(2008/11) November 2008

i feel so tempted to move my appt to an earlier date!! hv u seen dr chan since u found out about pregnancy? it seems like such a long way to go til my 1st appt..

wow, u have been having kway chap every morning? nowadays i like to eat at the market at my plc before going to work. so end eating hawker food for brekkie. then reach office sometimes i will snack on cereal or crackers before lunch. =P kway chap sounds sooooo good now....
haru... same here. long way before my 1st appt too. But, now gynae said I'm only getting examining and needs more rest to stablise my bb and blood tests.

Aiyo... Kway Chap. I think of the Bt Timah Kway Chap! Yummy!!!
bbhuimin, i spoke too soon.. i also kena all the multivits today.. fish oil and Obimin... :p glad u are feeling better!

Lovedogs, i just went to the gynae... he said the pool of blood abv my cervix cleared which is gd news! Bb also grew 0.5mm in less than 48 hrs! so amazing.. heehee..

Hui, Pek Kio market got gd kway chap!! hehe...

Karen/ Val.. then aft that u worry abt delivery, worry if stillborn, worry when they fall sick, worry abt their development, then worry abt their studies... that's why my hb isn't ready for kids cos he asked me, what if we have a gd looking, but stupid kid? or an ugly looking but smart kid? or worse, ugly, stupid AND rebellious kid??? :p
Bear, congrats! Tat's vy gd new
Happy for u so u have less worry now. Shows tat the bedrest is really gd for u & bb
JJmom, yups it a relief... but i really limit myself the last 2 days.. i live in a mansionette, so even limit myself to not more than 10 climbs on the stairs.. :p really lazy.. gynae said that my job nature means i have to move a lot but he said he will leave it up to me to decide for myself how much work i wanna do...

But hor i have been losing wt... just no appetite to eat.. sigh....
seriously i didn;t eat @ all.. i onli took th duphaston nia..

ya lor.. alomost every morning i eat :D

issit the one selling duck rice? ur hubby also funi.. tink too much..keke
Hi Hui

Can you pls add me in

Edd: 9 Nov
Dr: Tan Hak Koon
Hosp: SGH
#1 - Megan-Beth 4 yrs old (07/02/04)

Had an ectopic pregnancy exactly a year ago. Lost 1 side of my fallopian tube. So for this pregnancy, am extra extra careful....
Bear, great to hear that the blood clears. Keep your resting up. Wow masionette, you stay alone or with il? that's a big house to tidy up isnt it?

Val, wow, so good staying with parents, everyday can eat home cooked food, more nutritious. I wish i can too but work place too far from my parents place. This is my new job too, only 6 months. I go on hos Leave a few days just before my confirmation. Luckily i received the confirm letter already. Feel quite bad about going on such a long break but what to do, bb more important.

Hui, thanks for helping me to update.
Hi ladies,
the thread are so active!

actually once they start walking, they prefer walking instead of being kept in playpen, cot or play yard.. they feel that they are independent and wanna explore more. So once u put them inside those crib or whatsoever, they will make noise and ask u to carry them out

So at the end, i will make sure i keep an eye on him and let him move ard.
I just bought a haenim play yard.. still ok, cause the space is bigger, put some toys with him and can keep him entertained for a while .
Hi Vincy, ya lor, i really hope that he can be more stable soon.. But now are better already as compared to when he just learn walking!
will update for u

u r most welcome!

my tummy now look like eat too full that kind of big.. doesnt look preg tummy. my grandaunt ask my grandma yesterday y i eat till so pui and dunwan go diet..sob sob.. grandma then tell her i preg..sob sob!
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD> Birth #</TD><TD> Gynea </TD><TD> Hospital</TD><TD> Older kids </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pkum</TD><TD> 28-10-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr AL Lim</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Val </TD><TD>25-10-08 </TD><TD>#1 </TD><TD>Dr Lee Keen Whye</TD><TD> GlenE </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amore</TD><TD> 03-11-08</TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD> Dr Brenda Low</TD><TD> GlenE</TD><TD> Carys 15mths 23-12-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hui</TD><TD> 04-11-08 </TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD> Dr Christopher Chong </TD><TD>Mt A </TD><TD>Jovial 10 months 17-05-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD> Dr Yvonne Chan </TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maggie</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Adrian W</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamyjo</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr SN Lim</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy </TD><TD>06-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Leow </TD><TD>Pantai Hospital (M'sia) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spin</TD><TD> 09-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Jayda Aw 10 months 05-06-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glayds</TD><TD> 09-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Tan Hak Koon</TD><TD> SGH</TD><TD> Megan-Beth 4 y o 07-02-04 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD> 10-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Yu Fei 15 months 28-12-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenn</TD><TD> 10-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Su Mei </TD><TD>11-11-08 </TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jjmom </TD><TD>11-11-08</TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD> KKH-TPS </TD></TR><TR><TD>Haru </TD><TD>11-11-08 </TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD> Dr KH Chan</TD><TD> GlenE </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lovedogs</TD><TD> 13-11-08 </TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD>Dr KH Chan </TD><TD> GlenE</TD><TD> Tessa 10months 13-05-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>PJ</TD><TD> 13-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Lim TC</TD><TD> TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vincy </TD><TD>16-11-08 </TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr KT Tan</TD><TD> KKH </TD><TD>Venice 23 months 29-06-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbhuimin</TD><TD> 19-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> TBC</TD><TD> TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Liv </TD><TD>18-11-08 </TD><TD>#1 </TD><TD>Dr Adrian </TD><TD> TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Happy </TD><TD>19-11-08 </TD><TD>#2 </TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD>Clara 25mths 22-02-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD> 27-11-08 </TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD>Dr Tan YG </TD><TD> Raffles </TD><TD> Anthea 12mths 12-03-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bear</TD><TD> 28-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD> TBC</td></tr></table>
Spin, I'm staying at Jurong.. went there coz hubby's sis delivered her 2 kids with Dr. Ang and lots of gd comments.. but far la.. as least feel more comfy wit him.. next appt on 21st april but like very far away hor.. cannot wait for e scan to see BB again =D
Bear, so u better stay on the lower floor bah. Stairs r no gd for us now, only in the last trimester, we can try to climb the stair at near EDD to help easier delivery.

I try to take the escalator or lift nowadays coz I have hear of some who lost their bb when climbing stairs so vy scare :p + I nv like to climb stairs lah...muhahaha
Any experience a 'pulling' feeling in the tummy when u stand vy straight. I don't really dare to stand too straight coz i feel the pull these few days.
so far how u find Dr Ang? i maybe considering him cos am staying at Sembawang ^_^
gals, i wake up at 4am+ to pee and can't sleep and somehow duno got sleep or nt, just waken up by alarm clock at 7am, phew, makes me whole morning feeling nausea, giddy and feel like vomitting...

and whole morning keep burping, can't eat my breakfast properly, eat bit by bit and half hr bite once....haiz...

i went to get a can of 7-up to drink during lunch, at least now feel slightly better, still drinking my 7-up slowly....haiz...
Hello ladies, had lunch?

Dreamyjo, yups i feel better liao... cramps also eased some what. so feeling happier.
i stay alone. initially supposed to stay with inlaws, but really cannot get along well, so stayed apart. I got a part time cleaner to come and do the housework for me. or else i will spend the whole wkend cleaning. I quite fussy when it comes to cleanliness cos I m hypersensitive to many things. but now with a dog, i m more relax.

Hui, i think so.. the stall's kway chap has duck in it. my parents buy it for me to eat so i have nv been to the store per se.

JJmom, cannot stay downstairs lah.. my bed is upstairs! hahaha.. plus the study room is upstairs too. :p where i study, we have a lot of stairs too. so everyday i climb close to 6 long flight of steps to get to my lab.
i have that pulling feeling sometimes.. i think could be we overstretched ourselves ba...
Talking about tummy, I also having tummy le. I didnt really overeat leh.
Surprised that so early, tummy start showing. Don't know whether its preggie tummy or just bloating, feel tight tight de. Even my DH says its obvious now. Now wearing loose clothings to hide it, cos alot of people in my company still don't know i'm preggie (i think they should have guessed but i'm still keeping my mouth tight). My pants are also getting tight. Like today, DH drive me to work, i had to release my button otherwise feel super uncomfortable.

Tummy feel tight tight de, is it due to bloatedness huh, anyone knows?

had 1 ju chong fun for breakfast and vegetarian bee hoon today for lunch. Yummy. I tried to snack on fruits. scare i get too fat if snack on other food.
Hi Bear,
Yeah am seeing Dr Lim Teck Chye...maybe will see u in the clinic one day.
Tat part of worryhood is soo true! Your hubby is so funny..i let my hubby read,he also laugh.

Read tat we shd not eat tiramisu cos the egg whites are not entirely cooked in it + with alcohol.
Also read tat the following are not recommended :
- liver : high toxic level
- soft cheeses
- raw/smoked salmon
Will read more then i update u oki?

I m also like u,every morn,got to take
utrogestan,obimin,neurogain,vit e &amp; folic acid.

Hee hee me too..tat day my mum's colleague saw me n asked whether i m pregnant,nearly fainted.I have not even started being greedy yet at tat time!Not after indulging in laksa,anything spicy,my tummy is like hahaha round la.
Talking about pre-natal vits, i'm now on folic acid twice a day, multi-vits and b12. Prescribed by my previous gynae.

Bear, good to hear you have a part-time cleaner to help you do the housework. I think for other things pass it to your hubby to help you do lah. hahaha.. anyway i hate houseworks, good excuse now to pass everything to my DH.
Jenn - wow.. staying in jurong &amp; all the way here to visit Dr Ang
.. veri supportive leh. hehe

ailibaba- well.. i heard gd comments abt him too. my 1st bb was delivered by Dr Ang. he really veri thoughful during my labour time. keep motivatin mi
hee.. I remembered there are two mummies in the labor wards plus mi 3 at tt day waiting for him to deliver.
dreamyjo- same here for mi. i realised my tummy oso bloated leh
.. alamak.. trying to hide as long as i can. *pray hard*
Hrmm my tummy not showing yet.. still can fit into my skinny jeans.. i think i m still in the early stages..

PJ, Dr Lim quite funny hor.. today he was telling me a story abt his patient. the patient had spotting so he gave her 2 days mc to rest. She went on to deliver a normal healthy bb. a year aft that, she complained against Dr Lim. cos she found out that her fren had 1 wk MC, while she only had 2 days. Dr Lim said he couldn't understand her logic, but the way he talked abt it was so funny. He calls me the nervous ecologist. :p

My hb works with teens from 13-17 so he sees a lot of wasted opportunities. Some really smart, but feel that studying is a big waste of time. others aren't bright but work very hard but still do poorly. he sees all kind of kids and may be that's why it makes him wonder how is he gonna cope if they were his kids.

Dreamyjo, my hb will be away for reservist for 23 days next mth... he feels like cancelling it but i told him to go ahead.. wait his rescheduled one is near birth lagi worse!
hi Bear,
thats great news!! actually i also walk quite a lot and climb alot of stairs. office has "attic" which is where i work so i climb e stairs like at least 10 times a day. and my flat is the old HDB kind so have to climbs stairs from lift landing.but dun feel tired lah..i was quite active before preggie and went gym somtimes so i actually dun like to become completely inactive.

hey ladies,
wat do you think? I have only seen the GP so far, and my 1st appt with gynae not til 2 weeks later. i keep telling hubby i feel tempted to shift the appt to earlier date..heheheh..but if can't see much from the scan like quite wasted..confused!!
Spin, yalor. My pants feel tight even though i'm wearing them super low but still it seems to be uncomfortable for the tummy. It make me thinking of buying maternity pants already, those with rubber one. but scare later my colleagues start asking. They have already been asking why i absent for so long. I just shrug and say not feeling well lor. I will only reveal after the 1st tri.

Should i buy or should i not? Hmmm...
Spin, me too. 2 days never go liao super chiam. I tried to force it sometimes as i cant stand not able to go in days.

bear, wow, 23 days so long. My DH is leaving for thailand this weekend for 3 days. I call my mom to come stay with me to keep me company already.
He went to Indo the week before for 1 week, my mom also keep me company and look after me for that whole week. He is going again to LA end of april, i hope by then, bb more or less stablize, i dont need to trouble my mom anymore.
Hi ladies,
I am starting to feel MS today liao, all food look horrible except Ice cream...hahaha, yesterday wake up at 3am feeling so hungry n had to force myself to sleep

got a shock, my gal finger got stuck in her moving toy...have to dismantle the whole toy to safe her finger out..whole finger bleed...I almost fainted...phew

Bear your gynae joker leh..heehee
Bear, or ask your DH to carry u up &amp; down the stairs...muhahah

dreamyjo, mayb can wear a longer top to cover up the elastic waist area of the maternity pants?
I will ponder on it again. my normal top not long one.

When my DH went to indo, he bought me 2 maternity top L size. Wow, i say so fast upgrade me from s-m to L liao ah. He say can start wearing le. *sign* see, he also think i getting bigger le. .

vincy, oh dear. children toy also can be hazardous, scary. hope your girl is ok.

Spin, i'm talking about maternity pant.
Haru, i m sure u can see something cos i already saw my bb's heartbeat and I am the last one on the list! heehee... ya i climb a lot everyday.. that's actually quite ok.. the worse one is when u are outfield climbing... that one sure die...

Dreamyjo, ya 23 days a very long time! plus his camp dun allow him to book out except on wkends so i m all alone at home.. my doggie needs to walk twice a day.. urgh...

JJmom, my hb is only 57kg! and 1.8m tall.. i think he might drop me if he carries me! lagi worse!

Vincy, ur gal is ok? need stitches? she must be crying like mad! u know hor, when i was 3 yrs old i accidentally banged my ear against the corner of the table. Gouged a hole in my ear, as in u could see through it. bled a lot but u know wat my dad did? he made me go and slp... no stitches no hospital... :p
my tummy look like "3 tier" meat.

so far i quite heng.. every morning sure stomache and clear bowels..

hope ur ger is alrite.
Just now share a can of coke with my colleague to relieve my MS. It works. *sinful*

Hui, dont be sad. Soon it will be united into 1 tier.

Bear, i dont dare to be alone at home one, esp a big apartment like yours, mine is only a 4-room nia. You brave girl. if no choice, i will sleep with lights on. I coward.
alibaba, spin, only been to Dr Ang once but coz of hubby's sis good comment n my personal exp for tat appt I feel that it's worth it to travel from Jurong down..

ya, my tummy can be seen esp most of my clothes are tight fitting de.. so what i do is wear my jacket over lor, den not obvious le.. but the tummy area really xing ku, i also loosen e top button of my pants le.. but my weight still e same.. hmmz..
Jenn, wow lucky you. I think so far, i gained 3 kgs already. think i overeat without realising le. *embarassed*
dreamyio, i also dunno leh.. maybe eat liao then contribute to toilet bowl le ba.. but i eat alot of dessert leh.. makes me feel better =P
WOw, this thread move so fast I am having a hard time keeping up.

Your older one is 30 months already! Actually I like the 3 years gap thingy, they can response better and help you whenever needed.

Zita? I think I remember seeing your name in the forum... you are quite active right. I left Singapore in Sep06, now still in the States, was suppose to come back Sep this year but hubby was extended for work over here.. He is going to do my confinement for 2 weeks.. donno we can handle or not.

I am SAHM mom too... over here is a lag of 18hours... so I can only reply after awhile...
Hi bbhuimin,
Dun worry k? Take it one step at a time..the last time,we did not even see the embryo n my cousin joked the little one is playing hide &amp; seek! So maybe your little one is also hiding for a while to give you a surprise

Hi Bear,
Yeah man..better for him to go now then to wait til last trimester..yeah Dr Lim is quite funny.Very fatherly hor?

Yeah man..it's the best time to "train" the SO to do more hsework.Like u,my fav shorts n pants are all too tight to wear,went round Marina Sq to shop tat day,aiyo the bottoms are so old fashioned,like u know those our mothers wore in their times kind of design.
Now lookin for nice simple denim pants or shorts..if i see any,will update u.

Hi Spin,
Me too...constipation is a pain..now can only go once every 2/3 days.No choice lor,eat more veg n i realise drinkin milk also helps.
But hor,just dun "push" when u are doing no.1 business,read it somewhere.

Hi Hui,
You are funny..u mean like those westlake kong ba bao? Hee hee hee...

Aiyo...super craving for thai food!! Wanna try the purvis fish head curry but now fish makes me have MS,wah no joke even fishballs!

Ladies,any recommendations for gd n affordable thai food..wanna eat thai food tonite...slurp
red ridden,

yes the thread moves very fast
i also have a hard time to keep up esp at work trying to pop in to skive abit :p where r u residing now?


where is owen road ah? i like prawn noodles leh...so if really nice...wah! hope to try one day. so far my fave is the beach road prawn noodles, they have 2 outlets, 1 in katong there another is along beach road.


so happy to hear that your check up went well and ur bb grew so much
keep it up


wat is a haemin play yard huh? i got the 6-panel playyard recently. will keep in inside but she will be unhappy if i leave her alone for too long. really depends on her mood.


during my previous preg, gynae said nexium is safe. so i ate. u may want to check with ur gynae?


i think 8 weeks u can visit liao. i visited when abt 7 weeks. wanted to wait till this week which is 8th week but schedule not convenient to go due to work commitments. quickly go lah...

talking abt tummy, mine looks like fat kind loh... like hui "3 layer meat" hahahaa... will be awhile before we will look pregnant...
lovedogs, mine also look fat rather than preggy.. think no choice de.. like u say, we just have to wait awhile more to look more preggy =P

Honeymoon period dont know lei hope so ba cos MS comes and goes this week. 1 day will be fine the next will not. Will see how it goes. NO worries good to hear from experience. Guess the moment preg mean worry.....

HOpe your gal is fine.

lovedogs, ya not easy with 3 dogs had 4 intially but 1 died last yr due to old age. They are small dogs so easy to take care.

Bear, tell me about it men. It will be worry from day 1. Anyway we just have to look on the bright side. Congrats you are feeling better. Do rest as much as you can.

dreamyjo, ya for the time being staying with my parents cos my MS quite bad so mum is worried for me. Guess when I go back to work and can be on my own I will move back home. Its good to have home cook food.
