'sia)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spin</TD><TD>09-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Jayda Aw 10 months 05-06-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys</TD><TD>09-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Tan Hak Koon</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Megan-Beth 4 y o 07-02-04 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>10-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Yu Fei 15 months 28-12-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenn</TD><TD>10-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Su Mei</TD><TD>11-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jjmom</TD><TD>11-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH-TPS</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Haru</TD><TD>11-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr KH Chan</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lovedogs</TD><TD>13-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr KH Chan</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Tessa 10months 13-05-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>PJ</TD><TD>13-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Lim TC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilian</TD><TD>15-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr GH Koh</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vincy</TD><TD>16-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr KT Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Venice 22 months 29-06-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbhuimin</TD><TD>19-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Liv</TD><TD>18-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Adrian</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Happy</TD><TD>19-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Clara 25mths 22-02-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lala</TD><TD>24-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Ang Huay Yan</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Charisse 21 months 6 Jul 2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milderina</TD><TD>24-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Chen Chern Yen</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Charlene Ng 15 months 03-Jan-2007 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>27-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Tan YG</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Anthea 12mths 12-03-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bear</TD><TD>28-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Firstbaby</TD><TD>03-12-08</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
not so bad just that he barks alot. when one barks they all follow...

babyzel, yah i have been having sleepless night too. I usually wake upat 3 am but I fall asleep quite fast like 8 plus I am sleepy liao. keke
Hui, thanks for adding me. For table updates, this is my #2. Gynae is Dr Yvonne Chan. Hospital is TMC. Older kids: Shannyn 15 mths at 28 Dec 06
hi mummies,

I have 2 boxes of Lansinoh milkbags (25pcs) going for sale at $12 each. Self-collection at Simei (anytime) / town area (weekends). Interested parties pls pm me.
hi ladies!!

haa.. not me add u lah.. is Amore haven got a chance to do update on the table. Now @ Cycle &amp; Carriage serivce center
hi hui, what u doing there wor? still can access internet? hahaz.. i'm lazing at my parents place waiting for hubby to finish his OT =P munching away snacks (opps.. don't let my hubby know)
hello ladies!!!

Did not sleep till 4am this morning!!! Puking all night!!1 This pregnancy is ain't going to be a smooth Haiz...
Hi everyone! I'm also due on November. Currently still choosing over a few gynae recommendations like TMC-Yvonne Soong, Toapayoh-CH Koh and one near my place at punggol Healthcare for women. Can someone help to add me on that list pls? Thanks.
Such a pain not being able to sleep and nothing better to do at those hours. Sigh.. I think maybe it's the first tri so our body is still adjusting,well looking forward to 2nd tri and hope things will be back to normal again...
Hi mummies, I am back after seeing my gynae...super happy....here are the updates...

I am about 5 weeks preg, saw the black dot which doc says is the water bag..so everything is going on well...see him in another two weeks. time....phew. but cannot tell me my EDD cause he will tell me after measuring the foetus size, he says more accurate...so estimate end of nov or early dec.

Hi haru/ JJmom/ Alibaba , thanks for the coffee chop's name..I feel like rushing down to eat the buns....okie check with doc...can use medicated oil like sniffing etc.the content is too little to cause any harm. toufu and orange is good for pregnancy...read in books, we should eat as it is high in protein, calcium and orange is good for vitamins....but avoid canned food due to the preservatives.

Hi bear..how is everything? you feeling better?

Hi lovedog, I am going to eat anything now.hahah doc says eat anything except tea, coffee and alcohol. eat in moderation like most mummies says here....i am not going to torture myself....
Gynae also says that can eat seafood...it wil not cause the foetus rashes, or allergy or anything....okie so I am going to enjoy myself haha And lovedog, why cannot touch your fren's baby?

Hi babyzel, haha oic..what is your full name then?

Hi amore, pls update my data

Nick: blessed mum
EDD: TBC End Nov/Early Dec
Birth: #1
Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodsworth
Hospital: TBC
yah lor I always stare into space if not toss around till I try to sleep but another hr I will wake up again. I am so looking forward to the 2 tri. (in a week) hopfully when I can finally sleep my MS will also be over.

blessedmum, congrats.
Hi Val, sorry to hear you have difficulties sleeping and having bad MS...take care k....

I though 5 weeks...i keep having broken sleep and now i can feel back pain...the two side of my back hurts these days...forgot to ask my gynae but if persist I will see him on monday....

My fren told me drink some hot milk before you sleep..it helps a lot.

I hope you get better..
blessed mum:
I was told by my gynae not to take sour fruits and oranges also fall in that category of sour fruits.

Hopes this helps.

Val, my edd date near your edd date, 24.10 now
not sure it will change because it was changed
i am also a nov mummy.
just checked on fri night and finally can see the heartbeat.
i think etd shld be mid nov.
just one question -- as i have previous history of miscarriage, hence i am on hormones pills to stabilised the pregnancy...is there any side effects?

i am with dr adrian too
The only side effects is you will feel really pregnant, hee, like feeling really nauseous and tired.

Hmm, why during 1st trimester cannot go for Qing ming ah? So cannot go to Kong Min Shan? I went lei. Because I'm still in my first trimester, I didn't let my family know about my pregnancy yet. But I also noticed that there's no one pregnant at Kong Min Shan. Got a bit scared, but I'm trying not to be superstitious and not think about it.
Hi lovebug, thanks for telling me....i better listen to you than the book....hmmmmm gynae's words more trusting rite.
hey mummies,
hope you had a good sat so far! just saw gynae today and after scan, am told i am 7weeks 6 days. so i'll be 8 weeks tom. => my EDD is now 16 nov. only took folic and another supplement (cant remember what) from gynae.

hi lovedogs,
i reached clinic about 11am, nurse told me might have to wait another 40 mins so i happily went to delifrance to grab a sandwich and soup (yum!!).went back to clinic and waited another 45 mins. e clinic was def busy! in fact not enough seats in waiting area. hahah..

hey blessed mum,
same here! my gynae also said no food restriction, except limitation of 1 cup of coffee a day and NO alcohol. i also read that oranges are good for both mummy and baby. hubby also said no need to restrict so tight as long as everything in moderation and not overload of one food item.

ur mac big breakfast sounds good oh....=P
Hey ladies! Hope ur wkend has been fabulous so far!

Blessedmum &amp; Haru: YAY! Saw ur bbs right? amazing hor? heeeheee...

Val, poor u... hope u feeling better now...

Blessedmum, i m ok now..today woke up with this pain next to my left hip bone.. like stitch like that... it only went away in the evening.. i think i constipated cos even poo-ing 3xs I still feel like i haven't completely empty it.
but it is gone so i shdn't worry!

I realised that i can only take sour and spicy food. otherwise i can't finish my food. Only had one complete meal since last Wed.
Haha but I only seem to crave for sour things and I must take 2 oranges everyday. Gynae on the other hand told me that I may be lack of vitamin that why craving for fruit and tell me to go ahead.
It really a sign of relief when you see the water bag and yolk sac right.

Backache/backpain could due to growing uterus and your back having to support it (That what I have read up) but be sure to consult your gynae if it really bad. Ps dun put any plaster to it. I was scolded left, right center by my gynae when I did it the other time round.
Welcome and congrat

Dun worry hormaone's pill onli side effect is that your morning sickness will increase a dozen more. But what is being pregnant without morning sickness right? So take it on the bight side enjoy morning sickness cos YOU'RE PREGNANT yah
wow.. the thread is so active.Din login for 2days,had hard time catching up with you ladies.

I jus came back from check up... heee so happy.Finally saw the sac and baby's heart beat.
Baby is abt 1.3cm @7wks plus.My EDD date change again.


Dun know if u still remember me.You helped me collected the elmo's soft book during a BP &amp; we met once.
So siao.. now end up meeting up here again

Wow... talking abt labour.
Me in the labour rm for 12hrs and end up E-cset with epi.
This #2 preg, gg for C-set again coz the pain was realli killing.

I am getting hungry easily these days and had craving for spicy &amp; sour food too.
yesterday had tom yam soup.. yummy... feel like taking laska tonight but too bad dun see here.

Try to take more rest in the day then.Stay postive.It will go off soon
Blessed mum, Happy &amp; Haru..congrat : ) such a joy to detect the HB hor..1 major relieve..hee

Haru..45min ok leh, everytime i go KKH is 3 o 4hr so sian ..heehee

Karen, since go liao, then dont tink about it.. just treat as superstitious thinking..heehee!

I very bad rem when i carry my gal, my grandpa pass away, I totally avoid going to funeral..so bu xiao hor...: ( This yr qing ming i also didnt go ...: (

bbhuimin, how are u now, better?

Val &amp; babyzel..ya i also cant sleep well, wake up at 2am..turn n toss till 4pm..then wake up every hr..so sianz..

My spotting come back again, after bringing my gal to class on sat...seem like everytime i walk more..will have it...so sianz..tomm need to work liao.

hey Bear,
thanks! it was a surreal moment for hubby n i watching the baby on screen n gynae said it moved its head for us.=P hope ur appetite's been gettin better. i have been eating lots and good thing gynae reminded me baby is only 1.46cm, so doesnt need that much food, and there is no need to eat too much more. i think baby is helping mummy coz since today my appetite is slowed down quite a fair bit.

hey mummies,
tell u a strange thing i had with the ice lemon tea at delifrance...i felt like it tasted like e soup in the instant tom yam noodles. hubby tot i was being silly. but i tot it realy did!!! especially e after taste.
