(2008/03) March 2008

that is his sister, right? Are they in the same class?
nice elmo cake. where did you get it from? was looking for elmo cake but can only find those printed type. so din buy elmo cake in the end.

haha loves the video clip...poor kyzac looked so lost

went to James playground birthday celebration and he's so cute...what a big boy....i think the maid said he was like 17kg in 18 mths...wow Tommy just went to the doctor 2 weeks ago, and he was only 15.6kg at 23 mths and 90.3cm tall....he looked pretty skinny next to James haha
Thanks for coming by and the lovely present too. James is very busy chasing the army truck around the house! I hope Tommy and Chelsea had fun that day. The ballonist had to stay on a little longer than we expected because there were more kids that came along and we couldn't bear to turn them away.

And you know what?! With all the excitement, I forgot to bring my camera!! Ahhhh! Never mind, next year...

Ya, James was about 16kg when he went to see the doc at his 18mth check up. He's due for another visit to the doc to get his pneumococcal jab soon...

Ballon sculpturing
Anyway in case anyone wants to get a ballonist for your kids birthday, you can try this lady - her name is Joanne Kam and I got her for the playground party that I organised for James. She was very good, non-stop twisting the ballons for 1.5hrs for the kids at the playground (they were literally queueing!). Her no. is 97571828 and her rates were $160 per hr.

Happy birthday to all the March babies!!
yupz, cos kelicia's N2 classmates join in too..we dun want to bring back the excess cake..and min to order is 2kg =p

actually kyzac is fr toddler class ( i think 4 kids) , but he seem to be the only one present on most days ..so he usually join the N1 class...

The Elmo cake is from Polar (halal cake shop)cos we invite Kelicia's N2 class to join in as well..and there are muslim teachers in kelicia's class

adelineL/blue skies
omg, kyzac is less than 13 kg i think on 8 march


Kyzac just have no fate with his birthday candles, look wat happen on his actual birthday ( alto his sis din blow out for him )

kyzac so cute leh! at times he seemed so close to the candles! where's this at?? the ice cream looked v. yummy

hehe, yeah, he is quite puzzled y the candles keep lighting up =p after he blowed so hard

location @ IMM Swensen. we have breakfast there..
they have kids' menu ..only on weekends @ certain branch fr 7am to 11am..

kyzac loves their pancake..

btw, on the actual bday, the icecream is FOC =p
just show a copy of birth cert

we chose starwberry sherbet, rocky road and yummy raisin ( a bit of rum)..anyway, the yummy icecream was eaten by hb & myself :p the kids have their own kids' sundae eventually.

i was also thinking this place is a good place for gathering..eat breakfast on sat , then play at water area =)
thanks for inviting us to James playground party...wow there's a huge turnout and I actually bumped into my uni friend whom i haven't seen in like a decade :p....my kids had so much fun and Chelsea's balloon still survives till today....your balloonist was really v. patient with the crowd...one old lady was kinda "scolding" her telling her to go faster and not asking the kids what kind of balloons they want...i stood up for the balloonist and said she's already doing a terrific job! haha
wow the FOC ice cream looks v. good in your video....too bad we don't like Swensons' food leh...last time we had it, we thot all the food v. mediocre....maybe the breakfast is much better than the usual food
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks
i think i remember wrongly leh!! tommy boy is only 13.6kg at 23 mths!!! i'm 90% sure it's 13 and not 15...hahaha...so bad this mommy, really have a hard time remembering :p
hehe, u noe even clinic recorded wrongly..cos we were there a month b4 tat, they also record at 15 kg, then still ask us in March why drop to 12 plus kg within a month..
both hb and me were taken aback..then nurse said probably the last time they record wrongly lah

PS: hehe, the bfast is ok lah ..my appetite is not very good still ..so can't comment much..most things dun taste good to me nowsadays

their icecream is quite ok one..hehe, even adults enjoy FOC on actual bday leh
Hi all,
You all saw the news on the rotavirus being contaminated‎ being a benign virus? Wonder if we can take class action against GSK if the further tests comes up to be negative news...
Hi Mummies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale. Drop me a PM if interested,

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings & sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)
Selling 1 unopen GNC Childlife Essential Fatty Acids Natural Butterscotch flavor.
Expire date: 23 Oct 2010

For infants 6 month old up to 12yrs old kids.

Product detail: http://www.childlife.net/node/53/

Original price: $ 43.50
Selling cheap now: $ 35

Pls PM me if u keen. Collect at my blk (hougang). Thanks!
Tommy is quite tall for his age, huh? I don't know about my girl's height but she still weighs < 10kg now.

I agree with AdeL, their food is simply mediocre. If I go there, it's mainly for their ice cream, not their main course (though I very much prefer NYDC's mud pie).
you are so slim, i'm sure your girls are also petite like you
my side has the big genes (not good for me :p) so my kids both quite tall...my own brother is 193cm leh! rare sight in Singapore heee

Just put tommy in CC (this is his 5th day)...he's still crying hysterically
and the teachers are saying how well he can express himself :p cos whole day he'll cried i want to go home, i want to go playground, i don't want this i don't want that *haiz*

I am dreading the day i have to send lele to school too. I am sending her to Catholic Kindergarten next year with her korkor. i think she will be as vocal as Tommy. hopefully with the presence of isaac, she will settle in fast.
hi ladies

dun worry abt childcare =) sometimes things can turn out quite well

Kyzac started in early Jan 2010

kyzac is there from 8am to 6pm, initially he cried in the 1st 20 minutes for the 1st few days

but now he keeps saying <font color="0000ff">I love teacher</font> and wow, they did quite a lot of stuff ( every friday he will bring a thick file back)

And just 2 weeks ago, the childcare teacher jokingly asked me how much I am willing to sell Kyzac to her :p

one thing is kyzac is rather vocal and can communicate with his teachers, so they find him quite enjoyable bah =)
oh yes, shirley, just wanna share tat talking live Elmo is a really good buy..really can do a lot of thing..even teaching the kids to dance :p

kyzac likes it a lot nowsadays..
Dear mummies

I need advice.. any of your toddlers seen tiong bahru plaza PD before? My son was hospitalised during end Feb, after discharge, he was well...then 2 weeks later, which is mid Mar, he was sick with fever again..and then recover again , till yesterday fever again.. so i was thinking to change to tiong bahru plaza PD. ever since he discharge, his temperature is alway 37.2 as compare to last time before hospitalise at 36plus..
morning ladies
yesterday when i fetch kids from CC, tommy seemed a lot better...more cheery and "normal"...although this morning he cried buckets again...

your CC sounds v. good...some more it's super cheap right? lucky u!

some how with #2 though, it's easier to take than with #1 :p....but i think it's cos i always feel Chelsea is stressed out over new environments/people so i try to protect her from that fear whereas tommy usually interacts v. well with kids/grown ups but he's just super sticky to me when it comes to people who can take care of his needs...

yes, starting Jan 2011. i have been looking around and i think this is the best kindergarten as my grand niece study there. I think Celia gal also studying there. Still went there to queue early in the morning. my hubby and i have a good laugh over it cos only registering for nursery, we have to go around 6am damn kiasu. But i told him since i already fix my mind on this school i better get it otherwise i still have to search again. luckily i did cos the vacancies for her level all snapped up by 8am.

I think Zac and Le is quite similar to Chelsea and Tommy. haha but i think it just matter of time before he will settle in
geez, i will be worried too

can't advise u on tiong bahru PD as i never seen b4

btw, 36 plus is fever ? i tot at least 37.5 ?
hi babypink.

nope, 36plus is not fever. I mean my boy temp, alway 36plus. but ever since his discharge, his temp maintain at 37 n above...then all of a sudden will hit 37.5 and fever...so quite worrying what is wrong. now his temp drop again to 37.2. but is not stable ....all of a sudden, eg eveneing or nite, may hit over 37.5 again..haiz..
shirley, isnt the kindie quite far fr yr place? U letting the kids take sch bus? The one i shortlisted is less than 10m drive away but the bus service will mean alex has to be ready by 7:30am. Cant imagine how tiring it will be for him.
Hi mummies,
anyone here a fan of this actor called Wu Chun? I got a poster of him to give away. Let me know if you are interested
Too bad I'm not a fan of Wu Chun. Might have kept the poster if it was Donnie Yen instead (to the horror of my hubby!!) Haha!

37.5 is borderline right? I thought we only give medication if temp hits 38.5 and above.

Have finally decided to let James try out a playgroup downstairs my block later this mth. They have classes varying from 2hr - 4hr. Will let him try a 2hr class for a start and see if he enjoys it. He's got hardly any friends in the playground in the mornings these days coz all the other kids have gone to playgroup / nursery... Hope he doesn't get separation anxiety. For mummies with toddlers in playgroup, how long did it take before your kids stopped crying and you can leave them alone to attend the playgroup on their own?

Wah! My PD only recommends giving fever medication when the temp hits 38.5 and above. Can't imagine inserting rectum pill for my poor boy! I can't imagine if I had to do that for myself!

Maybe you can try getting a second opinion for your boy's fever? Btw I bring my boy to see the PD at Kinder Clinic at Mt Alvernia - Dr Lee Chien Yee.
Hi blue skies

thanks. Now my son's fever back to 36plus again..when he is aslp, his temp is perfectly okay..only when during the active period then the temp slowly slowly increase... i monitor first for few days first. then shall c on MOnday.

actually temp increase is normal if he is very active...

personally, i feed kiddos panadol once reach 37.5

once reached 39 degree my GP wun even entertain and asked us to send to KKH immediately
hi kea, it's not a common practice to insert suppository for a 38.5 fever. Last wk my boy had a 39.4 fever, the gp did sugg inserting a suppository but i wasnt comfortable with the idea n turned her down. I alternate with panadol n nurofen n my boy's fever broke in a day.

Some doc played too safe n dun consider the side effects of strong medication on toddler. i'm quite peeved about this!

blueskies, heard a range of 2-6wks for tods to settle down leh.
mostly depends on the kid...is James social or shy?? i know some kids r v. independent and don't mind who's taking care of them but most will cry for 5 - 10 mins before settling down to class and take between a week to a month (usually) to get used to the new routine

if James is just going for 2 hours, he should get used to it pretty quickly...my guess
wana arrange for a playdate ? =)

how abt Labour Day


The Playhouse also welcomes privately organized play-groups. With a minimum of 4 families, you can book a space in The Playhouse by the hour for your children. Please note that you or your helpers will be required to supervise your own group. We will give you some complimentary sessions for you to try it out; no obligations attached.
High Fever
My girl also had her fair share of taking lotsa of antibiotics and medication. She has uti when she was 10m, bad food poisoning 15m, running fever as high as 39.8 degree, followed by chesty cough and now bad diaper rash.

I din know it can be dangerous except hb told me if the child is having high fever they look drowsy and keep wanting to sleep. Then we have to keep waking them in case brain damage or pneumonia or something like dat. I din know shev was possibly in danger. I just keep waking her.

I guess msia pd practice very different from sg. I wished im in sg sometimes. The days when she got really sick are usually on the days of public holiday or weekend post-office hours when pd is off. GP only ask us to give fever mixture.

What would then be a dangerous temperature from ear check? 39 degree is the guideline as bbpink mentioned? I hope my girl' brain not damaged as i really din know.

I so miss the gathering and support from the mommy group. I shd be returning to sg next year. It has been 3yrs already. Living with little or no support from immediate family or maid is actually tough for sahm or single moms. I really give it to the rest who can manage more than 1 child singlehandedly.
The playdate at Rochester Park sounds interesting! Do let me know what time you all are meeting. I wonder how big is the "space" they will allocate for a private booking. Any idea if it's a room or just an area that's cordoned off?

James is quite social but he can be sticky if he's not familiar with the people. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he'll adapt quickly since he's got a friend attending the playgroup already.
that place sounds nice...have you been there? i guess they have toys for the kids to play with?? i thought the way they describe it seems a little bit like you can set up your own groups/activities there...

anyway it sounds interesting and it would be nice to meet up for a playdate
what time is good??

another place to consider is the marche at somserset...took the kids there and they have such a lovely playhouse indoors so we had ice cream while the kids have a good time playing...
oops hope i'm not too late to post my thoughts about fever..

I think 37.5 is still considered quite normal. its' normal for kids that age to have high temp. i have high temp myself too but i don't have fever. so i attribute Tricia's high temp as similar to mine. i started giving her panadol when her fever reaches more than 38 deg. if higher than 38.5, i give her 6-hourly, otherwise, if more than 39, it's 4-hourly. sponging also helps, ample ventilation, good sleep. they usually have no appetite for food though but that's ok. so far i just administer panadol and she's fine so far. i'm sending her to playgroup next year. can't believe she has to go to school already!
wow, sound cool too, the marche, cos now i am thinking of my ham &amp; cheese crepe


wat time is good for u ladies ?

just post ur prefered time

great, wat time is good ?

hihi, long time no see !
i can understand it is tough , sometimes when not well and hb is working, it is great to have a family member ard
ur gal def not damaged lah , she is active

yday i saw this channel 8 show at 1030pm Chong Feng, very scary abt this man who had fever at a young age..he lost his eyesight gradually and he kena brain damage ..

but KKH always tell me children dun get bran damage fr fever ?! fever is a way to fight infection ?

confusing ...

it is about 15 min drive from my mum's place in punggol. both of them will be taking the school bus. isaac was attending 2hr session just across my mum's block but the timing clashes with his nap time and this kindergarden quite highly recommended and they have such a nice field for outdoor play.


they are on the 11-2 session so cant be classmates. 8am too early for them as they usually woke up at 730am.

wow you really resourceful, i dont mind trying out the place too. looks fun and i think it has been ages since we met up. i was just looking at the photos at my house gathering on national day. haha all of them so tiny. now lele has grown so much haha


i think you may have to gauge the usual body tempreature of the child. Lele boy temp is higher than zac so what may be fever for zac may not be for lele. if lele has fever, her can shoot up quite high very sacry. i think fever is something that we cannot take lightly
agree totally,fever is something is really cannot take lightly , whether it is our kids or even ourselves

<font color="0000ff">Gathering @ The Playhouse on 1 May 2010
wat time is good ?</font>

Hi Babypink,
Gd to learnt that you are still as active in organising gathering for the march 08 mommies. I will still hope to meet up with the rest in 2011 when im back

Last time the dr said that babies usually have higher temp and only 38 degree onwards we need to give fever mix. What about the toddlers, still the same or same as the adults' temp, 37.5 degrees on ear check then give fever mix?
