(2008/03) March 2008

Liyun : Vpost is very expensive.i.e. $9.13 per kg. But their customer service is good.

KateChow : Shipping is quite reasonable for borderlinx ard $6 per kg.

<font color="119911">How you est shipping e.g. jumperoo
Go to :
Go to "Product Dimensions" , there will be a estimation of the vol wgt of the item, in this case 19.6 pounds for the jumperoo. 19.6 ld = 8.9kg. Then you check the shipping charges for your "courier" .


Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline

Let me know when need to pay you.
Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
Aiyo, i was just out for a while and the thread like speed bullet train, shoot so fast kekeke.

I want the brown rice too!

Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. Simp
Oh no, i have heavy bb too. My ger has always been 95% in the health booklet then i thgt she is normal, now i know she is heavier and taller than 95% of the bb her age. Faintz,.... I am bringing her for jab next monday. Will ask PD how.
who else can meet 3pm at cafe cartel j8 on fri? i will be there fr noon with another mummy friend.. kais n kate?

abc/crystal we will wait for u.
Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. Simp
17. crystal
18. crystal

abc, hopefully can get the other 2 as well. same as amazon.com ones.
Thanks Babypink and Melissa,

emm..seem that most mar babies are quite big size
James is so cute ....mine was 7.5kg at his 3rd mth..this sat going for his 2nd jab. Btw any mommies have this prob... i dont seem to hear my baby farting as much as before and must burp him longer ..alot of wind..(got rub ru yi you also) sometimes at 4-5am he will cry ..shout till no voice come out and break out in cold sweat and esp cold behind his neck..anyone have such experience ? haiz...
will try to source locally for good discount. if cannot then ship from amazon. :) i am still neg for a better price from the supplier. :)
HI babypink

replacement for birth cert, not sure i paid for 30 or 70 ? cos i replaced my cert last march'07.. need to wait for 3 working days to collect(i think so)
Hi abc,

Hope it's ok if I add my order even though I'm not a regular on this thread! Thanks!

Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. Simp
17. crystal
18. crystal
19. electra
20. electra
Borderlinx definitely cheaper. And faster.
I disagree with vPost's efficiency and customer service.
They have messed up my order before- they matched it to the wrong invoice, then it went MIA, and was found and sent to the wrong country and finally reached me after much later and many angry emails. And not a word of apology.

I wondering if any mummies here experience similar problem as me.

My bb usually sleeps by 8pm, wakes for 2 feeds and finally fully wake at 6-7am. However, recently, she will take 1 feed but after that feed, always about 1-2 am, she will wake almost every hour. She won't stop if I leave her be. and when I pick her up, she goes back to sleep in a minute!!

Do you think it could be teething? She was resisting milk about a few weeks ago.

Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. Simp
17. crystal
18. crystal
19. summerdaze
20. summerdaze
i would like to join in the gathering too. but this will be my 1st outing n i duno any mummies here... hope u all dun mind.

Date: 25 july 08
Time: 4pm
Venue: j8 cafe cartel

1. abcdisney (hopefully) n bb
2. crystal ( will reach slightly later )
3. summerdaze n bb

serena, my bb ger oso born on 25th Mar! hehe.. this fri, will be 4mth anniversary. lolz.
Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. Simp
17. crystal
18. crystal
19. summerdaze
20. summerdaze
21. aly
Date: 25 july 08
Time: 4pm
Venue: j8 cafe cartel

1. abcdisney (hopefully) n bb
2. crystal ( will reach slightly later )
3. summerdaze n bb
4. Kate n bb
5. Kais
6. Asley n bb
Hi mummies,
Sorry to intrude...
Just wondering if anyone is interested in rainbow vacuum cleaner, there'l b a roadshow on this sunday at Toa payoh west CC from 8 - 1. Any quries feel free to email me at [email protected]

pls check, S$20.00
Transaction Reference 1810967105

Jgal, ur shipping fee for jumperoo should be $6x9kg= SG$54. Jumperoo cost USD$65x1.4= $91+$54= $145 only. how u get $180?
Jgal, if the rainforest jumperoo is less than S$180, that's very attractive as it's $238 in spore and no other discounts. But there's also a lot of other brands available like leapfrong, bright stars, etc. Any parents have done a comparison?
u cannot charge the shipping jus like tat. It also have to depends on the box they use for shipping. Not jus the weight. Also there are base charge as well. Tat is why i always say shipping charge varies!
Thanks Abc for organising, but i got to withdraw this time round. Join next time again

Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. crystal
17. crystal
18. summerdaze
19. summerdaze
20. aly
morning mummies

din come in 4 a few days. So nice 2 c all the babies photos. veri cute
bring my mind away from work!

work is veri hectic.. clashes with big boss yesterday so sianz.. today still must do alot of shit jobs.. brought back home the foul mood but kept telling myself unfair to bb if i can't seperate work &amp; home..

went to the paw walk but forgot to bring YT hp no.. din have the chance to meet u all..hope will have a chance next time..

hb will b going overseas attachment from OCT-DEC.. hope i can learn 2 manage bb alone by then...
Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. crystal
17. crystal
18. summerdaze
19. summerdaze
20. aly
21. ivy
22. ivy
Good morning all mummies!!
Bright day ahead~

Welcome to this thread..

Thinking of getting the jumperoo.. Any mummies interested also?? Wonder if it's possible to organize a spree for this.. Went to source for Jumperoo yesterday, but all so ex.. Wonder which mummy knows where to get cheaper ones~
Isabella , abcdisney: If you buying the jumperoo can consider getting the high chair together. Amazon got promo for the bundle.

<font color="aa00aa">Jumperoo and high chair
Product price from Amazon US$159.98 = SGD224
Jumperoo shipping wgt is 8.9kg
High chair shipping wgt is 10.7 kg
Total wgt : 19.6 kg
Estimate Shipping cost : SGD107.20

Total : 331.20 for jumperoo and high chair..

I ordered the jumperoo alone from there is ard 160~180.

Kate : that's a base charge for all courier. so the more you ship the lesser you pay. For borderlinx e.g. 1 kg paids SG$ 19.58 , 20 kg paids $108.94.
For vpost , base charge is $13.24 , and every kg is $9.16.
For my jumperoo and other stuff, i pay $75 for shipping.
I also got medale bottles and some romper for my gal.
Date: 25 july 08
Time: 4pm
Venue: j8 cafe cartel

1. abcdisney (hopefully) n bb
2. <strike>crystal ( will reach slightly later )</strike>
3. summerdaze n bb
4. Kate n bb
5. Kais
6. Asley n bb

i am down with fever. need to opt out for the time being. if i am better tmr, i will meet up with you ladies.

my phone died on me. i lost all the contacts.
my no is 94888721 if anyone need to reach me.
i'm interested in the happy bellies cereal too.

Dear all,

realise singapore sells happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. crystal
17. crystal
18. summerdaze
19. summerdaze
20. aly
21. ivy
22. ivy
23. Redtea
24. Redtea
could be teething or could be something you even. have you been taking anything caffeinated lately?

yeah normal, my girl oso small like yours, 4 months, barely reached 6kg, it's only like 5.98kg kekeke, haven't even double birth weight yet.

oh birth of extract! mine is like that too! think maybe my parents had lost my BC when i was small!!! kekekekeke. nevermind lah, at least got BC what.

if you want to go for the gathering just put your name in their list lor. me forever working and i got no maid at home so everything very hands on, dun even have time to go out to shop unless lunchtime office hours!

yeah sometimes we get a lot of shit work in the office but i thank God all the time for giving me a baby - they're so pure and such a joy that they exudes aura that makes your problems go away. hope you'll cope better the next day
gd mrn mummies.

i m oso new.. juz join the gathering lor.

i alr pm u my hp. tks for arranging the gathering.

my bb ger BC is oso birth extract. coz we forgot to include her dialect name in the 1st original and had to redo the 2nd time. i tink nid to pay ard $60.

hope u get well soon.

maybe ur ger is craving for ur attn or want to slp with u? there was once my ger oso cried in her cot and when i pick her to my bed.. she slp immediately. lolz.

GOOD MORNING all the aunties in the forum. We thought this might give you some cheer for the morning.. it sure did the job for our mommy who is in school now... eating snake... hahhahahah
