(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

actually i intend to be a SAHM before giving birth but after i give birth, e hard time looking after my boy (especially when he got colic during e 1st few months) really put me off and also as i'm staying with my mil n sils, so e imbalancing of my thinking of doing all e hsework chores n cooking when everybody is out working n i'm staying at home really makes me feel like being a free maid!! and also got to face my MIL at home all day long really makes me decide to get a maid n go back work!!

but as e days comes nearer for returning back to work I somehow feel happy, looking forward but on e otherhand i'm very worried leaving my boy with mil n maid. When my boy is with my own mum, i'm less worried but is unfair to ask my mum to come over my hse to supervisor e maid while i go to work becos she always feels weird to stay in my house when mil is ard. BUt if ask my mum come n fetch my maid n boy to her place everyday will make hubby not very happy cos b4 we get a maid i did told him tat maid can stay at home look after his mum too... *headache*

actually i intend to be a SAHM before giving birth but after i give birth, e hard time looking after my boy (especially when he got colic during e 1st few months) really put me off and also as i'm staying with my mil n sils, so e imbalancing of my thinking of doing all e hsework chores n cooking when everybody is out working n i'm staying at home really makes me feel like being a free maid!! and also got to face my MIL at home all day long really makes me decide to get a maid n go back work!!

but as e days comes nearer for returning back to work I somehow feel happy, looking forward but on e otherhand i'm very worried leaving my boy with mil n maid. When my boy is with my own mum, i'm less worried but is unfair to ask my mum to come over my hse to supervisor e maid while i go to work becos she always feels weird to stay in my house when mil is ard. BUt if ask my mum come n fetch my maid n boy to her place everyday will make hubby not very happy cos b4 we get a maid i did told him tat maid can stay at home look after his mum too... *headache*
Here's another Bumbo Baby!


Pic taken on X'mas Day and DN's in his X'mas sleepsuit! Thank gdness he could wear it coz we bought it when I was 4mths preggie. what a gamble!!

DN will puke a little when he's in the Bumbo too! but it's usually, after we take him out. think coz the little guy likes to lean forward so that squashes all his "insides" up. silly thing!

wayne has matured so much!! what a handsome little guy! i'm sure the mummies here with bb girls are all eyeing him, heh heh heh...

u can also try www.XXXXsupplies.net (b.a.y.b.) if u do decide to organise a BP, approach the seller and ask them to foot the $25 listing fee. of coz, gotta promise them lotsa bookings too. the best deal i could wheedle out of them was 20% off the listed price. in the end, the total BP bill was over $2K! (abt 20+ ergos i think) piang! "ho seng li" (hokkien) for the seller man. Good luck!!

sigh sigh sigh... poor elaine! MIL problems are the worst and most difficult to solve coz we still gotta show them RESPECT. sigh... littlepony's right, usually MIL communication problems, i will get my hb to tell her. other than that, there's little we can do coz we cannot be rude. just come here to blow off steam ok?
the other thing to do is to just try to close one eye. haiii!!

Strange huh? How when we have IL problems, it's usually the MIL, not the FIL? My FIL is so nice, but always kenah bully by my MIL. I like my FIL. My MIL is another story!
ilovebabies, u can get the medela accessories at Paragon "first few year"
Oh u already star cereal for Rachel, so do we actually need to sterilise their bowl and spoon also?

is still better to get ur hubby speak to ur in law
<u>Shaving BB</u>
Can I ask, where do u all go to shave the bb's hair? DN's hair is like patchwork now, very ugly.
i want to shave, but not like a skinhead, shld be ok right? want to leave a little bit of hair on the head.
another thing is whenever my boy start to cry while playing with my mil/sil, they will faster carry n return me!! sometimes sil wanna try to coax him but mil will ask her faster bring back to me! dont u all think she is selfish!!! only wanna play with my boy when he is happy then return me once he start crying.... i do remember those days when my boy got colic... i got to carry a boy n rock n walk ard e house for hours without any help!!! when mil only know how to say my boy very difficult to look after, keeps crying.....
sometimes hubby help me coax him, mil also ask him to return baby back to me!!! they cant manage to coax him is becos they are IMPATIENT!!!! they say they carry liao hand-aching... then my hands are not aching meh!!! but i got no choice cos no one to pass to except sometimes my mum come n help, n she can successfully coax my boy to sleep so y cant they try to coax my baby for me too.

now i try to stay in my room and let my boy stay in e living room with maid n mil but when my boy cries n maid is preparing milk... guess wat... MIL bring my boy to my room n pass back to me *faint* i cant imagine when i go back work is she going to carry him all e way to my sch n pass it to me haha

sorry for being so long-winded today.... just throwing out my unhappiness here!!!
Haaa. Don't u think wayne lacks the baby face that all babies should have? Quite mature looking hoh......

I bring him to barber as well. Just tell barber no skinhead.

My mil called me this morning and say it seems he has running nose. Will monitor him closely and see how. Worse, probably will need to bring him to fav uncle doc. ngiam AGAIN! Sigh!!!!
blessedmommy / sha | Im sure therell be another time. For me its a weekly affair, so when you want to go just PM me and Ill see how I can arrange my time ok?

Michelle | I think burping should continue until bbs can sit up on their own without support. Reason being; if they get choke, theyre capable of clearing themselves. And usually after a feed, there might have un-digested milk somewhere in their stomach or remainder milk still lingering in the mouth. Well if bb already burped on his own then I guess we dont need to do it for them.

Cereal | Use powerpoint! Hmm..how come I never think of that.. thanks for sharing =)

ilovebabies | Wow! Rachels hair! My Arianne is still so botak and I cant wait to put those little twinkling hair clips on her hair.. But I guess girls shouldnt be shaven right? I really cant imagine Arianne botak..

<font size="+1">| Latest Update>> GymB Trial, Sunday 21 Jan @3pm | </font>

Mummy+Baby Attending:
1) Brenda + Arianne
2) Joon + DN
3) Daisybuttons + Jovann
4) Phoebe + Javier
5) Dumpty + Gabriel
6) ilovebabies + Rachel
7) Jasmine Lau + Jadelle

<font color="ff0000">Any other mummies interested to join us?</font>
r u using medela? if so, u can get the breastshields fr moms n babes at united sq. tat's where i got mine fr. u need to get the connectors too ok? dun forget tat else cannot work

wayne really changed a lot since birth!! sooooo handsome now :D i think ethan's got tough competition !! haha

yeah let's hope our bb will be able to latch again wif no problem. mebbe its just a passing phase :p anyway i hv an ergo too n i love it! very very convenient cos its so light n portable

btw, just heard my fren's baby boy got bronchitis n had to use nebuliser! so mommies if ur bb got cough pls be careful esp if its persistent
michelle, eling .. tks ! i'll go get it asap !

Brenda ... err no I dont think I will shave Rachel's hair though the hair at the back is dropping. But at least she looks neat from the front ehehhe ...


oh no .. hope wayne's ok. Ya better to see Uncle Ngiam ah ?

hai so many viruses going around ... very scared to bring Rachel out for too long.

Eling.. i dont think my MIL sterilise the plate and spoon. For me, just rinse with cool boiled water will do ya ? that's how I washed Rachel's pacifier at times too.
crystallized, joon
I had someone to come over to shave Gabriel's hair when he turned full month and then used the hair to make scholar's brush
Errrr.... I think is called *tai mao bi* The haircut is home service and FOC.

You are not alone with MIL problems. I also having the same problems and what she does sometimes really irks me to the point of irritation! But I can't complain to my hubby because he always side with his mum. So I have to close both eyes and pretend not to see. Perhaps a little better off is that we only go MIL place once a week.

So many cool bumbo babies!
Seems like all your babies enjoy the seats?

Yeah so I'll see some of you on Sunday. But will not be joining in for the coffee session as I have a dinner event.
Haaa. I still think ethan is better looking! haaa!!

Ya, wayne suffered from brochitis the other time and had to use neubaliser. very poor thing. PD said he will be more prone to cold and flu n cough in future.

The other time wayne was like that as well. we went down to see dr ngiam and dr ngiam didn't give any medication. We will continue to monitor again.... dr ngiam say it's normal that bb catch cold and cough n phlegm. just hope it's normal cold he has. Give me more SUN!!! no more rain!!
me oso feel like buying a bumbo, but it's really v ex. the bumbo seat got prince lionheart brand and what's the other brand?
brochitis symptoms like normal flu n cold. Just that it affects the lungs. The other time, Wayne gotten viral infection that leds to lots of phlegm n fever. Once brochitis, they need to be on neurbaliser.

I dunno how the PD determine but I do know that Wayne was very seriously sick the other time and it's clear that he was suffering from brochitis.

My boy is still wearing mittens too.... he always kena scratched whenever I remove the mittens...

Any side effect for wearing mittens now?
Hi Brenda

I'm interested in the GymB, but I can't make it this Sun.. got a manyue party to attend.

Btw, I think girls' hairs also can be shaven.. my friend did that to her girl at 4th month.

I just brought my boy to shave yesterday... we just go to any Malay barber shop to shave.
hmm i thought we can remove their mittens after 3rd mth ? if u dont, it may hinder their ability to grab and hold things. THey need to develop their motor skills too. My rachel always scatches her face and I am used to it. The wound will heal very fast and it is scar-proof haaha baby skin is the best ! anyway just need to trim their nails every 3 days.
do u put back the mittens when it's very cold? My hubby always scold me for removing them when he finds my boy's hand cold.. hmm..

How abt booties? Must remove now also?
Yup cos she always scratch her face, only sometime will take off only.

The clip actually is shirlyn help me to order in bulk from babettitude (not sure the spelling)
emoments | PM me when you can!

For mittens, since Arianne was 3 weeks old when her nails were hard enough for us to trim, I've not let her worn any cos my hub and I believe that if her hands are 'wrapped' up, she'll take a longer time to learn to grab things.. Now she can sort of hold her own bottle.. hee..

Avent Teats | Anyone using Avent Teat 3 already? Any trick to do it? Arianne fusses a lot when we change to teat 3, so we're still stuck with 2.
Hi edksd,

I am keen to do a BP, but dun really have time to do it. Maybe will drop the retailer an email
and find out what is considered "bulk" and see whether the number is achievable.... Haiz.

Anyone else keen here? Dunno whether 3 can be considered "bulk"... hehehe...

Hi ilovebabies,

Congratulations on Rachel sleeping through the night too! Definitely easier now... You started
her on solids already is it? I wanted to start Clarence on solids, but my husband wanted to wait
till 19 Jan at least when Clarence is really 4 months (since his EDD was 19 Sept, except he was
born earlier at 37 weeks).

What solids did you feed her? I am thinking of starting him off with Frisocream.

I tried to feed my girl healthy time baby cereal last week. But seems she couldn't digest well. She couldn't sleep well immediately after the feeding. But she didn't reject the food. Think will wait for another week to try again.
kai stopped putting on mittens ard 2mths+.

now when latching on, he'll grab my breasts like as if holding on to it. sometimes he'll even adjust himself against the breasts or hold up my t-shirt when it's falling down n covering him.

so funny.
Hi all Sept mummy,

I am a sept Mummy too! Can I join in the chat?

Attached is my bb photo...His name is Malcolm.<center><table border=1><tr><td>

2m10-1.psf (13.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
E-Ling | If you notice, it's not the length of the nail that causes the sharpness. It's the 'rounding off' part. So I resorted to using that white block thing to shave off the sharpness after I trim the nails. I think it's called a BUFFER..
Solid, i bought brown rice (w Si shen) but wonder can i add breastmilk into it. If how to do that? Warm liao then add in or add in then cook together or use BM in place of water?

Anyone wanna give baby eat those jar puree, or organic jar food.

Is it really ok to start baby on solid before 6 months?
Sorry I dont no y the attached photo become like this....how you gal attached photo here huh? in what format and what size is better?
Hi Brenda, my son's nail also sharp sharp after triming. and always cut himself on the face....very xin tong leh...The white block things called Buffer can shave off the sharpness huh? where can i get it?

I thought you are going to mix the brown rice with the entire bottle of milk.
If only add a small amount to make it paste like, then should be ok.
Hi Diana,

Thanks for sharing! What kind of baby cereal did you feed? Is it one of those commercial brands or you really cooked the cereal yourself?

Hi E-ling,

My mom also recommended brown rice.... She also asked me to buy a slow cooker such that she can grind the brown rice and cook it in the slow cooker before feeding to Clarence. Since I am very lazy, thought Frisocream will be a good idea.
However, my mom forbade me from giving Clarence any of those commercial ready-to-serve baby foods (such as Heinz and Gerber) cos she said those are very sweet, especially flavours such as banana smoothie, applesauce and peach puree. She said it would be impossible for her to feed baby Clarence brown rice after I started feeding one of those.

On mittens and booties, Clarence refused to wear any since birth. He could get them off faster than we can put them on.
So in the end all the 10 sets of booties and mittens which we bought for him were all wasted. I agree with ilovebabies. Should stop wearing mittens and booties for them after 3 months such that they can develop their gross motor skills. Clarence has loads of scratches all over, but they heal pretty fast so I guess it's fine.

Here he is in the Britax car seat... Bought him this during the last Mothercare sale but he refused to sit in it in the car as he still preferred his infant car seat. So put this in his nursery these days. The Britax car seat is very high, unlike the infant car seat which is much lower and is more reclined. Haiz, it was a mistake to spend $320 on this Britax and it lands up being a white elephant in my nursery these days. The infant car seat which I got during the JL sale costs me less than $65.


u add the milk into the cereal when its cooked. then just stir to mix will do. so ur nutrient will not be lost in the cooking.

meal - cereal
my mum find those commercial pack cereal more heaty for baby. and some of those puree may be sweeter too. if you intend to give puree, might as well home-make and freeze.
thus, will give baby eat the brown rice w si shen instead of commercial cereal (gerber, heinz) as main meal. however, its ok to introduce these cereal to give a variety to baby's meal.
will also be adding 1 or 2 spoonful of rice cereal into his milk when he's 5mth old for his nite feed.
