(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

thank god for chocolate flavored milk else i doubt i'll take any
quite fussy wt taste of white milk...

well i was advised by gynae to drink orange juice when i was pregnant esp when having the vitamins...cant remember the reason though.
amylim: ur co so good!!!! pay for 90% of the bill. so lucky. u are civil servant? or private MNC? u also hv doggies? what dogs? ya is toxoplasmosis, amy why not u go ask ur gynea? i duno if my gynea is too conservative n over cautious leh. i did a blood test on this... my gf also has a husky her gynea also never do any blood test n said is ok to be with dogs during pregency. u ask ur gynea n let me know?? thanks

i once heard SGH pay 100% bill for their employee pregency bill.

bel: sorry who is ur gynea? so ex..

my pants also very tight liao when i am in my 5weeks, i think very soon all my bottons will not be able to fit in..... i already bought some maternity pants n tops when i see them... my friends n family friends also pass theirs to me...

pig2: ur gynea prescribe ANNMUM for u liao? how many weeks u are in now? i asked from my gynea he said now too early to drink that.... how does that taste??? i very scared of the milk powder smell.... got chocolate or strawberry flavoured ANNMUM? how much per can? thanks.
e-ling, how about daisy hi-lo and farmhouse? So far have been drinking these two brands since pregnant... Haven't really try dumex and enfamum.
i guess the older generations will advice against orange cos they say the baby will be prone to cough next time.. but doc says orange juice is good for mummies cos of the Vit C... builds our immune sys too... so we dun fall sick so easily...
hi dabee
my gynae never precribe any ANMUM for me.

I'm in 5th weeks. I start drinking the moment I found myself pregnant, about 2 weeks liao. She did not say definately must drink, but since I already drinking. just continue, folic acid also have been taking about 6 months ago.

I dunno how to explain to you the taste. But prior to these, I have been drinking nestle. So quite use to it. I not to sure whether they have other favour!
elaine, emma, woof
i also got CSC card cos my hb works in the police force. when i called up kk to enquire they told me diff civil servant has diff discounts some up to 90% depends on the dept n rank. she could not check for me. must get my hb to check with his HR. my hb checked liao. he only got $350 per year to use if we with KKH. not in terms of discounts. that is why we chose to go private. if got 50% disc then i would go KKH liao. my manger's wife also teacher, she also has only $360 per year. and her pregancy stretch over two years hence got $720 that is why they go KKH. this $360 can also be used for any hospitals bills not only pregency.
aiya, my coli n SIL also tell me english orange very lang cannot eat. but can eat chinese mandarin oranges as they are "heaty". i try not to eat eng orange when i crave for it i would take out from fridge n leave it for a while to cool down then eat. hee heeee........

if u are comfortable with Eunice then stick to her....
hi...thanx...it makes sense den....actually when i was deciding which gynae to go to...i really lost...dunno wan KKH or TMC...

ok if u r comfortable den stick to her lor....
Hi d woof,

The books describe more about pregnancy. Eg, how your baby is growing, the physical changes you'll experience, nutrition during a pregnancy, birth options etc.
hi Dabee,
This gynea is recommend by my col, actually this is my first time so i really dun know anything...

i'm staying at Punggol, actually tot of looking gynea near punggol, easy for the check up ma..

other that the package, the delivery fee also much higher than other gynea.

But i already make my second appointment with her next mth, so how?? can i still change??
amy, actually normal milk are also ok cos they contain high calcium and iron which pregnancy required but for pregnancy milk they contain extra benefit like DHA and folic or other vitamin which require therefore is better
hi Dabee...
ya lor...i can claim up to $350per yr regardless of where or when i see doc. anyway e antenatal package can claim up to $450 from medisave upon delivery so still quite alrite la.. private gynae easiler to get appts n more convenient. e CSC card amt if nv use they will put into our medisave during end of e yr.

can i know where i can get e book u all r saying....
can i go for normal check up n polishing at tis stage? haf an appt wif Q&M tml....wonder whether izzit possible...
<table border=1><tr><td><font size="-1">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Age</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EED</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Hospital</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">d woof</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">28</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">?</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC/MAH </font></td></tr></table>

hey gals,
do provide me with the details for me to update....
d woof,

so sweet and kind of you to do the updating. =)
But I think your "EED" should be written as "EDD" rite? hehe.

Anyway, my details is as follows:-
Age: 25
EDD: 19 Sep 06
Gynae: Dr Adrain Woodworth
Hospital: TMC

Thank you (",)
d woof,

here my detail as well:-
Age: 24
EDD: 2 Sep 2006
Gynae: Dr Caroline Khi
Hoapital: TMC


Happy Chinese New Year to all MTB!!
<table border=1><tr><td><font color="0077aa">Nick</font></TD><TD><font color="0077aa">Age</font></TD><TD><font color="0077aa">EDD</font></TD><TD><font color="0077aa">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font color="0077aa">Hospital</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">d woof</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">28</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC/MAH </font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">chngs wife</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">25</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">E-ling</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">24</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">2 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Caroline Khi</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></td></tr></table>

hey chng's wife,
thanx for spotting the error....made the amendment liao..anything else u suggest to include in the table?
hi woof:
pls add me too. thanks

Age: 30!!!!
EDD: 11 Sep 2006
Gynae: Dr Y C GOH Thomson Plaza
Hoapital: Mt Alvenia
Hi Bel,

you stay in punggol?.. me too!!.. originally, my first visit to a gynae was in toa payoh (near my mum's place).. then we decide to switch to a female gynae in punggol lor... she's more patient and cheaper in cost too... her name is Dr Chen Chern Yi lor...at blk 106A

eh.. i been drinking milo almost everyday lor.... is it okies or not or should i switch to drinking milk instead? **lost**
when should we start drinking birdsnest??? my dad immediately went to buy when he heard i am pregnant (*touched).. but till now i still dun have appetite for it lehz... should i start taking it now????
elaine i got CSC card cos my hb is civil servant. so actually i am using his "$360"!!! when we know if unused will be into the medisave then still ok, unless is "confiscated". ya i know that our antenatal package can claim up to $450 from medisave upon delivery n upon submitting our receipts to the hospital. but does this applies to all hospitals?? i know Mt Alvenia do that, but TMC like duno leh. my gf just delivered at TMC she also never know of this $450 thingy leh. weird. another reason that i choose Mt Alvenia also bcos they only require a deposit of $450 for Medisave n two bedder. i want to keep to the min cashout cos scared will be very cash tight then......

o ya, i compared to deliver at eastshore (which is 5mins from my place) eastshore required a deposit of $1000 for 2 bedder n medisave user... then my big SIL said eastshore definitely more ex due to her n her friends...

amylim: ok, please consult ur gynea about ur doggy.ur dog how old? male or female? i hv two dogs 9yrs male maltese n 4 yrs old eng cocker. these two are my babies!!!!!

bel: maybe u can check any recommandation for gynea near punngol area. if there is one then maybe can call up check their rates and which hosiptal tat gynea delivers in, then u can just go for consultation first n see if u are comfortable with the gynea. i think usually is wait till 16 or 20 wk then sign package hence now u still hv time to look around..
emma: can only drink nest birds earliest after 1st trisemster 12 weeks when bb is more stable n will be "aborsbing" the birds nest... my mom said take after 4 mth, maybe take like once a week......
Emma &amp; DaBee, actually I have started taking bird nest.Hehe.. True tat after the 1st trimester then the bb can absord, but now it's for us mah. Whichever tonic we take now is to "pu" ourselves. =)

First becos of my previous opt. another is when im 37week my bb oredi 3.4Kg too big. Worry i go natural i won't be able to push and in the end got to c-section and it will incur more cost.

So in the end choose c-section.
thats great to hear. i had my first baby natural w/out epidural. to be honest, the pain is tolerable but it depends on how well you can tolerate it.
i'm going for a VBAC this time hopefully, if all goes well
Baobao, congrat! Is a girl or boy? Recently very busy with work. Still din let my colleague know abt it. Still got alot of queries abt pregnancy, still learning. Haha~

I am also choosing natural birth if possible and of cos without epidural if can tolerate the pain.
hello mummies,

wahhhhh so many postings that i couldnt catch up..hmm let me update my profile 1st hehe

hi d-woof,
shall we add column to hv wher we stay n our current week:

age : 27
EDD: 21 sept
Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth
Hospital: TMC
Week :6th week
Nest : Sengkang

gum xia
hi e-ling

u oso did V-scan huh?me oso leh then after tat read forum some MTB say no gd leh...make me worry then din tel hb oso...
hope my visit next week to adrian can use normal scan n listen heartbeat..so envy u.....young mummy
no baobao
e v-scan was done by my regular gynae at mt E..
i wil starting seeing adrian next week onwards..then sign package w him.

so hws yr maternity leave so far?u manage to BF baby anot?slowly got alot of stuff to "qin jiao" u..show us a pic of yr baby leh
Baobao, yah as long as baby healthy can le. Time past very fast hor, now ur baby already born. Last time still tok abt wedding things now already got baby. Hehe.

pjen, yah last time suspect got pregnant but becos too early the GP cannot confirm cos the test kit line very fade so asked me to let gyna check. went to Bakit batok Thomson women clinic to check and the gyna said must use V.S inorder to see lor so no choice, dunno that time that it is not very good for baby.
hi all,
juz went for my second appt.....Dr Adrian did a scan...he says tat the waterbag is not growing as much as expected.....kind of worried liao...now still on hormones pills..gave me another wk supply n got to go back n c him nx wk.......things he asked me to avoid during CNY......24hrs visiting, walk around the whole CHinatown and pineapple tarts....

FYI, if u din sign up on ur 1st visit n den decided to sign up wif him..he allows you to off set the amt tat u paid for the 1st visit......package does nt include hormones pills which is $25 for a wk supply
the update

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+0">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Age</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">EDD</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Hospital</font></TD><TD> <font size="+0">Lovenest</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">d woof</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">28</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC/MAH </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Woodlands</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">chngs wife</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">25</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">E-ling</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">24</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">2 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Caroline Khi </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Boon Tiong Rd</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">DaBee</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">30</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">11 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Y C Goh (Thomson Plaza </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">MAH</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">Emma</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">25</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">14 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">?</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="+0">pjen</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">27</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">21 Sept</font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Dr Adrian Woodworth </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">TMC </font></TD><TD><font size="+0">Sengkang</font></td></tr></table>

hey pjen,
i dun tink i wan to include the no. of wk leh...gt EDD can liao
d woof : my details are as follows

Nick : Amylim
Age: 31
EDD: 29 Aug
Gynae : Dr Yu Su Ling
Hospital : SGH
Lovenest : Bartley Road
