(2008/10) Oct 2008

to bury one's parents is sad, to bury one's parents and children is too heart wrenching.

there are 4,000 over bodies unclaimed. one main reason is the whole entire family was wiped out.

this is a natural disaster which we cannot control. Elsewhere in the world wars are raged cos of man's greed.

<font color="aa00aa">Jelly,


ya lor. sad hor. when things happened to me, i dun think i know how to react.

Mint!! i want! how much izzit?

10000 children!!

<font color="ff0000">Jelly, can you recalled any April's Fool joke we used to have last time. I cannot recalled. share a few pls....</font>
April Fool,
the prank played on us all 2 years ago was when Diane said she was preggy with twins!

Haha... Wonder how is she now. Long time no "see".
oh jts, one of my girlfriends is preggers.
and it's going to be an oct baby. but it's out of wedlock so she's now very stressed in the wedding prep. It's going to a simple ROM ceremony with a luncheon. But she's racing against time cos she wants to do it before the tummy starts to show. She wanted to do it early May but her sil to be is getting married in May. So the in-laws pantang and say cannot have 2 weddings in the same month. So now will have to be this month. But I also hope that this is the right guy for her. She knows him for less than a year.
<font color="aa00aa">Mint, all i can say is congrats to your friend.

i think she knows the man best. is not really up to anyone to comment.

maybe he will be a good man &amp; a good daddy.

but wedding so rush.... can she do it like after tat??

my cousin had her wedding on the day her baby turns 1 mth old.
aiyah... now so common.
Just carry that tummy and be a pround mum-to-be bride. Who say cannot?

My girlfriend and her hubby announced at the wedding : Shd all things go smoothly, we will have baby K with us in 6months!

Puts an end to all the aunties making snide remarks and faces, pointing and gossipping.
<font color="aa00aa">something to share.

2 weeks ago it was my cousin's wedding. she has a 6 mths old baby boy with her. she held her chinese customary wedding after the child was born. her hubby is from manila. they both moved to california now.

during her wedding dinner, as usual we will normally put in our past photos right. but really caught us in surprise tat she din add in their son's photos. when giving speech, nothing was mentioned abt their son too.

we, the relatives &amp; of coz her cousins were shocked.

why so secretive wor... already have a son. why like tat. her son was taken care by another distant relative somemore. thru out the whole wedding from day to night, she din even took a glance of her son.

to me is like, pls lah... already have a kid before your wedding. juz admit it lah. no big deal de mah.

when my aunty asked her to carry the son, she pushed my aunty away saying she is busy.
halo mummies.. TGIF and happy April fool :p

comment on the FB that i wan the cw.. now thinking shld i get 2 sets instead :p

long long time no see.. i miss ur jokes wahahaha
Poor baby... heng he's too young to know or feel hurt or rejected.
Hope the parents love him and take care of him and his feelings. Esp in his growing years.

BTW, yup... lunch next week.
Thur 7th April at Raffles City.
1. XY
2. Jelly
3. Mint
aiya, my hubby's cousin and good friend in jb made their respective girl friend preggers before they got married. one of them is like due in june and the other in aug! i think it is ok... as long as u r committed to each other and is responsible to your kids
i will take the 24ct washable triangular crayons then &amp; wait for the window crayons.

woo... so gng to popular to check out on Lyra.

Thur 7th April at Raffles City.
1. XY
2. Jelly (mental note to self: bring $24 for mint and maybe bring tons of moola for XY)
3. Mint
Looks like all my casual jokes are remarks are targetted at u.
Pls do not feel offended. Really did not mean to target or hurt u or Richard or Germaine!
she's ok with it but it's more of a vanity reason than anything else. Haha! But she needs the marriage cert to submit to her company so she can enjoy some perks which the company gives. She was on the verge of going to a sperm bank already cos she couldn't seem to find the right guy but yet she wants to be a mother before it's too late. That's why I'm hoping this is the guy for her.
hi mummies,
happy april fools!

wish i could join you for lunch. but at the moment, i'm feeling like crap. morning sickness started this week. i'm nauseous all the time and i have no appetite at all to eat. everything is tasteless and i feel like vomiting all the time.

i went for MAH for rianne and i liked it. the nurses helped me a lot especially when i got engorged.
hang on! First trimester is always tough, with the on-going nauseous.

Xy- don't worry! I wouldn't be offended by such petty stuff.

Elch - so going back to TMC for #2 right?
<font color="0000ff">Hello All ~

Finally it's Fri! Wat a tough week for me!


You are ok if I pay you together with batch 2? hopefully they will arrive soon and I give you cash on the Todd's date?


Congrats on little Germaine! Lovely!!


Congrats on yr pregnancy too! yay!!

Freda: Congrats to u! I know u have been trying hard for ur #2. Ooh so envious u got a gal, I like the name Germaine

Joanne: Congrats to you too dear! How many weeks now? Hang on and things will get better during 2nd tri. I wanted to ask u out before u shift out of tb. But I think diff for u now.

Apr fool: haha I rem Dianne's joke 2 years back.

R and R: my hubby interested in the iPad deal leh, I pm u ok tonight after I confirm w him ok?
<font color="0000ff">Purple,

Thanks for asking, she's doing well. We just hv to monitor her for a while to ensure that she's ok

Notti gal, still as cheeky as ever, charming all the nurses at the ward hahahaha..
What happen to princess sofya?

iherb payment
Sure... no rush. Batch 2 not charged on my CC yet. So i dun have the exchange rate.
Freda, Joanne,

so u r guys still sticking to the name or really gng to change? i think Germaine is a sweet name

yah, think u shd feel much better by 2nd tri, rest more *hugz*
