(2008/07) July 2008

It's crowded everywhere! You should have read this 2 weeks ago!


Super last-minute online ideas:
1. Adopt an animal from WWF in the recepient's name. I've done this too, hehe. They'll send the adoption certificate and plush toy etc to the person whom you are adopting it for, and send an email to inform the person about it on a date of your choice. The polar bears and baby penguin plushes are very cute


2. Gift a year-long magazine subscription

ha just do it a few more times and it will sound more natural. it is easy to talk to a 3 year old in mandarin. wait till u have to talk to a 5 year old in mandarin. then it sounds fake...

high 5!! i did the adoption too! i adopted the cubs, my colleagues and i adopted frog for our boss and we exchanged presents by adopting animals....
High 5!

Now my problem is how to improve my own Mandarin proficiency, which can be tagged to Nursery level. PB, I also failed Chinese in school and had to re-take so that I would not have to attend Chinese camp in uni. Bbp, Dec's grandparents are cool! He is growing up in an excellent learning environment, no need to send to school.
Yes indeed, my FIL prefers to speak in broken English, than to speak to my kids in Mandarin. I come from an English speaking family, thank goodness for my grandparents - they speak to me in Mandarin and fuel my interest in Chinese dramas - they helped a lot in my spoken mandarin as well as my interest in Mandarin. My parents forbade me to go to a "chinese" college as they were upset that my English scored worst than my Mandarin. ha! But my conversational mandarin is ok. writing and reading is posing a problem to me now as i have lost touch with it.

PB, Wuffy does have a 20min chinese class. but he can get away with it by not opening his mouth for that 20mins. :p
Merry Christmas everyone!

totally no mood to work today
this week between Christmas and New Year is for medium to long term reflection, both work and personal.

C1 overdosed on sugar and had many late nights. ah well. the yearly ritual of parties and catching up.... just hv to re adjust his timings in Jan when things get back to normal.

BIL and wife and 2 boys (9yo and nearly 2yo) are here. 4 boys in the house!!! overdose of the Y chromosome.
Cellow, me equally no mood to work, but there are loads of work to be completed before year end -- Life as an accountant with a December year end closing. :p

Could it be my JX is also overdosed on sugar? She has been sleeping at 12.30am to 1am the past week! turning into a zombie soon!
oop cellow

BIL also 2 boys? then i think mr C's family has the genes to have boys! i read in a newspaper articles before that there are families who have the genes to have only boys.

like Mr D's cousin's family. He got 4 cousins from that family. All boys. then they altogether have 9 kids, only 1 girl. so its a whole family of BOYS!

oh sorry i got sidetracked.

the office reno is finally done. will be officially moving in on 3rd Jan 2012, even though I am typing this in the office now.

The last one month of working from home has been fabulous, plus the children are at home. I reply emails in my pjs, the boy wakes up from his nap and looks for me in my room where he will sit in my lap and cuddle up to me while i work. i finish 5-ish and bring the kids out or to swim. Sometimes lunchtime i bring them out to eat and to catch the mall shows.

ooohh! i am so gonna miss this!

Back to life! Back to reality!
yes accountant's life! year end is the bane!

to the side tracking. and that's prob why i m wary of having more.... lest i keep popping out boys.... the male-ness (and noise levels) in the house now is overwhelming.

i have a friend whose family are all boys, 4 of them. between them, they also have ... erhmm... i lost the exact count... smthing like 8-12 children and ZERO girls. all BOYS! his mother longs so much for a granddaughter to dress up.

working at home is really shiok ya! but i do not have the children with me regardless...
sometimes i wonder how i will cope with them underfoot in their primary school days. well, assuming i still have this urban legend job of setting my own working hours, and working at home. hmmm.
nvm, chuan dao qiao tou, zi ran zhi
Haha. Hi PB..how long since u went over to ur MIL's Plc?

Year end closing I don't dread as much as year end audit! It's all starting again!
your temp home office sounds good. dread the reno process? hehe..naughty idea.

share w us your story when u are back. meanwhile, just enjoy yourself
DD >> have to overcome the year end closing then we will take on the year end audit. But audit for me not so bad, I am not regulated, so it is a pretty straightforward audit.

2011 is ending soon..year of so many disasters.. hopefully 2012 will be a better year!
Hi Hi everyone! finally back to "work" after the long long weekend holiday! had so much fun fun fun!!!

Doggiebb, working from home is great hor! more flexible timing also shiok hor!

eboy is suddenly into dinosaurs. and what was it with boys that they must like T-REX the most? he is going around the house like a T-Rex and chewing everyone up... oh dear...oh dear...

PB, what's with your MIL? you are not even staying with them while you are there right?

Staying with IL is tough, take a lot of give and give and patience lah... but on the whole, its good for eboy cos he learns family values and many other things from the grannies! plus we can go home later after a movie without worrying about eboy... it has its perks!

Happy New Year 2012 everyone!

shall we arrange for playgroup for our toddlers soon????
Hey mich..u must bring e-boy to east coast park's seafood restaurant area then..u know where jumbo is? There's an Italian pizza (yeah..bet they won't last long) where the Thai food used to be and they have a very real looking t-Rex outside roaring to get attention! Very dinosaur! Very scary! Even for me! My vivid imagination kept picturing it coming to life and me scrambling and screaming! Haha

Hehe dunno why but I feel happy when I spot those elephants wherever I go..

Korean lunch at RP? Dunno if anyone's around or not...but I'm game if it's on
you are still in your elephant craze?

we spent one out of 3 weeks on our own. so not enough. what irks me the most is that we're expected to just stay home and follow everyone's usual schedule. like outings mean grocery shopping trips to costco or walmart. and i'd have thought someone who misses poppy would want to spend more time doing things with her instead of plonking her in front of dora the explorer all day. in 3 weeks, poppy has already been introduced to and is familiar with carebears and a few more characters. sigh.

i enjoy a fully packed holiday when i know where i'm going and what i'm doing. but i can also enjoy a go with the flow holiday. but i really don't like a 'need to follow other people's timing and moods like don't feel like driving today' kind of holiday. and when such things happen, guess which pregnant tired mummy has to entertain the energetic cabin fevered little girl?

sigh. more when i get back la. but that's the gist of things lor

we saw a diplodocus (i think) at the science museum in montreal (when we were independant. sigh). BB says the science centre in singapore has a t-rex. can go check it out
PB, does BB know all these thoughts? I tell Mr C I have cabin fever sometimes at his parents, then we make it a point to escape by ourselves, or with C1, somwhere, anywhere. But away from the house, and away from the ILs! Can BB drive you n poppy out to play sometimes? To expend her energy and get her away from tv. If outdoors too cold, indoor playgrounds or visiting friends without any of the ILs tagging along.... Woman, u r normally most creative... Dun let them get u down!
2 consecutive posts by myself....!

for all of us who are in this BIIIGGGG job of parenting
"Don’t let your listener tell you what to do. Ask whether he or she can tell how much you care, and how hard you are working. Ask for just that, and tell your whole story."
luckily i have all of you girlfriends to listen to me, to tell me it is ok to care and to work hard (but not too hard) for our children

awwww group hug! hehe
aaaaargh men!

think the household and taking care of the children is automatic. expect me to be flexible and follow his plans... when he is so rigid himself.

plus shout and threaten the boys. just you wait until they are teenagers. whatever happened to the Golden Rule.... doesnt apply to children izzit.

BB has no drivers licence. champion right? visiting the nearest friend is a good 2 hour bus-train ride away. there is no such thing as indoor playground, and we can't get out if it's (*&*%?&?"%/) minus 20 degrees with chilling winds and freezing rain.

thankfully we've had that one week of living on our own. but i got a snide remark like 'oh this trip is so short... but oh it's cos you spent a week away on your own' :S

that's the scary thing - being here takes away my independance. cos i think about the possibility of getting lost in a blizzard, and not fully being able to hold poppy's hand cos of our padded gloves.... that's scary
I Envy you!!!

My hb's two brothers both have 3 boys each! My 2 girls became wild after a one week visit! They screamed, jumped and run around like mad hahaha..

Both my girls love dinosaurs. I have quite a collection of them, including the recent ones that can talk to each other keke. I went to see Dinosaurs LIVE yesterday with the kids. I thought the exhibition is going to be bigger, but it was not. Lucky we purchased the family package that included Science centre admission, cuz we only spent half hour inside the exhibition.

Year end
AIGOOOO Annual Report is coming so soon. *dreads*

Happy New Year to all mummies!
since you know the remark is snide, then just ignore. anyway, you will be back soon. i m with you sista, i m super protective of my time and energy.... and i detest having to use my limited time/energy to deal with rotten make the best of it situations when i think we shouldnt even have to get into that situation in the first place.
Ooh G used to lurve lion dances..but the pa demands peace and total nua-ing now til cny.. When he's the king at home always beckoning the ma who plays the slave role too!

Page one closing down sale at Kaki Bukit
Cellow there was this phrase floating around about how we should treat our kids nice now cos they r the ones choosing homes for us next time? Haha go remind mr c
Happy new year! Group hugs!!!

Need prods for my eyelids but someone who napped 5-6pm is having a trampoline-y good time on our bed!
i'm baaaaaaaack! i so missed the warm sun. hello back, my independence!!!! :D happy new year everyone and good luck to all those starting new schools this year!

youpi and SDchick
S is in P1! and ashley is in P4??? oh gosh gosh gosh
Welcome back! Hope you'll have way easier time adjusting to jet lag.

Heee Ashley is P6 this year *BIG GULPS* PSLE!!! *stress*
WOW!!! P6!!! Gosh gosh gosh!!!! Don't worry, she'll be OK

Hey mummies
anyone still buying diapers? If you're buying huggies, can I please please have the hugtown 'stickers'? They're the oval shaped things you see on the front of the pack. I think it's one oval for the normal diapers and 2 ovals for the pull ups

Garang guni
Oh and also, anyone still has their Haemin (?) play yard and wants to sell off cheap? How funny right, I sold off my own when Poppy was about 1 year old and now I need to buy another set haha.

Lelong lelong
Know of anyone who wants to buy pre loved furniture? I'm selling off my sofa set, Poppy's IKEA single bed, and retro rattan rocking chair, and my dining table+6 chairs, among other things. Not for fussies, esp wrt the dining chairs!

NOT upgrading. quite the opposite actually. downgrading to smaller furniture to make more room!
Happy 1st day of school to all starting anew!

Welcome back!!! And yay to independence! Yes! P1! I am excited and panicked at the same time!

Does Jh's school still do Scholastic book sales? I am thinking of getting the Horrible series. S loves them.

Car Seats
Is anyone - or anyone you know - willing to be interviewed about this? I just need a couple of quotes.
Happy New Year!

Just sent eboy to school after a week's rest and aiyo, little boy sob quietly as i walked out of his classroom.. and chewing on his bread at the same time.. heart break! but later popped in to take a look, he ok lah!

starting to get back to work again, and i think i will pace myself and try to really spend more time with eboy in the afternoon...

planning for a holiday, torn between cameron highlands (strawberry park, tea farm etc) vs Hong Kong Disneyland... but hubby was saying disneyland should go when eboy really can enjoy, which is like another year so... but i was like, another year also can go again loh.. hahaha... so now we still thinking.. scared too close to CNY, jam will be bad at causeway... also thinking of stopping by the outlet in JB lah... I WANT TO GO HOLIDAY!

How was your holiday? did you enjoy yourself?

Youpi, i saw your mail. will respond!

Got good bargains for haenim playyard, i also want to buy! for my niece lah..

PB, Welcome back to the sunny shores of Singapore! I still have my haenim playard. You need it now? Not so soon rite? I can save it for you, so I dun bother selling it off in the forum. Mine is a 6 panel play yard.

HK is VERY VERY crowded. We just got back. As my friend puts it, the crowd is similar to that of a count down party everyday! So If you do intend to go, stay outskirts and avoid Kowloon or HK Islands.

Wuffy already can enjoy disneyland. Eboy shd be able to enjoy too!
He loved Ocean Park too! heehee

Shopping outlet in JB, dun go yet ba,heard it is not fully opened yet.
Youpi: Gwyn's school has the scholastic sales. Can help you look out if you want?

Pb: welcome back! Hope poppy enjoys her new school!
How's everyone's first day of school? L was fine, phew! Now to work out logistics when S starts tomorrow...

Yay! Thank you!!!

Yes please! Thank you!!!

Saw your cool-as-a-cucumber T2 taking the school bus home
Gwyn missed her first day at school. Caught conjunctivitis from dunno where!

Youpi: ok, will ask when they will issue the order form.
How was everyone's first day? Ours went well! Particularly grateful cos poppy and I have both been up since 5am today! o_O thankfully it was only for 1.5 hours and very relaxed

Her first time having to sing national anthem. Hehe

Yes I want to take over your play yard! Let me know how much ok? But I won't need it that soon leh, can leave with you first? I'm only due in april

School bus
Decided to put poppy on it only in term 2 but today she saw the kids waiting as we walked out and threw a big "I want to take school bus!" fit with stomping feet haha.

Cameron is a damn long bus ride away. I would like to bring poppy but 12 hours on a bus??? Nah. We're going to disneyland in october! Poppy loves the mouses
Happy New Year and Happy first day of school everyone!

The location of the Lion Dance competition wasn't too good anyway. I gave up after 2 lions. I was too short and had no stamina to tiptoe for such a long time. There was drama though - a lion fell off the pedestal!
Haha Declan tries to get me to be the lion, but I always convince him to be the lion while I play the cymbals/drums. He gets tired after a while :p

Welcome back! Must be you bringing the super hot weather back with your I-miss-the-warm-sun comment.

I got your email but I'm not sure if I have anything worthwhile to give you. Nevertheless, will send my reply back.

the last round had a lot of horrible series books!! pity u din catch it. they were selling in sets so quite worth it.

i can keep a lookout for u. is it good? maybe i shall get some for JH.

i think eboy will love disneyland. both mine love it and JX always talks about it! so eboy shd be able to have lots of fun!!

wow already planned a trip in oct!? that's really far ahead planning. bringing your bb as well?

great that poppy had a good day in sch and that she's so enthusiastic about school bus!

me and hb had a really big storm over new year. to cut the long story short, our relationship had been going downhill due to a lot of reasons. both busy, me paying attention to kids, him not being happy with work but dun wan to share so always going out with his frens. so on new years eve he chose to spend with his frens instead of me. was really upset and anyway he got back really late and he told me lies! i was really angry when i found out but at least we took the chance to address some issues. dunno how it will turn out but hope things can get better.....
