(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Hm, dunno whether sg cheaper or not as compared wif your 15% discount leh. Hehe. I bought Jezoir this wooden walker (Plan Toy brand) dat comes wif a set of building blocks for him to push around the house, instead of him pushing his stroller. S$89. Is it cheaper in TW? If yes, can 'tombang' you to buy some toys? Kekeke.....
Nice party for Bren.... very cute doggie cake!! And i love pic no. 582... bren's lovely smile and your lovely b**bs. Hehe. Pic 554 is 1st runner-up. Haha!!!!!
Hi all!
Had Jezoir's birthday lunch celebration at Bosses Restaurant (Vivocity) today.
the little one getting impatient
the family
i dun wan the shou4 tao2, i wan the cake!
It was a GREAT party!! small one amongst good frens!!

Dal: u very 'hum sap' ah... look at my neh!! why u copy cat? celebrate same day as me??? u look HOT in the above picture!! so pretty!!!

soil--- developer... anything to do with land. i'm very surprised he tat!! his fav is the calculator, thot he will pick tat! 2nd he picked was calculator, 3rd was the $$ of cos!!

all home cooked food by the moi..
the doggy cake... supp to be a 3D elmo cake by the hyatt!! from a 2.5kg to a mini doggy cake (cos few guests)!! lucky i called to cancel... i called to cancel, they said, what elmo cake? had to describe, this conversation in chinese... the red icon with cake infront... OH that cake, the 'green frog'!! OMG!! wat green frog? from red elmo to green frog!! HENG HENG called to cancel else SHOCKED!!

wen!! hold tight to ur chair ah... my neh got pimple how? how to bfg??
Mich, wow u cooked the food and still looked gd for the pics? LOL abt the frog... they may have mixed up Elmo with Kermit! The dog cake looks really cute, I was a little underwhelmed by the cake I ordered even tho it's The Patissier.

I ate only half a mini muffin during the party. Then a whole cannister of Pringles Chips post-party. Die liao.

glad to hear it works.


thanx for reminding me abt that toy shop... I went there a few times previously ... the shop has quite a lot of stuff hor. I was there yesterday cos brought my evening dress for alteration... we bought a set of board puzzle... Picture This. Its really great... a board (2x3) with individual animal on each square and each piece of puzzle contains the animal in a picture surrounding.. that's really great for perception training. My boy love it..

thanx for your help!! I would like to drop my order of the 40pcs building block. Wanna compare with those in toysrus before buying since no further discount can order later.

So my order is just

city puzzle-zoo
farm puzzle
ocean puzzle


please let me know where I shd transfer to. I am out for meeting whole day today so may only be able to transfer tonite.
Hi Jac
Can u give me ur email..i can informed SamT

Both pretty and sexy mum ..Zhi Yi will have her party this sat..but is going to be a simple one..we have only ` 20 guest...
soh: I've emailed u my orders. Thanks!

Mich: Nice party! I like the doggy cake. You managed to take soo many photos 8) I only took a few on Sat. Will post them after I get them out of my dad's cam.

ipanda: U learning from school? Must wait so long ah? 8(

Dal: Jezior's cake is lovely.

Shell: My boy's party was simple, only 9 of us in total :p Main problem of having small group is finishing the birthday cake!!!

thanks for your encouragement. My girl has been much better yesterday, less screaming and backflip. Hb and I think maybe she was too tired and misses her grandma, cos my hb was away last week, my MIL came to stay and she look aftered my girl 24/7 cos I was sick too.

The chelona puzzles are quite good quality, and I love the magnetic puzzle board cos allows creativity and imagination. The normal puzzles quality are not as good as the chelona puzzles but not too bad, the types are not so commonly found too. I was so tempted to buy for my students (I'm a teacher) but hb around, so dont want him to nag... ha

What items are there for brendan to choose? Is this a tw tradition?

ya, dal and mich look like sexy mum, me think I look like auntie after I gave birth,

My girl also refused food when she's sick, luckily she still willing to drink water. She lost half kg within days!! (how come I can't acheive this?) My PD says it's ok, when they sick they dont' have appetite, but try to encourage fluid. She says don't force them or worse they may vomit out the food.

I resorted to all sorts of methods too, toys, play peek-a-boo, act like clown, on TV, and praised her for every mouth she took. So each time she eat one spoonful, I have to clap hands and say Yeh!
rodeo, we didnt take alot of picts... BUT i dunno wat i pressed on my camera tat 1 shot becomes a continuous 3 shots!! so we do have alot of pictures!

panda, thanks for the poster.

shell, ours is also a small small party!

hi happymum, welcome to our june thread! it is a tw tradition, 'picking' their future! haha...

there's abacus, book, spring onion, soil, stamp (not postage stamp), chicken drumstick, pig's knuckles, money... forgot wat else!
michele and dal,
nice parties you have!

you know the meaning for each of the items? what does drumstick represents?
oh i see!!! hahahaha wesley really knows what to pick.. he greedy baby!

got it... thanks so much!!!
Hi Gals

will be closing orders for MyToys by today 6pm. After that no more changes/cancellation liao.
Gam xia!

Now at work, cannot consolidate list. Will try to do so and post tonight.

Thanks thanks!

Please also email me your name, delivery addy, contact no as well as a preferred time of delivery
Thanks for the information on the wetbag wondering if I should buy it and save it for number 2. But wonder when that will be.

I was actually very disappointed with KKH A&E department. No more KKH for me, really.

My order is correct. Thanks.

My order is correct. Thanks.

Celeste, Angeline, MTDT, Dor, Dal, KK,
Any pics of Kelly on her birthday party email me hor
Re: Wet Bags
For those that have purchased the wet bags from the recent BP, what's the wet bag brand?

Paula: How come wet bag is for no 2?

Oki: Lovely cake with the lollipops 8)
Hi all

i just check mytoys web: for those who ordered Magnetic Puzzle Board - Road (nett price). Its OUT OF STOCK. Please let me know if you wanna replace it with something else or drop that item.
Mich, you look so sexy at Brendan's party! That's a cute doggie cake. Brendan chose soil? Means what? Jerica chose ruler (out of calculator, pen, drumstick, book & ruler).

Dal, nice elmo cake, from polar is it? Jezoir looks so cute in the last picture, turning his head away from the shou tao..haha

Oki, nice cake from pine garden, the marshmellow lollies are very nice. Same cake as shetland hor? Next year i will order this.
oki, nice cake. any more pics to show us? chloe so pretty... nice eyes and nice outfit. hee hee... hb said yesterday sunflower making fun of xander and chloe... maybe sunflower wanna matchmake xander and chloe.. ha ha... long wait list....

mic - bren's party looked really fun! very fortunate boy... you need a godson?

tracy - thanks heaps. Pmed you my addy. let me know how much to pay you.

paula - hope kelly is feeling better. why do you need the wet bag? what is it used for?

yesterday attended a bd party at bambini... quite fun. lots of kids running around, think can consider this place as a bd venue - but only for children after 3.

wow... mummies shopping again... mic - conduct bp on anpan man le....! your qin jia v interested le!

happymum123 - welcome!
She is feverish this morning. Fed her with infant panadol my and mum is bringing her back to PD this noon.

Giving myself reason not to buy now mah kellys room is to cluttered liao and I am having a hard time navigating her room these days.
toto... jake is also a very fortunate boy!!
do u need a godson!! should be us asking u bah... i havent even taken bren to the zoo, today his actual b-day, dunno where to take him. any sugg?
Hi Gals

please ignore my previous posting. The one that is out of stock is Magnetic Puzzle Board - Safari (nett price). Please let me know if you wanna replace it with something else or drop that item.
mic, wow.... spend the day at home with bren? play with him? these days, jake loves to play with his toys - he can't seemed to get enough of his toys... ha ha... homely boy....
