(2008/11) November 2008

Morning Mummies,

Yar lor.. But got no choice leh.. My "v" still sore n itch. Now walking like humpy dumpy how to go and work. I still think whether i need to go back to my gynae tml. The "v" medicine is only for 1 day only. Now still having the same problem. Sian..

Next year, i still got to finish my final sem at SIM. 4 more subject to go.. Now just got my pray hard that my boy boy don't give me any problems.

Must relax.. Walk slowly...

I got to save money in case kana retrench. Pls don't pass me the bugs.

Take your AL now. Don't waste it..

Jia you.. You can see your baby soon.

Not interested to process placenta for consumption??? I heard is very good for complexion. I'm thinking of giving it a try.

Are we entitled to child leave this year for our newborn?
All here le. I purposely consolidate to ship else will be more ex liao lo. Ok later I go on MSN at home. Or you can also call me if you want.

Carters BP cheaper meh? Carters and disney if go for overseas sprees will be cheaper mah? Anyway, there is a shop at Paya Lebar and one at Clementi that sells Carters cheap. Not sure of exact location though.
I dunno lah. I never buy before and never see properly. But I always feel BP normally more ex. Must double check got cheaper option anot first.
Mildy, grrrr.... aiyoh i dunno which one to buy. is it cheaper? i tot the blocks thingy was cheaper outside leh...

Fifi, we talk on MSN.. hahah wanna ask u some Math qns! :p
its quite not possible for me to take any before ML le.. so much tings to settle and my temp only arrive tomm then need to fast fast handover to her.. can take 1day leave already "arm chio" liao.

wat dream abt.. i hope not a bad one lei. tt time my fren also dreamt of me say i missing everyone can't find me, like vanish from earth wahhaaa...

hey from the scans, my bb head also always look big and long to me lei, kind of weird.. doc say bbs r like that but after that change e stmt say like my husband's head lor.. eee rrr...
there are many shops like TPY,song & song, tom & stephanie tat sells carters.But they are cut label with very limited size.Must be heng heng to get sizes for the design u like.

For BP,it might costs abit more but there are more designs and sizes .But so far the stuff i bought from BP are cheaper even after postage lar.Normally those stuff tat sells at push carts,can get at BP too.. hehe

You gt the bugs again? wakaka

the blocky things hor.. mothercare do sell ley but tink material and contents are diff.U might wan to check it out.
<font color="0000ff">Morning all,
Vy sianzzz to come in office today, woke up with hips ache today. Argh...more &amp; more aches here &amp; there eachday

&amp; our dog has been giving us a lot of headache too, he has been marking at a few NEW spots at home. Happened at another new spot this morning, so angry tat i beat him up. He is really testing me &amp; driving me mad &amp; tired cleaning &amp; guarding after him...*faint*!

Any1 with dog having any problem like mine? DH thinks he is reacting towards our soon newcomer aka bb.</font>
Fifi, since the both of us are lousy at Math, i tot i better check with u first.. its abt the Babymall spree.. so not too taxing! wahahah...

Peanut, i dreamt we had to take an exam tog!! i was like, why is she invading my dream??!! hahahaha...

Happy, do u know how much the block thingy cost? i rem seeing them abt $23-29! i dunno if i see it wrongly though. this one is $39.90!!
JJmom, Cody has been marking recently, but only aft the floor has been washed and only once every wk! Nonetheless its a bit annoying that he started on this habit. I also agree that he wants more attention hence he is doing this lor.

What i suggest is that u better start thinking of neutering him. either that or u might wanna limit the area he gets to roam around. for me, Cody is limited to the kitchen so the rest of the house is ok. Also when u catch him peeing, bring him immed to the correct spot and don't talk to him. cos by talking or reacting to him we are supposedly rewarding his behaviour.

Gd luck!
wat i invade ur dream... wahahaa... u pull me into it ah!! no wonder i feel so tired after my sleep!! somemore i so long never study stil make me take exam, u wan to torture me issit...
But this is a common one.. i occasionally dream abt taking exams and super relieve when i wake up and realize its jus a stupid dream...

yah mayb he wan to seek ur attention lor.. tsk tsk.. majiam he's an older son being jealous of the bb
I got 1 set of the some blocks (6 pcs I think) from Gerber de. Think is sample free gift. Wad's it for? Stack?

Okie. As long as you dun ask me high lvl de. Plus minus times divide still can. Lolx.
<font color="0000ff">Bear, our dog is already neutered. Also we have already closed our bedrms doors &amp; tried to block some of the areas tat he has started marking. Juz tat he keep marking at NEW spots loh...argh!

I really worried abt him during my confinement time loh, I wouldn't b able to clean after him wor, cannot expect my CL to do it mah...how? Sigh...don't wanna to resort to gate him up then loh

Peanut, yupz he is like our older kid
jjmon, for my boy, he is already neutered before he learns to lift his leg so i do not have this problem. Maybe like what bear say, you need to re toliet train him and be stern with him and let him know his marking behaviour is not allowed. If worse come to worse, gate him up when he marks so he 'learns his lesson'?
huh...BP more ex ah.,,,my god...i jus bot some branded tees n cost abt $10-14 each, also duno authentic bo....n flashcards tooo...think maybe not BP but those w ready stock
..but the cards think its cheap kuah....4.90 inside got 54 cards...
Mildy, i'm catching your bugs! oh dear.
Somemore, i feel like buying 2x, one for nephew and one for my boy. Must control and care about my pocket. Force myself to buy either one design for my nephew and another one for my boy. Oh my fingers getting so itchy!
fifi/mummies who bought luvable waterproof sheet

how thick is the babymall waterproof sheet? theres another spree going on so tot can join to buy the sheet....is it thick like those pillow/mattress protector?

really ley this spree really causing headaches...been buying alot since i started with fifi spree which is my 1st. then my medela, then.....crocs...then ...wow sei...big hole liao la...next time can only giv bb my milk liao...no $ buy FM liao
Peanut, may be is a sign that we are gg through a test tog soon lor.. i.e. motherhood! but i m really tired today leh. everyday do assignments liao, slping that time still have to take exam! i rem that i left 5 mins more and still got loads of qns haven't finish! stress ah!!

Fifi, nopes not hard.. just some qns so I know how much my fren needs to pay me! kekeke...

JJmom, that's odd hor.. cos ur dog has been neutered and this behaviour only started recently. For me, Cody isn't neutered so i half expects him to be naughty. Has his routine changed? like gg out lesser? or u guys spending less time with him? for me, I have been spending less time with him while my hb takes care of him more. It has always been me that is the main caregiver lor. i think u shd start restricting him to the kitchen or a smaller area.

Dreamyjo, i dunno which toy to buy! it seems quite ex leh..
afternoon mummies!!!
haha..... actaully blocks are very good toys for bb's motor skills. just by stacking them up themselves its a great motor skill achievement already.

bear/ happy,
i think there are different kind of blocks available in the market, depending on which type u looking for. alex jr toys i have seen in shops like mums &amp; babes, material are quite good type.

wat u getting? kekeek...

actaully i think depends on wat u get ba, ussually i c the responds of the rest of the mummies first. wakakak... if somebody says outside selling cheaper then i will not get. so far i think the Khaw's BPs are very well received, a lot of mummies always waited for her BPs to come n grab eevrything before u have a chance to order sometimes.
bear : so strange that you dream of exams during your pregnancy. for me is pre-preg and it occurs quite often. For my hb, the most stressful dream is he taking chinese. hahaha.. for me is exams in poly. so strange. Now i dont have this kind of dreams but i dream of my bb and naughty dreams. hahaha.. as for the spree, i also scratch my head. I wanted to get the blocks too but seems like very ex leh. then if buy, give my nephew leh or keep it for my boy. Aiya headache.

shop4stuffs: Hahaha.. i understand. I only spree once with fifi and bought a bumper mat from another spree. after that, i seldom logon, so save quite a few bucks from there. Now i logon often thus again got infected by the bugs here. Where's the baigon? must spray the bug, hahaha
poor thing. Still studying, you will need more leave for exam.

ai yo, u will lugi ur leave. Squeeze all your knowledge to your temp. Haha.

I'm not keeping for consumption.
Mildy: i'm getting the Light 'n Learn Caterpillar and Peek &amp; Play Bugs. Since they can be attached to the cot, i think safe for babies bah. Got melodies somemore. I'm tempted to get the blocks too but seem quite ex leh. How ah, should i or should i not?
Talking about placenta consumption, i dont think that im adventurous to try it. For beauty, i'll just have to stick to other means.
my temp jus informed she's sick -_-.... so if tomm stil not well mayb she'll be on MC... *sweat*
Wat about ur temp status? remm u hav problem getting as well rite?

dreams always opp one.. so means in future all ur paper wil finish swee swee in time wahhahaa.. and for me i forever no need take exams!! &amp; i definitely won't go missing forever.. I do dreamt a couple of time my hubby having affair outside.. once he even hold hand with a malay gal in front of me!! wahahaaa....
peanut: haha.. like you say dreams opp one, so in real life, your hubby will never have affair. Hahaha.. as for me, i dreamt that i had affair leh. Wake up sweat. so scary. Dont dare to tell hb. Hahaha..
Mildy, Dreamyjo, i dunno wat to get leh! shd i wait and buy outside cos i distinctively rem that the blocks were cheaper. sigh... Mildy, u and ur bugs!!

Dreamyjo, Peanut, i have nv dreamt of exams before leh.. this is the first time. it was an Eng paper! weird leh. usually i get nightmares like ppl chasing aft me. hahaha.. means in real life nobody is chasing me? kekeke.. not true lor, cos i got so much work to do!

Re: Placenta consumption
erh.. i dun think i will go for it. my hb said it was cannibalistic! heehee..

Update on Minkybear, she got show liao.. so on 3 days mc.. her gynae already said she will pop early so now she is playing the waiting game.
Just a small reminder.. Lots of friends n relatives tend to buy toys for "man yue" Don't buy too many toys k..

But the toys are cute... Where's the Baygon? Must spray first before i get the bugs...
Joyce, tell me where u hide, i hide with u too!! wahahaha...

Happy, the bibs are sooooo cute! do we need a lot of bibs??? hahhaah... how many is enough?
*grab joyce's leg and pull her out of the hole*

maybe u go check outside first? but same brand?

MInky wanna pop!?!?!?!? wow..........now my goose pimples all stand again.... so happening nowadays. dunno how's hui, no update from her yet.

Placenta consumption,
i dun dare to leh....
Baygon supplier on standby mode, anybody needs 1???

Wah.. seems a lot of mummies on waiting list to pop pop liao!!

Milderina-You could be the next!

Minkybear, so you may be next in line. Jiayou, hope to hear good news from you soon! hope you have a smooth and short delivery ya!
