(2008/03) March 2008

Trade in old bras for new ones

Hi mummies

Not sure if you read this article in the Sat or Sun papers, but there is this new lingerie shop in Ion Orchard called Skyla that has a promotion where you can trade in your old bra and get $15 off a new bra that you buy. Offer ends on 25 Oct 2009. Not sure whether there is a maximum number you can trade in though. Anyone tried their bras yet?

wah! all our little one have grown so big and tall already. times really flies, they r almost 2 liao. hv not take photo of my DS for very long liao. :p lazy parents here.

looking at ur photo make me feel like taking my son to the Zoo rainforest water playgrd agn. my DS have so much fun there the last time we went.
hee.. kyzac looks so troubled in the photo. so cute.

quickly go back & take a picture of your Eugene

when is ur EDD for his sibling ?
hi ladies... had some time to spare so came in to kaypoh and i saw the "bai wu long"...hahahhahah.... kill me if i ever have to have triplets again...muah hahahahahaha
wa babypink... its v tiring to handle 2... ;p Mine one already enough to scare me. Im stil decidg if I shld haf no 2 a nt... ;p I haf been hearg my colgs complaining of their kiddos in pri sch... How tiring isit to teach them their schwks. ;p
hi mummies,long time nv come back here, miss this thread. heheheh... super busy with my BP now adays...

playdate? when? can update me? PM me if can, cause i seldom have time for this thread

2nd one? me trying now...congrats to mummies who's 2nd one r arriving soon.envy,envy.

I've heard from a mummy that in Bang kok there's a gynea who can help u to plan for boy or girl,99% accurate, any mummies know abt it? i want to try a girl leh... how? any tips?hehehe... I've use Brendon to become my model for clothing..hahahah..here r the pictures i have taken 2 days ago, http://babystash.multiply.com/photos/album/113/113
he also slim down a lot.. haizzzz, still wearing size L for pet pet.
Thought of changing milk for my boy so I bought about 10 can of enfagrow. Who know he don't like it. would like to exchange to

b) Let go at a price
C) Exchange ntuc/ gaint shopping voucher

1.8 KG
Usual Price:$55.75

1.8 KG
Usual Price:$54.60

Kindly email me at [email protected]
when there are two, they will tire each other out :p


baby dust to you

Julia Gabriel
I have confirmed my place in Week 1 @ Evans Road ..anyone going there as well ? =)
i m looking forward to the hols class cos it is a parent accompanied prog and I will be attending as well..hope i will have fun too ;)

Now we have pre-made nail designs up for sale for mommies that love to have pretty nails but no time to visit nails parlor.. Will upload the nails design soon and Glued included

Will update more information
Hi All,
So many cute babies photos! Or shall I say cute TODDLERS photos! Time really flies. Our babies had grown to become toddlers.

Second baby,
Congrats Yasmin, Linda and Redtay!

Toddler receipe,
any mummies care to share what your toddlers eating now? Headache dunno wat to cook for him nowadays.

what we did in JG today ..kelicia is in a dif class..

anyway, our morning is more drama than kelicia's drama class..the kiddos woke up at 6 plus instead of the usual 7 plus..leaving us little time to pack..then kelicia still sh*t on sofa ( 1st time ever) and kyzac said he has sh*tted just b4 we are abt to set off ( and we r already running late) and somehow he fell off sofa and ended up with bleeding lip..wat a day

we ended up starting today as we were told only 1 place left for both kiddos for weekend 9am classes
thanks for organizing a playdate
either dates r fine for me...whatever time is good...generally prefer morning but afternoon is ok too...the headache part is always the food...never know what to bring but i'll think of something by then...
Great..we'll be there at 10am, a good time for us...tire out the kids so that they can nap when we get home

me also have headache on what to feed tommy *haiz*...he has a bit of stuffy nose and cough (v. minor) so dunno isit his sickness or what but he's eating v. v. little...today whole day haven't really eaten anything :p

everyday kyzac eats the same thing for his two meals, either porridge with threadfin & spinach or porridge with salmon and brocoli , this has been ongoing for the past 13 months everyday
only once/twice did i replace the porridge with macoroni =p


will try to make it ..hehe
tommy is about the same...fish porridge day in and day out with slight variations and every breakfast is baby cereal with fruit puree...but now he refuses to touch the baby cereal and eats a lot less porridge *haiz*...so of course tried many different foods now but he eats v. little of them and things that he has to chew,he's sooooo slow at it so meal time drags on.....he does love fishballs, rotisserie chicken, roast duck, a bit of yogurt...oh and cheese is one of his fave but nothing that can really fill him up i feel
kyzac is still as greedy as ever everytime go um um um even b4 he finishes the curent mouthful of bland food , alto his food look & taste horrible to me :p

like what u said, every morning is the oat prune cereals fr Nestle..since he started cereals..sometimes i do feel "sorry" for him hehe

but since he is starting childcare soon, soon his diet will be more "unheathy" & less bland

the last sentence u wrote sound very delicious, i think u mean he is not taking in staple carbo ?
alex is having a funny food strike lately. he's resisting bland baby food, n even mash potato. I cooked this 'claypot' chicken rice for our lunch today n he finished whatever I gave him. mummies whose kid has the same problem can give it a try.

chicken strips, diced
white button mushrooms
frozen vege (carrot, corn, pea n french bean)

chinese cooking wine
soy sauce
dark soy sauce
sesame oil

marinate the diced chicken with the seasonings
cook the rice in rice cooker
when rice is half cooked, add chicken n mushroom, stir the content
when the rice is cooked, add the veg in to steam for 5-10mins.

will post in my blog when I hv time.
yes i mean there's no good staple carbo to fill his tummy...just for my peace of mind, i like to see him eat a bowl of porridge or cereal

that sounds v. yummy, thanks for sharing but i hate to cook...will buy from coffeeshop downstairs (they sell claypot chicken rice) and if tommy rejects that, at least i din spent hours cooking/cleaning....lazy mum here :p
usually if i cook, it ends up costing way more than outside food :p....aiya u must be a good cook lah...that's why can rely on your own cooking skills hehe
good morning all!

Now Phoebe dun like baby food. she loves soup. she started on rice but usu its mixed togets w the soup. She's now eating what we adults are eating... with the salt and spices and whatever. :p and she will yanker for good food. eg chwee kueh she will gobble up the ones from the famous stall and refuse the ones from the nearest kopitiam!

I am trying to comes to terms with the lil food connoisseur and #2 is way behind our consideration. I cannot imagine having 2 lil food connoisseur in the family. If not, me and HB have to work our asses off. :p
Kaa, your gal is eatg what my boi is eatg too. He luvs soup too.
Will ask for more.

You are right. Same thkg... One little one can kill us.
Hahaha! I am still trying to train my gal to be more chin chye when it comes to food so she can have a long term playmate.

Anyway, the todds now are at the tantrum stage? Mine will do her angry stance - cross arms if she's angry. Earlier on, she did when when we ask, cos she learnt it from Barney shows. Now she will show it when she is angry. Eg when u say NO to her wants.

Anyone got friends and relatives whom are renting out the HDB room?

My friend will be having 4 Indonesian visitors for a month or 2 months. So she is planning to rent a common room for them for temporary stay.

Preferable near mrt station. If you got any reference, pls let me know. Thanks
hope to cya all on this sat

Playdate @ Bishan 221 (Kais' place)
10am (Saturday, Nov 7)
1) AdelineL, Tommy & Chelsea
2)FL & Ashley
3) bbpink, kelicia, kyzac
*great, chelsea & kelicia have company
anyone has not taken MMR? Kyzac took his last wk :p lucky no fever after MMR but it was a very painful jab cos he cried so hard

btw, took kyzac for his bb show
and i like this pic of kyzac =)
hope ur GEMs recover..saw many people having sneezing & running nose on the bus..think it is the flu season again.

yeah =) he came in 2nd for 19th to 24th month Categegory C.
Coincidentally, my gal pal's son who is in Category B also gets 2nd =)

Bulk Purchase
Anyone tried the nachos & cheese dip in BP, they even have salsa dip and avocado dip..really good ornot ?
me tempted to buy, but $20.50 sound ex for 2 dip and i pack of chips
hehe, i was still thinking to pick up fr Bishan after playdate cos it will be hot & yummy, fresh fr oven
Babypink, I have bought it twice. Thk the cheese dip taste better. Dun really like the salsa dip. But its really a lot. Too big pac. Eat until Im scare... Better to share w someone if u can find.
congrats on Kyzac winning 2nd place! wow seems like he has won a few trophys so far! v. impressive considering that he's probably one of the youngest in his category. i've never seen one of these shows before, what did they test him on?
bbpink, congrats...

just for your info, fever can come as late as 21 days after MMR jab. My daughter got fever two weeks after MMR jab. Seen doc and he told us this....

thanks for the tip, cos i am still thinking need 1 more pack of nacho chip or not..so 1 pack in the $20.50 package is more than enough =)
and i am the only one in the family who likes nachos & cheese
pure luck..only on whether kiddos r good mood that day
the most fun is whene u have people u know and can take lots of pics tog ;)

only 2 lah :p actually very simple stuff, but just luck , like whether our kids like the doc and behaves not too shyly, respond to their instructions
when they go in, the doc will ask them to shake hand, then place them in a toy area, make them put the block up,will point to some pics in a book and ask u name them..etc

thanks ! nurse at Bukit Batok Poly told us 5 days after jab.we took the jab last thursday..look like i have to keep my fingers crossed till 26th Nov
