(2008/04) April 2008

Jaspire, mine was also like that when I first feed her solid so don't worry. It will go away, best to feed her on her most hungriest time which is for me in the morning.

Heinz in Spore is safe. I'm using that. I also use Nestle. Other mummies use HT and the babies seem to love it
jaspire, i read that bellamy has a strong oil smell/taste?

you can try happybellies or healthy times. happy bellies is slightly sweeter but my girl prefers healthy times. her fave (if i can say she has a fave cos she isn't all that crazy about food or milk) is HT barley cereal.

my girl hates her cereal with ebm/fm, she'll spit it out with vengence. and she hates nestle plain white rice cereal too.
Jgal, I will just collect the destin cream on sunday. The oatmeal will get it other time

Meeting on Friday Evening ( at redhill mrt / blk 75A redhill rd)
- princess-j
-(princess-j )for maddymum
(Calendula cream) Maddysmum
(Toothpaste-pink 1) Maddysmum
- littleprincess : no need to collect for vonn
- choc ( for dolly23, na_na)
(Calendula cream) dolly23
(HB OA) na_na x 1
- gemini05
- Javier's_mum

Meeting on Saturday (11-3pm)
- Cutie188
- JuniorRain
- araid22 / Jule's Mum
- Yvonne ( for vonn and maomi)
(SleepSack ) Vonn (Blue, X-Large)
(HB MG) maomi x 1
(HB OA) maomi x 1
- Stefy ( for koori, chewy, sherin, calamari)
- Cass_078
- cyl_16
- Cherish (New order : HB Oatmeal x 1)

Meeting on Sun
- CutieBB

Meeting at IBP
Tks Maddy's mum! I am also feeding her in the morning. So Heinz is safe... I was so worried. My sister recommends Nestle. I check HT but din find any rice cereal. HT only have brown rice, barley, etc...4 flavours in total.

Lynn, ya... bellamy has a strong smell/taste wor. My MIL say "Chao Pu" smell... so she thot its spoilt leh. I got the HT Barley cereal and Brown rice, but PD say only to introduce these 2 after rice cereal. And Rice cereal to let my gal take for 2 weeks to ensure no allergy wor. So i guess now i got to find other rice cereal liao. Alamak, i was thinking of buying nestle rice cereal... Adel hates it har? *Faint* like not much option liao wor... HELP!!!
jgal, do you still have the no mess mat to spare? My gal is making a mess during feeding times with all the crying, hands all over to push the spoon and cereal flying. LOL! Let me know if you have one to sell.
Jaspire, maybe your girl really hates the smell then? they're so sensiive to taste and smell. if we can smell it it must be pretty awful-smelling for Kayla right?

HT Brown Rice cannot ah? Brown Rice also rice mah.. My PD also say to start with white rice cereal but becos it's more easily digested since Adel started at 4.5 months due to low milk intake.

If your girl doesn't hate milk you can try Frisocrem? But my girl hates it (dunno due to the milk content or the sweet taste). Adel is one fussy eater she hates so many things, maybe Kayla will take Nestle?

This business of feeding semi-solids is so much trial and error for me..
Re: Booster
I recommend this from Safety 1st http://www.safety1st.com/product/detail.asp?ID=2631. Big and comfy for Baby Kayla

jaspire: maybe u want to switch cereal brands to try...Also, u might want to get Dex Dura bibs. Captures all the mess.

winter: Yes, have been using the 1st Teeth toothpaste and rubber bristles for 2 months. Just squeeze a teeny weeny bit on the rubber bristles and rub on baby's gums and teeth. Babies like it cos it soothes their gums.
brush teeth

i brush my gal's gum. no teeth yet. she like it lei. at 1st look at me, like asking wat r u doing. hee hee...imaginative mummy.

i will sterilise the 'brush' then put the toothpaste on the 'brush' then put it in my gal's mouth and massage it. dunno when then got teeth for me to brush.


your gal got 'character'. dun like will spit out. hee hee. now my gal also got 'character'. she dun like my ebm, she will try spit out, frown and make noise.

I use the finger brush to brush Ethan's teeth and gums, no toothpaste yet. Thanks for reminding me, I think I'll try it tonight!
He likes it very much, opens his mouth in anticipation when hubby or I slip on the brush.
I honestly expected gum/teeth brushing to be a struggle, surprising that it's not

We pretty much grope around inside, brushing his teeth and gums. With toothpaste, I figure all you need is a very small amount.
The toothpaste is edible so leave it in Ernest's mouth for him to enjoy when you're done

ya ...it stated 3mths onward...but is oso stated contain milk & egg content..somethin like tt...so i scare my bb allergy mah, so haven try yet...
i also use the brush only without the tootpaste since he still 'bogey'.. hehe.. and he loves it..

but so far not sterilize, scared will melt. so far just use cooked warm water to clean.. so can use electric steriliser?
Thanks Calamari, Yvonne and Diva on the brushing tips.

One more question, how frequend do u brush bb's teeth? Morning and night? Or night only?

i tried jus using the brush...and once i took it away...omg...no more peace.....he wails dw the hse!!faint...fr then, i stop letting him try liao..haha..wait till he has his 1st tooth 1st...lol
same same, so far i only rinse it with warm water. not sure can use steriliser or not.

Btw, anyone notice the brush got very strong smell **or is it just me having sensitive nose hehee....
hehee...i have this strange habit of smelling things before giving to baby, and i found the rubber smell rather strong. not sure if it is only mine like tat.

Btw, agree on bellamy, the strong is super smelly **initial thought also it's defect
. luckily boy not fussy abt it hehee....

I have some sample for Nestle rice cereal, anyone wants it pls let me know. Cheers!

We brush Ethan's teeth 3 times a day, whenever we brush ours

He stares at us when we brush our teeth, so we decided to make it a family thing and do it all together.
maro, was readi8ng reviews for trumpette sock on Amazon. seems cutting is mall. from 6 months on should already start to wear the toddler size (12-24m)..
so far my boy is ok, did not wail when taking out the brush.. but nowadays he dont like to 'pom pom', dont know why, will cry when having his bath, he used to enjoy it a lot..

yeah, me also worried that it wil melt so dont dare to sterilize.

mine no smell already, perhaps u can soak in water first. i did that for a few times and now no more smell. hope it helps

maybe water too cold? my boy use to hate bathing..but now he loves it..!...play water somemore..hee.....ystrdae play hide n seek with me...when he found me, he jump with joy....keke

i still using oval shape tube lo...too small?? hmmm, mine length still ok leh..and my boy use to both hands hold onto the side..but ever since i use his hands and smack water n play, he nv hold liao..haha..rely on me to hold him and smack water all over!....haha.... mine is a really mischievous boy
Jaspire, my gal loves Frisocream and hates HT and she absolutely dislikes avocado(totally opp of Adel and Summer) so as you can see, diff babies' taste buds are really different and many of us are in this 'trial-and-error' mode of weaning them to semi-solids at the moment. So don't despair ya? Frisocream is slightly sweeter so will mask the new fruit tastes and textures when I mix fruit purees into it. Maybe you want to try if Kayla likes it?

Calamari, haven't found time to collect the First Teeth from you.
Should start soon as Dana already on fruit purees. Will PM you to arrange

Yeah, long weekend is approaching soon. More time with babies and hubbies
haha kea, hilarious..
my boy has been smacking water since quite young, my confinement lady has been teaching him since he is 3-4 wks old.. dont know, maybe he is just uncomfotable in the tub.. hehe.. anyway use to his screaming
nana, i want the nestle sample!

calamari, where do i get the dex dura bibs?

Angel, frisocream has milk content rite? Do I still need to add ebm or just plain water? Is it gd? Yeah! Me really lookin forward to the weekend to spend time wif Kayla and do some scrapbooking. Haha...
maro, icic... many thanks! I will go check out the kidz cottage link later.
I need to prevent mess from kayla during feeding... so horrible! LOL!
<font color="0077aa">Hi- I already booked the function room.(by serene)

any more mummies keen with the party??? its a good time for all of us to meet up and catch up. the birthday party for our precious will only be in May 09 which is more than half a year away. So the Xmas party is a good time for all to meet up!!!

Xmas party!!!

venue:Serene123 condo Function room (I try booking on monday and confirm)
Date : 20 Dec
Time : 11-3pm
Food: Caterer??, Angeli www.angeli.com.sg - must book early if not no slot.
Budget:$30 per baby with a small present for them???
Theme : Red for girls and Green for Boys. Mummies and Daddy come in white (ok?)

1) Serene123 (How about get x'mas hat for all?)
2) Mushroom
3) Yvonne
4) Winter
5) Vonn
6) na_na
7) jasminechenx
8) strawberries

Hi simp, thanks thanks...

Diva... wow... you have totally convinced me that it is worthwhile to spend on high chairs.. i must pop by to take a good look. but seriously the one you had must have cost more than $500...

wow wow... agree with the reclining feature... and the wheels...

anyone wants Nan Pro... pls pm me oki. but collection at woodlands.. will be going to vietnam so will mia for the weekends..

cheers and happy hols
