(2008/03) March 2008

envy envy lei. cuz you got such a helpful and supportive husband. i don have ! but nvm la, at least he improved alot now after we moved house. he will wake up earlier and play with cheryl and we also will go out on every weekend now. so much more happier now. but sometimes i am still very overwhelmed with cheryl so very very tired. now weekdays i also have more 'me' time cuz cheryl is left at my mom's place.

ya also keep telling myself to grit my teeth to pull through for next yr. anyway time really flies! 2008 is ending and cheryl is 10mths ++ old now. last yr still so heavily preg. time pass exceptionally fast when we got children!

Birthday party
I have also booked a chalet at Aloha Loyang for Baby Rhys' birthday. Announced it at the beginning of December, but I dun think anyone took notice of it.. =(

Glad that things are better for you now.. BTW, when is ur baby due date???

There's spree for those themed party supplies. If not you can go get it from Toysrus. I have a friend whose son's bday just past, she also got it from toysrus... Maybe u can try there..

For mummies who love to read:
Have anyone of you read The Twilight saga yet??? I brought a set from Amazon after my friends intro it to me.. Seems quite interesting..
Read your postings that your boy doesn't like solids too. Mine also like that. I've been cooking porridge for her 2 x daily, but she eats less than 1 tsp (cooked porridge + fish/meat + veg). Imagine the time and effort wasted! I've been cooking porride for the past 1 month.

BUT, she started to eat them better since 2 days ago! She can finish 1 - 2 TBSP of cooked porridge now! My efforts have not gone down the drain!

Jia you!

Yup saw that your boy's birthday party is on 7 March at Aloha Loyang.

I'm not sure yet whether I have to celebrate James's birthday that weekend too. Have to check with my in-laws, they may want to call relatives etc etc. If we aren't celebrating James's birthday that Saturday, we'll pop by to see Rhys!

But do post a reminder again closer to the date... my memory getting from bad to worse these days!

I think there'll probably be a birthday celebration for every weekend starting mid Feb until end March
Going to be a busy busy time for us all!

Can I hv yr email address so that I can email to u the pics my hubby took for u on last Sunday. My hubby is full of praises of yr hubby. He really likes kids n can play v well with them. Hope to see u all in the nx gathering. =)
Hello! Jerejoy,

Kindly email to [email protected]

Yah lor... my hb likes to play with kids cos he is still a kid himself. This is something I can't do. He always says I am a boring mum who don’t tok to bb.

Btw, I’ve called up GUG and on waiting list for their 2pm trial class on 04 Jan which they will confirm the seat with me next week. Come join if you want. =)

Oh, my hb says ur hb is familiar. Maybe he saw him before in air force many yrs back???

thanks! will email the pics to u by tday. He's v cheerful n bubbly. That's awesome. Yr daughter will hv strong bond with her daddy.

Is yr hubby is the airforce? My hubby has been in the airforce for 10 yrs plus. Maybe they happen to be colleagues in one of the sqn.
aiyo.. i am a very lazy + dun bother mommy..
Later u learn all bad things from me leh.. hahaa.
I dunno how i manage to go thru until now also. i only know now i enjoying liao.
jia you
having 2 kids is really very good, cos they entertain each other
usu the 2nd one is very fascinated by the 1st kid running abt etc


Poor Employer
did u gals read Today..the maid gave birth and employer has to fork out 5.5k for her C-sect and $67,000 of medical cost for the bb tat was born prematurely

wat a bombshell
reena: thks for ur support.. it was demoralizing cooking for my boy. thinking all the time tat it is the tasteless food that he's rejecting..
but i eat the same porridge as him. i dunno why he hates it.
since he likes bread, i'm trying to bake myself. but i can't get the consistency right. the bread always end up like dinner rolls.. (hard)
so i buy those freshly baked frm the bakery.. i dun give the factory made bread. hoping to reduce whatever preservatives is in the bread.
Baby's blog is so cute! LOL.

Btw, how do you take passport size pic for your gal? I wanna bring Phoebe to make her passport.
Hi Mummies!
I m glad that I finally can find time to go online n log in SMH! Shifting house is very headache! Plus, if you dun haf a maid to help you and have to carry the baby the whole day cos the house is dirty n full of boxes! But m glad its all over liao.

yup! no more YCK. Now AMK near my mil place. Downgraded cos times are bad lor :p Lucky din stay bus stop! hahahha!

I got another Thermos Food Jar from their last sale cos my Endo is jus to tie over an outing that time. So far my Endo Food Jar is fine. I think you can consider getting another one for just in case lor.
M thinking of getting the Tiger Food Jar if there is a BP.

Bday for bb,
wow! so early you gals planning. I also wanna do up something but stil thinking. Better plan soon manz!

I have a tin of 400g Nan2 to pass to you cos I got it from a seminar n my son dun drink Nan. Cheryl stil drinking that?

your son is so smart n advance! Can walk liao. Congrats!

which one do you mummies suggest? I wanna bring my son.
tot u hv maid? she din help u? no la abc still walk with holding one hand still. he can go unsupported for 4-5 steps only but wobbly n oso only @ times when he forgets..

I recommend either my gym or gymboree... there's a free trial for citibank card member for my gym. woodlands civic centre has a branch.
Reena, i din know bb can take bread now. What kind of bread can they take actually? I tgt bread got sugar, so it is ok is it? I want to let my bb try as she always see me take bread

Thermal Food Jar
Clover, u bgt the thermal jar recently? got warranty? maybe can check w sales person.

I think i use thermos foogo jar n can only say it is gd for use if u take within 5hrs. Anything longer than that think it is gd to get endo cooking type. I got thermos shuttle chef n i tell u, i cook brown rice porridge in 15mins in the morning or afternoon between 11am n 2pm then put inside the insulation n nite time ard 7 n 8pm, the food is well-cooked n steaming hot. It saves me time, effort, gas, whatever esp if u r going out or traveling. The porridge is cooked like the way adults eat type, taste ok, not the super watery type. I have not tried using white rice to cook porridge though.Maybe white porridge easier to soften.

Brown rice porridge
I found another method to speed up the cooking process. I soaked the brown rice in hot water for abt 30-45min then cook in the tanyu claypot. Abt 30min, the porridge is gd enugh.

If u want very soft near semi watery type, takes abt 1hr, i tried that yesterday n im happy that finally use lesser time, effort, gas to have a decent BR porridge.

Taste better i think using claypot. Usually i use the corning ware to cook, taste i think ok, time long time i feel.

slow cooker also gd but need abt 1.5hr or so,no need to watch water.

corning ware, claypot n thermo shuttle chef, all need to watch water.
reena: haha.. no wonder only both our babies hate porridge...
to supplement vitamins, i'll give him small cut fruits/veg like kiwi/avocado/papaya/tomato.

i use claypot to cook my boy's porridge. Abt 15-20mins. I tried slow cooker, i think waste electricity as it takes super long...
thermal food jar, tks mummies. if i buy another one, it will be tiger brand.

simp, wat brown rice r u cooking? i use an ikea pot to cook alex's multigrain rice for abt an hr then i blend the porridge. am thinking of trying brown rice next. the receipt not with me, so cant check.

pet/reena, maybe yr baby has ang moh taste.
my boy takes all sorts of junk food. he likes to eat off my MIL's plate. gardenia bread, biscuit, etc. just soak in some water (my MIL even give milo, sometimes yakult!) and feed. can't tell u if it is a good habit or source of nutrition or not - it probably isn't :p. breads contain sugar. i close one eye because it is an occassional treat, n for the sake of family harmony! if u want a healthier option, go for freshly baked breads with grains.
We take somaly organic brown rice as family when we eat at home. White rice we take when we r out eating, so shevon is taking this brown rice too. I realised BR has a lot of those small flying creatures if u take a long time to finish them.Think rice bugs hahah.

I bgt the 5kg and takes ages to finish them like months. So now the moment we open the pack of rice, we store them in the fridge n i take the required portion whenever we have them for dinner.

Slow cooker hahaha think will use only when i dun time to watch the fire.

Claypot i think cook faster n taste better. I used that 2 days ago to cook our dinner soup, i think flavour is better retained.

Think i may want to invest in a medium claypot for family as i just bgt the small pot and large pot for bb n for herbal tea cooking.

Realli. Hmm think i want to go check out bread for my bb now hahaha
simp, i agree wif joelle.. tats y i stop gardenia bread for my boy. i spend alittle more for daily freshly baked bread frm bakery. at least it has no or lesser presevatives..
u'll never know wat factory made bread contains exactly..
Hi all,
I fed my girl bread. My dad gave her Gardenia and Sunshine white bread or raisins bread. I gave her some of Cedele's. I personally love Cedele's bread.

She still takes porridge leh. But she very chan zui. See me eat Tang Yuan she scream... I let her taste my spoon after dipping into the soup. Then I have to hide somewhere to finish my Tang Yuan. Lol.
my boy been taking bonjour milk bread since he is 6 mth old.

yes tiger is gd. i am using toger now to store too. My mulitgrain or brown rice i cook until soft not too soft kind then i put into tiger. the veg (usu brocolli) i will jus wash/rinse with boiling water then add into the porridge in tiger jar so as not to overcook the veg... same with carrots and other kinds of veg... in this wa i save gas and no nd to reheat too.. will coook lunch n dinner together (meaning what he eat for lunch will be wat he eat for dinner).
Thanks for the Tip!
I got the Tiger Thermos and Jar from Isetan sale but its sitting in the box. Lol.

Isetan holding another private sale on 26 Dec. But this time no Tiger Promo.
Merry Christmas to all mummies & babies!!!!

Isetan's sale
Might be going this friday with my sis... Still not cfm yet..

X/mas celebration
Cooked some speghatti and a friend bought a log cake, will be having it in a whiles time as a way to celebrate x'mas.. With 3 lil' monkeys ard, i can forget about going to any kind of party...

I try to give home-baked bread too but when I'm lazy, I just give those store bought white bread.

At 9 months, you can give bread. I give her either plain or toasted. For breadmaking, they use some sugar and salt but it's ok since your bb aint going to eat the whole loaf. BTW, take note not to give baguette as it's saltier than the usual white bread. My bb can finish 1/2 slice of Gardenia/Sunshine/Bonjour.

Brown rice cooking
I used to soak my brown rice when cooking for my 2 elder ones during bb time. It's also faster to cook in my AMC pots.

Mine doesn't like fruits also until these few days. Gave her applesauce, she will give the "sour" expression. Gave her banana, also same expression. As long as it's not breastmilk, she will give same expression. But luckily, for the past 2 days, she's eating fruits better too.

Ang moh or not I don't know but one thing for sure, I love bread during this preg. Maybe that's why she loves bread?? Hehehe

BTW, nice pic of Alex and mummy. Can at least put a face to the mummy now ;-)

Last but not least, MERRY XMAS TO ALL!!
