(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font color="0077aa">for those starting the JG classes, rem to bring socks for e classes, encouraged to wear due to hygiene purpose

hey, Samuel has been offered a slot for the English Playclub on Tue & Thu, 9am - 11am. 1st lesson starts this thursday. therefore, i will not be in the bilingual class on saturdays already.

have to use a brush to wash the straw ah? keke i will change it as and when i see tat its turning yellow.. everyday will also sterilize the bottle and straw with cap.

I bet its also high time they start on cup feeding liao.. whenever we offer Alden our cup of water.. he AlWAYS drink with contentment leh.. hehe.. very happy to drink like us lor.

wow you still sterilize bottle/straw huh? I stopped since Kaiser is 1yo. At first I also nv really bother abt the straw - just run under tap water - until my mom & sis said must use something to go through it then will be clean.

I agree with cup feeding. Actually they can hold cup & drink by now. And also use spoon to feed themselves.

I also bought the straw brush for MAG MAG to clean the straw bottle
I find that MAG MAG leaks if brennan takes the bottle too lopsided. I bought him a new one, also from Pigeon but the more colourful one. Felt that thats better and brennan drinks more from that one (maybe cos bottle more colourful

I've also not sterilised the bottles. Only use hot water to rinse through the bottle and teat when making milk for brennan.

Try not to accompany kaiser for too many days. gradually reduce the no. of hours there so that your disappearance wont be too sudden for him
Last time when we sent brennan to infantcare when he is about 15months old, we stayed 2 hrs for the first day and 1/2hr second day and we left him alone there. we went back to take a peek or call the teacher to ensure all are well
and of course,the teacher called us to report his wellbeing too.
Morning Gals,

I'll be sending Alden to CC(full time) but onli will attend half days starting this August so anything u gals can highlight to me when i will be there accompanying him for a few days? Isit better tat i dun try to help him do anything in the CC?
sneaky: baby's coming pretty soon

is the english playclub better than the bilingual one?

RE: sterilising..
i'm also still sterilising zoe's bottles as well.. think don't really need as well but since i have a steriliser so figured just sterilise lor.. as for her water bottle, i just rinse with hot water and clean with the straw brush .. but she uses the same kind of utensils as us now and that's washed the usual way..at zoe's cc, they sterilize bottles all the way up til 3yr old..

try to let him mingle with the kids there and just be there as observer. And the time you spend there should reduce each day so that he can get used to you not being there.

Brennan was from the infantside when he went to cc.So we didnt spend any time with him at the cc side. cos before he was promoted to cc, the teachers already brought him out in the afternoon to the playgroup side every afternoon for a month prior to the actual joining to the playgroup. Thats what they practice there. Which I believe is beneficial to the kid cos at infantside, the things they are exposed to are more "bb" in nature. So its a gradual process to move from infant to playgroup by doing so.

So we dun have to stay there from 7am -7pm isit? Alden is a 'walker'ard when we were at GUG.. I wonder if i need to follow him here and there like wat i did at GUG..
hihi SSL & Fun

I'm just back from Kaiser's playgroup session, his 3rd day for school (it's 1/3/5 per week). I am so proud of him, he's on his own today. I used to think he may have a slightly harder time to settle in cos he's quite a shy boy, so I already took 5 half days AL (including next week) so that I can make sure he is doing fine.

I think from now until Aug, you can try to take Alden to the school/CC more often to let him see the place/enviornment/teachers/students, tell him that he will soon be attending school there like the rest there. Let him be more familiar with the school, rather than only bring him there on the 1st day. Actually that's what I did for Kaiser, we went there a few times (short visits) just to let him see the school.
And I agree with SSL, reduce the time spent in class with him gradually.

Alden is a walker in the class i am sure.. i bet he wont even notice tat i am not behind following him. haha... but if yr kid will to be very itchy handed in the class.. do we stop him or let the teacher deal with him?
sweetie, my second one is also a boy and he is going to be named Isaac. his name was decided when i was around 5 months pregnant. not getting a CL cos i have a helper and my MIL will do all the cooking and supervising...

fushiastar, sam missed his 1st lesson yesterday cos he's down with cough and running nose...better not bring him to school to spread the virus...

NO need to stay from 7 to 7 la. Think the teacher would probably chase you away
And your presence may be stressing some kids who has stranger anxiety.

I wont encourage you interfere when Alden becomes "itchy handed". let the teachers handle him so that he is used to their teachings. Thats why i say dont stay there for too long cos he knows that you are there and may either cling to you or purposely be naughty and see if you interupt
(which we tend to most of the time)


Am proud of Kaiser. Normally for kids who doesnt go playgroup or childcare since young, they would love the "freedom" they get when they are there. Cos they will have their "free time" during the day where they can do whatever they like, can be reading a book, playing toys, etc.
<font face="Book Antiqua"> Think Janelle enjoyed her JG trial on Sat. She was abit bored during the Chinese lesson, guess is prob bcuz she dun really understand what the teacher is teaching.

I can tell she's getting confused with Chinese & English. When u tell her "Wo Ai NI" in chinese, she will point to her KNEE (Ni = Knee) ... I dunno how to explain to her the difference leh. When I tell her Ni is you in Chinese, she will shake her head, say NO NO & point to her Knee
sneaky: hope sam gets better soon

jenifur: think zoe's experience was the opposite of janelle's.. she really enjoyed the mandarin lesson.. participating.. considering she's exposed to v little mandarin.. as for the english one, it wan't great cos firstly she was scared of the young caucasian male teacher when he tried to come up to talk to her while she was happily eating her snack.. also she hated music time cos they had this male malay teacher who was playing guitar v v loudly and she always fusses when there's loud music so she was crying the whole time during music time and refused to go for outdoor play there after.. sigh.. will see how she is the next session.. think she's not used to men in general and all the more cos they were caucasian and malay which isn't familiar to her..
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Fushiastar,

Janelle's English Teacher was Ms. Sheila & this was the same teacher who had taught her @ Zoophonics. She was not afraid to go up to Sheila & participate but it was the opp when for the Chinese Class. Mayb bcuz Chinese was the 1st lesson & she's not warmed up yet. Plus 2pm - 4pm is actually her nap time.

1 thing I dun lyk about JG is e stuido seem kinda small.</font></font>
jenifur, i didn't catch the teacher's name.. she was chinese, young, long haired with an accent.. yah i agree that the studio does seem smallish..
oh, yah, if it's janelle's naptime, that may be why she didn't respond so well to the mandarin class
but i really thought the madarin programe was excellent! zoe knows nothing in mandarin, after 1 lesson, she can point to her nose and eyes if i say that in mandarin.. also the chinese teacher could engage her interest during song time and drama time.. just feel that they were both good with children, spoke good mandarin and able to get the kids to participate.. can't say the same for the english ones though..
<font color="0077aa">morning! all talking abt the JG classes.. as for my ash, she enjoyed herself very much! especially the art & craft session
probably her first encounter wif painting *hee* and she managed to learn her first words of chinese.. xie xie *surprised*

fushiastar - ash is oso in studio 2

jen - true the rooms are abit small but when we are doing the last bit of the singing session, they opened up the 2 studios for 2 classes to combine</font>
<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="aa00aa">Fushia/Morr,

Janelle wasn't v keen on e craft which was a surprise as she's usually v enthu @ home.

She will also point to her eyes when I said it in Chinese. I'm pretty impressed as I've been trying to teach her tt @ home but no success.

Janelle is in Studio 4. I've enquired if they hv slots for either earlier or later class. If have then I should be signing Janelle up.</font></font>
<font color="0077aa">fushiastar

dun get too excited.. ash is in the 11.30am class la.. *hee*


ha ha i tried to teach her yan jing but she will stare at me.. haiz..

yeah try to fix a earlier class so as to avoid her napping timing n capture her attention
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="aa00aa">Morr,

Ya I was v impressed. Cuz last time when I teach her yan jing, she will shake her head : "No No.. eye"

Trying to teach her "bi zi" & "er duo" but dam hard. She still stick to her english. Always said "no no..nose" lyk as if Mummy is so stupid, duno that is call NOSE. Den if u try to teach her again, she will give u e very fustrated look</font></font>
<font color="0077aa">jen

ha ha.. im oso trying hard to speak to her in chinese oso.. hopefully she will not look so blurred in the future chinese classes!</font>
All the kids here starting to talk liao.. my Alden still rest and relaxing leh.. haiz... hopefully the CC can boost him up!
jenifur: zoe same
can point to eye and nose too
somehow they seem to learn mandarin more easily in a class setting.. when i try speaking to zoe in mandarin at home she gives me a blank stare and walks away like i'm boring her...

morraine: oh i see
<font color="0077aa">fushiastar & jen

u both got bring the kiddos to the library tat day after or before the class? do u leave immediately after the lesson? maybe i try to go slightly earlier this coming sat den i can meet u both? provided u both wanna see me la.. wahhaha
so let me noe? *wink*</font>
Samuel attended his "first" lesson this morning. i called my maid to ask her how was class and she told me Samuel cried when 1 of the male teachers played the guitar and asked to be carried for comfort.
Jenifur...: were u at the 2pm class? at JG? Brent is in the same class... too.. weird tt i didn't see u... i think we met once before right?
yo JG mummies!
Rae was in studio 1 at 9am class... think the english teacher was Hui Min.
mebbe one of u were there when they combined the class during the music session...
Rae kept taking out her socks during class... and i din noe parents have to wear socks too...haha...
next week suppose to swim! ha! wonder how's the pool like...

tried speaking to Rae in Mandarin at home. she just laughed and dun want to repeat the word after me.

carole, clarisse enjoying the durian huh!

Rae ate M&Ms at GUG class last week!
<font color="0077aa">flo

yeah yeah!! this week is swimming time! rem the swim diapers yeah!


did clarisse fell down?</font>
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Adel,

Ya last Saturday Janelle was in the 2pm class. She was in pink top & blue bloomers. I bot over 2 trial lessons from another mummy.

But Janelle won't be attending the class this coming Saturday... I gave the slot to Sabrina instead
wow.. ive been so busy i haven't loggd on for a week, and just caught up w all the JG chats.. hey! i'm at 9am studio 4 - how come i never see anyone..? fushiarstar - did u go today? sch was quieter than usu.. cos of the rain i guess.

Jenifur - change to my class leh! then janelle n tammi can meet every week..
yes we were there..
but i usually leave v quickly so get home to feed zoe lunch..

By the way, just scanned today, zoe will be having a baby brother in nov..
<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Pam,

In this case.. tammi mus stay for another term den can be in the same class as Janelle. e Q for morning class is so long. Rem U had to wait a term for it leh.

I'm still considering whether to sign her up. Sch is too far & will get abit inconvenient for me to bring her in few months time</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Fushiastar,

Congrats!! A prince... you have got a "n" now..</font></font>
congrats fushiastar!

pammie, din see u leh.. me in studio 1.
may eventually stop lessons at JG... find that very inconvenient to go to evans...
