2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Ah Da,

Warning signs of preterm labour.

- contraction occurring at a rate of six or more per hour
- rhythmic or persistent pelvic pressure
- menstrual-like cramps, with or without diarrhea
- sudden or persistent low backache
- vaginal discharge, particularly discharge that has changed in colour, consistency, or amount

The above is taken from
'When you are expecting twins,triplets & quad
' by Dr Barbara Luke and Tamara Eberlein.

It is better to be told a false alarm than to ignore an alarm that's real.

But thinking positive is the best


Thank you so much for all the advise on the BH contractions. Really appreciate your sharing.

Patty, the BH contractions are not painful, just pretty uncomfortable. It started at around 26th week for me. The tummy will just harden up like a rock for about 30 sec to 1 min. although it's not painful, it always make me tense up, which makes things worse. Now I make conscious effort to practise the breathing techniques to relax myself.

I went for my checkup this morning and inform my gynea about this. He said that it's ok as long as it is not painful. He also advised me to watch the timing. Need to alert him if it occur in less than 15 min intervals. Resting is the most important thing now.

Now my checkups will be once every 2 weeks.

Regarding my earlier post on doc giving MC, he gave me 4 days today. Still quite stingy hor? He's concerned that I'll used up all my MC and won't have enough for the later weeks when i really need it.

Some updates on the babies. The girls are now at 31 weeks. 1 is at 1.6kg and the other is at 1.7 kg. My short term target is to let them stay inside till at least 34 weeks.

by the way, i'm starting to pack the hospital bag liao.
Hi Ah Da

Good to know everything is fine. Oh yeah then i thk i have BH also ler..i thought it was the bbs who stretching themselves inside hehe..my DH asked me not to think so much , so i just let it be..so i just 'act blur' and stay happy..

Now my check up once every 3wks..i feel very tired nowaday and always like to sleep ler..MC? why dun the gynae just give your hospitalisation leave? Most company entitiled for 60days ler..so r u still gog back to work aft the MC? i am resting at home liao..during last wk check up my bbs head are down and my private part there is very painful if i stand or walk too long..sigh..i also wish my bbs will stay inside till 34wks or longer..so we both 'jia you' together ya !! take care.
Hi Patty,

The gynea said that he cannot give hospitalisation leave unless I'm hospitalised.

Anyway, I won't be going back to work lah. I'll use my own leave lor. Already informed my boss that I won't be back till after my maternity leave. Most important thing now is to rest so that we can keep babies inside for as long as possible.

For me both babies are in head down position. Yar, my private part area also very painful. Especially when I try to stand up. I also have difficulty in breathing sometimes.

Yup let's Jia You together!

You take care!
<font color="0000ff">Jlyn</font>,
Thanks, you have mega memory!!! Yes, my gals were Oct 06 babies, or rather toddlers by now. They will turn one next month. I couldn't believe it. Time passes by so quickly!!!

Here's a pix of them taken earlier this week:
Dear Mommies,
I am new to this forum and I am glad that I found this forum through web-search. Also, thanks Betty for introduce me to visit this thread.

This is my first pregnancy + twin so I am really nervous as I don't know what is the best for my pregnancy and babies. There is no one in my family can give good advice as the last baby born in my family was about 10 years ago, yet, no twin history in my family in the past. I will be really appreaciate for twin/multiple mommies who see this post can give me some advice such as what to eat, what to do(sleep more or exercise more) is best for pregnancy, what to pay attention like what kind of chinese herb should not be taken, what to prepare before(going to hospital)/after delivery.

I and my husband are very worry because we feel that we may miss something important for our babies. My Gynae does not provide any advice maybe because we don't know what to ask.

We thought of getting a confinement lady from agency, but still worrying that we cannot just depend on the confinement lady, as it may be though or we may get someone has no experience on taking care of twins.

Dear all twins/multiple mommies, how do you take care of your twins/multiple after delivery? Do you breat-feeding? My Gynae recommend for cesarean delivery, I wonder if most of the twin/multiple mommies went through cesarean delivery or natural birth? How about ultrasound scan? I notice it is like I am having more ultrasound scan than other MTB... average 3 weeks one scan. IS this normal?

I am in about 23 weeks pregnancy. Please share your experience... any input and advice will be really appreaciate! Thanks!!
My email: [email protected]
dorayaki, I rem cos I was in Nov06 thread initially. I 'frequent' Oct06 thread as well cos I was 100% sure that my boys would come out in oct (i mean i havnt come across any twins mummies delivering at 40th week lor). And so, I notice ur posts in oct thread. In fact, there were two twins mummies in Oct thread (excluding me) and 3-4 twins mummies in Nov thread.. many have 'disappeared'.. probably too busy with babies. ur girls look so alike.. identical?

bubblefish, most multiple pregnanies ended up c-sec. There are natural deliveries as well but not many. Few mummies at the old twin thread delivered theirs via natural. U may want to post ur questions there. Abt BF.. I am a total failure. Hmm.. but I do know there's a SHIFU here. Ah May can help you.. heehee ;P
<font color="0000ff">Jlyn</font>,
Yup, mine are identical twins. But they looked "different" bcos mei-mei one chuckles all the time and jie-jie is always looking serious. Kekeke... Its been like that since day 1 when they were born. Weird, right?

Any updated pix of your boys? We can start letting our kids play together. They can call themselves "Qing Mei Zhu Ma" twins in future. hahaha...

<font color="0000ff">bubble fish</font>,
I sent you an email. Hope I mamanged to answer some of your questions.
Hi Bubble fish,
you'll have more scans than singleton moms cos twins need to be more closely monitored.

Haven't been on lately cos twins are getting a handful. Also worried cos I think they're constipated. Any moms have twins who experience that even though they are on breast milk? Worried.
bubble fish
welcome & congrats! you might like to read up on twins & multiples' pregnancy & childcare books. NLB main branch has a decent collection. gathering info abt having twins will help allay your fears & help you ask yr gynae the right qns. for conf lady, ask for one who has experience caring for twins, but she'll be more expensive than for singletons. PM me if you want my CL's contact no. i only BF for first few weeks, subsequently exclusively express BM. still doing so now (my twins are 9.5mths now). hope this helps.

my girl also had infrequent bowel movement when she was younger and on BM. it may not be constipation even if they do not poo every day. check the consistency of their stools. for constipation, poo will be hard, dark pellets, though it's very rare if they're on BM. some bbs just don't poo daily. but if baby doesn't move bowels for more than 3 days on BM, then you may like to bring him/her to see the doc, who may prescribe a suitable laxative. i keep a box of babylax as a standby for the occasional bouts of constipation. not advised to use too often as baby may become reliant on it to pass motion.
welcome bubblefish,
I posted earlier replying to some of your Qs but think post not successful........well, the other mommies have given u some insight i guess.......You can read through the archieved pages on this thread, there is a wealth of informations from personal experiences. All the best.
Hi to all great MTB, mummies

I am new in this thread. I've always been in the Mummies Support group. I am glad to find this thread as I am also expecting Twins.

I'm a 1st time MTB, expecting 2 boys. I'm in 26th weeks now. KKH, with our well know Dr SF Loh.

To share my experience. I start to feel my babies' weight, and I've a lot of pain on my lower cervic too. Wondering is this normal. Esp after an outing, the pain really gets to me when I lie down or trying to change position while sleeping. Is this common?

Have most MTB done all your babies' shopping lists? Getting doubles are rather tough. Any tips or advice?
gracia & chloe are so chubby & cute! i see you also like to dress them in similar clothing
how are you celebrating their 1st birthday?

love yr blog
you're doing a really good job with jayden & shannen. the head-shaking thing is quite funny to watch. can really hear the worry in yr voice!
hello mummies and mtbs, i'm finally feeling better and the twins are getting slightly better after lots of bedrest. Thanks to the encouragement from you.

Ah Da, you so fast in 31 weeks! hang in there. i can't remember which hospital you are with.. how come cannot give hospitalisation leave!?

bubble fish and rebekah, welcome. i'm in same week as you bubble fish! are your twins identical?
Hi xbliss,

Good to know that you're feeling better
I'm with SGH.

Welcome bubble_fish and Rebekah.

I'm having a lot of pain at my pelvic area. It's now to the extend where I can't really turn in my sleep. Today, even walking is painful. I really donno how to last till 34 weeks.

Any of the mummies have solutions on how to ease the pain?
Dear Mommies,
Hi! I am new to this forum and I am glad I found it. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant with Twins. This is my 1st pregnancy.

My husband and I are thinking of purchasing a twin stroller. Can you recommend us a brand and model which is suitable for twins?

So far, we have seen the Graco Duosport($399) and Maclaren Twin Techno($699). We are not sure which one to purchase. Does anyone have any experience using these? Normally how many years do twins utilise their strollers for?

We really appreciate all your feedback and advice. Thanks
Ah Da,

I'm having a lot of pain at my pelvic area too. Esp while lying down, and turning. I told the doc on my last visit, and He gave me some hormone pills, which suppose to help to stabilize and relax the muscles. At times when the pain gets too much, I'll just take the normal Panadol to ease the pain. NOT the stronger kind,eg. Panadol extra.

Talk to your doctor, He may give you some muscle relaxant and advice on this. I hope it helps
Hi Sweetrose,

Welcome and congrats!

I have the Graco twin stroller as a baby shower gift. Its gd for newborns since it can lie down flat. The pram folds down only (bcome a square), so you need a car with wide bootspace.
I normally use it for for gng nearby playgrd or I m bringing my bbs out alone. Otherwise, I use my 2 single strollers for shopping. Easier to move ard n has rain cover too.

If you do not wish to spend too much money, think Graco serves the purpose well enugh. Save the rest for buying 2 single strollers when they can sit up on strollers.

May I ask how much do the confinement lady cost for taking care of twins? I am quoted about $2600 but may quoted as $3200 if i delivered during CNY period. hmm... is this the market rate? btw, my edd is 24 March. Please advise...
<font color="0000ff">kevjul</font>,
I paid $2.65k for mine, so I think that's reasonable. Even $3.2K for CNY sounds alright. At least she didn't quote you double which I believe some will.

<font color="0000ff">sweet rose</font>,
Welcome and congrats! I'm using the Maclaren twin stroller. I find it quite sturdy and easy to move around. Its heavy but I guess its the same for all twin stroller. Goes into the trunk of cars easily cos its quite compact (for a twin stroller) when folded. You can use it even when the kids are 4-5 years old, provided they still want to sit on it. Hee!

But then again, like A+Cmum, me too has 2 other single strollers. I can choose to bring one twin out if I want. Its also much lighter and can be easily lifted out/into the car trunk if I'm travelling alone.
If cost is a concern, I think 2 single strollers would be a much wiser choice. Sometimes I feel like we hogged the passage way when the malls are too small or crowded. And somehow, ppl tend to stare at your kids when they are on a twin stroller. :p

<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>,
I actually prefer to dress Gracia and Chloe in different colours of the same design. But our other family members prefer to buy them clothes which looked exactly the same. No choice. Hee!

I couldn't persuade my HB to celebrate their birthday outside my home, so we are going to cater buffet (again!) and I'll be doing the decor myself. I just hate the cleaning up even though I have a maid. And I must admit I enjoy just entertaining people and taking pix, instead of having to worry about the logistics and nitty gritty stuff when you have a function at home. kekeke... But I do enjoy getting the party decor done, putting up balloons, preparing goody bags, etc. ^.^V
<font color="0000ff">Alethea</font>,
Your blog is so sweet and full of pix/videos! Great job!!!

I'm too lazy to do a blog for Gracia & Chloe. Hardly have the time to update my own blog, let alone start one for them. As it is, uploading their pix in shutterfly is quite time consuming, so I'll give babies' blog a miss. They only have a scrap book (documentating my pregnancy journey + their first 6 months) to find out more about their babyhood when they grow up. It is MY scrap book, so they'll only get to read/view it. Kekeke... *evil grin*
Hi sweetrose and rebekah, welcome and congrats... Re shopping of bb stuff, i saw somewhr in the thread tht thr's a twinsplus garage sale gng on on 22nd. Tis cum.g sat at 10am. Mayb u can check their site www.twinsplussing.com for more details? Me went thr last yr, not bad. They have alot of stuff and the mums are happy to help u out re wat u will need..
Alethea, ur blog is very nice. Me juz too lazy to do one..
Dorayaki, ur gals look soo adorable.
xbliss, take care and hang in thr!
cool blog! love all those pics! you must have lots of fun doing up your blog.. keke..

Ah Da,
jia you! just about a month more! Maybe you wanna check the pain that you are feeling with your gynae? If it's tough to sleep lying down, you may want to consider sleeping on an arm chair instead. I heard that's what some mtb do at their advanced stage. Any other advice from those experienced mummies that had gone through this phase?

As for me, I am not at 27 weeks and feeling the weight more, esp when sleeping! can never never sleep through the night cos difficult to find a comfy position now.
Hi Rebekah,

Thanks for your sharing. Actually. I asked my gynea for advise as well. He said the only way to relieve the pain is to take pain killers. Hmmm.. Think I'll take this as the last resort.

Yesterday I tried another way of turning in bed. I turned with my knees together. (Normally, I open wide and uses one leg to push myself to turn to another side) It doesn't cause as much pain. Maybe you can try that
Hi Ah Da,

I've tried that too but sometimes my legs just dun listen to me anymore.
Most of the pain usually filter from the left pelvic only. So usually I've to use my right leg to support me up when I need to use the bathroom during the night.

Aiya... aches and pains seems to be everywhere. Is either your back, pelvic, buttocks, leg clamps... and so on... can't wait to be normal again

Oh! Yesterday, I went to the INFANTINO moving sales, and I am lucky to get 2 baby cots for $100 each. Excellent deals! So all mummies shld look out for all this warehouse or garage sales, you never know... may get lucky
welcome all new mtbs,

still havent read your blog
too busy la, been wanting to start a blog for my boys but got to wait until I settle down in one place:p

hoooray! your girls are gonna be 1 yrs old soon.......time really flies! My advance birthday wish for them.

sweet rose,
I am also using maclaren twin stroller and a two single combi light weight strollers (one new one second hand) I use maclaren whenever I go out in mrt or when hubby is around to drive us. Yes maclaren is also heavy like most twin strollers but can fit into the taxi back.

The best part of the twin stroller is I can bring them for evening walk, nearby supermarket and to my pd on my own....it makes me feel better to be independent

I want to buy sturdy wooden high chair, any idea where can I get. Ikea has but too light and can easily topple as my first one is a little rascal.
it seens most mtbs exp the pelvin pain, so do i. And it is getting worse nowaday, if i stand like 10mins i have prob to walk aft that, it really hurts sigh, also lying down,turng or getting out of the bed also problem..most of the times i will use my hand to press my 'private part' when moving, and it feel slightly better.i am also have the same feeling as Ah Da, duno can 'tong' till 34wks or not sigh..long journey...
<font color="0000ff">All Mommies/MTBs</font>,
I had a chat with my neighbour yesterday. She asked if I had my twins thru fertility treatment which I didn't. She had been trying for a baby for the last 5 years and hence, wanted to find out more about fertility assessment and the charges involved. Her HB has also agreed to go for his sperm test. She is turning 35 next year and her HB is 3 years older.

Any of you had your fertility assessment done at KKH or perhaps know any doctor whose rates are reasonable? Can email me ([email protected]) the details, so I could share with her? They are not very well to do, so she is worried the charges may be too high for her to even consider. IVF is totally out of the question based on their financial condition.

If you don't mind sharing, pls email the following details to me.

1) Hospital/Clinic Name & contact no.
2) Gynae/Doctor's name
3) Consultation charges and other recurring charges (eg. ultrasound scans)
4) Briefly what is in the assessment package? Meaning, what are the general tests, involved.
5) What are the charges for these additional charges?

6) Apart from fertility drugs (eg. clomid) and IVF, any other forms of treatment available?
7) What is the treatment process like?
8) The charges involved.

I just hope to help her get a rough idea of the charges involved, so that she can be mentally prepared. She has no access to internet at work and doesn't own a PC at home. So I think she's quite handicapped when it comes to info research. If you are willing to share, pls email me ([email protected]). Thanks!
hi mummies and mtbs, i have moved onto my 24th week. the twins are getting really active.. there's a lot of party inside. sometimes they kick so hard that i feel like waterbag will burst.. u know what i mean? the position they kick feels so near to the cervix that i'm worried something might happen. Does anyone else experience this?
yr babies' 1st b'day celebration sounds like fun
lemme know if yr caterer's any good. my bbs' birthday coming up end of the year and i'm already wondering who to cater from. quite tired of the usual buffet food, toying with the idea of western buffet. where r u getting yr party decor from and what's going to be in the goodie bag?
rebekah, where do you go to know when Infantino warehouse sales are? and also other warehouse/garage sales?

i guess i can wait another month to buy Bumbo. anyone wants to sell? my hb likes the yellow, i was thinking more the aqua.. am looking for 2 used ones but good condition.
dorayaki, your babies already 1!

best twins, how did you get to go out alone with the stroller, did they not cry? i recently only managed to get them on the storller, for no more than 2 hours, they will start getting cranky one by one..

lyricist, how have you been?

me been busy reading up the older posts, and can't seem to catch up to comment on most of those i think i can comment on!

i think my boy is teething, see one white thing already, isn't it a bit too early? he is only 3 1/2 months old! what should i do and wat should i lookout for or make him feel better? he seems to be cranky at nite sleeps, and gets up cry and wanna bite stuff.. daytime feed also like so cham like that, and he seems to drool so much!

any mommies know if their scalp have this scale like skin, is that cradle cap? seems to have alot, and seem itchy is it? how to get rid of it ah?

my babies turning 4 months next week, and going for the 2nd jab this thursday, for sure will have fever is it? wat to do ah?
My boys also cant sit for too long until they were about 6months, I think only around 5 or 6 months they vision and other senses are more sharp and they enjoy seeing things. My first one was ok from 5months but it took until 6++months for my second one to enjoy stroller rides..........so finally both are enjoying now.

my boys still arent teething, I saw the white thingy few months ago ut its still hangin in there

my babies also had cradle cap around 3 months,my pd prescribed a shampoo to use twice a day, I will apply baby oil half an hour before bath and use that shampoo....it helped
U can check with pd.

about jabs, my babies sure will have fever after each jab, It depends on their immune system.
some babies will not have any fever. I usually dont do anything, just give them the fever medicine. Some mommies give barley water etc before hand.....not sure!
Hi Mummies,

Thanks A+Cmum, Lil' twin stars, Fi Hozali and Best_Twins for all your feedback and useful advice on the Strollers. Really appreciate the time and effort you took to post the feedback

Meanwhile, here's wishing all Mummies a good day ahead
hey best twins, yeah, they get cranky easily so i can't seem to bring both of them out on my own. now i drive and bring one next to me still ok then when reach destination i carry them with a baby bjorn, but i can't bring them out both together can't both put behind and drive. i only use the twin stroller when my hubby around. and when they on stroller, they can sit at least 2-3hours ok.. enjoying their view at the malls.

looking for good condition bumbos, so maybe they will like it? did you have one?

i shall try the baby oil again, last time i tried it, only came out a little bit..

thanks for all your thots!
icic! 2-3hours on the stroller is good enough for their age. I'll be selling my bumbo soon, my younger one sits on it occassionally to watch tv when i m really really busy........so will sell it once he can sit on his own, may be in 2 or 3 weeks? if u wan will reserve it for u, sms me in two weeks time k?

My babies had cradle cap too, even on the eyebrow area. Pple taught me to put baby oil and rub a bit. It all came off. Cant remember how long it took for all toc ome off though.

Let me know too where you get the birthday cake and caterer etc. Need to start tinking of my BBs 1st Bday in Dec...

My hubby want to shave my 9M gals' hair a second time. Cos did nt do a very gd job when they were 6M, a bit uneven now. We used a professional shaver that leave 3mm but couldnt reach those really fine small hair.
Will these fine small hair grow long eventually?
Or need to use men's shavers w shaving cream to do a clean job?

I cant bear to let my gals be 'botak' again and no hair at 1 yrs old...
Hi Mommies,
Thanks so much for your response and advice to my previous post. I feel so good after reading your messages. Especially thanks to Jlyn (jlyn), lil' twin stars (dorayaki), lyricist (lyricist), Best_Twins (twinsmom), Ah Da (j_noelle) for all the feedback. Sorry I am a little late to say thank you for all your feedback because I was ill(having flu) in the past few days so I didn't manage to go online to read your feedback.

Hi xbliss, I am so glad to know someone that is about the same weeks as me(I think you are one week ahead of me, I just get into 23 weeks). My twins are non-identical(i.e. two eggs). How about yours? Same as you, I feel my twins are kicking me so hard like kicking a football. But I think I would be more worry if I don't feel their kicks. My babies's kicks aren't causing any pain though.

Dear Mommies, how do you handle your stretch skin and stretch marks? Care to share your experience? Any brand of stretch cream/oil is especially good to use during pregnancy? As this is my first pregnancy, I am so sad to see some stretch marks start to appear on my belly
bubble fish,
better to put on lots of stretch mark cream. load on lots of it. I suffer from very very dehydrated skin around 24 weeks or so? skin turn black colour, while I already using stretch mark oil twice daily. so bad my gynae and nurse keep shaking their head when they see my tummy. in the end i put on the oil and cream hourly...

c-section usually if identical twins is detected,if fracternal can be natural lah, but if the second one cannot be out on time, will be 1 natural 1 c-section. c-section for both will be preferred right?

if you keen to BF, get a milk pump to stand by. incase they cannot suckle or so, use the pump regularly to simulate supply in the first month. need lots of determination. can be done.

my babies kick me very hard, painful till i can cry... but i did not know is kick initially, until a kick during the scan occurs, almost want to hide in a hole.
but okay, the water bag can hold, wait till near to 34 weeks plus, you see how much it has stretch... :p

A+C mum,
why not go to a barber for the job, cleaner? that what I did when my boys are 4 months and 11 months old. now we do it ourselves.
so i see it is common to get those karate chops. my worry is that they kick til waterbag burst cos one of them loves to kick near the cervix area. he is often turning and usually in breech position.

bubble fish, yups i am 24wks now. mine are identical which is why so complicated pregnancy since they are sharing a placenta. come to think of it, i don't seem to have any stretch marks yet. the only marks i have are also like what ah may say.. some black brown coloration on the lower abdomen.. but i didnt think they were stretch marks?! the nurses din say anything too. actually i think i have too much fats to spare..hee.
