(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

cham lei. I've tried the naughty corner, but have to literally armwrestle her to keep her there for 10 sec, let alone 1 minute. Crying it out, has happened a few times, but it always comes back. Hb says should just whack her then she'll stop. I'm not sure if it'll work, but when (notice I dun say 'if'...though we've not done so yet) we do cane her, none of the grandparents can be around otherwise they'll be the first to carry her off and comfort her.
The thing is, they keep saying she's too young etc, but she'll look at you before she does something naughty to see if she can get away with it. So I dun think she doesnt know. Now I'm most concerned about her impulsive behaviour. Once she gets worked up, she can't seem to control herself. Oh man, really worried about what she's going to be like when she grows up. And that comes back to why we're trying to curb all this now while she's still young. Once she gets past 5yo, I think no hope liao.
claire and dylan's mom, i spoke to a child psychologist and she said when baby throws a tantrum, ask her what he/she wants calmly. encourage her to voice out her wants. but not ez la. susu will also crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry and screeeeeeeam when she doesn't get wat she demans.
That's sad to hear, but at least she's no longer in pain. She's done so much for her children, ensuring that they remember her great love for her, I really wish that they will remember what a wonderful person she was.
hmm, my #1 is completely different from yu ru lei. Is it a piggy trait?

Tell u something funny, and revealing abt my mil doting on my #2. During reunion dinner, yu ru was making a mess at the dinner table (as usual) and struggling to get out of her chair so she make an even bigger mess. hb said to her in mandarin,"aiyoh, how you eat until your whole face also so dirty, like piggy like that!"
Then mil rebutted and said, "she where got like pig?? You then pig lah!" at which hb asked, "she's not pig meh?"
mil still butt back, where got! Then she thought abt it and realised that hb was right. pengz.

And because she looks after both my gals, she'll always ask "who's ah ma's bao bei?"
Once my #1 turned and smiled at her, then she said, "no, not you, my other bao bei." When my sil told me, i got so damn mad that i told hb to confront her. She still got the cheek to say that she treat both gals the same. Ptui!

err.. when i ask him calmly... he don't respond leh. cos he already 100% in tantrum mode liao... infact he totally lost it and can't stop screaming and crying. haiz...
mummies who have travelled with your babies...

When we make their passports, how long does it take, and do we have to bring the kiddos along to collect the passports?

dylan's mom, ya lor. aiya... theory is one thing but practically, our calmness will be dwarfed by the tantrums and screeeeeeeeeeeeeams!
the child only has to be present either at submission / collection. i brought arvin at the pt of application n got his photo taken thr.. the officer verified evrything then i went alone to collect. its abt a wk or so aft. if i remember correctly. depends on the backlog they hav... they wil usually hav the collection date on a board on the first level itself. so all passport applications for tt day will be ready for collection on tt stated date.
oh...ok ok.

Thanks mimeole!

yup can do online submission. i took a photo of dylan against white bkground using digital camera, then edit photo and submit online


he just threw another tantrum this morning. even though he was screaming & rolling on the ground the whole time, i jus kept asking him what he wants and ask him to show mummy. after a long time, he calmed down and i carried him around the house and he picked up some stickers and was ok after that. *phew* I think i got lucky this time. He seems more irritable lately cos got another tooth coming out.

btw, u got my package already?
Oh its so sad! I've been following Shin's blog and happened to not check these few days

Funnily, there's a funeral wake at my mum hse void deck and I just thought of Shin and wondering abt her...
But at least she's not suffering now... her children should of proud of what a brave and inspiring woman she has been!
I read the thread abt your mil saying who's ah ma's bao bei? Aiyoh... she's so favouritism?!! How can she be like tat? I think she will spoil Yu Ru ah...
csi fan
it's cheaper to do online. Save $10
Remember to set up e-appt to collect the passport. Can collect within 15min. It took about a wk from submission to collection. But have to wait for them to confirm if the photo is ok. One of my girl's photo rejected, then had to resubmit, so that wasted a couple of days. To be safe, do it at least 2 wks before you need it.
she's already spoiling her. Yu ru can get her way with her 99% of the time. I think only when hb n i around then she'll tarek a bit. Luckily xr is close to me, so I try to affirm our love for her whenever I can.
dylan's mom, i think it'll take some time for them to "get it" when we ask them wat they want. i did that to susu too... endured her screams and kept asking her. then, she finally pointed to the tube of cream and mouthed the word "open" (read: ah-pen).

ber, ya... i was saddened to read the post that shin has passed on but i guess she's made an impact so great, many will still remember her in time to come.
dylan's mom, haven got it. prob take a few more days cos of cny! will let u know once i rec them. thanks gal!
Yah I think Xin Ru will be heard by what her grandma says.. luckily you and hubby knew abt all these nonsense and affirms your love to her. But is there any way to stop what your mil is doing?? I hope the 'damage' can still be repaired before Yu Ru grows older!

Are you gng to her memorial service?
Btw, I'm so happy for you that Susu is taking in solids liao!! Yippie!!
ber, prob not go cos will be crowded i think. plus no one to take care of susu. but i guess i'll donate some money to the breast cancer foundation of the assisi home in Shin's name. I think that's wat she wants us to do.

yeah! thanks! i'm happy too! she's not taking very much tho... but i'm just so grateful that at least she's eating a little at home.
hi mummies,
sorry to intrude, does anyone have part-time cleaner to recommend who's ok with tampines area? my place is a 5-room flat. thanks loads!

Anyone interested in taking over my PET PET XL. Bought too much that time...

got 3 pack. One pack use less than 10pcs and the other 2 are unopen pack.

Willing to let go at $30 for all. Pls pm me.
hi mummies! welcome back.. haa... cny blues leh .. but TGIF again =D
sr had alot of goodies during cny lar.. wonder got put on wt anot with all the junk food ..

she veri funny lar, on cny eve she fell down while walking, got scratches on her LEFT knee but she din cry, mabbe not pain..anyway i went home bathe her den realised..thereafter all bathing session she started crying coz the scratches kenna water will be pain.
Then on 1st day of cny my sister asked her "sr, leg pain pain where?" and she grabbed her RIGHT knee and started sobbing (no tears de)! we were so amused by her good acting skills but wrong leg lar =P

thks for the replies and info abt the teething gel & my gal's fever. brought her several times to paedi, took the lab test for blood, urine & stool and finally found that she has mild UTI, thus gave her antibiotic. been busy taking care of her during CNY too. she's now nomore fever, but the antibiotic caused mild diarrhea. hope she'll be fine asap. thks.

Slimz, ur gal so cute and funny. im laughing read ur posting
slimz, i dunno, just know fm u... i really hope she's fine n nomore uti or any other illness. anyway nx week i need to see the doc again for her pneumo jab also. will check with her n keep u updated
hey dylan's mum,
how's the weaning process? Any improvement? My gal keeps wanting me to feed her more and more now. Keeps clinging to me and won't let go. Looks like it's going to be an uphill battle. Hope yours is better.

aiyo, i feel really defeated. dylan now wise up and rejects HIPP milk so i bought pediasure, havne't tried to feed him yet.

the good news is that he takes more solids now. but he still latches on ALOT and whenever he needs to sleep. I'm taking this one step at a time... just glad he is taking more solids now.

my next step is to try feeding him the pediasure. he can already drink from the bottle most of the time *keep fingers crossed*.

i doubt can wean before i start work, so i'm prepared to express milk if necessary.
<font color="aa00aa">hihi mummies!!

hi tub,
how is susu??

dylan's mum,
how r u n dylan??

my faiq has been having fever on and off this week.
now its gotten worse..cough so much last nite and his nose running like tap water.
since he was sleeping over at my parents place..they brought him to the doc themselves this morning.
my doc said he has caught a virus from somewhere.
so worried now...sigh...

btw, catch faiq's latest updates...http://faiqisamiracle.blogspot.com</font>
u can try Natal Essentials. Their food is quite nice. I had them during my confinement.

Hopes Faiq gets well very soon. It's always we mummies who worry when the little ones get unwell. Faiq looks really grown up now. Bring him to Changi Airport to "practice" working. My boy loves it.

Can watch his videos here... shouting out loud as we walk. http://ethango.blogspot.com

yup tried EBM in bottle, he will drink abit but usually rejects halfway. Just tried giving him pediasure (choco flavour) - abt 60ml, which he finished. I made him another 60ml, he only drank half then reject. Will try again tmr!! Feeling slightly optimistic now...


dylan &amp; i are ok... honestly feeling abit tired cos he's been rather difficult lately. It's as if he 'grew' up alot lately and now he is super fussy about alot of things, people, food, milk, clothes, shoes etc!! faint. How abt u and faiq? poor baby... hope he get well soon.
Just came back from a short break. My parents and sis family came over to spend CNY with us. We drove them down south of Western Australia for a short holidays. It has been a long time since we last get together like this and travel.

Claire, Botanist,
Kaylen has been a difficult child, esp during the week when there is so many people in the house. Nowadays, if she can't get what she wants, she wld sprawl on the floor and cry like mad. Just the other day, she screamed and cried and even bit me on the arm (now I got a big patch of blue black on the arm). Yesterday, was driving to the airport, she didn't want to sit with her sister and my mum at the back, she literally cried all the way til we reached the airport.

Kaylen also fell and scratched her left knee. Now she got a small scar on her left knee. Every now and then, she would show us her scar and want us to sayang that part. So far, she hardly cries whenever she fell down.

Hope Faiq gets well soon.
just to check. Does yr little one holds their own bottle when drinking milk? Mine is too lazy to hold. Tried putting his hands to hold but he will drop off after a few seconds. also trying to get him to use the sippy cup but ends up he plays with the sprout.
same here... my ger refuse to hold the milk bttle herself n she still dont koe how to 'suck' water from the straw... haiz...
Hi Dylan's mum,
I fully understand what you're going through. Some things just can't be rushed. However, since you're going back to work and someone else will take over, I believe Dylan will somehow have to take the bottle. A few of my friends were also breastfeeding and due to some reason or so, they had to stop, in the end their child was "forced" to take FM and they're now happily taking FM.

I'm not having it easy either. My girl takes FM when it's given to her, but whenever she takes milk from her cup, she'll cling onto me and insist that I latch her on as well. In the end, I'm feeding her more than usual. But, strangely, my period came today. I think my milk supply has dropped that's why it came and now it will only go downwards. I really don't know how much milk I have now, but my girl seems to cry every time I feed her cos I think there isn't much milk. How about you? Has your period come yet? Really hope that she'll wean off as the milk gradually disappears. Or I'll have a problem.

Yah my period only came back last month so I know how you feel! Wah, supply drop like crazy leh. breast felt empty the first 3 days... i'm lazy now lah, but i shld pump out milk to store in case my period comes next month and i dont have enough milk for dylan again.

dont worry, supply will come back when yr period is gone.
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies!!!
ethan so cute leh!

eve, jaz23, bluelily,
mine also same!!!
lazy to hold bottle...can only drink max 10 ml from sippy cup then will start playing with it.
and STILL cannot drink from straw yet..
sighhhhh...wonder when he can..aty least will make my life much easier..

faiq still unwell...doc gave him the ilaidin nose drop..at least he managed to sleep thru at nite..
but his cough and phlegnm still quite obvious.</font>
lynzi... wishing faiq a speedy recovery. ya u cld use those kid's chest rubs. it will help them breathe better.

re: self drinking
arvin is v lazy too... hold awhile then will let go... he uses the spout to drink his water/juices. but for milk it's still his milk bottle wif teats. never tried straw tho.

i have greatttt news.... arvin's walking tooo....
it miraculously happened abt 4 days ago.. he jus let go n walked. woohoo.. e wait was all worthwhile..
but he's yet to sprout a tooth... but welll... 1 at a time la..

ya lynzi.. which swimming 'sch' is tt? looks like lotsa fun..
lynzi, hope faiq gets well soon. susu is also down with a cough. think there's a bug lingering around, hounding our babies.

susu is taking more solids now and not rejecting totally anymore cos we're feeding her rice, steam fish and soup. she seems to enjoy her rice better, maybe cos she wants more texture. still not eating much but oh well, as long as she takes solids without struggling... i'm more than grateful for that. for fm, she's now taking bellamy's. took us MONTHS to get her to drink cos mummy's supply is dipping, esp with menses.

re: holding bottle
somehow, susu is ok with holding the bottle herself. when she wakes up for night feeds, hubby will just give her the bottle, she'll finish and throw the bottle to one side. the parents are lazy la... will sleep while she's drinking... hehheh but if she's drinking BM, i'll make sure she finishes to the last drop. hehheh my sweat and blood leh...

susu holds her bottle from young? Ethan was holding his bottle when he was 5-6mths old. But then he start pulling out from his mouth to play with the teat then. And cos he was drinking very little then, i stopped letting him hold his bottle and play and feed him myself instead. End up now, he's lazy to hold himself. I wonder if I'm worrying too much over this. Will they just learn themselves when they are older?

Also, can I know when you give rice with soup, does she swallow directly or will chew abit? Cos I noticed mine just swallow most of his porridge even when I mix some chunks of food in it. Afraid of indigestion.
