(2008/10) Oct 2008

jjmom.. hope baby comes soon... have a smooth and easy delivery..

karen.. cxout www.babelicious.com

bbgoh.. u thinking of giving up ah.. but how to justify the cost of the pump? haha.. me glad to have tbf for 1 month.. keke.. but now that i have freedom... i feel v sianz to have to rush back to express leh.. if not then muz bring pump out.. also v lay chay..

now i envy those who latch.. but i wanna monitor how much bb is drinking also.. oh well...

thanks for replying. I am letting Kaeden sleep in sarong cos he wants to be carried and pat to sleep everytime, making me so tired.
Hv jus tried letting him sleep but seems he does not wan also. Will monitor few days then see how.

Jus this afternoon, we tried letting him sleep on his tummy ( suggested by 1 mummy here) and reali its works. He sleep much longer... kekeke..

Re BF... me hv the same tots.. if not for BF, think we will def enjoy motherhood more..
My supply also seem to drop now.. think cos i am lazy to pump.. always miss my pump during the nite as i cant wake up..
Now get ard 160 to 180 ml every 4 hr.
I will still try BF my boy as long as i can tahan.

Jia you.. everyone..
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Guess most ILs are like that bah. When I have wenxuan, I also feel the same as you (want bb dont want mummy)! When I was expecting wenmin, I learnt to "see open" le.
Bryan is so cute! My hubby also always do that to wenxuan when he dress him!

Your gal is adorable!

Jiayou! Your turn is coming soon!

My supply no good lah hence I must work very hard to maintain my supply.</font>
<font color="0077aa">princess emma
i nvr invest any pump, sil borrow me de heehee
i thk at most i ll try till Jan b4 go bk to work lah..
i also TBF, just start to give FM once a day for 3days liao

yah.. use hand help squuze it to the pump, then the flow ll be very fast

u still playing the waiting game? jia you!!!

sleep on tummy can help sleep longer time ah? can help baby fall in sleep or not? my girl start to keep awake during night, dun wanna sleep.

normally how u do to ur baby to wake them up?
<font color="ff6000">princess emma.

when u say feed halfway will stop and cry do you mean latching or bottle feeding EBM? cos my bb will stop after latching and shake head and mouth from side to side and then start crying. Haiz. like my nipple so bitter like that. wah liao. so privileged liao still want to reject. :p

On visiting,
i think in general we need to spread the word to all our friends and relatives that ppl who just gave birth NEED REST! i don't mind my parents and PIL coming cos they can help carry and take care and i can go rest.
they don't mind me disappearing when they are here. And of course after bb is out, the focus is always the bb for all relatives mah. i didn't expect anything else.

u get 120ml still considered ss drop liao? *fainted* 120ml is my all time high.

my mum now coming over every weekday 9am-8pm to help. she offered to look after bb after i go back to work, but i also a bit no confidence in her. sometimes harder to get along with own mum than IL!

hee hee so cute yr hb disturb yr kid. we also. we make our kid do funny hand action songs. but lately she is getting stronger and dun let us bai3 bu4 so easily heh heh.

thanks for the info! really helpful!

enya and whitepaper,
yup, there are times when i feel bb kate is really a special privilege that I've been given to care for, and some days i wish i were unfettered and free to live my own life! and go facial and manicure and drinking and karaoke! apparently it will get better when kids are at least 3 months and they are more responsive lah. dun say tao3 yan4 lah... cannot tao yan own kid rite? although sometimes i still feel it's very surreal that I'm a mummy. don't feel like a mummy!</font>
hi jen,,

wa this thread runs like a train,, can hardly catch all the threads,,, my massage package is 7 day,, was on promo so paid $500 with fr=eebis.. u can check their biz thread of website www.originsjamumassage.blogspot.com

many of my friens use EK ong as well heard he very good,,, by q very long... does using electric pump help better pumping or manual ? which one more effective/
hi mummies,
finally end of confinement &amp; jus had ashton's 1st month celebration yest..fun but tiring c",)

whitepaper : thanks for sharin on the 4 major things..esp on the pimples part..cos my MIL kept saying its cos of my bm that is causing all that..

was pretty upset when my CL left initially, not sure if can cope, but thankfully..managed to =) i guess we females have this 'power' to handle stuff when we are 'placed in the situation'..hee.@ least now, its following my bb &amp; my own schedule..instead of following the CL's schedule (like must eat at certain time..etc)

on IL: guess this is a never-ending issue..my MIL will always pop by my plc w/o calling..once she even brought her 3 sisters to my place (&amp; my hb nt around)..in the end, i have to entertain them when i'm supposed to be resting..tot confinement should be RESTING..i guess if i have a 2nd child, i will say no visiting..hee..
then yest,she came my plc early &amp; asked if i had lunch..told her i cooked mee sua..&amp; her answer to me was.."then my son's lunch leah ?" i was like " he eat 1st then come back lo.." kept following me &amp; see what i do, i hang clothes, she stand behind, i boil water,she stand behind..gosh..in the end, i have to tell her" mother, can you dun stand behind me, then i accidentally hit you or pour the hot water, how ?"
Thanks for the link!

One way I find very effective is to change my girl's diapers. Or even just 'opening' the diapers will be too cooling for the baby and that will usually wake the baby up. Better yet, if you need to clean up the baby, the wipes will be so cold that the baby will usually be woken. My own experience anyway.
Hmmmm. My husband and mother were watching me with those weird eyes.

Oooh I haven't been tempted by a lot of stuff, but this site, I LOVE! I love personalisation and these are so adorable. Thanks for the link. Off to shop!
<font color="0000ff">Thanks for the all the well wishes mommies
We r still waiting...

Anyway I got another stress yest, my CL called to say her current customer is late in her labour so in the end, she will only finish her current assignment on 23.11.08 when my EDD is next tue 11.11.08. She said will get her sis 2 help me 1st but I hate the idea of having to get use to 2 diff ppl in such a short time loh...

Super sianzzz with all these CL problems tat I have been facing
You know when our babies were still in the hospital, they were placed in the bassinets, with A VERY THIN DIAPER-MATERIAL thingy under their heads, supposedly to absorb any regurgitations.

Any one knows where we can get this outside? I find it useful for when baby has milk regurgitations.
agree. Maybe it's just that the older generation believe they know what to do, but after so years, their skills do get rusty. Sigh... i wil jus have to keep my fingers crossed for now.

My MIL also has three elder sisters and they came on consecutive days during my first week of confinement. They were also there during my hospital stay on one afternoon, assessed everything on my food tray before i could eat my dinner. I was qte pissed lor.

Want to consider using nappy cloth instead, at least it's washable.

I ran for 2 mths everyday before seeing results..tat was 1 year plus ago before my wedding wor..plus i cut down on carbos so managed to slim down faster...but this time hor.think going to be a bit difficult to move my really big arse lor...hahaaaa!! but i will try after I get my shoes...


i am sure ur boy got all the DHA from the codfish u are eating!!


Anyone thinking of enrolling ur bb into shichida classes? its pretty ex though..abt $800 plus every 3 mths...my niece went and she is very very intelligent...dun know whether its due to the classes or she is just born with this kind of intelligence. She is 2 years old and 7 mths now..show her any words and she can read them..well verse in mandarin, english, malay and a bit of french...super good memory..tell her something and she can remember immediately..there was once she saw me with the breast pump and asked me what was it for..after i told her i am going to pump milk for Ethan..she remembered..after that hor..she kept telling me she wants to pump milk for Ethan too!!..wahahaa..


U can get the sheet from kiddy palace...
Diane.. ya boy.. now that our asses are sooo heavy.. hmm.. gonna take alot more to get us to run!! keke.. wah.. shichida ah.. at such a tender age? when can they start? i guess it depends on the child's intelligence also.. i have seen babies who go, but past 1 yr old still cannot talk and stuff...
pat, not cheap wor..
my massage lady only charge $50/ 2hr session.. now dunno if i shd continue use her or not *sighz*
sms her yst n today but still no reply if she coming tml..
dunno how so sianz..
hi mummies
waking up in the middle of the night to pump but the supply is really reall..I wonder if it;s worth the while to wake up after all...
hi jen..
wa yours very cheap.. hehe my friend recomm me , after trying quite worth it as least they professional and does a good job.....

morn mummies,

gonna bring my Arielle to see doc. Her face having rashes, and seems to b spreading..see liao very gek sim...as wad whitepaper hv mentioned, its norm...but i still feel umcomfortable as its getting frm bad to worst..


I hv attended the talk for the shichida..am going to enrol my ger next april...by then she's abt 5 mths..n its my hubby dat is keen to enrol her for the class n said its good!
Good mornin' mummies,

Anyone with a BB who wants to be carried all the time? My boy Linus needs to be carried until he falls asleep, otherwise he will start to cry again. Any advice?
JJMom, all the best! I knw the anticipation is hard but enjoy while bb still inside! Afterwhich, its sleepless club!

Mousebb, u also hv such prob with ILS? But i guess your hb more supportive than mine? Yesterday afternoon, my hb wanna bring Bryan out to living rm for feeding again. He would always says: my parents need to bond with him lah..It makes me feel more MAD lor!! I asked him: who is your family now?!! U go outside and bond with them, what abt me?!! U also want bb and dun want mummy izit!!! *angry*
usually it;s not recommended to carry bb until he fall asleep. dun carry until he fall asleep.. carry until he drowsy, about to sleep but havnt then put him down.. let him fell asleep himself.
He might cry and cry for the first few times.. then u u keep to the routine and try again.
Try a few more times, bb somehow will be too tired to cry and will fall asleep.
initially will be tiring...but once bb knows how to sooth and calm himself to sleep, life will be better in future liao
Hi mummies
Any good catering service to recoemmend? other than Neo Garden. I used them twice liao thiking of changing.. if there are good recommendation
Thanks in advance
Jollyhoppy, my MIL also does the same as urs!! Always like to stand behind me when i'm in the kitchen doing something!! But yours is better, at least she does not stay with u
Oh thanks for the suggestion of using cloth diaper. I am using cloth diaper for my girl anyway.

My baby likes to be carried too. Especially by me. Hee. Older generation believes we will spoil them. I don't think so la. Up to a certain age, I think they want to explore.

If you don't mind carrying, why not consider a sling? At least your two hands are free. I also realise with my girl, she doesn't like to sleep in the cot. She will only take short naps there but when we put her on the bed, she can sleep longer. My mum said that's because she wants to feel cozy, like in our womb.

Thanks! I may get a spare packet. I never knew these things existed!!!

Talking about this, I actually bought the Glenn Doman Reading set, so intent on starting on baby's first day. Oh well, you all can guess this is totally impossible! I'll try that after she turns one month. It's an at-home programme but it's an everyday thingy. Now too stressed and tired to go through the programme. Will start when things turn better.
thanks! will try to be less soft-hearted and let him cry a while more. Mayb his cries are always so loud that we give in. My CL suggested the sarong but i am nt ready to start on using that tho. he jus woke up for milk...bbl
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
My hubby would not suggest to bring my bb to bond with my fil cos he knows I dont like it
<font color="0000ff">Hi All,

Can I check something? Will menses return while we are still breastfeeding??

Becos it seems to me that my menses has return alrd! Hmm...-_-""

Cldn't still be lochia rite?
<font color="aa00aa">jolwk
All babies like to be carried. My gal is the same! I try not to carry her too much esp when she wants to sleep, she would cry non-stop for us to carry her. Instead of carrying her, I put her on her rocker and rock her to sleep. My hubby has been persuading me to let her sleep in a sarong which I'm quite against it. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Whitepaper,

Tht's what Dr Ong told me too

He said that wat most 1st time parents are anxious about! muhahahahaha ;p
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
My menses already came! At first I also thought it could be lochia but I realised the flow was super heavy.</font>
Mousebb, at least your hb is understandable, unlike mine! He cant seems to understand how upset i would be that he kept bringing Bryan out to bond with his parents. As if they're one family and i'm not! It made me feels more irritated and i really hate every single thing that my MIL do when she carry my son!!
Yah I also very gek sim handling CH sometimes... wanted 3 kids but now having 2nd thoughts... kekeke... maybe stop at one liao... can't stand the night wakings... really drain me out. CH also makes alot of noises when sleeping, and they sound super duper loud when the room is air-conditioned. So now the one doing the night shift (either me or hubby) will sleep with baby in another room, so that the other one can have a good sleep to take over the shift in the morning! If not sure both can't sleep!

Yah we switch on the air con, close the door, and let him cry inside. Sometimes he's not hungry, but just wants someone to sayang and carry. But of coz I won't let him cry for more than 15mins lah. Will go peep once in awhile.
As for in-laws, I can understand what you are going through!!! But what to do? Sometimes handling in-laws have to close one eye, grit your teeth and it will be over. Don't let their presence spoil your relationship with your hubby k?

Yah don't pump for too long lah, I think not good for your nipples. I'll rather you pump for 15mins and more regularly

You funny lar, give porno site... alamak...

Have a smooth delivery! Finally, it's your turn!!!

Your baby is having rashes? Pimples are normal but not rashes! Better go check. Good luck!

Mine will smile while sleeping. Think he dreamt that he's swimming in a pool of EBM... WAHHHHHH so much to drink! Yippie!!!!! hahahahahaha greedy boy...
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
I can understand how you feel. I also agreed with what whitepaper said, dont let the presence of your IL spoil the relationship with your hubby. Not worth it.
Until now, my fil has not carried my gal, not even once. I dont know is it bcos it is a bb gal this time. Anyway, I dont care also.

The 3 of them (my hubby and 2 kids) all making so much noise when they sleep. I dont have another room which I can go sleep wor! How? Cannot stop at 1 lah otherwise CH will feel very lonely next time. At least have 2. I tell hubby I want 1 more but I know he is having 2nd thought liao. </font>
At least the rocker works for your gal. In the last week, i have tried a soother (did nt work), the bouncer (did nt work), the rocker (did nt work). He's so cranky. To make it worse, before he pass motion, he will whimper and cry too. sigh..
<font color="0077aa">morning mummies

u r really my idol ler.. handle 2kids but u still always able to log in everyday

my girl also ll smile while sleeping, these few days happen cry too.. i thk is dreaming

my lochia still not clean at all ler... got a bit a bit still need panty liner everyday

ask u huh.. during breastfeeding do we have ovulation? ll get pregnant while we still breastfeeding?
when can we have intercourse after given birth?

juz came back frm PD..he said my bb has sensitive skin and tends to b oily..was not those milk rashes..so he gave cream for her to apply and advise me to stop using the seba med for the time being.. n gv me something to shwer the bb..hope it will turns out well for my ger..i see liao really very gek sim!!
cos its spreading to her eyes area..


I went to Dr Sim tdy..the Q was pretty long..he was quite ok..n friendly though..anyway he's gog on hols on 19th Dec..am bringing my gal for the 6 in 1 jab. It cost $120.. n i think his charges r quite reasonable. Tdy i see him, cost $45 ...
Mousebb, the 6-in-1 Jabs at Dr Lilian's clinic is $440? How come other places so cheap like $100+ onlyy?? Even polyclinic is $300+ right?
whitepaper.. muahahha.. u dunno meh.. that's my fav past time mah... muahahha.. busted!!!

karen.. neo garden is v good.. but make sure u order more cos their serving v small.. if order for 40 means they give u 40 siew mai only... so pple cant have extra.. so best to order more...

<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
hehe..i can only log in when wenxuan is sleeping. I one hand carry wenmin and the other hand do the typing lor.

$440 is a whole package. I believe $100++ is for individual jab bah.</font>
