(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi domestic goddess,

Really ah? your 1st born same bday as mine? hmm, this means your 2 kids conceived sama sama time??

thanks for your advice! Baby starting to increase her poo liaoz today.. i already got my 4 soiled diapers today liaoz @ 12:30pm, so, i think i will get at least 1 more!... ya..she seems to be wee weeing ok leh.. i get heavy diapers averaging 6, which means she soil it min 3 times with urine (i using pampers NB), based on urine indicator..after which, i change..

She has already regained her weight on the 6th day.. when i went to PD for follow up check up.. PD that time said her poo n wee wee not enough, but, as long as she seems satisfied and can sleep 2-3 hrs in between should be ok and things will improve.. and he ask me to BF on demand as she will request for more milk as she is growing.. so, i will face days when i gotta feed her every 1 hr so that my milk will match her demand..

I want to express my milk, cos hope hubby can help feed her @ night, so that i can conserve energy and get abit more rest..especially when CL go back.. also, cos my arms ache from carrying her for 1 hr each feeding.. Also, i returning to work mah.. so would like to start expressing for storage.. and also to get used to the pump..

Baby zucchini,
u try it lor.. the isis is easier to control the suction which can be harder.. while the iq uno.. eh.... the suction is gentler.. initially, i get zero out of my iq uno.. while when i switch to manual, i get some droplets of milk.. i hoping things will improve..

I trying the lying down position to feed my girl, but not good @ it still.. my girl keep losing her grip on my aerola and i think the milk don't flow well into her mouth, so she complains by make sounds to me! Even hubby woke up and ask me what was that noise! kinda funny now that i think about it..

my PD is Dr. Simon Ng of baby and children's clinic.. he charge 465sgd for 6 in 1 jabs.. quite comparable to kkh's price of 450 sgd leh..so far, he seems ok and even have emergency numbers and after office numbers for us to contact him..so, maybe will stick to him first..

I was switch from Dr. Terence Tan to him cos' my gal was distressed by the long labour and strong contractions and swallowed meconium in womb and had to be examined immediately and he wasn't available in time!

i drink bu yao jing at night.. and also abit of DOM after my 11-12pm feeding immediately.. cos bb wake up to feed around 2-3am..the alcohol has time to move through my system..

ya, i not stressing over the amount i pumping now.. i tell myself my girl is draining out most of it and remainder, harder for pumps to reach it! whatever i pump, i juz put in lower fridge..and my CL will use it up once a day to feed her, especially when i massaging..

Anyone of you here bought Motherhood - Sep issue. There is one article talk about Fact and Mthy of Confinement. Those who are interested can take alook as they tell you abt the old wives tales. Hahaha..

After my hubby readi it, he ask me do I still want to follow confinement rules anot. At least after I read it, I feel that I'm abit stupid as well.

i gave FM cos I dunno how much she needs more ? I'm afraid she would waste my EBM lor ...

she vomitted after we burped her .. sometimes in her sleep.

i think my gal did gained weight, can feel it when I carry her. and her head circumference has increased and her length also.

btw have PM you mona's number.


actually it is not advisable to bath in case you fall in the toilet. I was grounded to my bed on the day of delivery till the next day when my gynae came to visit me. That's becos I took epidural and i had episotomy. Some ppl will feel nauseous (side effect of epi), which I didnt.. phew ! and your stitches are still fresh so they are afraid you may hurt yourself.


glad that you are coping well. I am using medela dual electric pump where you can adjust the suction power. It is working well for me.

ya Dr Terence Tan was v busy, always running around. When he came to see my gal at Mt A, he was perspiring hahah !

I tried the lying down position before... succeeded twice which I fell asleep shortly after. So when I woke up, was surprised my gal was sleeping soundly beside me .. ahhaha dunno what happen in between.

btw I hurt my left wrist due to long hrs of carrying my gal during latching. Jasmine, i really pei fu that u can carry ur gal for 1 hr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my gal suckle at most for 25mins at one breast and she fall asleep liao ...
Hi All mummies,

Congrat to those mummies has popped!

i'm in nov thread & my EDD is 2nd nov....

Sorry to trouble your here, can anyone of of you give me the Mona's contact number, i have not find the massage ladies yet. Thanks.

my email : [email protected]
harrr.. ilovebabies, not advisable to bathe after delivery? But I thought we would be very messy after delivery, with all the blood and sweat (haha.. like just fought a battle)..

I even prepared my favourite shower gel from Fragonard to make myself fragant and nice to hold my baby leh.. Alamak, so now I can only hold her and also meet my visitors smelly bad.. :p

bjiou, what are the old wives tales recorded in the magazine that made you feel stupid? Haha.. I remember I attended the ParentCraft lesson and
the way the nurse put it, all the confinement practices are very silly and have no logic at all too.. heehee...

the nurse will clean up for you dun worry.
but i did bathed the next day after my gynae came ahha ... cos like u I cant stand my smell. But i did bathed v thoroughly before I was put on drip. The nurses asked me too .. heng ah...

dun worry abt sweating, the hospital has aircon mah .. you wont perspire much.

You feel that way too. So are u going to follow trug confinement then? I oso din bath for the 1st 4 days then subsequently i bath.
bjiou, I don't know leh.. My hubby supports me if I want to breach all confinement rules and bathe and wash my hair, on aircon etc.. Hahaha.. I think he knows he will be very stressed if I am hot and smelly and grumpy.. heheehe..

But hor.. on the other hand, I myself am worried next time if I ache here ache there, the elders will say "See? Stubborn lah! Now you suffer" blar blar blar...

Hey, ask you har.. those who have popped. Did you have any signs before your labour? As in, is it sudden one, or you show for a few days, or you have more discharge etc? I am looking out for these signs everyday, but so far, not even a mild contraction leh.. Everyone in the office ask me when I am going on leave, and I always say I don't know.. dreamt of my baby a few times liao.. now just waiting to see her real face.. :p
melody and ilovebabies, thanks for mona's contact.

E-Ling, should drink the alcohol straight after your BF or express, so there is at least 2 hours before your next BF or expressing. If you BF at 8am and intend to express after BF, then should only drink after you finish expressing.

jasmine, yeap. both my boys' EDD in Sept.

Yeah, in the beginning, it is best to feed on demand till your supply is established.

Have you tried taking some hot soups/drinks just before you express? Also, listening to music or looking at your bb's picture may help to achieve letdown reflex faster. I find it useful in the past to massage the whole breast before I express. Another thing I used to do when expressing was to express one side for a while and once the supply stops, i express the other side and back and forth....

if this particular pump is not suitable, perhaps changing pump may work too. I have not tried the Avent ones, so don't know. But personally I like Medela Mini Electric and my gf who use the Medela dual pump swears that it is worth every penny.

yes I did at nite.. but realised she wake up at diff timing .. sometime half hr later .. sometimes 1+hr later .. and I get super tired .. cant even hold her properly cos i may doze off.

sometimes i see that she drink the fix amt from bottle makes my mother and me feel more at ease. and mum say dunno how much she consume by latching on.

so I am abit dilemma now ...
Hi Ladies,

It has been a while I have not log on as I am tired and I latch my baby on as much as I can during the day as my MIL is doing the night shift . . hehehehehe. . .

Wow so many have pop. . .Chngs wife . . way to go and your dinner for the next one month will be confinement food . . .just like us!!!!. . hahahaha. . .


Just had my massage with Mona today, heard from her that she massage your mum yesterday? hehehehe. . .and you have slim down quite a lot as well.

I have water retention so she advise me to cut down on water and rice. . hehehehe.

I cant come to Rachels full month but I think you can come to Sherilyns full month that is on the 01 October 2006. . . we are planning for it now.

Gathering for Christmas would be a good idea. . . we can do the pot luck stuff again. . hehehehe. . .

Sherilyn get hungry at night fast as well during the day time she sleep a lot but she is more active at night just like in my tummy.

Finally you have given birth. . .Congrats!!!

Think we are going to have the same celebration day for our baby full month. . .since we both give birth on the day. . hahahaha. . .

Wow so shiok you can bath every two days. . . . so far my bath day is on Wed and Sat or Sun. . .twice a week still not too bad lah. . hahahaha. . . did you wash your hair??

BTW who is doing your confinement?
hi Sha

ya my mum was tempted when she see the positive results in me hahha see .. i am a walking advertisement. eh i still dunno how much weight I have shed. I let u know when I move home this Sat and weigh myself

ya I will def go for Sherilyn celebration ...

yest mum took over the nite shift as I was down with flu as well.. lucky I recover overnite with sufficient sleep. phew ...

wah ur MIL is so good, can bath so frequently !!!

eh so is Sherilyn poo poo very freq now ? Tot it is normal for BF babies ?
smiley, i remember feeling very hot and sweaty all the time during my confinement month though i bathed everyday and switched on aircon (at 27 deg cel because bb slept in same room as us)all the time. Personally i find it is important to be clean and hygienic especially when we are BF our newborns who are not immune to germs yet. My consolation to myself at that time was how all the ang mohs also bathe everyday and wash their hair etc... and how many of them complain of rheumatism? :p
ilovebabies, it is common for bb to wake up at different timings, but one thing you can do is to wake up bb once 3 hrs have passed, just before you express. If bb can be woken up to latch on, then it solves your problem.

If bb wakes up after you have just expressed, i would think it is still better for bb if you feed her your EBM instead of FM (as i presume you would feed FM with bottle too??) since EBM is still better than FM?

I used to worry about wasting my EBM too as my son would drink 60ml and then refused the rest, when we first introduced bottle. So we used to top up with 20ml after his initial 60ml, but it was a lot of trial and error. On hindsight, I think I should have been more relaxed about it all as it is EBM from me, so I will still be able to express more in future. So this time with #2, I would rather he drinks some EBM and waste the rest in the bottle, than to give him FM at all.

It is common concern of parents not knowing how much bb drinks when direct latch on, but don't worry. As long as they are growing and putting on weight, they are drinking enough.

Does your bb have nipple confusion?
Hi moms and moms-to-be..

Rainnie has given birth to her baby princess this morning at 0853!! me went to visit her today while getting my enzo's birth cert done... v cute lehz her princess.. hehe...
ilovebabies, i hve this problem too. Usually my gal can only latch on one side and she will need 1 hr sleep then she wake up again for another side. So seems like every 2 hrs hve to latch on. So bobain, if nite time too tired, will ask hubby to feed formula for 12am feed and I will latch on ard 3am again. Very tired man.

If my gal drink from EBF, she can take 100ml and if I express I can express ard 130ml for both side. How abt u and the rest? Can share how much can all of you express now?

Btw, how much weight hve you loss after birth till now? I only manage to lose 8kg so far, still hve 7 kg more to go. Very difficult leh.

thanks for your advice. ya will follow what sugg .. rather waste EBM than feed FM. Today she wasted 30ML of my EBM !! haiz .. so wasted hor


ya latching on is super tiring .. just when I am abt to doze off for my nap, bb cries again. ahha very erratic hor ?

my gal drinks 70-80ML of EBM only .. wah yours a lot leh ... dun dare to overfeed may cause her to vomit leh ..

my expressed output varies .. sometimes 100+ sometimes probably 90 ... haha dunno why ?

i have not weigh myself cos I dun have a weighing machine at mum's plc. Will do it once I move home this Sat
... dun feel hopeful though
who was the one popping end september and called Mona up today? she was massaging me and say she can't remember the details.. so would like you to call her again.. izzit u, domesticgoddess?

my wrist also very pain.. 1 hold her 30 minutes each side.. i think my problem is, my milk is flowing out from 1 -2 ducts only.. so milk flow is really slow.. and when i pump... in droplets?? i don't really know what is a letdown leh..

i do massage my breasts n drink hot drink before i pump. even play music.. but doesn't seem to work leh........
Congrats Rainie!! Post ur birth story when u're ready
and more importantly, FREE!

Yeah, 2 Oct eh?
So what are ur plans for Sherilyn's full-month celebration? My hb and I still haven't planned anything.
I'm at my mum's for confinement, and wah, now I understand why pple say u need all the help u can get during this month. I don't know how I can cope w/o all that extra help man! ...er, yeah, I washed my hair!
I cannot tahan!

U seem to be v experienced with BFg, so can I ask u something? Is it necessary to express after BFg, to empty the breasts? Or shld I just leave them as they are? Also, I know when we latch on properly it's not supposed to hurt, but my nipples still feel sore during/after BFg. But when I check, he seems to be taking the entire areola in though, he's not just sucking on the nipple part. Am I doing something wrong?

Chng's wife,
Shermaine is a doll! Enjoy ur time with her
What am I talkg abt? I'm sure u will!

Here's my little Der Nen...
Fill us in leh, on all those confinement old wives' tales!! ;) I'd LOVE to know what I can ACTUALLY do during this horrible one month! When I express full breasts, the volume varies from 100-130ml from both. But I've been latching on (painfully
) most of the time, so have no idea how much Der Nen is drinking now
...????? As long as he shits and pees right? Well, he does! And always while BFg!
hi all..

do u know the theory of not drinking plain water?? my mom doesnt allow.. but she cannot remember the reason.. juz say cannot.... do u guys know???

My mil says that drinking water will cause water retention. I don't know how true that is coz the ang moh pregnancy books all recommend lots of water in the postpartum period! I try to do both, when I cannot stand it, I drink water, when I'm not so thirsty, I drink tea (brown rice & red dates). I try my best!

I read the book over at my gynae clinic. So cannot rem much of those facts and myths liao. I rem the articles state that we should bath and eat nutritous food and ofcuz plenty of fluid. They do says that the backache and headead is due to wear & tear of our bones. So we muz cutivate good posture in order to avoid this but not by not bathing. As not bathing is very dirty and will pass the germs to our little new born baby.

I just develop some rashes after few days of bathing with the herbs. So going to see dr and see what he says. Oh no, I think frm now onwards, I better just bath with our normal running water.
Chng's wife and Joon, both your babies look so cute.. I wish it's my turn soon to carry my babies in my arms...

Joon, your baby seems very alert with BIG eyes!!
ilovebabies, you know wat. Now I time myself to latch on for only 20 mins at each side. In order to aviod her from "sucking for comfort" instead of really drinking. So after two times of trying, I find that she is satisfy with it and if still not, she will ask for more, then I can change to another side for 20 mins. You may try to time it as well, sld be better.


I expirence painful/sore nipples for the past two weeks whenever I latch on and is the correct way. And to my surprise my nipples are not sore now when I latch on. So I think it takes sometimes for the nipples to be toughen up for the baby to latch on. Just have to give some time, jiayou.
Really Bijou? Thanks! At least I know that some pain is expected... coz the nurses at TMC said if we latch on right, there shldn't be any pain... Ok, I won't give up... *sigh*... my mum is also telling me not to give up... but it's just SO PAINFUL! I will try ur 20mins on each side method... it makes sense... thanks!
Yeah, it's so UNHYGIENIC not to bathe! But my MIL will NOT buy what the magazine says, no matter what. She's VERY traditinal... *sigh*...

Thanks Smiley
With eyes like that, it's so hard to say "no" to that little face! I'm trying not to pick him up every time he starts to fret, but it's so difficult with those eyes, hahahaha... don't worry, u'll see ur own little bundle of joy soon soon soon!
Cute & adorable baby! And yes, he does look really alert, happy and pleased!
Big lovely eyes! awwwww.... he juz makes my heart melt...

He dun look like a chinese baby... u & ur hb different race?
i am surprised to hear tt despite latching on properly, ur nippes still hurt coz i read so many bks tt say our nipples shldnt hurt if we r doing it correctly. They say tt can expect nipples to b sensitive when we start BFG, but it shldnt hurt. hmmmm... but anyway glad tt u managed to overcome it and now is successful.
Did your gynaes advise you all how to "prepare" your breasts for BF before you give birth? My gynae taught me how to massage and squeeze the nipples but geez... I think it's painful even when I just squeeze it lightly.. Wonder how it would feel when baby sucks.. And did your breasts have any discharge before you give birth? My gynae asked me to wipe away any discharge after my massage if there's any.. Mine's so dry, not a single bit of discharge lah...

I think your gynae is refering to white discharge from teh nipples and it can be removed. I think becuz our nipples are very soft and tender tats y when 1st start breastfeeding, is really painful. But like I say, afterawhile, it will get season and it shld be okay. I almost want to giveup too , really cant stand the pain. Then I understand from my friend who is still breastfeeding now says she has over tat stage aready. Tats Y i continue.
Hi ladies,

Just wanted to check hor, anyone felt the bb inside you moved very vigourously (out of normal) and BH is quite frequent before labour? But no pain, no show, no waterbag burst leh...

Could I be in labour? or just false alarm har?
BB now still moving very vigourously.

Anyone got any experience like this? Advices needed.
Mummie of Rhys

I also experience bb moving vigourously, frequent BH, but no other symptoms of her coming soon leh.... so siaz

Sometime, I even feel abit pain at lower part of the stomach like menses cramp but it come & go so i assume it is false alarm

why not call up the lactation consultant from Mt A ? Her number is 98399477. Dont know her name haha i just said I delivered in mt A and I told her my problem. That was during the 1st week of my confinement.

my breast and nipples does sore initially when I latch Rachel. But somehow it has got immune to her sucking. I rem there was once, she fell asleep and the areola slip out of her mouth and she bite on my nipple !! wah lau .. can imagine the pain .... hai MAMA ZHEN WEI DA !


Der Nen has big round eyes leh !! handsome boy !


haha my gal will stop automatically after 20-25 mins ... this is her record so far. Seems like she can empty my breast within this time frame. ANd I'll burp her and switch to the other breast.

mummie of rhys

i think u shld start worrying only when bb movements has reduced !
your baby is still enjoying the warm of your womb ehhee .. dun worry lah ..

when the time comes, the symptoms will follow.
hi mummies,
Regards BF,
my gal always suckle for ard 10mins then will push away my breast but when i tested she seem like still wanna continue to drink and will search for my breast again but when i put my breast to her mouth she refuse again (like cannot get her way to suck it) Y huh? She like to bite my areola also

Regards to bb sleeping,
my gal alway get frighten when she is sleeping. I put the beanspurt bag on her chest already doesnt work
Then when she sleep, she always like to sketch her whole body (making alot of funny sound also)until her face also red then continue to sleep then afew minute later again and again. Do your bb do that? Dont know what happen to her
Hi gals,

Thanks for all the wishes!
Congrats to those who have delivered!!!

Long time din login.haiz..bcos no time at all ;(
My elder one sticks to me like glue. Neglect my bb, bo bian leh.

-b@by*ZuCcHini- (crystallized) ,
This is my 2nd bb. My 1st labour also vy fast.Water bag burst ard 1030pm, gave birth at 1248am.

I did alot of walking. Sometimes i even run after bus. Haha~
Mummies, just wanna to know, while your confinment. Average you all sleep for how long aday huh? I only sleep ard 4 or 5 hrs only, i cant find time to sleep at all leh, busy with my gal

my gal stretches a lot too .. yes her face would be very red as well. well my parents say stretching is always good for babies, as they will grow faster. My gal is a noisy one .. making lotsa funny sounds when she sleeps or stretches her body.

yes my gals sometimes cry suddenly when she sleeps ... in hokkien, we say she "HAN BIN" ... err dunno whether u understand that ? anyway I just pat her and coax her to sleep. Sometimes gotta carry her a while, at least assure her by cuddling her and put her down to the cot again.

i sleep around that much too .. i try to sleep by 12am everyday then wake up a few times for nite feeds. Sometimes it may drag till 7+am in the morning when my hubby and mum have woken up. And I'll ask my mum to help me in the 1st morning feed while I sleep till abt 11am ehhe ...

but will move home this Sat .. without mum around, dun think I can sleep till 11am. But i do take naps once in a while.

did u ?
ilovebabies, oh is it. i very scare cos today even worse from 7am she stretching all the way to 9am with alot of loud stretching sound from her mouth while she sleep. I wondering whether she sleep or not. i tot maybe she some way not feeling well and we planning to bring her see PD later when my hubby off from work.

Oh doesnt understand what HAN BIN mean leh. I alway see her get frighten but she nv cry. Then we go Eu Ren San buy Jin Feng Shan for her

ilovebabies, me seldom take nap leh. how to?
In the morning, My gal drink milk liao, then i will go pump milk and wash pump and bottle etc,then i go wash face, brush teeth and had my breakfast, by then my gal wake up again for milk, then again is time for me to pump milk again or sometime she just refuse to sleep and i had to follow her cannot sleep then later got to feed her again and she sleep then will be my lunch time again, aiyo, very difficult to find time sleep lor
