(2008/03) March 2008

Blocked tear ducts

my son aso got them, went to PD, prescribed a bottle of eyedrop, 1st clean with wet cotton wool den apply the eyedrop. PD aso said to massage the nose there, nw cleared liao

mummy norman

u same as me.....buay tahan liao...ya...i tink my doc say my tunnel small ..but he oso say lucky bb small size now...2.5- 2.6kg......maybe tts the reason he ask me to induce??? scare cant come out....did u use Epi? is the process v painful ?
<font size="+2">Fenugreek are here!</font>

2.sheryl - GNC (2 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 2 = SGD$40 (havent include shipping) (paid)
3. Clover - GNC (1 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = SGD$19.75 (havent include shipping) (paid)
4. Kais - GNC (2 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 2 = S$40 (shipping not incl)
5. Yu Tong - GNC ( 1 bottle ) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = SGD $19.75
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7. redtea - GNC (1 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = S$19.75 (shipping not incl) (paid)
8. Jenifur - GNC (1 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = S$19.75 (paid)
9. Joan - GNC (1 bottle) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = S$19.75

contact me for collection.

shiping charges not here yet.

my son used to have the little pimples on his face. it will clear up on its own. i know how u felt cos i also quite ke xin when i saw him like that the other time. The photo is the start of his pimples day, it got worse later but when he was around 2 months, it will all clear up so dont worry

hi mummies

Congrats to those who hv given birth

Me juz came back frm gynae visit. Am @ wk 39 day 5 already. Ctg shows veri minor contraction. Think history repeats, will b overdue baby again like my #1. My mucus plug came out yest morn... and tis morn even more. anyway, i m waiting for bb to come naturally. She is 3.6kg now.... Gynae say she is a FAT baby. FAINTZ.. By sat if she still inside comfortably, got to go induce already.

think i'll b the last few to pop. wher are the rest that hven pop? or popped already. Imagine u all completin confinement soon. i hven even start mine.. wahahahaha....

you still hvin rashes? Get ur gynae to give u Piriton. that is for rashes. The old wife tale says if you got those red patches means you didnt 'wear' enough to cover up. they did by using chinese wine w little water and pad on those red patches. not sure if that works... Anyone knws?
erm.. i tried something..
it works so far on my baby gal. her pimples cleared in a few hours.
u may wan to try dabbing ur breastmilk on a small area and see if it works for your baby.
dor: i still having rashes.. but my rashes area r beginning of thigh area - below tummy area. butt area also. i definately covered those areas well...

my arms r ok. mainly legs. got piriton... haven't eaten it yet. only applied the cream. was hoping the rash go away by itself. if cannot then i'll eat.

aly: my boy having some pimples.. at chin area. my breastmilk always smear all over his chin as he fidgets during feeds. so i dun think it'll work for my boy.

Just came back from scan and gynae check-up, my amnotic fluid is below average and hence bb' weight gain is unlikely to be big since week 35. Am going for c-sec GA this thurs, 27 mar. Cannot believe it and i am still in a bit of shock. Think i am getting excited and scared at the same time.

Bb's wt is still abt 2.59kg, grow only abt 90gram since week 36. I think my girl may be between the weight of 2.6 to 2.7kg ba

U prob see me in tmc. Do sms me when u delivered. If i can come over, i will come over to see u.

reali?!!..i am so scare too......i still considering wan induce anot......my bb ard 2.6kg if birth..... i tink my doc ask me induce becoz he scare bb too big for my size.....i gg in on friday, doc say will deliver most probably on Sat.....depends on my dilation.........i am excited and scare too..still considering.....sure will sms u when i m consious...heee
Do you massage from bottom up or top to bottom?

I'm induced on both of my deliveries. First reason induction b'cos of my past recurrent miscarriages, so gynae not taking any chances with this one. Second induction b'cos I'm 4cm dilated and cervix is soft and she's going away for outstation. I figured that I might deliver when she's away so might as well get it over with. Besides I am already feeling heavy and bb is in good weight. For my 2nd, since i'm comfortably dilated, no pills are inserted into my vagina. Gynae simply break waterbag and I took the thigh injection. Glad my body responded well to induction. Pain is subjective but it's manageable to me. The contraction pain level above 6cm dilation hurts a lot and most girl take epi during those time but to me i keep myself distracted with prayers. Maybe hypnobirthing took on the same idea. Good luck for your induction!
Your bb 2.6kg big for ur size, my bb 2.6kg small for my size as i am a tall and big mummy. Hope to see u in tmc!
kea: chris induced me @ 38wks. cause i was losing wt fast... n my boy's size was already over 40wks big... plus my pelvis is narrow - according to him.
in the end induced for 36hrs, head not engaged cause too big to enter narrow pelvis. plus i cannot dilate at all after 3pills...

end up c-sec, my boy was delivered 3.315kg. chris told me tat the head was on pelvis entrance, cannot fit at all...

he oso say my pelvis narrow!!! y under him like all the same case ah??...or is he saying the same ting to everyone ..=X....he say now my bb enagage liao..when he jus now check my cervix, he can feel bb head...say v low le....so i tinking wan induce @ 38wks anot......is it v painful?
Dear Mummies,

I have a lightly used, well maintained Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast Pump for sale,used less than 1 week, cos decide to stop bf,still under warranty. bought on 28th of dec 2007,but just given birth last weekend.It comes in the original box together with its user manual as well as a reciept on the proof of purchase. Selling at $280 Pls PM or email me at [email protected] for a good deal. Thanks so much!
mumsfairy selling the Ameda Lactaline Personal Dual Electric Breastpump at S$365
pimples at face
eh for both my girls.. i use hazeline snow for them!! hahaa.. it works leh.. :p
when i use for #1, she likes it.. cause i put in fridge then cold cold.. now for this one i use the same way too!
dun worry. When it comes, it will come. The pain will soon be over. Giving birth no matter induced or not, u will definitely undergo pain. Just relax and keep ur mind cool.

thx...i guess i reali over worry...but i cant help!! =X.....

anyone know is induction is expensive??i didnt ask for the cost at all...
kea: mine, he cant even feel bb's head... when he check my cervix. he cant even reach my cervix. cause it's not soften at all.

induce in labour ward shld be ok. my total cost induction in maternity ward + 2 extra days of stay - $10k + $500 prepaid to chris. end up elective c-sec la.
chris's fees in total - $2,500.
so less tat, hosp cost is $8k - 6D5N stay in glens 2bedded.
simp, good luck for yr c sect.

i am a quite tall (1.66m) and big mummy too. my bb didn't put on wt for 2 wks at 36, 37 wk. his wt was stagnant at also ard 2.6kg during that time. doc did ask me whether i want to induce. i went for a doppler scan and since the blood flow to the placenta was fine, i didnt induce. thank God, my bb is more than 3kg now. ppl advised me to take durian, but i didn't lah. u may wanna try if u r a durian fan.

then again tomolo is my EDD! if bb still hasn't come out, i will be induced on wed.
do u still have the breast friend pillow for sales? me interested to get one.

finally manage tolatch on my boy yesterday night. but find tat i must use a good pillow.
aiyo.. my boy very impatient one.. cannot find my nipple will turn and twist his head and cry out loud.. lucky i have more patient than him.

some ppl jus have a stubborn cervix.. my friend too.. end up c-sec for her 2 bb.

Simp &amp; Kea,
best of luck to you both.
Hi Girls,

I selling my Ameda Dual Breatpumps at $250 coz I stop breastfeeding.

It has warranty till Dec 2008 and I am adding in the pumping pals, lasinoh milk bags, nipple cream,nursing shawl, lily pads

If you are interested, pls sms mi at 98449684.


can i ask whether during yr stay, doc gt give u a binder w/o telling u and charge u for that? this happen to my fren and i am rather uncomfy abt him that he encoruage induce, oso he do tings for $$ more than tinkin for us...

i am reconsidering to induce this fri aft hearing wad my fren say which is under him too....will hold till bb wan come out.....maybe.....
kea: yes. binder was given to me on discharge. ex lor.. i din noe also.
c-sec spray also. $190 hor... angry lor. prob wun go to him again 4 2nd bb. too ex. though he's good, i cant afford him liao.

i started to suspect his professionalism...haiz....wat can i do now...hubby say arady untill his stage liao....yrs still give u during discharge, my fren one is he jus walk in n open and ask nurse to put on on my fren..my fren tot is free!! gosh....i don tink i wan induce liao..i will wait till bb wan come out..my fren went induce, he rush and rush then threaten my fren if still cant, c sec liao...then is liek forcing one.....my fren so scare til she push hard hard..lucky she manage to..if not have to pay double!!
kea: he told me b4 hand.. i also tot it's included. upon discharge, he opened the box n ask the nurse wear for me. until i went back 1wk ltr to remove stitches then he told me it's chargeable...

all his vitamins still sitting at home. i nv eat. waste $$. i told hb, 2nd child i wun choose him le. though he's good, i think he's too commercialized liao. now u delivering, better dun change gynae le. too dangerous.
Hi Kea

I was induced as I was 4 days past my edd.

Here's my story
I was admitted to hospital at 12+ am on 18th for the pill. I was only 1cm dilated then. Doc came at 9am in the morning to break my waterbag and I was only 2cm! Was put on drip to speed up the process. Contraction started to become strong at noon and I requested for epidural. Was given epi at 2pm and it was a breeze from there.

Started to push at only 10pm and baby is born at 11pm... after 23 hrs. I am not sure if it is more painful to be induce but I think it really varies for indivual.

Mummies, I am having problem BF. Baby is lazy when latch on. Only suck for 5 to 10 mins at most and will fall asleep. No matter what I do, she won't open her mouth. Resorted to pumping and I can only get 30 ml max now (5th day). Baby seem to like bottle teats more than my nipple. What should I do?

ya, i agree..being to tink he is too commercialized....haiz..no la, cant change liao...let him cheat at least 2wks more lo..lolx...kidding...


thx for sharing....me decided to wait till 39wks....if reali bb don wan come out, then induce lo..will be hardwking and do squats eveyday!!!!any more suggestion to dilate faster??? anyone can share?!!!!
First induction: 38 weeks, dilated 1.5cm prior, inserted one pill, 8.5 hours labour, natural without epidural.
Reason for induction: past recurrent miscarriages and mommy losing weight.

Second induction: 37 weeks, dilated 4cm prior, no pills, 4 hours labor, natural without epidural
Reason for induction: mommy losing weight and gynae going away for outstation.

i read from an article interview with dr chris chong from Gleneagles said losing weight at end pregnancy could be that baby is no longer gaining weight from mommy as well so it's best to induce. maybe my gynae has the same school of thought.

Bill size: no additional cost b'cos no epidural

sometimes my bb latch for 5 mins tu and let go of my nipples by herself. if i force it in, she won't open her mouth. so i let it be, if she's hungry, she'll wake up again for more feed. she's peeing a lot and gaining weight. she's 3 weeks old and already outgrowing one of her newborn romper. so i wouldn't worry about latching for that short of a time.

thx for the details description =)...

i tink i will hold till 39wks...if reali haven popped then induce bah.....
hi chewwy,

dont worry too much... its in the human natural to fight for survive. when she is hungry she will find food. if there is no other alternative given eg bottle she just have to accept you.

hehe i told my number 1 that when she is just 2 wks old. "its only me and you. i work hard so you also have to work hard sucking."
doesnt matter.mine too.. suck 5-10min then slp. then wake up 1 h later... will feel tired but it's worth it. dun try teats if u still wan latch.
Any mummies here sign up with the Pix n Portraits package? I signed up the new born package with free 1, 4, 8, 12th mth studio pics. But when I want to call and make appt for my bb's 4th mth pic, couldn't get them at all. Keep going to the mailbox for 3 days already. And when I found a hp to call on the brochure, the gal Val says she's no longer working for the company anymore. After which she hangs up her phone when I call again. DID THE COMPANY CLOSE DOWN? Anyone's make a appt with them recently? Or did anyone pass by the shop at Novena Sq and see that they are open/closed? Can PM me if you know anything? Thks! So sad, was looking forward to take my bb's 4th mth pic.
induces like what melissa said is individual and doctor....some people cervix stubborn...doc willing to wait.....then success....some stubborn n doctor no free...then fail...some is really stubborn n bb distress....so if u wan natural and can wait...then wait...if not has to take a bet....i took a bet....

anygals has good female gynae at RH to reccomend?....or anywhere.....
Which hospital are you going to? I will be at GlenE. I might deliver on Fri via c-section. But if doc allows me to postpone, I will postpone to 2 Apr

Petrina, Kea,
How come induce at week 38? You got medical history? I felt a lot of doc in Singapore will ask their patients to induce according to their own schedule, not really for the health and welfare of mother and baby.

I have got a friend who changed gynae 5 days before giving birth!

Anyone know where to purchase avent spare parts? I wanna get a new petal massager cushion as mine MIA liao....anyone can help me?
the promoter at TAKA baby fair told me that i can try getting the spare parts for the AVENT pump at the Philips Experience Showroom, located at 620A Toa Payoh Lor 1 TP4 Building, level 1.
the contact no.: is 68824570
Dear Ladies

Posting on behalf of Babypink, who don't hv internet access during her confinement at her mum's place.

Babypink is inviting all to her Baby Kyzac Kai Zhi's one month old Celebration on 13 April 2008, 12.30pm at her place. Pls pm her by 30 March 08 to confirm your attendance. Thank you.
