(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

ladies...finally it's confirmed..justin is not having mouth ucler but fungus infection on his inner lips.. We bring him to c PD last nite cos my anxious MIL said that he shi sheng(lost voice)..

At the clinic,he spoke to PD Lau...mahaha

Total damage is $110 and we got 1 fever med,1 fungus cream,2 phlegm med,3 springes and 1 plastic spoon..

Amazingly...he open his "golden" mouth this morning and yelling away ..wanting to speak to the phone

Venus, good thing you put in brackets (lost VOICE) else I tot you know....

Summer, thanks..ya...a lot of pple ask me before if her dad is ANG MOH!?!
Happy Birthday Momoko!
Enjoy the day!
Cel, update on my boy ah... about the same leh. now he can wave bye bye, do gong xi gong xi, imitate cough cough and imiate 'sigh'... :p still can't crawl, only comando crawl...

any mommies here introduce egg yolks already?

'Sheng Ri Kuai Le!!' Enjoy urself hor..

Venus, at least nw u noe wat happen to justin mah.. hee. but of coz quite a sum to pay for all the medicine.. haiz..

Manuka.. not bad leh.. can wave bye bye n all.. orlando very lazy.. he noes it but unwilling to do so.. also do commando crawling.. mum say he will skip the crawling part n start learning to walk.. Orlando also love to imitate sounds n facial expressions..

My mum areadi introduce him to yolk liao..
I have introduced yolk to Malc as well. He loves it! If mixed with porridge, he will sit on his high chair and finished everything quietly.
Becky still look so sweet even with e AH MA's pony tail... LOL!

Hmm... maybe I will try feed YOLK to Jayden this wkend and see how his respond (genie pig)... *evil smile*

Manuka, your boi so good can clap hands, gong xi gong xi.. do so many signs liao! Jayden only can do BYE BYE, High 5 and shake hands but in a lazy way la just lift the hand awhile ONLY... sometimes don't even wanna do it (must see his mood one)!!!

Yday he start to said 'pa pa pa'... so cute & funny with the 'tu tu' mouth!!! Already video it down for memory... hahaha!
I've not introduced egg yolk yet. PD told us to hold off till a bit later...scared she develops allergies.

BUT I've bought like 2 pcs of avocado and they cost me SG12 for both! Faint hor!!

Yvonne..your son so cute!!! I love those gerber veggie puffs...too bad can't get them here!
Candy, Jayden doesnt like the gerber vege puff leh, he will spit it out! He very weird boi one la... doesnt like to eat snack (even the small man tou or rusk) / Fruits... headache man!!! I also bot avocado for Jayden to try.. hope he will take if no waste mummy's money and effort cos very expensive leh!!!
hi mummies, long time no post..
been off and on down with flu the last few weeks..but luckily baby is ok..*cross fingers*

looks like all the little ones now very adventurous..i started ally on porridge as well. Found that she was allergy to pork, so now only giving fish and chicken. she started having rash at her face abt half hour after the porridge. will introduce again when she's older, i guess.

she also starting cruising and walking around holding on to the table edge...everytime want to go take the remote control..take already, straightaway put into the mouth ! pengz!

..still no teeth!
yup..cel...big price i paid..mahaha..i think all the med wasted liao..have to spend a bit on new teats

yvonne.. u bio becky liao?? :p

bluelips..take care hor...

teeth..4 teeth,2 lower,2 upper and more to come..he wanted to bite me lei..
for egg yolk, how u all prepare? hardboil egg york then mixed in porridge? or raw egg yolk cook in porr? or raw egg yolk, beat then add to porridge har? :p
Ya, egg yolk first. Cos' egg white got protein which may cause allergy (i think). Wat I used to do is hard boiled the egg, remove the egg yolk, mash it and mix with porridge. Recommended age to introduce egg white is after 1. There's a jab around 1 year old required bb to take egg white first before going for the jab, reason being if bb is allergy to egg white, he/she will be allergy for the jab.


very busy at work, only managed to log on now. so many messages!!!!!

hey i bought swimming suit for josh alrdy. the cap hor, so tight one. is it supposed to be tight?
also for aquaducks mummies, pls remember to apply sunscreen for babies. aquaducks say there is a brand 'banana boat' at pharmacies...check it out!
spoke to so many mummies/daddies on babies sleeping through the nites recently.
seems that most babies will wake up in the middle of the nite
usually i will put him down and pat him to sleep
but the advice given to me is to ignore him unless he cries
they say the baby will go back to sleep by himself once he's tired of sitting up or flipping or talking to himself
and have to keep the room dark dark.
well, i guess i have to try....

yvonne - i always thought sleeping through is really sleeping through...sigh. now having second thoughts on the sleeping bag. will try to ignore him and see what happens. maybe he's not cold as what i suspected. btw wat is the interval between growing of the 1st/2nd teeth and the 3rd/4th teeth? josh has his first 2 teeth for quite a while liao??
aquaducks mummies, i have emailed aquaducks to say we opt for 13 august. once she confirms, i will let you know ok!! remember to bring camera. can take pictures~~
Think you don't have to be too worried abt the 3rd/4th teeth lah, when it is time for them to come out, they will come out. My gal still bo gey hee...
hey anyone

Manage to do up my first masterpiece of digital scrapping. Thks to Hiroshi-ma, she taught me how. However, only noe how to put in the pic. Still haven't master the rest yet. Hiroshi-ma u noe wat to do hor, course incomplete so dun need sch fee hor :p



Where ur masterpiece?

Momo happy birthday!

Ju, Malc's laughter is the same as Ziyu..haha

Boy just cut his first 2 teeth! haha..cant c them yet but can feel them.

attaching pic of happy boy taken today:

Is another working Saturday again!!! Yawn...

1st nice blog scrap!
2nd - Bursted into laughter (wahhhahahahahaha) when I saw the video... this Phoe Phoe why she get so excited har??? Then Malc so happy when he sees Phoe turning round & round... so funny leh! The most funny part is when Phoe's tail sweeping onto Malc's face... *Tabuleh tahan*.......hahahahahaha! Your video makes my day man... =)
Venus, Justin wanna join the Q for Becky (but must wait till his 'shi sheng' okie)? Hahahaha ... have to take Q nos. and go thru interview one u noe! Malc & Jayden already in the list... LOL!
Hiroshi-ma, can you teach me how to do blog scrap too! I've download the scrap sheet but how to paste n fix nicely e pix onto it??? Need Photoshop rite according to Judy. If I don't have meaning cant do liao har??? Other software can or not?
Ju, buy swimsuit is better cos they too young scare they caught a cold cos swimming pool's water can be quite cold one leh u noe!!!

I bot a swimsuit ($29.90) for Jayden last wkend at Kiddy palace. Promo at the atrium of Compasspoint... Bot the smallest size liao but guess stl look too big on him (my 'tiny' little boy)... LOL!
Good afternoon ladies!

Yup..me bot a swimming trunk for boy the other time when he's 8 mth old..not the whole body suit kind..then he caught a cold with just 10 min legs inside the water (he got scared and cried cuz water too cold. Luckily not serious but it's the first time he got sick so quite heart pain.
hey mummies

Quick go & open ur letterbox. I received the letter from baby bonanza committee. Due to overwhelming response for Little baby genius, channel 8 will be holding a Qualifying Round to determine the 40 finalists for the prelimary round. Ahem, and baby javier's qualify for the round. So happy for Javier's but hor, I kiasu mummy, every cat also take pt except crawler cos dun noe how to crawl so dun really have confidence javier's can made it to the top but happy as long as he got take pt in the first round hor. Next time can show him his pic of the contest.

Not sure leh but qualifying round i think will not broadcast one lor.


U got take pt in little genius cat??? Tot u only take pt in pretty baby leh. Then got boh?
Can i check with all the mommies here,my son now 8mth going 9mth liao,weighing at 9.6kg,but only 71cm tall,is it too short for his age or weight?A bit worry as people say he is short.
Cos it scare me.people say he short,leg oso short,then the shorts i brought,some seems so long for him.Now whenever i free i ll measure his height,ha ha.
u received the letter is for baby genius only or for all the catergories u signed up?? ya, i only signed up for swee swee baby. coz malc is not chubby chubb, not clever and at point of signing up, couldn't crawl at all. Hehehe...
yah, i think u mentioned before about your boy's height. i think his height is ok. You have the health booklet right?? Flip to the weight and height ratio for boys and take the reading lor. Family genes also play a part in our height and body size.
Your boy should be growing along fine. My daughter is 67cm and 6.9kg at 8 mths and the paediatrician assured me that every baby has her/his own growth curve but as long as baby is growing each mth, no need to worry unduly.
Yvonne: if i am not wrong, the BEST software to use is photoshop or coral draw..... erm.... i just started scrap booking... so actually also still learning..... if you dun mind i err... ehh... not so sure then can loh.... can show you how to do it. might like to visit www.escrappers.com alot of nice tips there....


d letter tey sent me only state for cat of baby genius but tey mention in the letter, tat day also qualify round for bb crawler.

Date: 5/8/06
Venue: Compasspoint
Time: anytime bet 1-6pm

So i guess, tey juz wan to see the bb tat all. If not y anytime can go leh??? Think tat day the mall will be crowded with many babies. If go there on the dot maybe need to Q if too late then go maybe stand no chance hor cos tey see so many bb and maybe decided the 40 bb liao. Hai...
