(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

My baby can eat fried rice now already...hmmm...should seriously consider that then. Think JW is getting bored with his porridge

You can try the yahoo. There's a folder in there for some of the recipes you mentioned.

hi mummies...i took urgent leave today. i had a worst mother's day. caleb fell off the high chair yesterday and hit his mouth onto the fallen highchair table. he was bleeding badly and we rushed him to A&E and did an x-ray if he swallowed his tooth. thank goodness, it was cleared. but he was crying so badly. today we brought him to see our PD as he was running slight fever and he told us to see a dentist as his gum was teared and suspect his tooth could still be in his gum. we brought him to a dentist, did an x-ray of his mouth and found out his tooth was pushed into his gum. it was so heart pain seeing him in so much pain. now his bleeding has stopped but his mouth swelled and eyes puffy due to the crying. dentist told us that the tooth nerve is dead and have to wait for his gum to recover first before bringing him for a surgery to remove the tooth from his gum and stitch it back. now we are praying for a quick recovery of his gum with no infection. food wise, he is still OK and drinking his milk. what a terrible day.
From KY:

AquaDucks (trial confirmed)
Venue : Tower 2 / 4th floor, Suntec
Please arrive at least 15 mins earlier to change and get ready.
Date : 20 May 2007 (this Sunday)

In the event of cancellation due to rain or otherwise, Aquaducks will call me (there's no number to call them unfortunately), so pls pm me your mobile # for this. I'll pm all my mobile# in case you can't turn up last min.

I've split the group into 2 as follows as only AK has 4pm requirements.

4 pm slot
1) SY
2) Clare - HB will swim w BB
3) Cheng - HB will swim w Aidan
4) Chicken Little
5) ky - I will be swimmnig with Keith
6) Ak - I will be swimming with Ryan

4.30 pm slot
1) Mashybrainz - HB will swim with bb
2) Esh Mummy
3) Flo
4) Cookie - HB to swim w bb
5) Aileen
6) tabbiesus


Oh gosh! That's terrible! What happens when tooth nerve is dead? Is it just the baby tooth? Will it affect his adult tooth? Hope Caleb recovers quickly. You take care too!
oh no...poor Caleb. Hope he feels better soon. Don't worry, kids heal very fast.

Aidan knocked his mouth against the floor yesterday too but we managed to stop the bleeding. Sigh, looks like our busy toddlers will get more accident prone nowadays.
Oh my!! What a terrible thing to happen! I can imagine how painful it must be for poor Caleb and for you to see him in pain! Must have been a really hard fall for the tooth to get pushed into his gum. At least the tooth still can be stitched back? He'll be under local anaesthetic? Or GA? Pray for speedy recovery!
yeah the tooth nerve is dead and it might affect future growth of permanent teeth. the tooth that is embedded in the gum is advise to be removed for fear of infection. so now we have to monitor him closely and ensure he does not have infection or else anti botics need to be taken. no the tooth cannot be stitch back...its a baby tooth so need to extract it out and ya will have to be on anaesthetic during the extraction.
oh dear, sounds like a terrible accident. really sounds painful..poor caleb. hope he can recover soon and that it won't affect his permanent teeth.

how did he fall off the high chair? the chair wasn't stable?

Oh dear poor caleb.. what a horrible freak accident... hope he will be okie soon.. it must've broken your heart to see him suffer like that... i should think that if you remove this milk teeth it won't affect his permanent teeth unless you leave the milk teeth impacted too long and the permanent teeth got no space to grow?

RE: naps
my girl is still taking 2 naps but sometimes refuses the afternoon nap...
From KY:

AquaDucks (trial confirmed)
Venue : Tower 2 / 4th floor, Suntec
Please arrive at least 15 mins earlier to change and get ready.
Date : 20 May 2007 (this Sunday)

In the event of cancellation due to rain or otherwise, Aquaducks will call me (there's no number to call them unfortunately), so pls pm me your mobile # for this. I'll pm all my mobile# in case you can't turn up last min.

I've split the group into 2 as follows as only AK has 4pm requirements.

4 pm slot
1) SY
2) Clare - HB will swim w BB
3) Cheng - HB will swim w Aidan
4) Chicken Little - HB will swim with Aden
5) ky - I will be swimmnig with Keith
6) Ak - I will be swimming with Ryan

4.30 pm slot
1) Mashybrainz - HB will swim with bb
2) Esh Mummy
3) Flo
4) Cookie - HB to swim w bb
5) Aileen
6) tabbiesus

Cheng and Clare, lucky your hbs doing the part with kids. Ha ha otherwise my "sir" wont do it. K

Ky, I have all numbers of the mummies in both group. If you need help for communication, you can activate me.

Mummies, are we getting swimming diaper. Actually this will be Aden's Debut in pool so ha ha has not got his swim wear. Any suggestion ?

Poor Caleb. Hope he recovers well.

Long time never hear from you. You are realli a good cook.

I got my menses since baby turn 5 months and it has been regular though I express milk till aden turn 13th month
Oh my SSF... it sounds really painful and scary experience for the whole family...
How's Caleb now? My prayers to ur family.... esp Caleb who must have been shaken by this ordeal... :-(
AquaDucks (trial confirmed)
Venue : Tower 2 / 4th floor, Suntec
Please arrive at least 15 mins earlier to change and get ready.
Date : 20 May 2007 (this Sunday)

In the event of cancellation due to rain or otherwise, Aquaducks will call me (there's no number to call them unfortunately), so pls pm me your mobile # for this. I'll pm all my mobile# in case you can't turn up last min.

I've split the group into 2 as follows as only AK has 4pm requirements.

4 pm slot
1) SY
2) Clare - HB will swim w BB
3) Cheng - HB will swim w Aidan
4) Chicken Little - HB will swim with Aden
5) ky - I will be swimmnig with Keith
6) Ak - I will be swimming with Ryan

4.30 pm slot
1) Mashybrainz - HB will swim with bb
2) Esh Mummy- Can't attend...
3) Flo
4) Cookie - HB to swim w bb
5) Aileen
6) tabbiesus

Hi Ky, have to give it a miss as Eshley hasn't been feeling well lately, juz slowly recovering from her bouts of flu n cough, n now juz taken the MMR jab, so m keeping my fingers crossed on wat will happen, so i'll give this trial a miss for the time being, thks so much for organising...

The accident sounds so terrible. Hope caleb can have a speedy recovery... you must be feeling very heartpain
Staying at home last week makes me miss Cephas now that I'm back to work

My mum asked me "Did u enjoy spending time with him?" I said "Yes, wld be nice if I didn't need to work." What a dilemma!

When I left him with my mum yesterday after the Mother's Day lunch, I was feeling so lost already. I thot to myself "Chum, when he goes to NS next time, how wld I feel?"
Poll on food to feed our darlings
Formula Milk
Clarisse - Gain IQ (switched from Wyeth, now each day 3 milk feed)
Caleb - Mamil Gold (still on step 2...moving on to setp 3 once stocks are clear)
Clariss- Gain IQ (2 x 120ml per day + 60ml mix with cereal for breakfast, bf at night)
Celeste - GainIQ - 3 feeds a day
Kyra - Enfapro (moving to Step 3 when she hits 18 months)
yx - 5 grain oat milk (1 feed) + BM (1 feed)
Cephas - Gain IQ
Eshley - Gain IQ n Nan 3 :p
Caleb (Sept03)-Progress Gold-3 feeds a day
JH - Mamil Step 3 - 2 feeds a day
Megan - Enfagrow (4 times a day), sometimes substitute with Pedisure.
Tabby - gain IQ
Jamie - Friso Gold 3
Isaac - Mamil Step 3 (3 feeds of 180-200ml)
Xavier - GainIQ
Mel - Enfagrow (3 feeds a day)
Caeden - Isomil Advance 2 (4 feeds a day)
Charmaine - BM
Kaelyn - GainIQ (3 feeds/day. 2 Feed 240ml and 1 feed 160ml)
JW C GainIQ (2 to 3 feeds depending on whether he rejects his night feed)
Daren - Progress Gold/Enfagrow (3 sometimes 4, 210ml per feed)
Lucas - Enfagrow & Nan2 mixed (3 feeds + 1 middle of the night 'comfort' feed)
Joash - Breast milk 2x a day and Pediasure 2x a day
damien - Gain IQ (2 feed @ 150ml)going to change to Pedisure.
Ariene - Breast milk 3-4x a day. No formula milk yet.
Ethan - Gain IQ (3x210ml a day) but sometimes he wakes up at 3-4am for whatever reasons, I will give him another 4oz)
Megan (Tracy) - Friso 3 about total 600ml a day (4 feeds) This excludes the 120ml milk in the oats for breakfast.

Clarisse - Apple, Pear, Avocado, Banana, Grapes.
Caleb - Papaya, Apple, Banana
Clariss- Apple, Banana, grapes, pear
Celeste - apple/pear/dragonfruit/kiwi/papaya/banana/honeydew/watermelon
Kyra - Grapes, Banana, apple (but in puree form, homemade)
yx - papaya, apple, banana, dragon fruit, kiwi, peach, grapes, pear, avocado, plum (going to try mangosteen)
Cephas - Apple, Banana, Grapes, Kiwi, Longans, Pear, Strawberry, Watermelon, Durian (Occasionally)
Eshley - Apple, Pear, Banana, Papaya, Honeydew, Dragonfruit, Persimmon, Guava (those very soft ones), Kiwi (gold type coz sweeter)
Caleb (Sept03)-apple,pear, banana, papaya, durian, dragonfruit,grape,kiwi,avocado
Jh - apple, pear, banana, kiwi, strawberries, peach, nectarine
Megan - Apple, avacado, banana, (orange & Watermelon - Occasionally), papaya, durian
Tabby - peaches, oranges, apples, banana, avocado, watermelon, papaya, grapes, strawberries, pear, kiwi
Jamie - apple, banana, pear, grapes, durian
Isaac - grapes, oranges, watermelon, banana, kiwi
Xavier - apple, pear, nectarine, banana, papaya, kiwi, peace
Mel - apple, pear, banana, grapes, oranges, blueberrry, strawberry, kiwi, avocado
Caeden - apple, orange, banana, kiwi (A), grapes (A), strawberry (A), avocado, durian, longan, honeydew, honeymelon
Charmaine - apple, pear, banana (fav! - she can say "na"), watermelon, honeymelon, rambutan (sliced), strawberry (hates - think cos it's sour), grapes, papaya, peach(? - the fresh red apple-alike ones), dried apricot
Kaelyn-apple, pear, watermelon(seldom),papaya,kiwi(hate cos its sour), grapes,banana(long time never feed cos IL say will cause plemgh)
JW-apple, banana, kiwi, orange, papaya
Daren - apple, banana, pear, papaya, honeydew
Lucas - (most often)apple, papaya, banana (occassional)mango, nectarine, grapes, pear, honeymelon
Joash - chinese pears (the most often), papaya, watermelon, apples, bananas, peach, nectarines,
damien - organge, bananas, apples, mango, grapes..whatever that is available..even durian.
Ariene - packard pear, banana, apple, orange, strawberry, grape, persimmon, kiwi, avocado, watermelon, honeydew, rockmelon , papaya, durian (seldom), mango (seldom)
Ethan - Usual: apple, banana, pear. Occasional: Honeydew, rockmelon, avocado, grape, kiwi, mango, durian (he hates it!)

Clarisse - Plain bread, Wholemeal Bread, Pau Skin, Fruits.
Caleb - normally its milk. lunch and tunch is then solid food.
Clariss- Cereal with milk and one whole egg (she has been having the same breakfast for a few months)
Celeste - Mostly milk,twice a week-brown rice,occasionally scrambled egg
Kyra - first meal is usually milk. But she'll also have bread, pau skin, tau huay (without the sugar syrup)
yx - bread, a bit of goat milk, quarkers oat meal
Cephas - Steam egg, raisin bread, plain bread with cheese, cereals,
Eshley - Nestum cereal for wkdays (at mil house), wkends = Oats with eggs, or Nestum, or Scrambled egg, or bread with milk+milo
caleb (Sep03)- Brown rice cereal in milk, eggs, bread
JH - oatmeal in milk, weetbix in milk, bread, scrambled eggs
Megan - Bread, tau sau pau, cakes, kueh
Tabby - multigrain/ barley/ brown cereal with fruit, yoghurt, hot cakes happy meal
Jamie - normally milk, weekend=hotcake happy meal or cereal
Isaac - soft-boiled eggs / scrambled eggs with 1 pc bread, Heinz Apple Muesli, Weetbix in milk, Yoplait for kids
Xavier - cereal wif 150ml FM (the most boring BF)
Mel - cereal wif milk/fruits, french toast, scramble eggs (she doesn't really like). Will make pancake tom.
Caeden - Cheerios with FM, man tou, lian rong bao, pumpkin buns, tuna sandwich, bread with gerber fruit gel, chwee kueh, chee chong fun
Charmaine - porridge, cereal, chee chong fun, noodle, pau, pancake, bread, actually anything that my parents are eating for breakfast.
Kaelyn-Main meal still Milk,Chee chong fun(no sauce), Chiu Kweh(no caipo), pau, bread with cheese spread, whatever IL eat what will feed her
Daren - Quaker Oats (About 2 ikea bowls), sometimes toasted bread and scrambled eggs
Lucas - milk + plain bread/raisin bread & eggs every alternate days
Joash - Mainly breast milk and sometimes bread
damien - biscuit, bread or whatever the grandparents are having for breakfast
Ariene - cornflakes with EBM, Healthy Times teddy puff, Healthy times oatmeal with EBM, avocado, scrambled eggs, toast with cheese spread/ butter, white/wholemeal bread with butter/cheese spread, french/bombay toast (small pieces of skinned bread with beaten egg n EBM lightly pan fried)
Ethan - Usual: HT Cereals with fruits. Occasional weekends: tow huey, cheecheong fun (wout sauce), chweekuey (wout chyepok), bread with butter.
Megan (Tracy) - Instant Quaker Oats made ith 120ml milk.

Food beside the usual porridge for lunch and dinner
Clarisse - Mee Sua, Pasta, sometimes if we are outside will feed her heinz bottle food.
Caleb - potato macaroni cheese with half hard boiled egg, usual porridge(fish & veg), sweet potato, da rou bao( bao skin+egg), white bread, yoshinoya rice+boiled brocolli + cauliflower, japanese udon, noodle soup(outside store)
Clariss- Mee Sua, Pasta, udon mee, mee hoon
Celeste - meesua/ macaroni
Kyra - the usual base is cereal /oat porridge topped with pumpkin/sweet potato/egg yolk/ brocolli/fish/chicken/carrots. Pasta, pizza
yx - mee suah, pasta, dou chian (looks like dried kueh tiao)
Cephas - Baked potato, pasta, steam fish with pumpkin, potato/carrot soup, marcaroni, chicken soup, beef stew, mee tai mak with chix soup, pork balls with gravy. If outside, will usually order something he wld like.
Eshley- Meesua/ macaroni soup/ noodle soup (soup based used pork ribs, soya beans and corn to boil first) - So far, she hasn't eaten anything from outside store.
Caleb(sept03)-meesua, macaroni, bao, bread,
JH - now only eat porridge, cereal + fruits/babyfood
Megan - Porridge or rice that we are eating. But we add fish, veg and soup, basicallly the non oily, non saltish dishes only
Tabby - lentils/ quinoa/ millet stew with vege/ meat, pastas
Jamie - Bee hoon/Mee sua/Noodle/Kway Teow/macaroni/Udon, whatever outside food we eat..she will get to taste abit (Duck rice,Chicken rice,Spaghetti,Pizza,Sushi,Chawamushi..her favourite)
Isaac - beef stew or chicken stew with sweet potato & carrot mixed with ABC pasta, mee sua with ikan bilis stock + vege & meat, mushy rice mix with butternut squash & pan-fried salmon/cod, minced beef with mash potatoes & cheese
Xav - eh...only porridge with fish. Tried mee sua. Just bought ABC pasta, trying soon.
Mel - porridge for dinner, lunch - pasta or pre-cook puree mainly from Annabel Karmel's recipe.
Caeden - ABC pasta, rice with ABC soup, shepherd's pie, mashed potatoes with fish & vege, mee sua, bee hoon, baby back
Charmaine - mee sian, pasta, potatoes, shepherd's pie (she loves it! Thks again to Mamapanda for sharing the recipe), chicken, salmon, cod (fav!).
kaelyn-cereal+scramble eggs, pasta,
JW-Bread, beehoon, eggs and little bit of whatever daddy & mummy is having for breakfast
Daren - toasted bread, pasta with cheese, tang hoon, tried guo tiao but not receptive, mee sua, beef stew, herbal soups from the pot (depends whatever we're making that day but before any salt is added)
Lucas - macaroni, pasta, Heinz Mum's Recipe food jars (when out)
Joash - pasta, mee sua, bee hoon, cereal, cheese, thread fin, pork
damien - it depend wat my mum cook for dinner..just give him soup, rib meat and rice..eg ABC Soup
Ariene - pasta soup chicken, fried pasta with butter, garlic & small bits of beef/pork/chicken (something like aglio olio), tomato based pasta, millet/brown rice (something betw porridge & rice consistency) with meat & vege, plain millet/porridge with fried shitake mushrooms/asparagus/celery/carrots in garlic & butter, mashed potato/butternut squash/sweet potato with minced chicken/beef/pork, chawanmushi, plain soba, (thinking of adding fried rice in butter with garlic n mixed vege to the menu), ABC soup too
Ethan - most boring....always porridge. Sometimes will give him whatever suitable on dinner table when he is at grandparents' hse or outside.
Megan (Tracy) - also always porridge. When fever, then its mee sua.

Clarisse - Yoghurt, Gerber Stars.
Caleb - japanese biscuits, gerber stars
Clariss- Manna biscuits, baby bites, gerber stars, rasins, yoghurt
Celeste - Jap biscuits/gerber/babybites/potato wf cheese/bread/Heinz cheesesticks/manna biscuits/yoghurt
Kyra - yoghurt, cheese, manna biscuits, goat's milk sweet and many other baby biscuits. My baby's a snack queen, like her Mummy :p
yx - yoghurt, biscuit, breakfast cereal
Cephas - Cereals, biscuits, bread with cheese or just a slice of cheese on its own
Eshley - Jap biscuits/ baby bites, yoghurt, carrot & apple sticks...
Caleb (sept03)- Assorted biscuits, gerber stars, cheese, yogurt.
JH - yoghurt, biscuits,
Megan - Biscuits, cakes, gerber stars
Tabby - she seldom snacks... but sometimes she will take yoghurt or some baby bites or snack from our meals
Jamie - Gerber stars, cup cakes, manna biscuits, wang zai xiao man tou, babybites, her favorite 9-layer kueh
Isaac - Plain biscuits, cheese bread, gerber stars and his fav. small round ball biscuits (like wang zai xiaomantou except it's another Jap brand)
Xav - biscuits, all kinds of bread, cakes (steam cheese cake)
Mel - gerber stars, rasins, yogurt, Jap biscuits, cheese stick biscuit, bread, rasin, fruits
Caeden - gerber stars, cheerios, jap biscuits, tuna sandwich, bread, fruits
Charmaine - gerber stars, raisins, biscuits (all kinds-baby bites, jap biscuits), bread, fruits, yoghurt (fav!)
Kaelyn - Gerber stars, babybites, jap biscuit, Yoghurt(starting to accept), small egg cup cake.
JW-Gerber stars, bread, biscuits, taste of ice cream occassionally
Daren - jap biscuits, manna biscuits, toasted bread with cheese, pizza crusts (as breadsticks)
Lucas - Gerber stars (in car rides), Jap biscuits, yogurt, bread
Joash - Manna baby biscuits, baby chicken biscuits, jap biscuits, bread, yogurt, cheese, fruits
damien - cheese, biscuit, bread, yogurt..pizza,taste of wat we eating
Ariene - cut fruits, steamed vege sticks, teddy puff, gerber stars, toast, cheese wedges, yugurt, baby biscuits (heinz/pigeon/manna)
Ethan - plain bread, cakes, biscuits (Manna/Heinz/Pigeon/Angie's jap biscuits, Cheerios), gerber stars, teddy puffs, yoghurt
Megan (Tracy) - Kueh Bahulu, Animal biscuits from Marks&Spencer, Wang Wang xiaomantou, plain bread, Marie biscuit.
Oh dear...poor Caleb. I'm sure that hurts alot for Caleb and heartache for you. Hope the whole episode will be over soon.
SSF - poor Caleb! hugz from Auntie Celine and sista Celeste... must be frightenening! nowadays they are reali gettin more prone to injury.. Celeste had a fall ytd too, thank god her bolster was able to block the fall abit, she literally walked out and slipped her foot off the coffee table and knocked her head..

Tracy - how's Meg now?
God's child
so scary...yeah i was telling hb we really need to child proof our place more. we have a lot of sharp corners. knock head never mine. what if knock the eyes on the sharp corners....
Poll on food to feed our darlings
Formula Milk
Clarisse - Gain IQ (switched from Wyeth, now each day 3 milk feed)
Caleb - Mamil Gold (still on step 2...moving on to setp 3 once stocks are clear)
Clariss- Gain IQ (2 x 120ml per day + 60ml mix with cereal for breakfast, bf at night)
Celeste - GainIQ - 3 feeds a day
Kyra - Enfapro (moving to Step 3 when she hits 18 months)
yx - 5 grain oat milk (1 feed) + BM (1 feed)
Cephas - Gain IQ
Eshley - Gain IQ n Nan 3 :p
Caleb (Sept03)-Progress Gold-3 feeds a day
JH - Mamil Step 3 - 2 feeds a day
Megan - Enfagrow (4 times a day), sometimes substitute with Pedisure.
Tabby - gain IQ
Jamie - Friso Gold 3
Isaac - Mamil Step 3 (3 feeds of 180-200ml)
Xavier - GainIQ
Mel - Enfagrow (3 feeds a day)
Caeden - Isomil Advance 2 (4 feeds a day)
Charmaine - BM
Kaelyn - GainIQ (3 feeds/day. 2 Feed 240ml and 1 feed 160ml)
JW C GainIQ (2 to 3 feeds depending on whether he rejects his night feed)
Daren - Progress Gold/Enfagrow (3 sometimes 4, 210ml per feed)
Lucas - Enfagrow & Nan2 mixed (3 feeds + 1 middle of the night 'comfort' feed)
Joash - Breast milk 2x a day and Pediasure 2x a day
damien - Gain IQ (2 feed @ 150ml)going to change to Pedisure.
Ariene - Breast milk 3-4x a day. No formula milk yet.
Ethan - Gain IQ (3x210ml a day) but sometimes he wakes up at 3-4am for whatever reasons, I will give him another 4oz)
Megan (Tracy) - Friso 3 about total 600ml a day (4 feeds) This excludes the 120ml milk in the oats for breakfast.
Edgar (Aileen) - Stopped drinking milk since 13mth. Only occasional soya bean drink, fresh milk, yakult, or yoghurt drink, depending on his mood and what we adults are having.

Clarisse - Apple, Pear, Avocado, Banana, Grapes.
Caleb - Papaya, Apple, Banana
Clariss- Apple, Banana, grapes, pear
Celeste - apple/pear/dragonfruit/kiwi/papaya/banana/honeydew/watermelon
Kyra - Grapes, Banana, apple (but in puree form, homemade)
yx - papaya, apple, banana, dragon fruit, kiwi, peach, grapes, pear, avocado, plum (going to try mangosteen)
Cephas - Apple, Banana, Grapes, Kiwi, Longans, Pear, Strawberry, Watermelon, Durian (Occasionally)
Eshley - Apple, Pear, Banana, Papaya, Honeydew, Dragonfruit, Persimmon, Guava (those very soft ones), Kiwi (gold type coz sweeter)
Caleb (Sept03)-apple,pear, banana, papaya, durian, dragonfruit,grape,kiwi,avocado
Jh - apple, pear, banana, kiwi, strawberries, peach, nectarine
Megan - Apple, avacado, banana, (orange & Watermelon - Occasionally), papaya, durian
Tabby - peaches, oranges, apples, banana, avocado, watermelon, papaya, grapes, strawberries, pear, kiwi
Jamie - apple, banana, pear, grapes, durian
Isaac - grapes, oranges, watermelon, banana, kiwi
Xavier - apple, pear, nectarine, banana, papaya, kiwi, peace
Mel - apple, pear, banana, grapes, oranges, blueberrry, strawberry, kiwi, avocado
Caeden - apple, orange, banana, kiwi (A), grapes (A), strawberry (A), avocado, durian, longan, honeydew, honeymelon
Charmaine - apple, pear, banana (fav! - she can say "na"), watermelon, honeymelon, rambutan (sliced), strawberry (hates - think cos it's sour), grapes, papaya, peach(? - the fresh red apple-alike ones), dried apricot
Kaelyn-apple, pear, watermelon(seldom),papaya,kiwi(hate cos its sour), grapes,banana(long time never feed cos IL say will cause plemgh)
JW-apple, banana, kiwi, orange, papaya
Daren - apple, banana, pear, papaya, honeydew
Lucas - (most often)apple, papaya, banana (occassional)mango, nectarine, grapes, pear, honeymelon
Joash - chinese pears (the most often), papaya, watermelon, apples, bananas, peach, nectarines,
damien - organge, bananas, apples, mango, grapes..whatever that is available..even durian.
Ariene - packard pear, banana, apple, orange, strawberry, grape, persimmon, kiwi, avocado, watermelon, honeydew, rockmelon , papaya, durian (seldom), mango (seldom)
Ethan - Usual: apple, banana, pear. Occasional: Honeydew, rockmelon, avocado, grape, kiwi, mango, durian (he hates it!)
Edgar - apple, banana, pear, kiwi, mango, papaya, plums, guava, durian, orange.

Clarisse - Plain bread, Wholemeal Bread, Pau Skin, Fruits.
Caleb - normally its milk. lunch and tunch is then solid food.
Clariss- Cereal with milk and one whole egg (she has been having the same breakfast for a few months)
Celeste - Mostly milk,twice a week-brown rice,occasionally scrambled egg
Kyra - first meal is usually milk. But she'll also have bread, pau skin, tau huay (without the sugar syrup)
yx - bread, a bit of goat milk, quarkers oat meal
Cephas - Steam egg, raisin bread, plain bread with cheese, cereals,
Eshley - Nestum cereal for wkdays (at mil house), wkends = Oats with eggs, or Nestum, or Scrambled egg, or bread with milk+milo
caleb (Sep03)- Brown rice cereal in milk, eggs, bread
JH - oatmeal in milk, weetbix in milk, bread, scrambled eggs
Megan - Bread, tau sau pau, cakes, kueh
Tabby - multigrain/ barley/ brown cereal with fruit, yoghurt, hot cakes happy meal
Jamie - normally milk, weekend=hotcake happy meal or cereal
Isaac - soft-boiled eggs / scrambled eggs with 1 pc bread, Heinz Apple Muesli, Weetbix in milk, Yoplait for kids
Xavier - cereal wif 150ml FM (the most boring BF)
Mel - cereal wif milk/fruits, french toast, scramble eggs (she doesn't really like). Will make pancake tom.
Caeden - Cheerios with FM, man tou, lian rong bao, pumpkin buns, tuna sandwich, bread with gerber fruit gel, chwee kueh, chee chong fun
Charmaine - porridge, cereal, chee chong fun, noodle, pau, pancake, bread, actually anything that my parents are eating for breakfast.
Kaelyn-Main meal still Milk,Chee chong fun(no sauce), Chiu Kweh(no caipo), pau, bread with cheese spread, whatever IL eat what will feed her
Daren - Quaker Oats (About 2 ikea bowls), sometimes toasted bread and scrambled eggs
Lucas - milk + plain bread/raisin bread & eggs every alternate days
Joash - Mainly breast milk and sometimes bread
damien - biscuit, bread or whatever the grandparents are having for breakfast
Ariene - cornflakes with EBM, Healthy Times teddy puff, Healthy times oatmeal with EBM, avocado, scrambled eggs, toast with cheese spread/ butter, white/wholemeal bread with butter/cheese spread, french/bombay toast (small pieces of skinned bread with beaten egg n EBM lightly pan fried)
Ethan - Usual: HT Cereals with fruits. Occasional weekends: tow huey, cheecheong fun (wout sauce), chweekuey (wout chyepok), bread with butter.
Megan (Tracy) - Instant Quaker Oats made ith 120ml milk.
Edgar - Cereal with formula milk (enfagrow or pediasure).

Food beside the usual porridge for lunch and dinner
Clarisse - Mee Sua, Pasta, sometimes if we are outside will feed her heinz bottle food.
Caleb - potato macaroni cheese with half hard boiled egg, usual porridge(fish & veg), sweet potato, da rou bao( bao skin+egg), white bread, yoshinoya rice+boiled brocolli + cauliflower, japanese udon, noodle soup(outside store)
Clariss- Mee Sua, Pasta, udon mee, mee hoon
Celeste - meesua/ macaroni
Kyra - the usual base is cereal /oat porridge topped with pumpkin/sweet potato/egg yolk/ brocolli/fish/chicken/carrots. Pasta, pizza
yx - mee suah, pasta, dou chian (looks like dried kueh tiao)
Cephas - Baked potato, pasta, steam fish with pumpkin, potato/carrot soup, marcaroni, chicken soup, beef stew, mee tai mak with chix soup, pork balls with gravy. If outside, will usually order something he wld like.
Eshley- Meesua/ macaroni soup/ noodle soup (soup based used pork ribs, soya beans and corn to boil first) - So far, she hasn't eaten anything from outside store.
Caleb(sept03)-meesua, macaroni, bao, bread,
JH - now only eat porridge, cereal + fruits/babyfood
Megan - Porridge or rice that we are eating. But we add fish, veg and soup, basicallly the non oily, non saltish dishes only
Tabby - lentils/ quinoa/ millet stew with vege/ meat, pastas
Jamie - Bee hoon/Mee sua/Noodle/Kway Teow/macaroni/Udon, whatever outside food we eat..she will get to taste abit (Duck rice,Chicken rice,Spaghetti,Pizza,Sushi,Chawamushi..her favourite)
Isaac - beef stew or chicken stew with sweet potato & carrot mixed with ABC pasta, mee sua with ikan bilis stock + vege & meat, mushy rice mix with butternut squash & pan-fried salmon/cod, minced beef with mash potatoes & cheese
Xav - eh...only porridge with fish. Tried mee sua. Just bought ABC pasta, trying soon.
Mel - porridge for dinner, lunch - pasta or pre-cook puree mainly from Annabel Karmel's recipe.
Caeden - ABC pasta, rice with ABC soup, shepherd's pie, mashed potatoes with fish & vege, mee sua, bee hoon, baby back
Charmaine - mee sian, pasta, potatoes, shepherd's pie (she loves it! Thks again to Mamapanda for sharing the recipe), chicken, salmon, cod (fav!).
kaelyn-cereal+scramble eggs, pasta,
JW-Bread, beehoon, eggs and little bit of whatever daddy & mummy is having for breakfast
Daren - toasted bread, pasta with cheese, tang hoon, tried guo tiao but not receptive, mee sua, beef stew, herbal soups from the pot (depends whatever we're making that day but before any salt is added)
Lucas - macaroni, pasta, Heinz Mum's Recipe food jars (when out)
Joash - pasta, mee sua, bee hoon, cereal, cheese, thread fin, pork
damien - it depend wat my mum cook for dinner..just give him soup, rib meat and rice..eg ABC Soup
Ariene - pasta soup chicken, fried pasta with butter, garlic & small bits of beef/pork/chicken (something like aglio olio), tomato based pasta, millet/brown rice (something betw porridge & rice consistency) with meat & vege, plain millet/porridge with fried shitake mushrooms/asparagus/celery/carrots in garlic & butter, mashed potato/butternut squash/sweet potato with minced chicken/beef/pork, chawanmushi, plain soba, (thinking of adding fried rice in butter with garlic n mixed vege to the menu), ABC soup too
Ethan - most boring....always porridge. Sometimes will give him whatever suitable on dinner table when he is at grandparents' hse or outside.
Megan (Tracy) - also always porridge. When fever, then its mee sua.
Edgar - Only boring porridge.

Clarisse - Yoghurt, Gerber Stars.
Caleb - japanese biscuits, gerber stars
Clariss- Manna biscuits, baby bites, gerber stars, rasins, yoghurt
Celeste - Jap biscuits/gerber/babybites/potato wf cheese/bread/Heinz cheesesticks/manna biscuits/yoghurt
Kyra - yoghurt, cheese, manna biscuits, goat's milk sweet and many other baby biscuits. My baby's a snack queen, like her Mummy :p
yx - yoghurt, biscuit, breakfast cereal
Cephas - Cereals, biscuits, bread with cheese or just a slice of cheese on its own
Eshley - Jap biscuits/ baby bites, yoghurt, carrot & apple sticks...
Caleb (sept03)- Assorted biscuits, gerber stars, cheese, yogurt.
JH - yoghurt, biscuits,
Megan - Biscuits, cakes, gerber stars
Tabby - she seldom snacks... but sometimes she will take yoghurt or some baby bites or snack from our meals
Jamie - Gerber stars, cup cakes, manna biscuits, wang zai xiao man tou, babybites, her favorite 9-layer kueh
Isaac - Plain biscuits, cheese bread, gerber stars and his fav. small round ball biscuits (like wang zai xiaomantou except it's another Jap brand)
Xav - biscuits, all kinds of bread, cakes (steam cheese cake)
Mel - gerber stars, rasins, yogurt, Jap biscuits, cheese stick biscuit, bread, rasin, fruits
Caeden - gerber stars, cheerios, jap biscuits, tuna sandwich, bread, fruits
Charmaine - gerber stars, raisins, biscuits (all kinds-baby bites, jap biscuits), bread, fruits, yoghurt (fav!)
Kaelyn - Gerber stars, babybites, jap biscuit, Yoghurt(starting to accept), small egg cup cake.
JW-Gerber stars, bread, biscuits, taste of ice cream occassionally
Daren - jap biscuits, manna biscuits, toasted bread with cheese, pizza crusts (as breadsticks)
Lucas - Gerber stars (in car rides), Jap biscuits, yogurt, bread
Joash - Manna baby biscuits, baby chicken biscuits, jap biscuits, bread, yogurt, cheese, fruits
damien - cheese, biscuit, bread, yogurt..pizza,taste of wat we eating
Ariene - cut fruits, steamed vege sticks, teddy puff, gerber stars, toast, cheese wedges, yugurt, baby biscuits (heinz/pigeon/manna)
Ethan - plain bread, cakes, biscuits (Manna/Heinz/Pigeon/Angie's jap biscuits, Cheerios), gerber stars, teddy puffs, yoghurt
Megan (Tracy) - Kueh Bahulu, Animal biscuits from Marks&Spencer, Wang Wang xiaomantou, plain bread, Marie biscuit.
Edgar - gerber stars, assortment of adult's morning cereals (eg honey stars, milo, cheerios, etc...), manna biscuits, Earth's Best ABC biscuits, xiao man tou, plain bread, baby bites, yoghurt.
AquaDucks (trial confirmed)
Venue : Tower 2 / 4th floor, Suntec
Please arrive at least 15 mins earlier to change and get ready.
Date : 20 May 2007 (this Sunday)

In the event of cancellation due to rain or otherwise, Aquaducks will call me (there's no number to call them unfortunately), so pls pm me your mobile # for this. I'll pm all my mobile# in case you can't turn up last min.

I've split the group into 2 as follows as only AK has 4pm requirements.

4 pm slot
1) SY
2) Clare - HB will swim w BB
3) Cheng - HB will swim w Aidan
4) Chicken Little - HB will swim with Aden
5) ky - I will be swimmnig with Keith
6) Ak - I will be swimming with Ryan

4.30 pm slot
1) Mashybrainz - HB will swim with bb
2) Esh Mummy- Can't attend...
3) Flo
4) Cookie - HB to swim w bb
5) Aileen - HB to swim w bb
6) tabbiesus
Oh no...it must have been such a heartpain for you! I hope caleb will be alright soon. Yes, will agree in prayers with you that no infection shall come near him!!! Hope the tooth nerve will be supernaturally restored. Give Calev my love =)
god's child,
Thanks for asking. Meg is fine now. She always very guai and listens to the PD. When the PD says it will last for 3 days, it will really last only 3 days. The fever subsided yesterday afternoon. Whew!

But Meg started being extremely naughty yesterday. It's like she has grown...She starts saying 'throw!' then she'll throw watever she's holding on the floor. Then sometimes she will call us 'see see' and start jumping up and down.

Yesterday, my younger nephew was playing with SIL's phone when Meg when close to him and he accidentally switched it off. He tot spoil, so he showed SIL and said Meg did it. He pointed at Meg and Meg just stared at him. Suddenly, she pushed him on his chest. Hahaha, this one really cannot bully. He also tried to sit on her feeding chair and she pulled him by his hair. Oops...but somehow, she only does this to him and not to my older nephew.

Hopes Caleb get well soon. Yes i agree it must have been very tramatised for you. DO take Care!

Hi Tracy,

Ha ha. Your megan and mine can fight. Both chilli padi.
Oh dear, what a terrible accident. It must be really difficult for you and caleb. But I'm sure caleb will get well soon...*hugzzz*
AquaDucks (trial confirmed)
Venue : Tower 2 / 4th floor, Suntec
Please arrive at least 15 mins earlier to change and get ready.
Date : 20 May 2007 (this Sunday)

In the event of cancellation due to rain or otherwise, Aquaducks will call me (there's no number to call them unfortunately), so pls pm me your mobile # for this. I'll pm all my mobile# in case you can't turn up last min.

I've split the group into 2 as follows as only AK has 4pm requirements.

4 pm slot
1) SY
2) Clare - HB will swim w BB
3) Cheng - HB will swim w Aidan
4) Chicken Little - HB will swim with Aden
5) ky - I will be swimmnig with Keith
6) Ak - I will be swimming with Ryan

4.30 pm slot
1) Mashybrainz - HB will swim with bb
2) Esh Mummy- Can't attend...
3) Flo
4) Cookie - HB to swim w bb
5) Aileen - HB to swim w bb
6) tabbiesus - HB to swim w bb

Thanks KY, CL for coordinating... i think u both have my no. already.

oh dear.. please take good care of caleb .. it must be very painful for him..

RE: work

today hb mention tat he felt tat i was so happy at work.. and tat is true..

RE: food

mamapanda, got time teach this old class mate of yours to cook good bb food leh...TIA
Oh dear.. how did it happen? Hope Caleb is feeling better now. The impact must have been quite big to push the tooth back into the gum. Must have been really painful.

Thanks for the compliments

Now I also quite worried cuz Ariene likes to stand on the high chair. Sat, she almost fell off the high chair too but luckily my dad was beside her and pushed her back into the chair before she fell if not, I cant imagine wad will happen. The other thing I find scary now is the standing fan. Now that she's tall enough to reach the switches of the fan, she'll turn the fan on herself n she'll want to poke her fingers into the fan! So, gotta unplug the fans now.

God's child , re: window grilles
what kind of window grilles did the contractor quote u? Is it wrought iron grilles? I went to see my contractor for my home and was quoted $700 for each room cuz my balconies and rooms quite long. So, in total for 2 balconies and 1 room, its about $2100.
Oh no, I will be very heartpain too. Take good care of him then. Hope he get well soon.

I also worry as Jamie loves to stand on high chair too. There was twice when she is standing (normally I will use one hand to hold her), someone trip over the leg of the ikea high chair (dunno which designer..design wide legs high chair). Jamie almost fall from it. luckily I hold onto her.

Get those net cover to prevent her from putting finger into fan. I use that at home.
Actually there are those nets to cover the "grilles" of the fan and to prevent them from poking their little fingers in and yet does not compromise on the fan's performance. Can get them from those market stores that sells household items. For me, I'm sourcing for ceiling fans instead coz I'll need a lot of fans in my house which I rather use ceiling fans in this case.

High Chair
Daren has been trying this stunt which really scared me in a sense that he is experimenting cause and effect to the extreme! He likes to lean forward and throw his body weight backwards against the backrest of his high chair, causing the high-chair to rock backwards and the high-chair will move backwards inch by inch! He'll do it again and again and smile with glee! Now we make sure he's out of the high chair once he's done with his meals or snack time.

Not only is Meg a cool princessy toddler, she's a chilli padi too! Cannot play play! She's really mature for her age! Totally impressed!

Saying Hello
I digged out a really old Nokia mobile phone, the 3350 (something like that) series which resembles our now cordless phone and let Daren hold it as though it is his. We asked him to say "Hello", he held the phone to his ears (or rather, his neck) and suddenly with a slightly deeper voice went "Awwoo"....we all burst out laughing during dinner time. Hahaha.
U can come visit on one of the fridays and we'll cook together for Ariene n Elijah. I'll leave office earlier at 4.30pm and will be home by 5pm which is just nice to cook dinner for the little ones.

Actually, it really quite simple to cook. All it takes is alittle imagination, Lurpack unsalted butter, finely chopped garlic and ur main course ingredients. My recipes are also from my R&D and refined by experimentation
Oh yes, buy a small/mini saucer with cover (I got mine from giant) specifically for cooking baby food cuz our normal sized pots, saucers n pans are too big and ur food will prolly end up being burnt if u're not fast enough. In fact, some of the baby recipes can also be used for our food, with the addition of salt n spices. I just don't add those into the baby food only.
I dug out my hb's old 8250 for Ariene to play with but she doesn't want it cuz it has no battries
She likes to watch the video i took of her in my hp so much that she can mime the video and laugh at herself and even sing back the same tune she sang in the video.

At my dad's place, Ariene likes to play with the aircon remote and switch the aircon on/off cuz it makes a beep sound everytime she presses it and even spoilt my dad's aircon. My dad had to pay $90+ repairing the aircon so on sat, he kept the remote in the beside drawer to hide it from Ariene. We don't know now she knew, she opened the drawer and took the remote out to play herself so I took away the battries of the remote and passed it back to her. She came to me and tried to open my fingers for the battries but when she got the idea that I'm not giving her the battries, she gave the remote to my dad and went for another remote with battires. Faint.
I have got a ceiling fan in my living room that has got light also. U might want to take a look when u come my house for the playgroup on this sat. Will check with hb how much we bought it for.
AquaDucks (trial confirmed)
Venue : Tower 2 / 4th floor, Suntec
Please arrive at least 15 mins earlier to change and get ready.
Date : 20 May 2007 (this Sunday)

In the event of cancellation due to rain or otherwise, Aquaducks will call me (there's no number to call them unfortunately), so pls pm me your mobile # for this. I'll pm all my mobile# in case you can't turn up last min.

I've split the group into 2 as follows as only AK has 4pm requirements.

4 pm slot
1) SY
2) Clare - HB will swim w BB
3) Cheng - HB will swim w Aidan
4) Chicken Little - HB will swim with Aden
5) ky - I will be swimmnig with Keith
6) Ak - I will be swimming with Ryan

4.30 pm slot
1) Mashybrainz - HB will swim with bb
2) Esh Mummy- Can't attend...
3) Flo - HB will swim w bb
4) Cookie - HB to swim w bb
5) Aileen - HB to swim w bb
6) tabbiesus - HB to swim w bb

KY, Thanks for coordinating, will PM you my hp no
Oh poor Caleb, hope he's gum heal soon. Mel also likes to climb in and out of her high chair, better ask my mom to watch her closely.

Haha, Megan really cannot bully. Maybe cos the older cousin doesn't bully her?
Sigh! Ethan seems to have caught the flu/cough bug from a boy in church on sun. I was awaken by his coughs earlier. Gonna bring him see doc later today.

Speedy recovery to Caleb! Must be very painful. **Sayang sayang**. E also likes to stand on high chair.

At least u know Megan will know how to defend herself next time when someone bully her in school. My E picks up bad habits from his cousin too. Now he will push or shout at pple if that person tries to take away something tat he is eyeing. Something which I believe he learnt from his cousin.
you must be very heartache..Is Caleb getting better today?

Megan is so cute that she is able to defend for herself..

i just converted my fans to ceiling fans. Bought an amasco 56" (w remote control, 4 lights) and 2 fanco 52" fans (3 lights)for $800 at IMM Faxico. The amasco fan works well, maybe coz it's acrylic. The other 2 wooden fans not so good and very noisy.

thanks a lot for willing to teach me.. i can cook adult but not bb food.. simply hopeless..haha i will be meeting up one very very old classmate of ours this week.. sharon foo....

for wooden fan - fanco not too good.. mine i cannot remember what brand not noisy at all and works well..

how did your hb manage to break the safety gate?


how is caleb today? is he feeling better.. will keep praying for him...

RE: phone
elijah also likes to talk on the house phone.. especially when i pass the phone to him.. and when my mom or aunty is on the other side of the phone .. he will go "ya, ya' and nod his head.. so funny like adult..

RE: work

i was luckly yesterday tat my sil did not bring the two kids over .. so at least i can work in peace as her elder girl was so sick...

today i am off so i will try to spend time with elijah...

RE: sick

oh dear wenyl.. please take good care of ethan ok... kiss kiss from elijah ..
Combined Purchases for Innovative toys.

Peter has confirmed that there are 2 clocks available so Tabbiesus and myself will take the clock.

1) 2 x $19.90 (What's the time) - Tabbiesus & Chicken Little
2) 2 x $24.90 (Snake Alphabet Puzzle) - Mashy Brainz & Flo
3) 4 x $24.90 (Roll it down) - Cookie, Sep03Bride, Rena & Chicken Little
4) 2 x $24.90 (Snake Alphabet Puzzle & Roller Coaster II) - Tabbiesus & Cheng

I paired up the purchase for the 1 for 1 promotion, so I think we should be paying 30% off the price of 1 item of each pair. Will email you the confirmation and price to pay once the confirmation from Peter arrives.
Hi mummies
Me just came back from Perth last week. Then, my dad's leg prob recurred and had to rush him to hosp. Then, hv been so busy and tired (coz the Perth trip was qt packed, plus I was busy busy at work when I came back). Only today that I feel that my life is back to normal and I'm so happy, coz my Dad is discharging today. The Perth trip was wonderful. We had a great time with Gerald and I really miss him nowadays. Didn't have time to read all the archives, so do PM or sms me if I missed out on anything.

Sorry for the delay. Emailed you Ger's pic last nite. Hope it's ok.

Poor Caleb. It sounds so scary. I must watch Ger more carefully now. He fell off the highchair once. Luckily, he was ok (hb was saying that the Angels might hv catched him). Hope Caleb recovers soon.

ai yah, he went to take a styrofoam pc to put at the wall, coz he said the wall slanted, the gate cannot hold very well lor. Then he didn't adjust the gate (coz mine is pressure gate) and pop, the wooder bar broke.

Oh, I was at IMM looking around for fans with lights, Went into one shop near the Long Beach restaurant, found them quite ex. I have one ceiling fan at home at the living room area which I got from Balestier, maybe will go back to Balestier area over the weekend and look.
Sharon Foo sounds really familiar... u got her photo? If u gals happen to be near or in NTU area, gimme a SMS so we can meet up for lunch here. Hee.
