(2008/03) March 2008

personally, we give med once 37.5 for ear temp

how abt the rest ?
usually i like to do 11am or 12pm cos usually tommy can't sleep so early...he has no fixed naps but usually by 3pm if he hasn't had his nap, he would be tired....maybe we can do 12pm onwards?? that way, the early ones play early and the latecomers can stay till 3 or 4pm?? just one suggestion

if not can just vote on the most popular time?
hi Adeline
paiseh for the late reply

Both Ks just went back to school today, have been having a 38 degree fever for 5 days since last monday, brought to doc and was so happy when they recover on Sat

hehe, looks like most r busy on Labour Day, will reschdeule the gathering ..also got invited to listen to a talk this sat..so will probably spend 1 hrs plus listening, since got nice makan & shopping vouchers :p

PS: btw, Kyzac is expecting a bb sister =) just did my detailed scan today
looks like there will be 3 ladies having birthdays in Seps => me, Kelicia and the youngest gal

hopefully, the gals can go shopping with me next time and have high tea together when i grow old ;)

Glad your kids are better. James just came down with fever and a slight cough on Sat night. He couldn't sleep well and was very cranky the last few days - nothing seemed right for him! I also hardly slept, totally knackered! Brought him to see a doctor on Monday morning and he's slightly better now but don't know when he'll fully recover.

Congrats that you are expecting a bb gal. After James came down with the cough and fever, I wondered how I would cope if I had No.2 and was struggling with him.... sigh....

must be really tiring ! last nite Kyzac has nitemares and keep crying. poor chap.

both my kiddos also coughing now

thanks =) no worries abt #2

if have a younger one, usually all will kena, but will get used to it after a while

at 1st kelicia was the one with cough and fever ( i was asked to fetch her after lunchtime last mon cos her fever suddenly came in childcare) , doc still said keep the kids (if i have another child @ home) apart..that is quite tough..

anyway, after kelicia seen the doc, the childcare called that kyzac also suddenly has fever ..

so both were at home for 5 days ..
Hi mummies

Just to share, in case anyone is a fan of the True Blood series. Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series of novels - Book 10: Dead in the Family - is going to be released in the US on 4 May!!!
I just placed an order for it on Amazon coz I tried calling up the bookstores in Singapore but they didn't seem to be bringing it in yet.


Not sure whether they will carry nice stuff at the sale... anyway it's too far for me too. Would be nice for those staying in the East.

I'm panda-eyed now after 2 nights of interrupted sleep. Thank goodness for coffee or else I seriously have no idea how I'm going to stay awake at work!
Congrats Babypink on getting another princess! So many cute dresses to buy again ;)
How fun!

babypink, blueskies
hope your kiddos are all better
many people sick in singapore and i'm sick too!!!! lost my voice on tuesday, like completely cannot speak...today much better but still have sore throat and i sound v. stuffed up....tommy also just recovered from one red eye...dunno what but wasn't serious...both kids coughing a bit

too bad can't meet up for labour day...some other day lah...anyway i don't think i will be recovered sufficiently in time so shouldn't be around your kids too

and tommy now is finally okay with CC, din cry when i left him there last friday and then the past 2 days...cos monday and tuesday he stayed home due to his bad eye....so it took 3 weeks of hysterics *phew* hope this gives courage to mums who have yet to put your kiddos in school
yupz, u r rite, those staying in the east r so lucky !
poor u, i hate interupted sleep myself , feel like a zombie the next day

was sharing this in facebook this morn =)

Kyzac was wide awake at 6 plus am today and started chattering with his sleepy parents. I replied, " since u r so wide awake, y dun u talk to ur mei mei ? Kyzac started saying to my tummy, Hello Meimei, I am ur GorGor Kyzac

hehe, thanks. i hope to resist the temptation of buying many cute dresses cos Kelicia has a lot. but knowing myself, i think it is tough.in fact I just placed order in this forum for more pink maternity clothes for myself :p

hope u can recover fast ( i hate sorethroat and i usu kenna mmyself) and Chelsea and Tommy too fr the cough

glad his red eye is ok
hi dreymin

Thanks =)hehe, i am due in sep, using a dif nick there as I joined that thread even b4 i was pregnant in Dec :p that time, some of us started the thread rolling aiming to have a sep child

saw that the aug mummies have a number of gatherings hor, maybe i should kpo kpo and join u in the latest one in case my child is born in late aug =)
Congrats to all mummies who gonna give births again! I am due in end July and this time is a boy. Any mummies here who work full time and can still manage 2 kids (put 1 in infant & I in cc) at the same time with no help from mum/in laws/maid? I am aiming to do that but very scare can’t cope…
hi FL
congrats on ur boy ! wow, look like most of us are having a dif gender fr last round in 2008

I think it is possible but tiring, can consider hiring a maid or part time helper to clear the housework ?

<font color="0000ff">Gathering to Zoo on Sat 8 May</font>

the kiddos have been talking abt it cos they miss feeding the kangaroos
Kyzac keeps talking abt it and sometimes treat his dad like the kangaroos by offering to feed him using his palm

we will be heading there at 9am. If anyone is going there or want to join us, do PM me hor

we were there on a sat 2 months ago and strangely, only a few people, less packed than weekdays !
haha tat is quite interesting, using a diff nick! yes there is one coming up soon for Aug MTBs, i think on PH eve after work. I should be attending coz i missed the first gathering.

congrats on your pending addition! wow seems like quite a few of us are preggie with second or third kid.
i think i cannot live without any help from a maid. It frees me up afer work to do the more impt things like showering and playing with my boy; rather than focus on the cooking and cleaning.
Plus my hubby loves to eat in so it is impossible we can eat out all the time; plus it is quite unhealthy esp the kid to eat outside food all the time.
hehe, so tat i can make a quick exit without maluing myself if i din concieve eventually :p

i agree totally with ur statement
It frees me up afer work to do the more impt things like showering and playing with my boy; rather than focus on the cooking and cleaning.

FL &amp; dreymin
any cravings

i crave for fast food lately..jialat..enjoying my fillet o fish &amp; shaker fried with cool &amp; refreshing ice lemon tea
aiyoh u hv a gd track record, shld not be any problems. to be honest i was a bit worried abt conceiving the 2nd time; took us a while!

cravings: dun hv leh, in fact not much appetite during dinner. i eat like a horse in the day though plus my coliks love to snack, 害死我!
i am 2008 apr mum and got a bb last yr...

and i am a FTWM...i put my boy into IFC and my #1 into CC...
so still able to cope cos hubby is willing to share some chores too...

but cooking can be a headache...if u intend to give homecooked dinner to ur #1...
Hey congrats FL and dreymin! How exciting!

Zoo gathering
already made plans that day so can't go...wow anyway at 9am we are far from ready, still eating breakfast :p

see what you are used to lah, in the US, no one has maid and usually no close family around to help but the mums manage somehow...of cos prefer to have maids around haha but if not, it's still doable
I am not worry abt housework cos hb is good at it. More on fetching them on time and feeding them homecooked dinner on time. Will see how it goes bah… so many uncertainties now.
Hi 720mum,

Are your two kids in the same centre for IFC &amp; CC?

So your distance from work has to be quite near to the centre and your home for you to do all these, right?
hehe, in fact guess wat time we reach the zoo , 830am ..and that is after we had our breakfast =p

so heng sat got no rain

anyway, still kind of warm even though we reach so early..weather really bad nowsadays

and we saw hb's colleague entering the zoo with her kiddos at almost 1pm when we left

can't imagine how HOT that will be
i remember it was terribly hot at the zoo and then when we reached the splash park at the end of the zoo, it was like so shiok and the water felt so good. we felt cool from then on till when we left the zoo
...the splash park is really a good idea....too bad the zoo's annual pass is quite expensive...i think we have to go back 5 or 6 times?? to make it worth it so that's unlikely to happen...
try opening up a kid's account with Maybank, they got this lucky draw where one may win free zoo pass..i am trying my luck ! =P


anyway, i wish the splash park is nearer the entrance..imagine still hav to walk all the way back..

saw some parents riding this bike thingy, heard it cost $35, and only carry 1 parent &amp; 1 child

PS: anyway, saw fr news tat last sat was the HOTest day ever this year at 35 degree..no wonder it was so warm early in the morning
i think the family zoo pass is only good if you have 3 kids btw ages of 3 to 12. If not, its not worth.

i prefer gng to the beach. maybe like bintan if they are having promo prices.

gng to zoo is already a logistics issue, plus the thought of walking from entrance to kids world. :p puts me off.
hi everyone

went for a photoshoot recently. very hard to get a nice family photo and damn i look old in the photos that i think i need to do something about my eyebag and hairdo. think the kiddos photo look better.

congrats FL and dreymin!
bbpink, congrats on ur 2nd girl. wish I can hv a girl, but too bad, faithed to hv 2 boys instead.

le le looks so cute and pretty, nice photo. think i will need to put on thick makeup if I go for photoshoot. :p

sigh~ my #1 is dn with hfmd and I ran away from home with my #2 to my mom hse. do u guys think I over reacted? but I really scared tat #2 will catch the virus and we will hv a he'll of a time taking care of them. lucky now my #1 recovering le. will be heading bk hm soon.
adeline &amp; redtea,
thanks for your well-wishes

ur kids look very cute, esp your ger very cheeky.

my current fav is the one at sembawang s.c., best of all it is free!

i dun think u r being paranoid as ur second one is stl v young. just tat it could be hard for the #1 as mummy is away.
not tat bad leh =) i dun mind going twice a month..
(hehe, tmr i am collecting to collect my maybank lucky draw cards, cross fingers for free zoo membership)

Lele is really very pretty and such a big gal already

is it Foto U ?

thanks =) hehe, dun give up trying for another one lah
i dun think u r paranoid, better safe than sorry

is the one @ sembawang shopping centre sheltered, or like IMM ?
bbpink, money not enough. and if we really wan to try #3 must 100% sure can get girl then can. haha..
I jus saw a taiwan show, the writer Li Ao said, daughters are family, sons are passby-er, son-in-law are maids/helper.

dreymin, i feel bad to my #1, when he need me most, I'm not with him.
kids world/zoo splash park
yes if i pay the family pass, i'll like the splash park to be nearer the entrance haha...it is quite a forbidding thought to have to trek all the way to the end of the zoo to go splash park

ya lor, if you do the maths, the zoo pass is not worth it...wonder why they make it so expensive cos going to the zoo is a good activity for singaporeans what...they should make it more worth it for locals to go :p

aiyo i don like the beach at all...i'm v. paranoid about sand and it just seems so messy heee...i took the kids to sentosa beach and just let them play at the fountain area...to me it seems so much more fun and not as hot and definitely not as messy ha

wow haven't seen lele's picture for a long time...she has grown up so much! v. cute girl

glad your #1 is recovering soon....my kids r more needy when they sick...i don't think i would be able to leave my #1 cos i main caretaker mah...

me too, i like the sembawang splash park best...most spacious and there's a kids friendly restaurant, like astons so the kids can eat french fries, garlic bread etc...v. cheap food somemore

only the playground area has shelter...anyway without the hot sun beating down, the water might feel too cold to the kids at the splash park

northpoint splash park
wow what a disappointment :p v. few things and the water kept turning off and the playarea was so boring...i've only been there once when it opened and haven't been back since and i live in yishun :p
Hi everyone!
Havent been here for a while.. Wow!! All kiddos are so big now~

Lele is so big now.. She look so cute in that pic!! Zac look so handsome too!

Didn't know there is this splashpark in Sembawang.. Gotta bring the kids there tml since it's hub off day tml.. =)
u r doing what is best for both of them; your son is in gd hands with ur folks so dun worry too much. perhaps spend more time when he is back to 'compensate' for the lost time.

yes it is the one at sembawang shopping center. it has a daiso and giant as well. it is semi sheltered; like adeline said.

I agree, Aston's is perfect for parents coz juz nx to playgrd with C&amp;G food &amp; lots of space to run ard for the kids.
Any March mummies keen to bring your tots for a private Fun Art Trial at the Abrakadoodle?

Date: <font color="0000ff">29 May 2010 9am</font>

This is a 45-min trial class specially tailored just for our 2-year-olds. For more information on Abrakadoodle, click here: http://www.abrakadoodle.com.sg/

If you join as their Facebook fan, the trial will be at 50% discount (i.e. $20 only) http://www.facebook.com/abrakadoodle.sg

I need 2 more tots to confirm the class. If you're keen, please PM me your kid's name and your contact details
Have a great week everyone!
sorry for the late reply...have been busy the whole week...of cos will be delighted to have a playdate at sembawang splash park
...so close to my place...anytime u guys r free
hi Adeline

no worries lah =)

lets make it sat, 29 May 2010 ?

so 10am is good ? located at sembawang shopping centre right ..

long time since a lot of us last meet..can catch up hehe
