(2008/03) March 2008

phew..lucky the kids r doing fine ! Poor u, sound very foreign what is typhoid fever

thanks for the tip..sadly nothing is working well right now, threw up this morning again

hehe, saw the good news, congrats..look like all our 3 kids will be abt the same age then

quite amazed tat boys got so much tears..kyzac will have tears running down his face if he wants to throw a tantrum..see already quite heartache

heee heee.. caught red-handed. i just found out on Jan and we had a scan at 7 weeks, we saw the heartbeat. however, i don't consider myself out of danger yet till the next scan at 9 weeks. however, i have been a wreck bogged down by evening sickness and i throw up everyday. so babypink, you're not alone, i will join you in your torment to bring #3 to the world. i'm excited that we have kids of the same age! all 2 years apart. nice gap. my EDD is Oct 1 but i think i should deliver on Sep too. all my deliveries are earlier than EDD.

oh so unlucky kena typhoid fever. how is that different from normal fever? can you breastfeed being sick like that? don't be too early to say you won't have another, hehehe. i think, after you handled two, u think three wouldn't make much difference.

Tricia won't throw tantrum like that but she don't understand what No means. the moment i say no and scolded her, she will do it again the moment i turned my back. so sometimes no choice but had to physically scold her. however, she's not afraid of me. she's only afraid of daddy. so when she was told off, she would put on a droopy face and look elsewhere, numbed. so cute!

haha, i like ur last line to redtea abt after u handle two, three wouldn't make much dif

yeah, i m still throwing up..this morning haven taken breakfast also can throw up yellow liquid

haiz ..was hoping last preg heaven can let me enjoy a ms free pregnancy like my pals..but look like it must happen again and again and yet again..

also having a bad headache

think it will ease in late march in my 16th week, like #1 and #2

quite happy this is my last prgnancy hehe..i wun go thru this again man
btw, last pregnancy already cannot resist writing this :p


to share

alto i must say quite sad that some portions were cut off ..original version

I am rather disappointed that Budget 2010 mentioned nothing about incentives for women who are giving birth in the Year of the Tiger . It was stated in the Weekend Today (13-14 Feb 2010) that PM worries about babies as Tiger roars in

Chinese Singaporeans, in particular, saw their total fertility rate go down from 1.14 to 1.09, equalling the community's previous low in 2003 and 2004. Given how in each of the last three Tiger years (1974, 1986 and 1998), the number of births dipped 7 per cent, Mr Lee admitted he was worried about this year too.

Given the past trends, it would definitely encouraged more Chinese Singaporeans to have babies in the Year of The Tiger if we can allocate part of the Budget to encourage Singaporeans who are giving birth this year, i.e a sum of money in the Tiger Baby's Education Fund .

As a working mother of two children who are both in childcare, I faced the difficulty of looking for alternative childcare when they are down with infectious diseases like HFMD or Chickenpox. As a mother of two, I am allocated 10 days of Childcare Leave. However, this is defnitely not sufficient to cover the period when they are sick and have to stay at home.

Just this month alone, I have utilised all my medical claims for the whole Year as well as my Childcare Leave when the kids came down with HFMD one after another.

It would boost fertility rates if we can increase the medical claims for working parents especially for those who have two children or more. The amount of medical claims should increase with the number of children. Childcare Sick Leave needs to be increased as the child is genuinely sick and needs the care and concern of his/her parents.

Giving birth is the first step, but we parents also want to give our children a good education as a stepping stone in life. It would help financially if that Childcare Subsidy can be increased together with the Baby Bonus. We should also reward those who are having their third child with extra Baby Bonus. The fact of life is having a child do need money and many couples stop at one because they want to provide the best for their child.

The 1st 6 months is important for new mothers to bond with their new born and to breastfeed so that their babies have a higher immunity from an early stage in life. I would like to propose 6 months of Maternity Leave to boost the current fertility rate as babies depend solely on milk for their nutrients for the first 6 months in their lives.

For working parents, we want to spend our non working hours on interacting with our children and many of us engage foreign workers to help us with the household chores. The increase in Foreign Workers' Levy is going to be an additional burden on us financially. The Foreign Workers' Levy should be reduced for working couples who have two or more children below 12.

I do hope that the Government can look into the suggestions above as these are the concerns of most working mothers who would want to boost fertility rates in Singapore but we really have our limitations and need all the support from the Government
kudos for speaking out!! i couldn't agree more! i actually have foreign friends who commented that Singaporean mothers are asking for too much but I rebuked that unless you're a Singaporean has lived here forever, you will understand why, especially under the perpetual Pay And Pay administration and how FTWM are easily discriminated against!

i'm also glad that i can finally NOT think about pregnancy ever again after this. the MS is so bad, i hope that this is the last time i will go through this! never again! it's really challenging to take care of two when u're sick like this. but i feel blessed now that my #1 is big she's more kuai and behaves nicely all the time. she also played with Tricia a lot, giving me time to rest... until both started jumping on me in bed like world championship wrestling!!!

thanks. haven't heard from you for quite sometimes how are the girls? is Kath being a terror now?
typhoid fever is spread thru human poo of the carrier. and this bacterial can be only found in those not well developed country like India etc. I don't think it safe to bf if u hv this infected in ur blood stream. and somemore u can only be treated by strong antibotics which is not suitable for bf. for for the past weeks I hv been pumping and throw. now I hv start bf agn. and hope that I will not become a carrier.

Melissa, the ms and taking care of the kids hv really put me off of having #3, somemore our pocket don't allow too. anyway it's really hard to said abt this right now too but for now 2 is a big headache Liao and my dh and I still wanna enjoy our life of travelling when the kids are older.

bbpink, not every women will be as lucky as ur friend of ms free. but u r lucky to hv a caring dh and daugther. so jus ren and all will be over in a few wks time.

The foreign workers, i thought that doesn't include domestic helper? I read that in the paper today. Or I might be wrong?

If yes...ohhhhhh...Nooooo..more levy to pay?
oic..no wonder the Editor edited that part away then :p

actually Barclays staff are already enjoying 6 months of maternity Leave ")
my #1 very poor thing, always trying to make "medicine" for me..when she sees me throw up, she will said oh oh , mama is sick
when i play with her , she said mama recover already
yeah, whenever they jump on me, my hb will tell them off ..poor kiddos =p but kind of happy that my hb is very kan cheong abt the 3rd one too

thanks for the encouragement..i tell myself by end of march and all will be fine again =) but 5 weeks is so long
Babypink: I like this pic! LOL! So cute.

The FWL don't apply to domestic helper. And I think the gov wun give any more perks too. Last yr they aly said if the birth rate still doesn't increase, they will get immigrants in. :p Anyway, those who want kids will treat these perks as blessing. Those who die die dun wan kids wun be moved even if the baby bonus is increased to 5k. And no matter how much they give, the money will nv be sufficient to cover the shock of life style change after the first baby pops.
But again, its good to highlight the challenges parents today are facing.
Those people in Parliament all have grown up kiddos, so I think they forgot how it was bringing them up.
haha they look so cute! when they're all grown up, you can show them this picture and see what they think ;) hehe

wow good for you to take the time to write a letter!

...although i also agree with Kaa that money prolly won't do much good after a limit....i think govt needs to do brain washing like how cute babies r, the joy they bring to our lives haha....or how useful and vital immigrants are hehe
that picture.. is a 69 position ain't it? lol...

i rather govt spend money trying to get people to love children unconditionally than getting more immigrants in! a bulk of these immigrants are more than happy to stay and escape their pitiful life back in their country. but they happen to be the lowly educated ones. those highly educated ft will be here to stay and collect money. once they're rich, they'll just return back to the country. 90% of my indian colleagues do that. so how could that solve population problem in singapore? it takes at least 3 generations for us singpaoreans to acknowledge the diversity and develop Singlish for daily communication. the immigrants aren't even trying to assimilate!
yes.. she is definitely a sweet and cute terror in terrible 2s stage..
Yea.. i went missing hahaha.. life isnt very smooth!.. but been thru it last year hehee..
Hope all preggy mommies will have a smooth pregnancy and delivery!
YOu know what? Your message to redtea, " i think, after you handled two, u think three wouldn't make much difference", I said the same words too! After you've handled 2, if you have 3/4/5, things ain't that difficult after all.
haha..hmm..how many ladies understand wat u mean abt 69 i wonder =p

Kaa, adelineL
hehe, yeah..childhood memories are made up of these
Stress of being a parent - Quick Survey - help a grad student

Thank you to those who have completed my survey! I have until March 1 to get a few more responses so I can begin my research project. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Robyn Maley
recently the two Ks have been communicating quite often..and sometimes their communication really tickle me "p wondering any other siblings have farni exchanges

Part 1

Kyzac and Kelicia are always fighting over toys and recently there was this conversation..kyzac probably hope he can use adults to pass to him :p

Kyzac : " give Kyzac ?"
Kelicia :"no"
Kyzac : "give mama?"
Kelicia:"mama is sick"
Kyzac: "give papa?"
Kelicia," papa is an old man"

Part 2
Kyzac is always saying this when kelicia got told off by hb for misbehaving

Hubby, " kelicia, stop that"
Kyzac will always show off and comment : " Kyzac is a good boy"
Kelicia : " Papa is NOT a good man"
hahah that's hilarious! :D it;s like a comedy routine

my kids talk a lot to each other too but i never noticed anything so funny! although tommy boy is v. mischievous....i'll say "i love you tommy" and he'll look at me and say "i love youuuu bus!" and then he laughed.

or if i'm singing this particular song, he'll start to "sing" too in a v. high pitch tone...haha just v. funny lah...but he means to be funny, not like your two Ks, like funny without trying :D

Btw, just read that PCF actually has a lot of fun activities for tots. Just wondering does those PCF in bt batok has the same things?
my girls always make fun of each other by asking each other to stand corner..
For example

Kathlyn: "JIE JIE.. GO STAND CORNER.."..

Kim: *Fake cry* dont want dont want..

Then kim's turn

Kim:"Mei mei.. go stand corner..."

Kat: "boo hoo hoo.. bu yao bu yao.."

Then both stand there laugh.. and this will go on a while...
omg i rofl reading the baby conversation. i wish i could share some but Tricia hasn't been that fast on speech. she's a sharp contrast to my DD1 who speaks clearly before 2 yrs old. i guess i have to wait a little while more before i can laugh the way you girls did. such a joy!!! cuteness!

hahaha yeah i think i remember you telling everyone that!! it's true isn't it? i'm glad you're here to verify that having three is not bad at all. like i said, you've always been inspirational.

aren't all PCF supposed to have the same modules? no homeworks right?
haha..hmm..how many ladies understand wat u mean abt 69 i wonder =p

haha at this age? where even primary school kids can get knocked up? sometimes when i read the news i'm so shocked that kids already know stuff I don't. oh my, even at this age, i feel like my innocence has been robbed further.. lol..
Hi mommies,

If interested, pl PM me.

Huggies Ultra - $14.50
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Most definitely! Once you handle 2, 3 is not much of an effort ;-) But it's another nightmare for me with my hubby's frequent travelling and not forgetting I've got to walk the dog too. Can you imagine walking the dog with 3 children? Darn! Oops, enough of my ranting, but nothing beats the joy of seeing them grow up together
Birthday Invitation

Hi mummies

I'm organising a playground party for James 2nd birthday on Friday 12 March, from 5pm - 6.30pm. It's basically open to all the kids who are there during that time and I would like to invite all the mummies here as well.

There'll be a ballonist doing balloon sculptures for the kids and ice cream too. Do drop by if you are in the area!

Address: Playground at Blk 308 Canberra Road (about 10 mins walk from Sembawang MRT station)
Time: 5pm - 6.30pm
Date: 12 March 2010

This is a photo of the playground. Do let me know if you are coming by and I'll prepare extra goodie bags!

JTS, I made this tiramisu cake for DD3's birthday. My 2 elder ones love this cake but I restricted DD3's intake :p

tat looks yummy, actually perfect for valentine's Day too =)

yeah , a lot of enrichment classes now during childcare hrs..computer classes, speech and drama by external companies..just pay using CDA matching funds =)

i wish my morning sickness and motion sickness is over..then i can attend ..sound very fun

Happy 2nd Birthday to James and may he have a very fun day !

hehe, let me own up then..i never heard of tat until i got married at the ripe o age of 26

siblings always have such fun conversing =)

Part 3
Kelicia : I go shopping and buy you barney cake !
Kyzac : I wan Elmo cake
kelicia : u dun wan barney ?
Kyzac: I wan Elmo
Kelicia: ok, i buy u elmo birthday cake
HB asked: kelicia, do you have the money to buy a cake
Kelicia: Ah ma's house has ( cos my dad always puts his $ inside this drawer)

<font color="0000ff">Talking of Elmo cake, is it only at Polar..i really dun like the taste of Polar cake..but they seem to be the only one having the copyright..</font>

any lady here knows of any other contact ?
i still laughing over the kat and kim's stand corner joke..
Everytime they nothing to do will play with this 'stand corner' game and watching them do that is actually very fun..
In fact they can really interact alot..

Like yday we go zoo..

Kim: see Otter..
Kat: No Animal
Kim: i say otter
Kat: A-Ni-Mal not Otter
Kat: no, A-ni-mal..

And they go over and over again arguing the same thing.. haha..
Babypink, can try smiling orchid at Ghim Moh too. I got my Girl's Dora cake there. Its a photo imprint thingy, and still too big (1kg) for our family. LOL.

For more convienence, there is one bakery at Bt Batok Central near the stairs to the Bus interchange. I saw they do children's cake as the pics are all plastered on the board behind the cashier. Chk them out.
jerejoy &amp; Kaa
thanks !

so cute, i dun think mine noe how to say Otter ! =)

hehe, time flies indeed..i agree must take more pictures

btw, hav u taken Pheobe to the Bt Batok Nature park to play sand..very fun !


<font color="0000ff">anyone game for a gathering at BB Nature Park ?</font>

that elmo looks cute how much is that? my niece has the tickling elmo and lele is very tickled by it and kept giggling when we turn it on.

too bad bukit batok too far for me if not will definitely join in. wait till i got my license so that i can be more mobile

that elmo looks cute how much is that? my niece has the tickling elmo and lele is very tickled by it and kept giggling when we turn it on.

too bad bukit batok too far for me if not will definitely join in. wait till i got my license so that i can be more mobile
Need 5 More Parents to Take a Quick Survey - help a grad student

This is the last time I will bug you about my survey.
I need to have 5 more surveys completed by March 12 to be able to do my study. If you haven't taken it already, could you please take 5 minutes to respond? I really appreciate your help! The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Robyn Maley
University of St. Thomas
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
JTS the splash park at northpoint is about to open! or has it open? got their brochure to say this weekend they have roving entertainers there etc etc....yippee, another splash park near me!! can't wait hehe
Time flies...

Happy 2nd Birthday to all our lil toddlers!

From a first time mommy, its so amazing to see them grow to a toddler. LOL. And to all March mummies, let's enjoy all of our children now till before they learn to fly. :D
Hi Babypink, i dun have time to go visit nature park. most weekends are spent trying to do something or go somewhere. :p

But its soo hot and hazy nowadays. dun have mood to enjoy the outdoors too.
Hmmm..just read all comments at yahoo about Jack Neo Scandal.

Sometimes, I wonder "we" as a wife..what we need to do to prevent our hubby to get bored on us and start doin that.

Because ..at given time, we also might got bored with our hubby..but the difference between women and Men - Our brain speak louder..whilst them - the Pxxis will speak louder than his brain.
100 plus =) have yet to explore cos kyzac is celebrating his actual birthday on sunday

after 6 pm is quite cool =)

botanic garden after my MS subisded..still puking..sianz lor

saw the yahoo video..a bit too drama at the end when the guy Ah Nan who always act as hooligan also act as one at the press conference

..anyway..to share a happy pic :p


PS: <font color="0000ff">hope all our march thread kiddos have a birthday as happy as the little chap
