(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

i also dunno what to do with JH's eating habits. hopefulyl its a phase and will pass

so does YX self feed? I dunno when i shd let him start to self feed

how many of your bb can self feed already? or when is a good age to start?

so i see u at the shop at 12.30?

Latest news about Saby:

Sabie is not well, we have been asked to prepare for the worst. only slim chance she will make it. Please pray for a miracle NOW!
Cityhall Lunch - 17 Apr 12.30 pm
1) SY - ok with 12.30 cos need to rush for meeting at 2pm
2) Chicken little - ok with 12.30
3) SL - okay with 12.45
4) Flo
5) queen (Ok with Seah St, though will need some time to walk there and back from Peninsula Plaza)
6) Linda - ok with 12.30
7) Krissie (tentatively ok)

My boy can feed himself using his hands. I let him do it with his cheerios/ gerber stars.

I've also introduced him to the fork for his fruits (apple/honeydew cut to small pcs). He's doing well with it even though he'll alternate between his hands and the fork. Only prob is he kept feeding himself non-stop. His mouth was stuffed with food already and he still did that. I had to take the plate away from him after that.
Caleb is no longer on cereal. Any mummies interested to take over, please let me know. brand new..not open. selling at $5.50 per box.

Healthy times cereal
Oatmeal cereal - Exp Aug 07
Barley cereal - Exp Mar 08
Mixed Grain Cereal - Exp Sep 07
yx doesn't know how to self feed leh. she just kept dipping her finger into the porridge. if we scoop the porridge/cereal for her and pass the spoon to her, without guidance, she could put into her mouth. she still doesn't know how to scoop food from the bowl.
RE: Cough and Pneumonia
I went to the PD at Singapore BB and Child. The PD told me that I do not need another x-ray as recommended by my previous PD. He commented that he must hv caught it from someone and cldnt juz hv it. Was asked to stay away from crowded places and stay away from my Mum's plc where my nephew will be. Nephew gets sick easily and my boy immune system is still weak and will catch easily. Very sensitive to tell sis leh. Was advised to stay away for 2 weeks

I bought a plastic sheet from Spotlight and laid it before his feeding time. Just need to rinse the sheet after that and hang to dry.

Self-feeding is messy and time-consuming (they take forever to finish the food), but have to start lor. They've to learn eventually. Now I just close my eyes and tell myself to keep cool whenever he spits his food or throws his food on the floor. I also don't clean him up anymore until everything is over. It's less frustrating like that.
i am ok with the mess, but all of us don't want our bb to waste food leh. 'cos religiously, we believe that wasting food will indirectly 'discount' our good karma loh.
so, i got to watch her closely whenever she tries to self-feed.
RE: Self Feed
Just tried teaching Jamie to self-feed last night. I scoop for her, hold her hands and put into her mouth. After two tries, I encourage her by asking her to put the porridge into her own mouth. She was so proud that she did it and even ask all of us to clap hands for her. I will try to teach her more although it can be messy.

RE: Doll
Yap.. Jamie has got a Pink Doll from Toy "r" us. I taught her to sayang and pat the baby to sleep. So every night, she will lay the doll on her spare pillow (beside her own), start patting her to sleep then she lie down beside the doll and wait for me to pat her. Sometimes I will joke and say "Jamie, Ur baby cry already." Then she will carry (sometimes up-side-down) and cradle the baby like adults. It's a good way to train them to take care of younger child and also to be more gentle. Sometimes she will go to her kitchen corner and cook, and spoon it for her baby doll. Hubby always laugh when he sees this. But I told him not to as we should encourage her rather than treating it as a joke.
re: baby sabby
its really nerve wrecking for her parents at this time of pt. lets really pray for a miracle and hope our prayers will be answered.
krissie - caleb was napping till 3.45p.m on sat. and by the time we rushed to singpost at 4:15p.m, it was closed already. haiz!
Cityhall Lunch - 17 Apr 12.30 pm Seah Street
1) SY - ok with 12.30 cos need to rush for meeting at 2pm
2) Chicken little - ok with 12.30
3) SL - okay with 12.30
4) Flo
5) queen - will join us from 12.45
6) Linda - ok with 12.30
7) Krissie (tentatively ok)

Hi Flo , Krissie , ok with 12.30 ?
Order for fish head 1 or half leh ?
Name of shop is SG Curry Fishhead Restaurant. It is the 4th shop after a Chinese Medical Hall
chicken_little - wah! u are making me drool for dinner already. last time was vinegar pig trotters that everyone was raving about and now curry fish head. yummy! u are making me look so forward to dinner. kekeke.. i think my next job need to get into city liao. haha...else cannot join u all.

There are other options there as well? Maybe half a fishhead and we order other stuff to share share?

re: little saby
Just gone to the Oct 05 thread. Things are not looking good. Sigh.
Ha ha SSF,

Come join a cityhall or RP gang. Hee Hee actually my side here realli have lots of food. The other day just ate with Cookie at Ms Clarity at Purvis St.

yup got other food vege and dishes too. Ok then I ask for half fish head and then request for more vege in it
chicken_little - ya i hope i can mann! seems like the gang are all there. pro and cons lor..here the food is cheaper coz most of the time eat hawker or market food. but then after lunch its like heading back to office. how i wish i can go to some book shop and read some magazines or even chill out with you guys. here can only mingle with the uncle and aunty selling veg or meat. haha...
Urgh.. Fish Head Curry...
It has been in my mind the whole afternoon. I shall grab something hot or has curry tonight for dinner. Can't resist this. My office canteen does not have much variety and it is too ulu to go out for lunch.

If you walk a bit further to near the Si Ma Lu, I can even bring you to eat Wanton Mee at $2. Here oso have cheap ones only need to walk further man.
Hi Mummies,.

I read thru the Oct thread reg: Baby Saby.
She was born with heart problem and actually was done her first operation after she born. And her mummy really great..during the pregnancy..thing did not go well to her and she was actually very hardly to get pregnant. But miracle happen to her and althought she got a hard time during her pregnancy but God really love her and she make it to gave birth..

I'm so sad after read the post as I remember of the day when Gracie was born. Gracie has stayed at KKH for 5 days and did not went home with me as she lack of calcium, she refuse to drink milk and her body was shacking...Doctor advise me to let Gracie stay in a hospital for treatment.
I cried when the nurse told me that Gracie need to stayed at KKH for some treatment and during those days I went to KKH to visit her for 5 hrs and feed her milk. Till now I still quite upset that I did not really breast feeding her.
And from the day she has been reguraly went back to KKH for medical check up to monitor her health.

And GOOD NEWS for me and Gracie on last friday. As she got a check up last friday at KKH. The doctor told me that Gracie is discharge and she was ok and growing well based on her medical report. She wont need to go back to KKH for medical check up. But for her regular assessment she will need to polyclinic.Hmmmm I was so happy...
That is the reason I start giving her vitamin since she was young.

RE: Little Saby
Really hope she will be go thru this and back to home with her parent.
Ha ha this fish head curry better be able to meet everyone's expectation man. SL and Queen walking all the way from near Funan, Flo from RP, SY from orchard, Linda from bukit merah plus Krissie from outram. No money back guarantee hor.
re fish head curry
the one near my office also not bad. it's called Ah Meng.

okie on...i m ok with fish head curry and some other vege..
hi hi mommies

Share some happy news.. i passed my exam today liao and now i can spend all my time with tabby.. phew... no more studying ever!

RE:little saby
Have been praying for Little Saby... dare not read though..

you were asking about promethazine? It is quite strong actually, some pd say its not recomeneded for less than 2 years, it dries up runny nose, but as long as not giving too high a dose, its safe.. just worried that the child get too drowsy.

aden looks like a big boy! Charmaine, looks so sweet. i like her singapore girl picture.... aiyor.. have to start locking her up before the other boys come knocking next time... kekeke...

RE: baby dolls
har... so i must buy a doll for tabby to train her? I sometimes hold her other toys and pretend to sayang.. she just bochap me.. or she sayang also..

when are you guys meeting this wednesdAY? Maybe i can try and join you...
Thanks for the tip.

Thanks for letting me know the trial class cost. I was not able to get through earlier when i called. Think I will bring Aidan to try out one of these days:>
Hi mummies,

RE:Adult food

I think i break all records here. Since the HFMD episode - both gals refuse to eat any solids. My attempt to feed them mash potatoes, yogurt and even ice cream was not met with enthusiam. So Megan had tried hor fun, ice cream, honey water, sweet chyrsantamum.......... just to make her drink and at least take her liquid if not the solids.........She can't even drink milk and didn;t manage three bottles a day even without solids. She is also very edggy and can cry for very long. Sometimes i give in to her demandzs, sometimes not. She wanted to go out for a walk so i relent and bring her out to the corridor for a walk. She cried and keep pointing to the lift and wanted to go downstairs which of course i refuse...... She cried for so long!! My patience nearly ran out.

Anyway Megan has always has a more aggreesive nature as compare to ashley. Even at this tender age, she stamps her feet a few times if she don't get her way. She wanted to grab the whole ice cream cone but we refused, attempt to feed her thru spoon so that we can control the amount, she push our hands away and refuse the sppon. If not for the fact that she is not feeling well, i would have just take away the whole ice cream so that she will learn - it's either mummy's way or no way!
U're preggy right? I thought preggy mummies best to avoid vinegar pig trotters cuz its too heaty?

Any new updates on baby Sabby?
Here's the latest update on Sabby from Oct2005 MTB thread


there is a good news, that saby's kidney is imroving by dialysis. but....

but the bad news is that these 24 hours is very critical, and saby is bleeding and rejecting Medication.

Please Pray for Miracle! saby this miracle to live!"

Hope she's able to pull thru the next critical 24 hours
Lets continue to do our little part to pray for Little Saby

I think the ulcer in their mouth make them phobia to eat. Hope they will eat well soon. By the way, you still want Doreamon magnet. Got 3 from 7-11, have not open though. Can give you.

Last call for Wed Playgroup at CCK - 18 Apr
What time is good for you all ? After kids's lunch at home then come my place for late lunch for adults ? Or all come lunch at the same time.
1) Chicken little - Aden
2) Mamachan - Daren
3) Tabbiesus - Tabitha ?
4) Sleepingdeer - Shannon ?

For mummies, I can cook Japanese Curry Rice with Oden (Pot of assorted fish cake with white radish http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oden ) These 2 ok ? Need to know so I can buy ingredients tomorrow.

Babies, Me not good cook, Probably rice with soup or porridge (all dump in) Let me know if any food the babies cannot take

Is Durianlover still in Malacca ?
Hi Mamapanda,.

Preggy women can take vinegar,..a week before I deliver,..MIL cook me a liver and kidney pig with black vinegar. Bcos they believe this dish will have you easier to deliver during labor time. And not much bleeding too.

Easy labor ...is ??? mark for me as Imy labor time is 17 hrs and not much bleeding is REALLY TRUE cos I wasn't bleed much.
I think the ulcer in their mouth make them phobia to eat. Hope they will eat well soon. By the way, you still want Doreamon magnet. Got 3 from 7-11, have not open though. Can give you.

Last call for Wed Playgroup at CCK - 18 Apr
What time is good for you all ? After kids's lunch at home then come my place for late lunch for adults ? Or all come lunch at the same time.
1) Chicken little - Aden
2) Mamachan - Daren
3) Tabbiesus - Tabitha ?
4) Sleepingdeer - Shannon ?
5) Rena - elijah
durianlover came back liao...

Re: 18th April playgorup
I let you know tomorrow ok?

Congrats, now you will have big headache liao, chasing after him, haha!

congrats, no more studying!

Re: Sabie
it seems that things are not looking good for her, she is bleeding and rejecting meds... Sarah, the mum is very very down....regardless of religion, let's all pray for Sabie and her family for the miracle of LIFE...

re sabie
reading abt her update makes me feel so sad. really cannot imagine the anguish the parents are going thru and the pain. really hope to see a miracle for her soon.

must be so hapyp to see your boy walked!

just now i brought JH down for a walk and he refused to let me carry. he jsut wants to walk on his own. and he very funny. every time he pass a house with a dog he will suddenly sit down...
Congrats!!! Exams no more...yeah!!!!

RE : Scrapbooking
Yeah...will join u mummies next time. Its a great way to connect with friends where u get to chat and do things u enjoy.

RE : Ulcer
Urgh...hv 3 now...ouch!!!
Congratse for your boy to walk!! Must be an exciting time for you and your hb.

Congrats to your exams!!

My Little Baby - KKH (Singhealth)
I went into the 7-11 at Redhill MRT after my lessons tonight, saw this booklet released by KKH as a guide to Bringing Up Baby in Singapore. Paid $9.90 for it. Topics in it:

1) Preparing For Baby
2) Newborn Basics
3)Health and Development
4) Common Childhood Illnesses and Conditions
5) Other Conditions
6) Feeding my baby
7) Precious Moments
8) Putting the spark back into your marriage
9) Childcare
10) Out and About
11) Playing and Learning

under each topic has got it's own sub-topics. Seems like a very comprehensive guidebook, especially in Singapore context. Thought that some mummies here might like to get a copy.

saw this in the Oct thread. Share with everyone

Children's Health
Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Children's Bath Products
By Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Feb 8, 2007 - 11:39:32 AM


Women's Shampoos and Body Wash also Contaminated

(HealthNewsDigest. com) - WASHINGTON A hidden cancer-causing petrochemical has been found in dozens of children's bath products and adults' personal care products, in some cases at levels that are more than twice the U.S. Food and Drug Administration' s lenient recommended maximum.

Laboratory tests released today revealed the presence of 1,4-Dioxane in products such as Hello Kitty Bubble Bath, Huggies Baby Wash, Johnson's Baby Wash, Scooby-Doo Bubble Bath and Sesame Street Bubble Bath. The tests also found the carcinogen in Clairol Herbal Essences shampoo, Olay Complete Body Wash and many other personal care products.

1,4-Dioxane is a petroleum-derived contaminant considered a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a clear-cut animal carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program. It is also on California's Proposition 65 list of chemicals known or suspected by the state to cause cancer or birth defects. Because it is a contaminant produced during manufacturing, the FDA does not require it to be listed as an ingredient on product labels.

The problem of 1,4-Dioxane contamination in personal care products is highlighted in a new book, "Safe Trip to Eden: Ten Steps to Save the Planet Earth from the Global Warming Meltdown," by David Steinman. The laboratory results were released jointly today at the National Press Club by Steinman and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of U.S.-based health and environmental groups working to protect cosmetics consumers from toxic chemicals and hold companies accountable for the safety of their products.

"Regrettably, 1,4-Dioxane contamination is just the tip of the iceberg," said Jeanne Rizzo, R.N., executive director of the Breast Cancer Fund, a founding member of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. "Because the FDA does not require cosmetics products to be approved as safe before they are sold, companies can put unlimited amounts of toxic chemicals in cosmetics."

Steinman said parents should be outraged that companies are willing to spend a significant amount of money on entertainment licensing agreements that entice children but won't spend pennies to remove contaminants such as 1,4-Dioxane.

"Consumers who have young children, as I do, have the right to expect the highest purity in children's products," Steinman said. "I call on American consumers to say no to dangerous petrochemicals in their children's cosmetic and personal care products."

Contrary to what many consumers may believe, the FDA does not review or regulate cosmetics products or ingredients for safety before they are sold to the public and has no legal authority to require safety assessments of cosmetics.

Devra Lee Davis, professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, said that the usual regulatory approach of assessing risk one chemical at a time does not account for the combined effects of very low levels of hidden contaminants in personal care products and from other sources. "We must lower exposures to controllable agents that we know or suspect cause cancer," she said.

The FDA has been measuring 1,4-Dioxane levels since 1979, but because the agency has little authority or enforcement capacity over the cosmetics industry, it has worked with manufacturers to reduce levels on a voluntary basis only. In 2000, the FDA recommended that cosmetic products should not contain 1,4-Dioxane at concentrations greater than 10 ppm (parts per million); yet some 15 percent of products tested exceeded even these lenient guidelines. This limit, however, also does not take into account that babies exposed to 1,4-Dioxane from baby shampoo may be exposed at the same time to 1,4-Dioxane from bubble bath, body wash and many other products.

More than two dozen products were tested at Steinman's request by West Coast Analytical Service, an independent testing laboratory specializing in trace chemical analysis. Among the products tested:

Product and 1,4-Dioxane concentration:

Baby & Children's Consumer Products
Disney Clean as Can Bee Hair & Body Wash (Water Jel Technologies) : 8.8 ppm
Disney Pixar Cars Piston Cup Bubble Bath (MZB Personal Care): 2.2 ppm
Gerber Grins & Giggles Gentle & Mild Aloe Vera Baby Shampoo: 8.4 ppm
Hello Kitty Bubble Bath (Kid Care): 12 ppm*
Huggies Baby Wash Shea Butter: 4.0 ppm
Huggies Natural Care Baby Wash Extra Gentle and Tear Free: 4.2 ppm
Johnson's Head-to-Toe Baby Wash (Johnson & Johnson): 5.3 ppm to 6.1 ppm
Johnson's Kids Tigger Bath Bubbles (Johnson & Johnson): 5.6 ppm to 7.9 ppm
Johnson's Kids Shampoo Watermelon Explosion (Johnson & Johnson): 10 ppm*
Lil' Bratz Mild Bubble Bath (Kid Care): 3.7 ppm
L'Oreal Kids Orange Mango Smoothie Shampoo: 2.0 ppm
Mr. Bubble Bubble Bath Gentle Formula with Aloe: 1.5 ppm
Rite-Aid Tearless Baby Shampoo: 4.3 ppm
Scooby-Doo Mild Bubble Bath (Kid Care): 3.0 ppm
Sesame Street Wet Wild Watermelon Bubble Bath (The Village Company): 7.4 ppm

Adult Consumer Products
Clairol Herbal Essences Rainforest Flowers Shampoo: 23 ppm*
Olay Complete Body Wash with Vitamins (normal skin): 23 ppm*
Suave Naturals Passion Flower: 2.0 ppm

Steinman's book explains what Americans can do today to be "green patriots" and curb the nation's dependency on foreign oil. The new laboratory results reveal the health risks posed by the same petrochemicals that are part of what he calls the nation's growing oil addiction.

Women and girls use an average of 12 personal care products daily, according to a 2004 survey conducted by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

