(2008/07) July 2008

This morning on the way to school, an accident occured right next to us on the road. A reckless taxi driver hit a motorcyclist 4 metres from where we were walking. Poppy's heart was pounding and the shock to me is only just sinking in. We were SO close.

Please, hold on to your kiddos' hands, and let them walk on the inner on the pavement. And always always look when crossing roads because there are always stupid reckless drivers that think they own the road.

On MC today.. cough n runny nose. Going back to my parents' place to sleep since ILs are at home w C2. That's the only way I ll b able to sleep.. C2 makes a lot of noise when I m around.

Close shave! Glad someone up there is looking after both of u.. Yes I always place c1 and c2 on the inner pavement when I hold their hand. Re looking before crossing n generally being alert, my dad told me (stuck in my mind) you may have the right of way legally, but you are also dead. Pearl of wisdom to me after I looked just one direction on a one way street and kena knocked down by cyclist coming from a diff direction..

Maybe she might extend for another 2 years leh?

Close shave! Wuffy and I also had a close shave with a driver that beat red light! The pedestrain light just turned green, normally I would hurry wuffy and hold his hands and cross the road, that day wuffy wanted to press the traffic light button, so I let him as we still had ample time. Just then a car zoomed by us, The car had beat red light. so luckily we had stopped to press the button else we most certainly would have been knocked down!!


I have an indon maid who used to take care of my mother in law before she passed on. She is not bad. Can speak english very well. She wants to come back to Singapore to work.. would you be keen?
jx is well now but now jh hurt his foot. it's really one after another. and the worst thing is he has his swimming test this wed so it means he can't go for his test now and can only go 3 months later. after all the trouble i went thru to prep him! arrgghh.

lucky u and poppy are alright. yes even as they grow up, we also must hold their hands and make sure they walk inside.

maybe consider batgirl's one? those who can take care of old folks will be more patient and better tempered?

my new maid is very young. 24 years old. so really savvy. she will sms me when i cannot pick up her calls! pros and cons of savvy maids..
Your dad is so spot on. My mum would say "no matter who has right of way, cars won't feel pain"

Cellow and batgirl
Yikes! Cellow got langa-ed by cyclist? Was it serious? Batgirl, wow so so so heng that wuffy wanted to press for the light and you let him. Phew phew phew

Hope both kiddos get well soon!

Hmm I'm just across road from H n M. Should I.... Somehow the lure is gone. But when overseas I would race to nearest outlet. Times are different huh
Phew what a close shave for PB and poppy!! Scary! The problem with eboy is that he likes to display his incredible independent skills, particularly around roads and danger places, we will force to hold his hands and it will lead to him struggling in the middle of the road. We normally end up with a screaming kid, kicking violently while his parents are carrying him crossing the road. Argh!!,

Finally convinced hubby to go for a short trip to Bangkok this year end!! Hooray hooray!!

Very tired and no energy to do anything... Heeellllppppp!!
my fren letting go of her maid cos her maid clash with her mil. from what my fren said about this maid, she's good with housework, can cook n from what she say, i feel this maid got some initiative. u wan to contact my fren to find out more and interview the maid? the maid is about 26 years old from myanmar. english and cleaning no prob cos my fren train already.

PM me if u keen and i pass u my fren's contact. u can contact her over weekend.
Omg.. im always paranoid abt this.. cos u knw kayden like to run and run very fast..
Isetan sale this thur,maybe have thermos sale..

Im keen in ur maid if mic is not..
But only next jan then changin maid...

Went today and there is a queue..
Nothin special.. e kids section is only half e floor..
Ooh me too, very paranoid 'cos L also likes to run run run and doesn't want to hold my hand. I am always apologising to strangers because either one of my boys has run into them.
Morning everyone!

PB, wow that was really close!! *phew* and batgirl that was really close too!

Wow so many people got maids to recommend! I also looking to change mine coz caught her stealing and secretly going out of my house at 3am! Go NTUC (24Hr) to buy things ... suspect got someone accompany her there ...
sigh changing maid is so troublesome... ...

I will let the girl know.


Hwah! that is bad! Are you still staying in Jurong West or shifted liao? I am joining the bandwagon of buying new houses. We just purchased one over the weekend. planning to move in mid next year. Will take my time with the renovations.
yup jx better now but her nose seems to be starting to run. not sure is it cos of the weather. jh still limping but much better

i tried calling u yesterday but it says call failed. dunno is it my phone got problem or what. can call me anytime after 6pm.

wow u too! where is your new place? looks like we will be having a lot of housewarming parties... *hint*
Batgirl congrats on ur new place!! why only move in mid next year? Where is ur new place??

My new place? hahaha haven start reno yet la. hahahah so still at JW now lo.
congrats on batgirl's purchase of new place!
so when is the housewarming? hehe.

rant abt FIL
mon night, FIL told me to take more care of the children's feelings wor.... and that C2 is teething so must give in to him a bit. HMMPH. as if i need him to tell me that C2 is teething.
i _know_ that C2 is teething. hey i m his mother, i have seen him having runny nose / lao sai during teething and he is still v active.
nothing to say to me over the dinner table esp when i m sick, pls dun talk. GROWL.
anyway, i stood up, brought my plate to the sink and started busying myself with cutting up C1's food... lest i really lose it.
and what a small trigger to lose it over some more.... i m sick liao, still talk nonsense to me.
(think i saw MIL step on his foot to stop further comments after i had gotten up from the table)

okok, i m xiao3 qi4. i m sick!!!!! and today i still have to come to work!!!!! and chair bleeping meetings all afternoon.

small triggers set me off when i m sick and/or exhausted.
at least MIL stepped on FIL
anything sets me off too when i'm sick or exhausted, or sick and exhausted! try to power nap at lunch?
Housewaring Party...hehehe.. got to wait at least till mid next year.. in the meantime, still waiting to attend other's housewarming. kekeke.

Jacelyn, my new place in Jurong East. My parent's estate actually. So we can be lagi more convenient. Wuffy's school is across the road, and hopefully he can get into the primary school just outside the estate without balloting.
I am taking my time to renovate. So that why only move in mid next year.
I was on MC Monday and yesterday. Cannot take so many days at once plus my work is really piling up. Have to make a dent in the mountain of work, one step at a time.

Friendly companies have limits too. I m not chronically sick, just recovering more slowly.

I fled from my desk after the last call ended at 5pm
gd morning! today i have a bit of time before work madness starts.

glad JX is all ok now. yes there is always one thing after another, but i find there are also periods of peace and quiet where all are well, and my heart is a little lighter.

minor accident. i hobbled to work with a huge scratch on my knee. when i went to work, the wound opened, the blood gashed out and my boss at that time sent me straight to the clinic for a tetanus jab. (i told you this coy is paranoid abt health and safety) the wound looked worse than it was la.
i did not manage to power nap at lunch ystday.... dunno how i survived the afternoon.

hello phyphy! how is tess? is #2 two yet? did you give birth before or after me? post preggy brain cannot rem liao!

oh no... sneaking out of hse at 3am! cannot trust again. quick quick change her.
troublesome yes but the trouble is worth the peace of mind when you get a trustworthy maid.

DD must be off to her trip already... bon voyage!
Got to take more water n vit c to speed up the recovery.

Hahaa I give birth after u, no 2 just turn one this mth.
Tess is .... Don know how to say . everything now is no no no n y y y .

How is no 2? Happy birthday to JX!!!
Morning! This is not a nice thing to read so early but mummies, when you go out with your kids, please keep an eye on them all the time. We were at the buskers festival in sentosa yesterday when a man came up and put his hands on the handle bars of our stroller - with my kids still on it. Think he did not see me as I was kneeling down to talk to L, who was seated in it. He pretended not to understand english when i confronted him. So be careful, k?
whether he was eyeing your stroller or stealing your kids..... all my protective maternal instincts would have come to the fore!

i lent a colleague mittens and booties... my SIL's SIL is due in Jan so my SIL is asking for them back since ILs are in town.

my colleague assumed they were hers and gave most of them away (her son is 7mo)..... would you assume for bb clothes that others give to you? i would not, i would ask first before distributing them onto others.

i m aghast.

i did not specifically tell my colleague that i want them back la. so partly my oversight too bcz i had assumed everyone thinks like me.
That is horrid. I totally freaked when I read it. I saw ur FB post at night, after BB and poppy were asleep. This morn I jumped out of bed (VERY un-me) to tell them about it. And I made poppy practice screaming and shouting "stranger! Stranger! I want my mummy!"

It is shocking, absolutely shocking and I am so horrified. That guy did it so openly!!! How terrible!!!

Did you yell at him and make a scene? Report to police? How did you manage to snap a pic of him btw? I hope he was just intending to steal your stroller and shudder at any other possibilities.

Just when we think we can relax a little cos our kids are older now
hmm that reminds me since i wanted to post pix of all our 4 boys tog.... your FB privacy settings do not allow me to see your wall or your postings...

There are many people who assume, presume. It depends on you passed the mittens to her.."I lend you" or "I give you". My friend lent me some of her boy's clothes to me. She specifically said she wanted them back after my boy outgrew them, so I returned her the clothes.


Thanks!! Happy birthday to your little boy too! And also Jacelyn's mini xun! Time flies eh? :D

My cough is getting very worrisome, hiaz, going to see a specialist after this post...
did u try TCM? a few of my colleagues had very bad cough and i heard it got better after taking TCM. took a few roudns of antibiiotics and they still cough like mad. in the end it only went away with TCM.

oh my that was horrid! lucky nothing happened but imagine such a thing happening right under our noses!

hope u r feeling better. your wound sounds ouch painful!

i feel so tired tired tired. the kids have not been sleeping well at night. even if they sleep well, they like to sleep on my bed and leave me no space to toss and turn. feel so super tired that i m sleeping early everynight and work is just piling up! everything is going to become urgent soon
Me too. Very tired cos poppy wakes twice a night (like a newborn!!) and calls us. She falls asleep on her own during bedtime but insists to have us with her in the middle of the night. It's exhausting.

Cellow (noticed you are now "coffee? Hehe)
Yeah not everyone has the same understanding. I always ask "would you like it back?"

Speaking of which, your cushion is still with me! I'll pass to you at a lunch?

Speaking of lunch
SY, keen on doing one next week? Then can collect iherb stuff fr you? Mon, tues, thurs good for me
that wound. was 5 years ago when i kena langa-ed by cyclist.

i know the feeling of sleeping early every night and still being tired tired tired. plus work pressures. why dun you slowly ease them out of your bed.... tell them mummy needs space to turn, mummy needs a good rest to work the next day and dun come into mummy and daddy's bed anymore. both JH and JX are old enough to reason with.

C2 best. this morning screamed the house down when he woke up, stood up and realised that i wasnt in the room/bed (i was up and in the kitchen or bathroom already). dunno if he misses me or misses his milk feed. sigh.
literally piercing scream at 615am. what a way to start the day.... times like this, i want to throw him out of our room immediately.
yes PB, i m now coffee...
from a motivational poster i saw in colleague's desk. picture of egg or carrot or coffee. supposed to be what you are in hot water, ie under stress.

lunch! me on! Tue or Thu also ok.
sorry pb... monday is out.
Happy birthday to mini xun too

Times really flies. A year just passby like this .

When the two kids comes to my bed, after they feel asleep. I will go to their bed to sleep.
haha i used to think of doing that but when i move, jx knows. and she will wake. she has a very keen sense of smell and touch. if my hb gets near her, it is a punch he gets. but if i get near her, she will go to sleep quietly. i find it so magical...

cellow, pb
next week sounds good. i m ok with either tue or thur. btw i m going for the esplanade thingie too! bought tickets liao.

speaking of iherb, i m buying another round these few days. cos my colleagues want to buy. vitamin c having extra 10% off if anyone is keen...
yikes. that is such a scary thing. just what that stranger was thinking, it's hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. pple just don't put their hands on strollers that don't belong to them!

are you feeling shaken? rattled?

pb and bluey
be careful in sentosa! loads of tourists and non-locals there.

about watching kids more too
mr dustee's ex-coll, his young son was found in the swimming pool. when we heard, he was in the ICU, doc's prognosis not good. haven't heard any update so far, but mr dustee couldn't sleep for like one week. he kept thinking about how our toddlers are in such danger near any water sources.

in my new home here, this expat indian family, they just let their two young boys down to the pool by themselves. the younger one is 3, mb 4. i feel so stressed whenever i see the two boys in the pool, but their mother is not down there with them nor at the window watching. coz then i start going to the window to check on them every 5 mins or so.
HK disneyland
hey if any of you are thinking of going, it really pays to book early! right now, if you book for 30 days prior, you get 20% off published room rates.

brekkie with characters
do i need to call HK and make a reservation?

mickey mouse music festival (or something like that)
anyone going?

elmo musical
anyone going?
Both boys are still sleeping with me, and waking up at 6-6.30am even though it's the holidays. Urgh.

Issit?! I've not blocked anyone in FB so you should be able to see that and post on it like the others. Or you can go to my photos section. I've put the man's photo there too.

A bit, but still okay since everyone is fine. It's not the first time weird things have happened. Last week, at the airport, a man mistook L for his son, carried him up under the arms, and started to swing him around! This was a genuine mistake, he was truly apologetic when he realised, but I was thinking like, how could you not know that it's not your child when you pick him up? Obviously he does not spend much time with his children, the poor guy. Today, at Cold Storage, some older lady kept touching L as I was paying for my groceries. Every time we go out, people keep asking about my boys, trying to talk to them and pet them. I know it's something that people do but I hate it. I've scolded little old men and women off before. I don't care if their intentions are good, this is my child and you're not putting your filthy I-don't-know-where-they've-been hands on them. Back to the buskers festival, the boys really enjoyed the show. L didn't want to leave, wanted to dance!
Hi mummies..just got back from kl and will be here before we fly off again on 20th for a week.. Hectic hectic hectic!

Yikes to youpi's encounter! Don't think I can ever handle losing my babies (yes, that includes my first baby, the furry four legged who's been bearing the brunt of my very frequent travelling lately..sigh)

Think I'm. Free for lunch on tues but will have to see if I'm buried alive at work or not..decided on venue?
Hello mummies,
Have gotten food poisoning frm dinner last nite..
And i had to drag myself out for a movie with kayden..
We watches smurfs halfway and then left..

So scary, im not sure what i would have done..
Now i think best for me to scream help..
Im teaching kayden to hold hands all time and warn him abt gettin lost..
Cos he is not the type to cry when he loses sight of me..
He will happily run away and look at things tat he likes..

Its so worrying that i went to e temple and prayed..
Felt so unsettled....
i think smiggle found the right word for it. unsettling. hai....

youpi - i've also snapped at old men before! particularly those who give me/poppy the dirty eye when she sings 'too loud' in public. i yell at them "SI MI?!" (what?). the kind of people who would tsk and say 'shame shame' to kids when they do naturally kiddy things.

i'm the vision of the courtesy lion eh? shouting at old men?

hmm about touching, i've realised that people tried to touch poppy more when she was a baby. market stall owners in particular. *shudder*

poor smiggle
hope you feel better soon!!

whoa jetsetter DD is here then whoosh, gone again, faster than a speeding bullet train, swifter than a roaring hurricaine. it's a bird, it's a plane, it's DD!!!!!!!

see la, sia until i spent the last hour looking for disneyland promos!
oh dear smiggle, hope you are all better this morning!

pb, youpi,
i have done my fair share of shouting at little old ladies and old men who pet my boys on the cheeks.

LOL at the DD faster... swifter.... jetsetter!

tue lunch
on! where? SY, you are the one bringing loot, you decide.....
i will bring C2 as the ILs are *whisper* finally going on Sunday... and i can continue my WFH (work from home) days. lalala.
i m starting to lose my perspective, attribute it to the ILs staying here. am i super selfish in thanking god that a whole sea separates their home from us? gosh, they are coming end oct till mid nov for 3 whole weeks .... again..... my home is not my own liao... they take up a lot of mental space.... breathe breathe.
i must rem to be grateful that C1 and C2 have loving grandparents who want to see them and help take care of them.

qing mei mei MIA liao....? saw barbie's latest photo on FB. so cute la.


Yes under TCM now and I also went to an ENT specialist yesterday. It might be a FOOD ALLERGY!!! my nose is swollen (internally) and hence it produces mucous and back drip onto my thorat making me cough.

And hiaz, I will be like cellow now - NO EGGS!!! NO CHICKEN!!! NO PEANUTS!!! NO MILK!!! NO BREAD!!!! dunno how am i going to live man...
