(2008/03) March 2008

Swim wear & float for babies

Hi, just to share, if anyone is looking for swim wear for babies, I found a good selection at reasonable prices at Kiddy Palace at Causeway Point. Some are cheaper and some are more expensive.

Got my boy a wetsuit and reusable/washable swim diapers (they look like swimming trunks). Plus this is the only place I've seen that sells a ring float with a seat which can take up to 15kg. The ring float cost $12 which I thought was quite ok compared to what I saw elsewhere.

Going to try bringing him swimming this weekend. Keeping fingers crossed for good sunny weather!

Yay Jerejoy!
you can come my place as well.

Anyone know if its able to freeze the puree in non air tight container ( wif lid )?
My maid lost some of the cubes n also broke some n steam more than wat can b kept in the rest of the cubes.
I m keen on this knee pad. Anyone interested as well? Its about $6. If there is more mummies keen, maybe I will ask the supplier to lower the price for us?


I have been looking for hand pad as well cos I very jie pi. Even at home I also wanna his hands n legs to be clean when he crawls. Hahhahaha!
I tried to wear long pants n 'hand gloves' for him to crawl on the floor but my baby is a very 'hot baby', he perspire even on a windy day!
yt, answered yr qs liao.

mongs, i have replied u in the spree thread. pls note yr timing is not to the time i have stated nor to my convenience.
Hi Ladies,
I've taken unpaid leave to care for my baby till now (7-mth), and I'm thinking of going back to work on a part time basis, and putting the baby in Infant care. I'm not sure what arrangement will work best. I'm also worried if the baby and I will be able to overcome the separation anxiety. Does any of you have any experience to share or any advice to give?
yupz, onz =) cya ladies tmr

all this talk abt piercing really tempt me to pierce my own ears..esp when b'dazzle is so near my hse at westmall

only 2 things holding me back, my pals' horror story abt bleeding & pusy ears, they got theirs pierecd at their 20s) & tat i may be rebonding my hair again..vos earrings look nicer if we tie up the hair and expose the ears
ear piercing
agree wif Reena that should do it as early as possible bfor becoming a toddler...wanted to do it for Chelsea when she was like 6 mths old but the nurse at her PD's office said her ear lobes were too small :p....i think they were just over careful cos so many babies had smaller ears than hers and got their ears pierced....now since she might not be able to control her itchy fingers, i'll wait till she's more disciplined
Meeting in town
It would be good to meet up in town tml as it's nearer to my place. But if the majority of the group wanna meet up @ Bt Batok, I'm ok with it as well. I go with the flow~ =P

Ear piercing
My little cousin who is only 2 days older than DS #1 had her ear pierced when she was about 6 mths old. I guess it's ok to pierce the ear at any age as long as it is well taken care of.. If I didn't remember wrongly, the little girls in my household all had their ears pierce at very young age...

Just to check, how do you let ur girl pierce her ears?? The traditional way where they uses needle and thread or the more common way of using the 'gun'??? Cos as far as I know, Using the 'gun' to do piercing will damage skin tissue, making it harder for the wound to heal properly..
If you are doing rebonding, then maybe can put a hold to your ear piercing. I have heard alot of good reviews about B*dazzle, that's why I brought my girl there. Abit ex but I think ok lor.. For adults, you can just go to another goldsmith shop for piercing, cheaper too. Then after that, you just change your earrings to what you like ;)

Yes, now that she's more aware, you need to get her consent before piercing her ears. My dd1 only agreed to pierce at 6yo. My P2 niece, chickened out a couple of times. It was only after seeing dd3 pierced, then her bro laughed at her for being worst than a bb, this spite her and she finally went to have her ears pierced too.
Huh? I thought now all using gun?

At B*dazzle, they use disposable dispenser, so it's more hygienic.
Mrs Yip:
err... I didnt take unpaid leave to care for my baby thus dont have that experence.... U gotta see if the SAHM here can share their experence with u.
that reminds me, i think my massage lady is a traditional women who uses the needle and thread method to pierce newborn babies. yes babies cry b'cos of the pain but at least being a newborn, they sleep all the time.

but i'll let my girls decide if they want to pierce their own ears or not. my ears are pierced when i was in primary 3. my mom did it at a goldsmith shop. my sister's pierced ears ran into infection and pus came out, while mine turned out ok. anyway, they're severely underused, i'm too lazy to buy ear rings haha.

knee pad,
my mom advised against using this. she said, if they feel the pain, they will quickly learn to walk haha. i think it's old wives' tales lah. both my girls don't use those.
have pm the following my address already but *gasp* horror, i wrote the wrong date in my pm! It should be 21st not 20th, sorry, blur me, my mistake!

My hp 96420024 if anyone needs to reach me

Date : 21 December 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 1pm -3pm ( Lunch Gathering)
Venue: Pancake's place @ Faber Drive, Clementi

Attendees (everyone welcome, no shy!)
1. Pancake & bb
2. Bbpink & bb - Xmasy Noodles
3. Jerejoy,hb & bb - Nonya kuehs
4. FL,hb & bb – topshells & sparkling juice.
5. Ade n family (if hubby not working then i attend)
6. Liyun n bb ( will try IF its on 21st Dec)
7. AdelineL n bb (TBC)
some things are nature, some things are nurture. if you have to work, you have to work. even though separation anxiety is real and happening to all mothers and their babies, you have to teach her to trust you. i've survived that part with my 1st child. it took several months but I persevered and she outgrew it. so does all other 2nd time mothers in the forum. i think your plan is good enough. sometimes to deal with the pain, u have to actually go through the pain itself. there's no shortcut to learning.
u all prefer to meet in town ?

i m ok too..clover, can sms me, then i sms jerejoy & abc

i will sms u my hp..

PS: shall we meet @ united square @ 2pm..globetrotters got some special discount set meal for weekdays fr 2-5pm
Date : 17 December 2008 (Wednesday)
Time : 1pm
Venue: Globetrotters at United Square
(TBC via sms)

1. Clover
2. Jerejoy
3. Isabella
4. abc
5. bbpink
6. abc
7,pancake ?

today i saw a recipe for bbqing chicken, isabella
marinate in finely chopped garlic, honey, salt & soyasuauce for an hr
then bbq =)
bbpink, so wat time are we meeting?

i'm tired today. have been with out any part time helper for 2weeks. did the chores today so can go out tomolo.

btw, going to shortlist some more part time helpers. anyone has any recommendations?
i tot of going vivo ley. Then prob hop by sentosa too.

Anyway can someone sms me abt tmr mtg. Kind of lost. But if weather is good (dun wan waste the weather la) i might jus go vivo and pop by to sentosa...

Ear piercing
i let my gal pierce her ear at Bdazzled too. When she is abt 18mth.

it is opp novena mrt.
abc, celia, clover,

thanks! been there for the last gathering but forgot that that is united square. poor memory nowadays. ;p
hi all, juz popping by... too busy recently wif DS & work...
trying very hard to upkeep wif my sales targets as it's coming yr end soon... hehs

can't go out. boo hoo... have to wait till nxt yr b4 i can be SAHM again.. now i'm SAHM in mornings and FTWM in afternoons n evenings.. so tired.

they did..i will bring the recipe over tmr if my memory dun fail me

adeline i will sms u..

yupz, Jerejoy, gathering confirmed..we meet at 1pm
Location @ United Square..the place where we went to after novena square


<font color="0000ff">Date : 17 December 2008 (Wednesday)
Time : 1.30pm
Venue: Globetrotters at United Square</font>

1. Clover
2. Jerejoy
3. Isabella
4. abc
5. bbpink
6. abc
7,pancake ?

cya gals !
Date : 17 December 2008 (Wednesday)
Time : 1.30pm
Venue: Globetrotters at United Square

1. Clover
2. Jerejoy
3. Isabella
4. abc
5. bbpink
6. pancake ?
7. aly
I cant rem why I had the courage to do ear piercing. Thinking of it now, I would shudder, though its quite fast and the pain is more of a shock.

I had infection, with fever and pus when I did my ear piercing too.

I guess no need to get knee pad if your worry is pain for them, I dun think they feel pain. When they crawl, is so fast...no painful face expression.

My girl has not started to crawl yet....she would be on four and leapt forward landing on face.
Knee Pad,
My main worry is coldness plus 'dirty' while crawling on the floor. Sorry kinda 'jie pi' though my maid mop the floor twice a day.

why you find it useless? Where n how much you got it? Mind to share?
Toys R Us

In case anyone's interested, there is a 7% off storewide discount with UOB card and Star Card.


Seems that this is in addition to the existing storewide discounts.

Heavy duty stroller

Anyone here used a Silver Cross (Dazzle) stroller before? Weight of the stroller is apparently 6+kg. Saw that the stroller can take up to max weight of 25kg

I bought a Combi stroller (miracle turn) when I delivered, I find that it is good for babies less than 10kg but once they are more than 10+kg, it does not move or turn smoothly.
Hi mommies!

To those coming to my place for this <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Sunday's Xmas party</font></font>, please note that it's <font color="ff0000">at Faber Drive, NOT PANDAN VALLEY</font> where some of you came to last round, k?
Car seat
Andrae simply HATE car seat. Nvr once i place him in is successful. Since birth. Frens told me to let him cry out loud and let him knw tat he hv no choice but to sit in it... Today i tried again....FAILED.

OMG! He manage to climb out of the car seat as i was driving the expressway. Luckily i have a fren in the car. After that i try secure him tighter. But he still try to struggle out by turning until the belt causes his neck to turn red and sore and even hv blood clot at his neck... sigh...He even try to move over to me and grab me by my arm. For those who seen my car it is the old toyota starlet. Only seat belt int he front seat and thus his car seat is jus beside me and i am driving a manual car.. Sigh...

Anyone suggest what i can do with training him to accept car seat???
Enjoyed today's gathering. The food is gd n cheap. wish we can hv gathering every week esp for sahms. feel so refreshed as if I went for a massage. haha!

sorry about andrae's rejection of car seat! my toddler was hysterical the first two times we attempted to put her in. my hubby drives the car and i sat with her in the middle row. i showed her how I am restrained by the seat belt too and coax her to understand that she must do the same thing in her car seat. and it's lots and lots of praises after that. very soon, she just accepted it and even fell asleep easily in it. she even sits quietly when i'm out driving. mine is a maxi cosi, she looks comfy in it. do you think it's b'cos Andrae is not comfy in it or he simply hates to be restrained?
