(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hen, not gng to quit YET. haha. taking one year off to be wif susu and take my masters. hopefully can further my studies after tat. i asked hubby wat if we have no. 2 and he said still go ahead lor... at most we tighten our expenses. wat about u? gng back to work? wat's childcare arrangement like in australia? i was surfing the website and saw the charges of a cc at the UWA... quite high also.

claire, clear ML? u got number 3???????? :D

crystalz, mine also cannot sit in high chair for long. she'll attempt to stand and climb up or put her leg on the "table".

i haven't let susu eat meat yet. dun dare to... that day i ate meat after abstaining for a loooooooooooooooooong time and i lao sai. ooooops.
Dun feel like tat, I only cook for Kyrell when I am not working and since he is my only baby, I still got time to do that. Cant say for sure if I have #2 liao hehe....its good that YR eats everything, just try to give more varieties

And ke lian YR is unwell huh... LS 6x is alot.. is she feeling better today?

Eh, you mentioned clearing ML.. are you expecting #3 liao??

So good to hear from you! Are you still looking for a job there? If you go to work, Kaylen will be put in child care? Its not cheap there right...
Perth has abundance of veg and fruits there, I'm sure you can whip up something nice for Kaylen too
claire, have u tried giving yuru multi vits and multi mineral? ... and perhaps up her vit c dose?
cocoangel, I also dun cook for Josh. ~blush~

But after seeing your food post, I am going to cook pasta for him. Kekeke... thanks
i was a vegetarian until i got preggy. now only eat fish and ocassionally chicken if my mum cooks/forces me to.
oh...I have a few vegetarian frens too. And they are stronger than me. in terms of health and strength (can easily open a bottle cap or jar cap, when I'm struggling to twist it...). Hehs...
Pasta sauce
The other day, I made pasta sauce from fresh tomotoes. This is what I did:

- cut 2 fresh tomotoes into small cubes (remove skin if you want to)
- blend into a puree
- in a heated pan, sautee some garlic or onions, add tomato puree, simmer for 5-8 mins, stir to prevent sticking to pan
- add in finely chopped mushrooms, veg and/or meats
- lastly, sprinkle some parmesan cheese and stir in
- pour over pre-cooked pasta and serve

Happy cooking!
I also don't eat red meat since young and now I dare not try it cos of the smell. For pork, I eat it occasionally depending on how it is cooked.
i kudos my friend who prepares her dot's lunch. She's a vegetarian and the CC she sends her dot to doesn't have veg option so she prepares everyday

claire, hope YR is better now... take care

u happen to be in the Aug 2009 thread? hehehe.. #3?

i happen to see ur name in that thread thought i never post.. just look see look see first..
that looks yummy! I love pasta. My girls love tomato ketchup. #1 can just eat it on its own (like yi yi). Haven't tried fresh sauce on them yet.

yep, #3 is on the way, EDD 31 aug. So far so good, and starting to relax a bit now that i'm out of 1st trimester.

not yet. Not sure which one to give. I bought the flintstones one and they didnt like it, so have to look around to see what else tastes good. Any recommendations? Also gave Scotts emulsion orange cod liver oil, but maid says that may be causing the lao sai so I'll stop and find another brand for her.

OK, going to head back and see how she's doing. Thanks gals!
hi mummies..

just a quick check with you ladies when to take the chicken pox vaccination? I kind of lost track already.
Claire, congrats!

Anyone else expecting the next one?

Cocoangel, Wow, I just showed what you cooked for kyrell to my MIL. We are very impressed. Can share recipe?

Just now I rushed home to cook baby pasta with egg and cheese for my little one, who knows he also PUI out the food and gave us the i-want-to-vomit look! But I tasted the pasta leh, very tasty actually .

Haha,little one bu shi huo!
claire!!!! congratssssssss! wow! with 3 kids, it's really worth taking the no pay leave!

csi, my hub wakes up at 5 plus to prepare her porridge. sounds like v early but we leave the home at about 6plus 7am nowadays. we'll usually throw the grains inside the slow cooker the night b4 and only add in the fish and vege in the morning. i also think he's very nice... hee... usually he'll wake up and i'll koon. :p
congrats claire!! woohooo! really productive our dec'07 mummies..

val, thanks for sharing the pasta receipe, will try out tis wkend =D me oso dun take red meat ... high 5!

hen, long time no hear frm u! CC in aussie shld b quite ex bah.. i tot angmohs usually ve nannies?hee... i watch shows dey alwys get nannies de..

tub, u ve a chef in ur HB leh.. so 24xiao.. my ah lao.. ZZZZ is #1 .. even if he zz till 12noon he will oso b unable to cook for sr.. =(
hmmm... sahmummies, wat do u do wif your darlings at home? i'm planning some activities with susu when i'm on childcare leave this jul. any ideas? i was thinking:
- drawing: where do u gals get the non toxic paint?
- gardening: buy a few pots of plants and erm... plant?
- walk in the park
- reading (or rather flipping books)
- puppeting? (but usually she'll not focus)
- quiet play (by herself)
- send her to cc for 3 hours daily
- singing/play piano (i play, she bangs)
- erm... flash card (but i dunno how to flash) any advise?
- go library (cos north pt lib has a good bb section)
- wat else?????
tub...haha...your hb is so nice...hehs. Mine, will continue to koon...

no lah. 5am is not early lah. coz I also leave home at ard 6plus, 7am too. so 5am is normal to me. hahaha.

can I ask how u do it ah...while my father's maid can help to cook my gal's porridge lah, but coz she dunno how to handle brown rice (takes longer to cook mah), my gal only eats brown rice on weekends. So I thot of cooking for her on alternate days or something...

So, at night, put rice grains into slow cooker on low mode. Then 5am put vege and fish. Then say, 45min later, scoop out into thermos jar and go?
tub, Here are some of the ans:

1) non-toxic paint can get from major departmental stores. I got mine from John Little.

2) Declan goes for walk everyday (at least 2 times a day)

3) Reading, not very effective cos he will try to grab the books and read himself..ahhahaha

4) Quiet play? Ermm. But he still need me to sit besides him.

5) I am planning to send him for 90 minutes tumble tots lesson every weekend

6) singing? I only sing to him before he sleeps

7) Flashcard - My boy will also grab it from me, but somehow he will point to the correct thing whenever I ask him and of cos that is when he is in a good mood la.

8) Library???? No, cos he toks too loudly liao..wahhahaha
csi, yap, we put the grains, usually millet and quinoa in the slow cooker with water. then switch on the auto mode... so it means cooker will go high first then auto low. in the a.m., he'll steam the fish, then chop finely and check for bones, then put the fish in, switch on high for about 10 mins and when we are about to scoop up, put the pureed vege (steamed, pureed and frozen b4hand. thawed in the fridge the night b4) in and stir. then put in thermos and go.

jean, thanks! wow! u bring him for walk twice a day?
hee tub here's my input:
drawing: crayolo brand.. toysrus ve
gardening: haven let sr tried, coz i myself cant do tis.. but mabbe go beachside for sand play oso can? sr loves it..
walk in the park: rem to put on sunblk and mossies repellent wor
reading: only does it before bedtime, she will auto pull her books to her bed for self reading..haa..
puppeting: sr eats her fingers puppets more than playing with them =(
quiet play: not poss.. haa.. not sure ur susu can anot
send her to cc for 3 hours daily: oni sending at 18mths.. but its for wkend classes (i'm FTWM diff lar)
singing/play piano: i cant play piano. i sing to her every hr of the day..haa.. and when she watches her Wheels of the Bus dvds..planning to buy one of those wooden pianos (last time i had one..) those more durable.. hey since u can play piano mabbe can compose songs for su su leh =D
flash card: annie n kim can advise u..i'm not into flash cards, coz i'm a lazy mum, wont rem to do it daily..
go library: sr been to amk, bishan, sk, HG lib..rem dun let susu wear squeaky shoes there. rem once we had to remove sr's shoes coz too noisy in the quiet lib. she will pick her own books, climb up the chairs, disturb other pple ..haa
others: i'm planning to do dough play with sr one of these days, using food dyes as coloring or the non toxic paint (haven buy..), she can oso play with the bento set cutters and make her own mickey mouse..
sr is oso veri much into drawing lately, we bot her a magnetic drawing board (mess free) and she's bz drawing on it and asking us to draw on it every nite when we get home..
Thank you, I'm flattered. No leh I dun have a recipe to follow, I just try to give him varieties in a meal and colours! Uusually he will have at least 3 dishes to go along with the cereal/pasta/rice. And he loves soup
Actually its not difficult but it does take some time to prepare so many dishes. Am sure you can do it too! :p
Its really motivating when my boy goes 'wah..' whenever he saw the food, that keeps me going!
I agree that the magnetic drawing board is a way to entertain them. Kyrell also have fun 'drawing' but he almost always wan to stick the pen into his mouth leh haiz...
I have not brought him to library yet, which of the ones you have been has good bb section huh?
what does wheels on bus dvd show actually? heard a no of mummy playing that to their kiddos......is it all songs etc
slimz, thanks for all the pointers! din think about the squeaky shoes part! lucky u pointed it out.

and about the dough... where can we buy ah? i was thinking about play dough but dun think it's safe for babies hor? my sis used to play wif them when she was younger.

jean, where are the tumble tots' outlets? i haven't joined u gals in any of the trials so still very kuku in this area.
Claire - congrats on #3!!

The pasta sauce recipe is self-taught, not something I got from a book. Hope it works for you. And hi5 on red meat!

Your hb is really good. No wonder you said you bully him big time. Mine only helps to prepare milk occasionally, and complains when he has to go with me to buy fish & veg from the wet market. He can't understand why I can't do so at the supermarket.

I also bring QJ for walks 2x a day when I was at home the last 2 weeks. Each time about an hour. I much prefer him to be outdoors, getting his hands dirty, climbing stairs, picking flowers and leaves.
<font color="aa00aa">
Input for Stef:
drawing: Washable water colour from Toy r'us

gardening: only let her water the plant, she seems like it

walk in the park: only on weekend (FTWM lor)

reading: 1/2 hour a day, more on big picture book

puppeting: not into it yet.. ahahha

quiet play: dun think she can.... haha

send her to class: she attending class at GUG at United Square. once a week 1+1/2 a day.

singing/play piano: not start any piano yet, waiting for age to start at schoil. will sing for her every day. cos she is the only one who like my lousy singing voice... hahahha

flash card: not daily. she dun seems enjoy the flash card.

go library: not start yet. only buy book for her and set up a small library at home. she like to take out all the books from shell, flipp all of them, and sometime she will throw all the books... hence dun think i dare to bring her to library now.. hahhah

others: thinking of do some baking with her this day... cos she learn making goop at class, she like it aloooot!!! and more importantly she diden really mess up all the place... hahahah</font>
val, heh... i also dun like wet market la...

ya lor... sometimes i think i really bully him (unknowingly?). come to think of it, he makes susu's milk as long as he's at home, baths her, cooks and do a lot of other things. i'm really a lazy bum. even my mum criticises me and says i only know how to pump milk... hmmm and even that i'm cutting down. ooooops... better buck up as a mummy. :p

sunshine, wow! baking! so high level!
Ooooo so long nv came here...so many good stuffs to see...

Congrats claire...
so nice to hear the good news!

jeelo...Kayden took his chkpox together with his MMR last Sat already.
Now hoping that he wont get fever after the MMR jab. PD said 1 week later then fever might appear. So praying hard he wont get that at all.
anyone have problem teaching their kids?im feeling so stressed up lately..feel that my son is getting super naughty and out of hand...becuz of this even got a fight with my mil regarding the way she educate my son (alway tell me san sui ting zong shen, wait till my son is 3yr old den start to teach him gd)..feel so sian if i can stay home look after myself den i dun have to be threaten by her all the time..haiz...plus now im 5mth pregnant feel so depress sometime seeing my son behave like gangster...
in case u gers dunnu what kind of gangster my son is behaving like here's an example....when he naughty we scold him he slap u back...when he see other kids playing his toy he pretend to oki but when adult walk away he will push that kid who touches his toy...sometime i think he is smart and cunning...
where did u get the magnetic drawing board? thinking of getting one for dylan also. :p

good to see that you have such a productive list of activities for su! i was just thinking about what i do with dylan and honestly, 50% of the time he just wants to roam around the house, exploring and walking around. Super duper active.

In addition to story time, I take him out for x 1 walk, x 1 dance time. He spends alot of time, playing with his toys... typical boy, likes to play with his trains, cars and lego. Also watches a bit of telly and loves to play &amp; kick the ball around his room with his daddy. Phew!! At the end of everyday, I'm the exhausted one!!
dylan's mum, can get it at places like kiddy palace. actually, su likes to roam around also... climb up and down and attempt to explore the toilets. faint.

dance time... meaning u play music and encourage him to dance?
split... can "piak" him when he slaps? not slap la... but piak his hand or something and then explain with a firm tone. i think punishment must be meted out when the "crime" is committed. then, it'll be effective.

speaking of toilet.. i also faint!! that day, dylan walked into toilet and put his hands into the toilet bowl to splash the water... aiyo!!!

dance - oh sometimes i carry him and dance, other time i get him to jiggle with it. ;p usually we dance to Bunny Town hop on Playhouse Disney.. hahah its like a kids rock song.
dylan's mom,
haha! I've been busy shooing Emma's hand from going into the toilet bowl.

phew, you all very conscientious in occupying your kids' time. THink I've really made Emma my "helper". Any way I can get her to do housework, I make her do it hahahahahah! bring clothes from dryer to playpen, bring her dirty clothes to her tub in laundry area, throw rubbish into bin, place milk bottle in kitchen, drag her bag of dirty diapers to the main door (tied up of cos), hand to mummy wet clothes to hang, put toys away (not successful to date!). She has so much fun and I get about 30s of breathing space. THink I better ramp up her educational side of things.

sigh! i was so horrified when he dipped his hands in the toilet bowl. Thankfully, it was just before his shower so i could quickly wash him up.

actually housework sounds like a good idea. i will try to start dylan on it. muuaaahaha... he already loves to carry his dirty diapers (in plastic bag) around the house and enjoys going thru the laundry after it comes out of the dryer. I shld get him to help with more! haahaa

dylan also prefers to play and mess up his toys rather than put toys away. sometimes when he is in the mood, he will help me pack up... but usually half way, he'll change his mind and empty everything out again!
<font color="aa00aa">harlow mummies...been out of touch with u gerls for sometime.

how are all of u?

firstly, congrats to claire!!!!
no 3 rite? i cannot even imagine having no 2 now.
reali admire u!</font>

dylan's mum, i got the magnetic board frm popular n it comes wif small magnets (triangle, oval and squares) to make shapes on the board

ber, i prefer HG lib. SK and AMK sucks..their bb sections lar..no gd books and books in veri bad condition. one thing to note, all the lib are veri cold, rem to put on more clothes for ur little ones..

steff, the wheels of the bus is a dvd with song n stories. e.g. a story is abt twinkle twinkle little star, so they will ve a story abt the star and incorporate the song into the story. within the story will ve other songs too n the theme song is 'wheels of the bus'. SR dances to all the songs. My HB keeps sr entertained with these on wkend when i'm bz with her food. each dvd has abt 4-5stories..

tub, dough play sr PD suggested DIY using flour n water .. cheap n safe

sunshine, ur bb taking GUG classes wor? how is it nice nice?

housework: i jux taught sr to throw trash into bins.. but i'm worried dat she will start throwing everyting in it =P
