(2008/03) March 2008

hehe i just got reminded to ask you how's your boy? is he sleeping longer at night and are you still latching him fully? suddenly so curious must ask! haha.

i think he hates being restrain cos he dislike strollers too. But not as bad as car seat. I can't do the same as u do as my car seat is in front. Also usu i am the only adult in the car with him...
Sorry ladies for not joining as my gal is not in sch today thus decided to bring her out. Went zoo with another fren and her kids in the morning... after tat went home and let the children slp.. by then already 5pm..

He was much better than in States. He can sleep abt 3-4 hrs before he woke up initially when we came back. Thank goodness, no jet lag. But for the past 1-2 weeks, he has been waking up v frequently at night. Was abt 3-4 times last week but this week, he woke up close to 10 times! I think it might be due to teething. I feel his lower gum n there's a tooth sprouting out.
melissa, celia
i already did tat. i am using 2 different car seats. One is maxi cosi alike where it has a buckle in front (the more common ones).. another is the evenflo ones with the "table" in front...
u try letting him sit in the car seat and the pram at home as well. My by started off like yours too. Build up his tolerance, and frequently put him in the car seat and pram- even multiple times a day- and entertain him in it for as long as he can. Slowly he'll increase the time he can spend inside.
u miss the Power Rangers ! ;) hehe..tis round u upload the pics very fast

has been great meeting u all again..now looking forward to our sunday's party..

this time we posed wth the Power Rangers..i think having children really bring out the child in us :p

<font color="0000ff">pancake's post is impt cos i m those tat will prob turn up @ the other place where she held the gathering alto she pm me the new address liao..me just assume :p</font>

hehe..never mind, still got tis sun..
email me the pic of us together leh! I'm only missing that one to complete my Facebook album!
oh yah, btw, i tagged everyone in your pictures on FB haha
i tried using stroller at home to let him slp and sit in it esp when my helper nd to work. But he only an to sit in it when he is being pushed... oso i think i play an impt role too. Think is cos he sees me tat y he is like tat.. sigh

sure, i email to u. Can u give me yr email address? thanks! yaya, i forgot to tag n when i went in the facebook to tag, i realised it has been tagged....I tot it might be u too. thanks! =)


cos i only took a few pics.. my boy v cranky tday... haiz, miss out the photo taking sessions. haha! nv mind, take more when we go over to pancake's pl this sun.
normally gap will close up eventually ..tat was wat my dentist told me..

cos i lost a tooth few years back and i was concerned

now have came a lot closer
harlow mummies..

haven been logging in recently coz too overwhelmed by work n family..

Clover:Alex is really very handsome leh!! He is very photogenic. &amp; the swimming lesson look so fun. ABC oso in the pic with Andrae?
Hi gals,
Today's Today shows a Similac Promo at Jurong Point's NTUC. Can exchange empty tins for dollars off and Spot the bear for vouchers.

Try to distract Andrae. Hang toys around the child seat, plus sing songs (Wheels on the car go round n round), play children's songs.

But most boys dun like to be restrained. You have to try to see which activity get him distracted the most. Maybe you can get a dummy steering wheels/controls that can be attached to the child seat. I think most boys like the steering wheel thing.

I put Phoebe in infant seat and now toddler seat. When she get bored she will still scream a bit. The seat very snugging so she can't squirm. Lol
kim also have a gap and i realise my supervisor's niece and my niece also have gap in between. i guess it's normal and it will close up one.

ya i think u should try to distract him.
For kathlyn, as long as car move, she can see the outside world.. and she sit car seat she will laugh and smile to herself. initially she dun like also.
Whereas for kim, she CANNOT sit car seat at all.

previously i bought playpen for kim and she doesnt like to be inside and surprisingly, last weekend i took out for kathlyn.. she loves it! and she learn how to stand and cruise slowly inside.. phew.. makes my life more relaxing! glad that for me, life is getting easier already..
Alex looks like smiling wor! LOL

No worries. There are gaps btw milk teeth as this first set of teeth are supposed to be spaced out so that adult teeth can have space to grow.

I also wore braces before. But to get overall pic, you have to wait till the adult teeth comes out. Can't wear braces on milk teeth too.
Clover i agree alex smile vry handsome and that indeed look like he smiling. usually i dun see what u all say i only see photo.. but i scroll down and realise it's crying!
hehehe so funny your alex. if crying look like smiling then smiling look like what??

i think car seat and toddler is also about trust? my toddler got used to it b'cos i keep talking to her and assuring her i'm around and that if she wants to somewhere she better be kwai kwai. she didn't like it if she has to sit with strangers by her side too. but if i'm driving alone with her she's fine with it. so i think trust has partially got to do with it.
haha alex looks so adorable even he is crying! i think dont have to worry too much abt the gap since they are milk teeth. Zac also have very uneven lower teeth.
both zac and lele used to cry a lot in the car seat. just have to bear with it, zac can cry till his voice hoarse and strain himself against the seat belt but i insist that they sit in the car seat throughout the journey. I think slowly it will become a habit and part of the routine. I do keep a lot of toys inside the car seat to entertain the both of them and also in case they throw in on the floor. Zac also didnt like stroller so both my babies, i used ergo or beco. But once they are trained it will be easier to bring them out alone in the car.
thanks for comments on car seat. Guess i hv to keep on trying. I had given him snacks, toys children's songs, white noises CD, all useless! I am goign to force him again today! Wish me luck!!!

my boy is super duper sticky to me. Even though when i am working, my maid is the main caregiver, he is also rejecting her now. Even my MIL he is also rejecting... In fact he prefers my FIL cos my FIL always bring him outside for a walk... strange right?

i always say Alex is a handsome boy... :) I simply love his eyes and mouth!
hello, sorry to interrupt.

I've 5 sessions of swimming at hwa xia to let go at $40. u need to pay hwa xia another $52. pls PM me if keen.
don worry lah... abc... even though my mil is my gal main caregiver.. when she see me.... she will stick with me like superglue anyone try to carry her.... she will
Re Child Seat
So far I didnt drv alone w Phoebe. My hubby will tell me he "Slash IG" her (IRC lingo for ignore). Haha. I dunno if I can manage to drv if she makes noise. Thus, I take a cab the few times I need to bring her out alone.

BTW, my hubby got a JRT. So he already got training to ignore the whining/squirming when he's drving alone.
Teeth Gap
My Rhys also have a gap on his upper teeth. His lower teeth is alright though... Guess nothing to be worry about.. Cos these are still milk teeth and will be replaced by adult teeth in few years time... Just have to bear with ugly teeth at the mean time..
Alex really v. charming!

My MIL also said bfor gap between milk teeth is actually good cos it means there's space for adult teeth to grow into....i'm in fact just a bit concern that bb tommy's teeth are too close together

Last night our family went down to the Tanglin Mall snow show...it's v. fun! but be prepared to get WET...they have showers there but actually the "snow" is not sticky...show's at 7:30pm weekday...not sure about weekend's schedule

here's some pics to share

Date : 21 December 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 1pm -3pm ( Lunch Gathering)
Venue: Pancake's place @ Faber Drive, Clementi

Attendees (everyone welcome, no shy!)
1. Pancake &amp; bb
2. Bbpink &amp; bb - Xmasy Noodles
3. Jerejoy,hb &amp; bb - Nonya kuehs
4. FL,hb &amp; bb – topshells &amp; sparkling juice.
5. Ade n family (if hubby not working then i attend)
6. Liyun n bb ( will try IF its on 21st Dec)
7. AdelineL n bb (TBC)
8. Aileen &amp; bb - Otah
drinking from straw
yakult straw works? hmm i must try. Been training him on straws but no success. He prefers to drink from cup though

Chelsea is so pretty and has grown so tall..confirm no lack of suitors in teh future

Pancake &amp; jerejoy

ur boys r so fast

Strange encounter

Yesterday during my trip to zoo ( it has been 20 years since i was there :p)

my family decided to take a break at the bench facing the chimps..

then i saw a little boy pic there on the bench ..it was in loving memory of this little boy who passed away b4 he turns 2 years of age
..his name is very unique so leaves an impression..then i was asking hubby..is it because the boy died in the zoo..hb said may not also

Now the strange part

in the afternoon, i was in SGH to accompany my dad for an appt , while waiting for the turn, i took this oct 2008 issue of vanilla fr the shelves to while the time

the very 1st page i flipped to featured tis mum who lost her boy ..anyway, inside it was mentioned that they donated a bench to the zoo and it was facing the chimps..the name is the same as the one i saw earlier
I think it's coincidence bahx~ Dun think too much about it~

Tried letting Rhys drink from straw a few times but unsuccessful. Haiz~ My dumb dumb~
You like say until a scence out of Ghost Whisperer... Lol. Yeah, I also think its coincidence.

Do you still sterilize the straw? Or just wash can use liao? Like a bit difficult to steam leh..

straw washed with water can lah
no need to sterilise

kyzac spoon &amp; bowl for cereals i dun sterilise too

anyway, i think the KidsWorld @ the zoo is fascinating..i love it myself ..in fact i think i am more excited abt the zoo trip than my #1 :p took 280 plus pics yesterday, was there fr 9am to 1pm

next time when our kids r older, we can bring them in..
Yes, my hubby also told me he wanna visit the new playground at the zoo! N I tot he was meaning to bring the baby in. Wahahaha

I wanna go when the weather won't rain on us suddenly. I think will be after CNY.

The past 2 Sats and 2 coming ones are gone because I am doing Root Canal treatment. I got to lie down aft that due to pain. Lol. (My one month pay gone lor!) Sad...
Date : 21 December 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 1pm -3pm ( Lunch Gathering)
Venue: Pancake's place @ Faber Drive, Clementi

Attendees (everyone welcome, no shy!)
1. Pancake &amp; bb
2. Bbpink &amp; bb - Xmasy Noodles
3. Jerejoy,hb &amp; bb - Nonya kuehs
4. FL,hb &amp; bb – topshells &amp; sparkling juice.
5. Ade n family (if hubby not working then i attend)
6. AdelineL n bb (TBC)
7. Aileen &amp; bb - Otah

<font color="ff0000">sorry ladies, I have to TBC as Sun was so chinese festival? was inform by hubby to go back in-laws for "tang yuan soup", I cant confirm my timing</font>
hehe, tat 's how i lost my tooth..i decide to keep the pay and forgo the tooth and most imptly the scary sugery :p

tat was few weeks b4 my wedding day somemore ..

i remember my dentist asking, " u wana to build an attap house (fake tooth) or terrace house (root canal)

i said i will leave the land empty
<font color="ff0000"> I just got this infromation from another thread: "jurong point fair price xtra outside givng away free Similac n Gain 400 gm milk powder....conditions is bring bb cert and an empty tin of other brand milk powder....promotion till sunday ya....." It is located at Level 2 at the new extension at Jurong Point</font>
I have an inflatable pool at home so if the weather is good we can put it up and let the babies splash around in it. so bring their swimming gear if interested. i have no floats thou, but its a shallow one. =)

Date : 21 December 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 1pm -3pm ( Lunch Gathering)
Venue: Pancake's place @ Faber Drive, Clementi

Attendees (everyone welcome, no shy!)
1. Pancake &amp; bb
2. Bbpink &amp; bb - Xmasy Noodles
3. Jerejoy,hb &amp; bb - Nonya kuehs
4. FL,hb &amp; bb – topshells &amp; sparkling juice.
5. Ade n family (if hubby not working then i attend)
6. AdelineL n bb (TBC)
7. Aileen &amp; bb - Otah
