(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Good morning!
Haven't been here for a long time, lots of work!
Is anyone going to the babycare festival at suntec?
I am probably going tomorrow (friday) afternoon.

My boy still wakes up at night too, as mummy is still a 24-hr milk bar. My panda eyes - major!

Morning everyone.

Youpi,after u went to the fair,then u update us got wat happening at there,if its nothing than think I ll not be going,cos me lazy wanna bring douglas go,ha ha.

Momo,tis week start the gym liao rite?Wat time start huh,cos me 4get liao,ha ha.

Jackie&jillie,my son oso still wakes up at night n ask for milk,sometimes after drinking he ll wake up n play.But lucky he sleep woth my MIL if not everyday sure late for work.
<table border=1><tr><td>Mommy</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby's Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Syl</TD><TD>22 May 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jackie&Jillie</TD><TD>25 May 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hir0sH|-m@</TD><TD>15 June 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Celtricia</TD><TD>17 June 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Manuka</TD><TD>05 July 2007</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babestaurus </TD><TD>12 July 2007</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>littleabby</TD><TD>01 August 2007</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Misch</TD><TD>11 August 2007</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elaine</TD><TD>28 August 2007</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi elaine, baby2005,
thks - yeah, 1 pair, can close shop oredi hihi...

hi ju,
thks for updating the list
Ju, i see the chart abit scared leh. Cos may & june all girls, then jul & aug seems like all boy! Anyway, keep calm... will announce the result to you gals tmr!

mygym mummies, this sunday 1st session at 1.30pm, before that is free play. please remember to bring along your socks and $$ for the fees!
mygym mummies, this sunday 1st session at 1.30pm, before that is free play. please remember to bring along your socks and $$ for the fees!
Ju, please update the gender of my baby.......................... is a "PRINCESS"! Ho ho ho... I've strike the biggest lottery in my life! Due date changed to 15th July'2007 =)

Thanks thanks!
<table border=1><tr><td>Mommy</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby's Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Syl</TD><TD>22 May 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jackie&Jillie</TD><TD>25 May 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hir0sH|-m@</TD><TD>15 June 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Celtricia</TD><TD>17 June 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Manuka</TD><TD>05 July 2007</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babestaurus </TD><TD>15 July 2007</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>littleabby</TD><TD>01 August 2007</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Misch</TD><TD>11 August 2007</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elaine</TD><TD>28 August 2007</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hihi mummies

How's the suntec baby fair? I might be going down tomorrow. I thinking of ordering confinement food there.

Anyone ordering as well? First time confinement, I hired nanny. This time, no nanny. Cannot tahan those old nannies.
Congrate Yvonne so fast close shop? This is getting more excited. Only left Joyce and me baby gender unkown. Another 10 more days to go for my gynae checkup, getting impatient liao kekeke.

MYGYM mummies, see you on sunday. Ya, must remember to bring sock if not got to pay $2 for the sock again.
hi hi mummies

i chiong to the fair during lunch time..nothing much there i feel..i bot toys for justin and did the magazine subscription plus bring back 2 goodie bags..a lot of paper inside thou..
Von: lalalalalala~~~

Venus: Not bad mah. At least you still managed to buy some toys for Justin and subscribed a magazine for yourself.
I am facing a headache now. Malc is playing with the switches around the house. He will go around and switch on every one of them. No matter how many times I stopped him by smacking his hand hard, he still does it. How?? All of the switches are un-used, except for one which we plugged his night light. Sometimes I will find his night light switched on when I walked past his room. Dunno wat to do leh.
MyGym mummies, see you later...hv pack the sock inside the bag yetserday nite...if not forget..will need to pay $2 again..hehe...
My gal still dun know how to walk yet...hope later she will pick up some 'walk walk skill' from all the gor gor...
hello mummies! long time no update. been following the thread though..exciting news all round! Congrats to all the 2nd-time mummies!

I just bought baby for the MMR jab. According to doctor, the fever doesn't come till after 1 week. Just want to let any mummies who just bought baby for jab know to watch out for this..
good morning!
ju, josh is also very itchy fingers, always poke into the socket. so i already use those safety ones (bought from ikea) to cover the unused sockets lah. can get from those home-fix or self-fix shops also...

yesterday went to mygym...very tiring leh, cos hubby out of town. i think i dying from back ache, somemore dunno why josh started to develop COUGH again!!! urghhhhh
bluelips...after josh had his MMR, after about 8 days, he started to develop rashes..no fever..but rashes disappear after 2-3 days...
why yvonne so happy huh??
evryone wan one girl and one boy huh?? hhehehe
i secretly wan 2 boys, but i think my hubby will prefer a girl next time...aiya..anyway thats another 1-2 years' time...
Momoko,me oso wish to have 2 boys,so can recycle the things,ha ha.Ya lor yesterday really very tired,I reach home at around 3.30pm then sleep all the way to 8pm.Too tired liao.
wah shuyan! sleep so long hahaha
douglas is also very very active!

we bought josh to taka, he knocked out very fast after his milk...so we could shop and makan hahaha
but when reach home, he's really coughing liao...at night couldnt sleep well...i miss my hubby!!!! (to help in the night haahhaa)
ya shuyan, i like boys cos active and playful. one reason also i'm not very girly myself, lazy to dress up my daughter if i have hahaha
Momoko,but my mother like gals alot,so when I have douglas she is quite disappointed.So she say muz have gal the next one.Josh is so cute when he is admiring himself in the mirror.

Javier also suddenly develop cough last nite but not so serious. I quickly give him medicine now better liao. Yesterday after mygym classes, bot javier and his two cousin go Mcdonald makan then go to around frenz house visiting and ended up boi did not sleep in the afternoon and knock out 8pm kekeke.
momoko, think rashes could be one of the symptom also..luckily no fever. I am crossing fingers and hoping baby won't develop fever also, cos hubby's not going to be around.

Elaine, can i check with you what cough mixture you are giving Javier? Ally has cough as well, and the doc prescribe Promethazine. But later my friend who works for HSA told me that this med should not be used for children under 2..now I don't dare to give. I am thinking bringing baby to see doc again if cough worsen.
shuyan, actually quite sian if pple are disappointed when heard of gender of our baby hor...chey! but luckily majority are happy when they hear is BOY. i tink many s'poreans still very traditional.
ya josh so vain hor. hahaha keep looking at his reflection. at home also same same! FAINT!

josh is getting serious in his cough last nite,. wonder what happen. i think its some flu/cough bug spreading around...javier's cousins so cute hor, their hairstyle hahaha

bluelips, for me i use hou zao shan from yu ren sheng. its quite effective. FIL also bought a more exp version, hou ning. but havent used yet.
funny but practical questions

for those mummy hor, sometimes alone with your kid, how you go poo-poo huh?? hahahaha i know its a stupid question, but maybe experienced mummy can teach me?
wait and tahan until kid naps? or go but dun lock door (so smelly)...hahahahaha
bluelips, ??? I thot Promethazine is one of the mildest med for kids. Jaime had cough and Dr Saw gave her Promethazine. And last time when my boy had cough when he was barely 1yo, a PD in Mt E also prescribe promethazine for him leh. Scary leh...
kekeke momoko, everytime i go out alone with adam... i will PRAY i dun go poo poo! hahaha....
or if go do small biz, i will try to find those handicap toilet
Malc doesn't poke stuff into the switches (yet). So I am not tt worry. Just that he will switch on all the switches available to him.\

As for poo poo, do u mean at home or outside? If at home, I poo with door opened. Sometimes he will walk and check what I am doing. Then he will sign "shame shame", give me a cheeky smile and walks away. Most of the time he will be playing his toys or watching tv. I never poo outside when I was alone with Malc. In fact I try to poo at home. Hate the public toilet. LOL! Can't advise u on that.
momoko, thanks! i will go check out Yu Ren Sheng, cos I think baby's cough is not getting better.

baby2005, I saw Dr.Saw as well, and he prescribed Promethazine. In fact, i asked at one of the Guardian pharmacy and the pharmacist also suggested the same cough mixture. My baby was taking for a couple of days already before my friend came for a visit and saw. That was when she told me she remember young baby should not take. She sent me this article today..


Now I don't know liao...
Poo.... hmm... like ju, when i'm at home, i'll poo with the toilet door open but I'll keep Jaime in her cot. As for outside, so far hb will be arnd so he look after the kids and I go poo but if I'm alone with Jaime, think I'll find those handicap toilet and hence me + my boy + jaime + pram all can go in hee....

Read your attachment liao, sound scary leh. I also give my boy promethazine when he has cough, think i better stop until I can further confirm that it is ok. Thanks for the alert.
