(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Astro, my fees for this term is pro rated.. cos only pay for 3 lesson. anyway at today's class, the teacher came adn ask me how old she is.. she say rae is definitely ready for Tots class.. she taught she looked quite young and was surprised when i told her she is coming 19 mths (think she short lah). anyway, she say better she move to tots class next term, more suitable for her.

Kelley and Ashlyn was in the same class as me. kelley told me ashlyn has to stay on for 1 more term of babes class before moving to tots.
Pink: just saw u quoted my name.. dunno isit cos u quoted they gave me hard time.

anyway they claimed that they did not confirm my tot's class.. she she is not even on wait list, i was so angry.. they say they waiting for me last week to start my class.. but instead i only started this week. what happened was the thursday before last sunday, GUG called me, ask me if i can start 1 week later instead (which is this week) i say can lah.. and then today, the counter girl say how come i did not start next week, anyway i dun have a slot on sun morning, if i want, she will be on wait list. i scolded the girl, she say its a mis comm between her colleages! make me feel so cheated like they wanted me to enroll thats why they tell me my slot confirmed!

congrats!!! see, i told u meimei looks like gor gor hor...
mejo: u say veryberry also started YY on GUG?

Pearlyn: i will collect my stuff from u next sun.

Pink: if i have any mroe stuff, u can pass me to me directly at GUG liao./
congrats autum!!! so yr maid how?? she is coming tmr rite??? EV looks like EJ?? wow.. she will be da mei nv then!!
me ah... almost can DIE at work lor... sigh....

now everything also lynn... HR also lynn, IT also lynn, procurement also lynn, payment also lynn, admin also lynn, etc

there's always lynn, lynn, and lynn and no one else...
you are here tonight?!

pleasant surprise!

so you are not in our sun class liao?

siao right, they stil confirm for you what.
then you're gonna stay at babes class or wat?
SQ: no she will move on to tots class nect term, if sun 9:30am no slot, she will stay in 4pm and will move to 9:30am as soon as there is a slot open.

jmon: wha everything bao ka liao ah? hehe they must trust ur skills and capabilities, thus give u all the stuff to do. how come no one helping u?
gug'S STAFF really deserve a scolding man.

autum: when u discharging? love ur birth story, so fast and smooth.. hehehe
post pic when u can ok. i wanna see how EV looks like.

Huh? YT's class is also sunday 4pm mah. I still dunno which class she supposed to go to lei. So is Leia going to be in same class as Jaden?


Sorry I blur. Not veryberry lar. It is Pearlyn. I got confused.

ya.. heard they employ pple to finance but then HR drag too long and the candidates found better jobs, so they left *boo hoo*

i dong alone there months liao.. there's a girl comes in end of Oct, hopefully my load can b lighten lor.

my maid ah... dun talk abt it... i nw dong her till end of her contract.. employed her so troublesome. her hb and family very irritating one

YT also chew until her thumbs are raw but she still sucking on them! Think her canines and pre-molars popping. She is ambidextrous in her thumb sucking but in the end, both thumbs are raw!
mummies: how does the GUG deposite work? when can we get back? need to pay again at the next term?

and also how come no home materials given? only that stupid bag ah?
I bought the small inflamed dog for Elisha just now at parkway. She chosen it herself but she play awhile only and leave it aside liao.
huajing, oh.. no worries.. u can sms me anytime.. i am a ye4 mao1 zi3
tefal steamer?? i dun use steamer one.. i very trad, use wok to steam.. u wanna buy eh??
wha i think Rae loves dog leh.. i brought Rae to see my brother's two corgi.. the dogs are so strong man i so scared but rae so happy when she sees them, kepy giggling non stop, hahah and she tried to touch them too.. hahah/.

Wah, you blew $15 on the dog? Can buy here from spree mah. YT will say kou kou and throw them around sometimes.


YT likes dogs but once there was a neighbour who saw her staring into her house at the dog and refusing to move, open the door and ask YT to go in and touch the dog! I'm a bit like scared but paiseh to say no also but in the end, YT also dun dare to touch the dog. Phew.
at least you got a stupid bag!
what's that bag ah?
you pay a one-time deposit. it would be forfeited if you dun give them ample notice of withdrawal. else, it will be returned to you once you leave them for good

I think you have like tell them at least a month or more before you leave them for good to get the deposit back.


It is a bag for a drawing board. If you want, can ask them for it. I told them I never got one, they gave it to me. That was when I'm already more than halfway through the second term.
SQ: so how long is this ample notice? u mean u did not get the bag ah? i tot all new students get a bag, the bag is empty, just a ugly bag, not very useful too leh.
haha mejo
YE has been there for almost a year liao
now then i ask i would look as cheap as i am right?

haha... it's ok lah. ample notice is about a month before the term ends if i rem correctly. you got some papers to come home and read right? It's written among the T&Cs
ya I want to buy, metro having sales on Tefal. Now hb using slow cooker to steam fruit for Elisha, think of getting one to cut on electric bill.
Autum: in this case, make sure u tell them ur allergy and don't get the same med...

Pink: my gynae not pro natural lah... he just said must experience then can be a real woman mah... but it was the NURSES who thought i can...lol.. gynae not there yet and when he realised i was not on epi, he was like: " huh, she's not on epi?" then i was thinking:"huh? what went wrong? or wat's going to happen next" hahaha...

astro: my gal after 4 lessons still don't know any of the zoo phonics cos she's not interested... die lah... how to manage the tots class?

Erm, YT been there for 2 semester and she still couldn't do any of the actions on her own lor (except maybe the beat thighs). In fact, nobody except 1 girl in our class can but today I din see her, maybe the girl has moved up to tots liao.
no leh
i dun keep her art work

my house v small leh, how to keep?!

you still steaming your fruits for E?

why your gynae sounds so blur?!

Haha, no lar, I'm just asking cuz I always buang YT's artwork once I reach home. :p I only kept the handkerchief with her handprint but now also dunno go where liao.
Mejo: so Teng is smarter than ours? ASTRO!! see this?? don't insult our kids by saying teng slow huh... :p

aiyo my gal just refuse to stay stationary to look at what the teachers and other kids are doing... always want to run ard or go up to teachers..me siong man...today so tired, ko with her at nap time, then HB does all the housework...hahaha...:p
wah.. huajing, elisha is really yr hb's baobei.. steam fruits??? i cant be bothered.. just cut and serve.. haha! steam in slow cooker for how long?? why must steam cant eat as it is??
re: Project at GUG today.
anyway i tot the food colouring a bit yucky today.. a few babies kena on fingers and turned all blue and they smear it all over.. yucks.
SQ: humm...don noe leh... maybe he expects me to be on epi cos i did tell him that i want natural with epi...:p else he came too late then come only help me with a little snap, then bb "flow" out and gave all a shocked...lol... seeing my struggles for pain then he realise i was not on epi... i say next one also don want epi, hb says i siao...:p
