(2008/03) March 2008


I am looking for wooden toy piano. Hard to find… let me know if you know of any store that sells… Tks!

Am keen join in the bb’s 1st Birthday Bash 2009. But I am busy at work and no time to look thru this long & fast thread yet…Can tentative put my name, bb & hb? =)

yes kindermusik trial is off. Sorry. Already mention in earlier post

definitely cheaper. Outside selling $89.90 i think. U can check out the price but i am ordering by tmr 5pm. Thanks if interested email me.

babyheng, shirley's dogs are v cute.

abc, i resist the temptation to get the toys. hehe.

FL, noted. Pls transfer soon. $_$
nvm la. u can always exchange toys with me via multiply.. if no toys to exchange then rent from me lor. heehee... i always believe toys help them to grow.
tt already. pls check. thanks!

22 Oct 2008 08:07 PM Singapore

Your transaction is completed.
You may wish to print out a copy of this confirmation for your reference.

Amount S$30.00
Transaction Reference 1942102013
went to the TMC talk on starting bb wif solid food. quite fun n informative. My bb enjoys it so much for the food tasting. He cried when its not enough of the food given to him to taste. Hahahhahaha!


For $8 of the talk, I mus say its very worth it lor. The goodie bag includes :
1. Nan Pro 2 400g Milk Powder
2. Nestle Brown Rice Infant cereal 350g
3. Nestle Rice Infant cereal 350g
4. Gerber jar carrot
4. Gerber jar peach
5. a cereal container for travelling
6. a baby bib
7. a food warmer carrier

& continuous flow of refreshments as well as food tasting for bb's food.

Now I very excited on starting porridge for my bb.

Oh, btw, according to the Dr, when trying out a new food and lao siao more 4 times in an hour then is consider as allergic to the food.
Usually allergic signs are rashes.

sound very worth
Junkang looks eager indeed

hehe..i also wana post a picture of myself taken at suntec on monday :p
pretty ornot


Happy Halloween in advance !
ABC, will do tat tml cos I cant access my co. email at home.. The link is in my co's mailbox.

Let my boy have some Anderson's ice cream just now, and he loves it.. He doesnt scared of cold like hw his brothers did when they were younger...

My boy's first word: Papa

Have been mumbling all day... I cant wait for him to call Mama!!!
twinklestar, received yr payment. tks.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">who had transferred to me via ATM? pls identify yourself!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">ladies, pls pm me after you have made the transfer otherwise i'll miss your post when i'm not around the next few days</font></font>
Venue: twinklestars' place in Sengkang
Date: 1st Nov, 1230pm

1. twinklestars,hb and megan
2. mikael n bb
3. Yu Tong n bb ( hopefully our hubbies can mit then )
4. abcdisney n 2 kiddo (will bring finger food)
5. AdelineL n bb
6. Summerdaze n bb
Venue: twinklestars' place in Sengkang
Date: 1st Nov, 1230pm

1. twinklestars,hb and megan
2. mikael n bb
3. Yu Tong n bb ( hopefully our hubbies can mit then )
4. abcdisney n 2 kiddo (will bring finger food)
5. AdelineL n bb
6. Summerdaze n bb
7. Adeline
Good Morning Mummies,

Can I still join in the birthday bash?

1st Birthday Bash 2009
4 April 2009 (fixed)
$30/family (up to 3 adults)
{inclusive of lunch, a birthday banner, a Number 1 birthday cake, customized cupcakes with names , mickey and minnie agar agar and a lucky draw if there is remaining $ }

1. abcdisney n bb (both dates ok)
2. Celia
3. Jerejoy (any date is fine)
4. Isabellali (both date ok)
5. Zhiqiang, Yvonne &amp; Baby Bryan (both dates ok) :p
6. Shirley + Lele + Zac zac (both dates are ok)
7. clover, hb + alexander (prefer march)
8. Reena (if DH's not travelling, prefers mid - late March)
9. Erny, Mikael, Francis and Hubby
10. Adeline, hb, Kim, Kath
11. Yutong and family (prefer march)
12. bbpink and family
13. Jessmyn + bb + Ruth + maybe Hubby (prefer march really like bday mah)
14. happygal29, hb, rayden, rayne
15. AdelineL, Chelsea, Tommy, maybe hubby
16. Kate, brendon n maid(prefer march, meaning for march babies)
17. Lefthander77,hb,babies &amp; KIV maid (Apr4th is ok)
18. babyheng, hb and tristan (any date is fine!)
19. Ivy, hb and Aidan
20. Ling Yee, hb and Keira
21.twinklestars, hb and megan
22. summerdaze, hb &amp; giselle

Clover, I had trf $30 to you today. Will PM you the details too.

Tku the committee for organising this great party!
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Venue: twinklestars' place in Sengkang
Date: 1st Nov"> 1230pm

1. twinklestars,hb and megan
2. mikael n bb
3. Yu Tong n bb ( hopefully our hubbies can mit then )
4. abcdisney n 2 kiddo (will bring finger food)
5. AdelineL n bb
6. Summerdaze n bb
7. Adeline
8. Isabellali + maid + 2 kiddos &amp; baby

<font color="0000ff">Twinklestar
May I know which part of SK u staying???
Venue: twinklestars' place in Sengkang
Date and Time: 1st Nov(Sat),1230pm

1. twinklestars,hb and megan
2. mikael n bb
3. Yu Tong n bb ( hopefully our hubbies can mit then )
4. abcdisney n 2 kiddo (will bring finger food)
5. AdelineL n bb
6. Summerdaze n bb
7. Adeline
8. Isabellali + maid + 2 kiddos &amp; baby

i stay in anchorvale lane...opp sengkang methodist church
Venue: twinklestars' place in Sengkang
Date and Time: 1st Nov(Sat),1230pm

1. twinklestars,hb and megan
2. mikael n bb
3. Yu Tong n bb ( hopefully our hubbies can mit then )
4. abcdisney n 2 kiddo (will bring finger food)
5. AdelineL n bb
6. Summerdaze n bb
7. Adeline
8. Isabellali + maid + 2 kiddos &amp; baby
9. Bubble n HB (mayb) n bb n maid

I have a contact that sell milk powder at a lower price than outside, I'm getting my milk powder from her. Here's her price list. Who wants to get it from her too??? Can let me know ur order..

Gain IQ 1.8kg - $48
Gain IQ Kids 1.8kg - $45
Pediasure Complete 1.8kg - $55
Similac 1 - $36
Similac 2 - $32

hahaha.. this is funny! Reali brighten up my day! I like the last pix best! ur bb can be a actress in future.. alot of facial expression!
Melissa -
HAHAHA!!! Great photos!! I love them - your girl is very expressive! :D I'm gonna try to do up a collage of my laundry basket shots too...this is hilarious!!
ooooh!! good lobang!!! my neighbour is going to jump on this!!! I want 3 tins of Gain IQ 1.8kg!

baby photos,
seriously, all baby photos are always making my day!!! yesterday was a good one, so many mommies post their baby photos. so cute, so i'm inspired. those pics were taken just yesterday kekeke.

to resize photo, you can go to fotosizer.com and download and install the application. it's FREE. picasa is good for editing as well.
Venue: twinklestars' place in Sengkang
Date and Time: 1st Nov(Sat),1230pm

1. twinklestars,hb and megan
2. mikael n bb
3. Yu Tong n bb ( hopefully our hubbies can mit then )
4. abcdisney n 2 kiddo (will bring finger food)
5. AdelineL n bb
6. Summerdaze n bb
7. Adeline
8. Isabellali + maid + 2 kiddos &amp; baby
9. Bubble n HB (mayb) n bb n maid
10.Kate n bb

anyone able to help...my son has been waking up a number of times during the nite, n everytime he wakes up he cries...any idea why...teething etc...he is now 7mths...

he used to sleep thru the nite but not tis few wks...i hv been waking up a number of times, feeling very tired as I need to work the next day...anyone has the same experience?
Isaac sick after catching cough viras from i don noe who... (we've been to a friend's house warming and then to NTUC supermarket where some jokers seem to keep coughing around us)... 2 nights we didnt get to sleep well as he couldnt sleep well... *DARM*

Err...regarding cupcakes for the April huge event: I find cupcakes super sweet, pretty to look at BUT not really a need. Think if use the money to do something else will be better... Just suggestions.

Calling Magazines to shoot us on that huge event? kekee.. might as well try our luck to call up those milk powder or diaper companies see if they wana sponcer us some vouchers or goodie bags hor? suggestions also.

4th April happen to be my youngest brother's actual birthday so I've yet to put my name down, will try to do so before the "due" date.

YESHHH I wan a 2nd baby BUT not now. Work is over my head I cant even see where I'm going!!!
> Hi abc,

Note with thanks. I will also go for the single trial but not now. Jan'09 bah... ;)

> Hi Clover,

Transfer done (Will pm you this info);)
23 Oct 2008 11:51 AM Singapore
Transaction Reference 1942958366

1st Birthday Bash 2009
4 April 2009 (fixed)
$30/family (up to 3 adults)
{inclusive of lunch, a birthday banner, a Number 1 birthday cake, customized cupcakes with names , mickey and minnie agar agar and a lucky draw if there is remaining $ }

1. abcdisney n bb (both dates ok)
2. Celia
3. Jerejoy (any date is fine)
4. Isabellali (both date ok)
5. Zhiqiang, Yvonne &amp; Baby Bryan (both dates ok) :p
6. Shirley + Lele + Zac zac (both dates are ok)
7. clover, hb + alexander (prefer march)
8. Reena (if DH's not travelling, prefers mid - late March)
9. Erny, Mikael, Francis and Hubby
10. Adeline, hb, Kim, Kath
11. Yutong and family (prefer march)
12. bbpink and family
13. Jessmyn + bb + Ruth + maybe Hubby (prefer march really like bday mah)
14. happygal29, hb, rayden, rayne
15. AdelineL, Chelsea, Tommy, maybe hubby
16. Kate, brendon n maid(prefer march, meaning for march babies)
17. Lefthander77,hb,babies &amp; KIV maid (Apr4th is ok)
18. babyheng, hb and tristan (any date is fine!)
19. Ivy, hb and Aidan
20. Ling Yee, hb and Keira
21.twinklestars, hb and megan
22. summerdaze, hb &amp; Giselle
23. FL, BB Zhen Ning (aka Ashley) &amp; HB
Happyface, Melissa
Preferable AMK. But I can try to accomodate the location as long as it's within AMK/SK.

I have taken in your order, will PM you my accounts details...
u have a very pretty gal !
very expressive

hehe, hope ur youngest bro's bday in the evening, then u can come for the bash

hmm..good idea to get sponsors

i see wat i can do at my end ..but when i write to them, i need the confirmed attendees , as in to said we have like how many babies bah..to convince them to sponsor..
1st Birthday Bash 2009
4 April 2009 (fixed)
$30/family (up to 3 adults)
{inclusive of lunch, a birthday banner, a Number 1 birthday cake, customized cupcakes with names , mickey and minnie agar agar and a lucky draw if there is remaining $ }

1. abcdisney n bb (both dates ok)
2. Celia
3. Jerejoy (any date is fine)
4. Isabellali (both date ok)
5. Zhiqiang, Yvonne &amp; Baby Bryan (both dates ok) :p
6. Shirley + Lele + Zac zac (both dates are ok)
7. clover, hb + alexander (prefer march)
8. Reena (if DH's not travelling, prefers mid - late March)
9. Erny, Mikael, Francis and Hubby
10. Adeline, hb, Kim, Kath
11. Yutong and family (prefer march)
12. bbpink and family
13. Jessmyn + bb + Ruth + maybe Hubby (prefer march really like bday mah)
14. happygal29, hb, rayden, rayne
15. AdelineL, Chelsea, Tommy, maybe hubby
16. Kate, brendon n maid(prefer march, meaning for march babies)
17. Lefthander77,hb,babies &amp; KIV maid (Apr4th is ok)
18. babyheng, hb and tristan (any date is fine!)
19. Ivy, hb and Aidan
20. Ling Yee, hb and Keira
21.twinklestars, hb and megan
22. summerdaze, hb &amp; Giselle
23. FL, BB Zhen Ning (aka Ashley) &amp; HB
24. cyberbabe,maybe hb, maid, Jayden &amp; Chloez
My Isaac been like this for 2 nights... NOW we just realise 2 teeth on the top Popping out. I think that might be why he's not feeling well on my side. Maybe yours too...
1st Birthday Bash 2009
4 April 2009 (fixed)
$30/family (up to 3 adults)
{inclusive of lunch, a birthday banner, a Number 1 birthday cake, customized cupcakes with names , mickey and minnie agar agar and a lucky draw if there is remaining $ }

1. abcdisney n bb (both dates ok)
2. Celia
3. Jerejoy (any date is fine)
4. Isabellali (both date ok)
5. Zhiqiang, Yvonne &amp; Baby Bryan (both dates ok) :p
6. Shirley + Lele + Zac zac (both dates are ok)
7. clover, hb + alexander (prefer march)
8. Reena (if DH's not travelling, prefers mid - late March)
9. Erny, Mikael, Francis and Hubby
10. Adeline, hb, Kim, Kath
11. Yutong and family (prefer march)
12. bbpink and family
13. Jessmyn + bb + Ruth + maybe Hubby (prefer march really like bday mah)
14. happygal29, hb, rayden, rayne
15. AdelineL, Chelsea, Tommy, maybe hubby
16. Kate, brendon n maid(prefer march, meaning for march babies)
17. Lefthander77,hb,babies &amp; KIV maid (Apr4th is ok)
18. babyheng, hb and tristan (any date is fine!)
19. Ivy, hb and Aidan
20. Ling Yee, hb and Keira
21.twinklestars, hb and megan
22. summerdaze, hb &amp; Giselle
23. FL, BB Zhen Ning (aka Ashley) &amp; HB
24. cyberbabe,maybe hb, maid, Jayden &amp; Chloez
25. Liyun, granny, (maybe hb), Isaac
yeah i think it's teething too. it could be nightmare but since he has done this for 2 nights, it's more likely to be teething. poor baby, teething hurts, nevermind lah just sayang sayang him okies.

wow you want to close order by today? a bit fast ley. anyway i can collect at AMK Hub/MRT?
HI abc

Thks for helping. I have ordered directly with them and will be paying them via paypal.

i have reuest to do more leapfrog activity table. $80 + 7% tax = $85.30.
Interested pls indicate.

My baby oso keep waking up at least 2x at nite for 2 weeks already. He jus keep crying for about 2 to 3min. He is almost 7mths.
No choice, the lady needs me to close order by today, if not next order will be another 3 weeks.. She will send to me this weekend, AMK MRT/Hub is ok... Arrange timing with you again.. So u cfm getting ah???
babypink, He is ok, not sick...

Melissa, if it is bcos he is teething how long will tat last..i notice he got two tooth pop up from the botton.

bubble,so any reason why he wakes up....

yes yes confirm! i want!

from my experience, a few days, maybe 3 days maybe up to a week. has he been drooling a lot?
