(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font color="0000ff">POTTY TRAINING</font>
Has anyone started potty training? How successful??


august mummy already preggiee.... are we too slow.. wahahhha...

HB gng to germany &amp; italy next mth... keke i am soo happy! whahha i told him, he can go, but leave $ behind can liao..w hahhhahahah shopping shopping!
carole: u too free today le ah!...

haha.. aug mummies.. are pregnant coz they wanna have second kiddo mah.. cannt be competing for how fast the next baby comes in! u wanna compete.. then u start trying now! haha
carole: yah... me don't think i can cope looking after 2 babies by myself.. so prefer zoe to be more independent before i have another lor..

ruff: potty training.. me!! started but not sucessful leh..
hi sharon, i am fm the nov'05 thread, wil like to know more about ur sabrina's birthday party @ hard Rock.... :) planning my son's 1st bithday there too....

they charge u for the drinks? urs is cocktail menu?
yea.. then why u ask why oct mummies.. so slow?!

but frankly speaking, second one very very difficult to cope one leh..
seriously speaking... able to cope or not i guess its very individual. if one is gng to separate many yrs apart then give birth again, i guess the coping part will be more difficult as everything u got to start preparing as the older one is no longer using cot and one might have just given away or etc... but if we have it now, stress is only one time. i am actually keen in having 2nd one, but till i settle into my new plc and till my peak period is over. I am nt those who wan to wait for yrs to have another one. Its very tiring to wake up in the middle of the nite just to nurse them, i would wan to do it once and for all.. over n done with.. since now i am still nursing Clarisse in the middle of the nite, havin the next one wont be an issue as the break wont be that great.

adel: i understand u are trying to tell urself abt the negative pts on having the 2nd one. but i m sure there are + pts to having a 2nd one too. Keep giving neg. pts will only land urself more upset. and to make it worse, if u really happens to have 2nd one... not knowingly u will not love or even care for the 2nd one more.. trust me, its never tt bad to have a 2nd one. who knows it will be another darling in years too come.
Will forward u quotations.

Sabrina's has use potty, when she is 7 month old, but very MaFan one, i have to make sure she poo poo then can go out, if not she will very fussy one. i prepare to toilet train her liao.
I still remb my gynae asking me not to drag too long if planning 2nd one .. reason given: one might be too comfort if drag too long to start all over again.

Adel: dun think so much and let it comes naturally. when u r mentally prepared then start planning if not then just be happy with the current state and live with no regrets. Afterall life are short and we must live happily &amp; contented each day. haha
actually i'd prefer to have my 2nd baby soon too.. but have friends that have babies with a 18-24m gap and they all tell me how tough it is to cope and how important it is to have help (having parents or inlaws or maid) if not the older child tends to be neglected and i simply don't have that kind of help lor.. it will only be me looking after 2 babies.. sometimes i envy my friends who have parents or inlaws helping them look after their babies.. at least life is easier..

was talking to hubby last night about timing our next baby and he just told me that he probably can only take 1 week leave when our next child is born and at that point in time, working hours will probably be something like 6am-9pm 6 days a week! plus the weekly night shift
sigh.. that means i have to literally look after 2 babies all by myself even in the beginning! was thinking about how to cope and was actually thinking about sending zoe to full time childcare for the 1st few months and even that is a problem cos hubby can't even be the one to drop zoe and pick her up.. i will have to do that carrying a NB baby! and the last time round it took me close to 2 months to heal, couldn't even sit without pain .. sigh.. feel v frustrated trying to figure out how to make it work.. and i know i have to figure it out cos it i don't, the one that will suffer is zoe.. sigh..
in a weird way I'm kinda glad I won't have to make that decision to have a 2nd one, due to lots of reasons. Having Xaby will have to be enough for me.

Maybe when she's bigger i may consider adopting another one, but will have to depend on a lot of factors....

do you girls think it's possible for us love an adopted cild as much as we love our own?
<font color="ff6000">MORNING LADIES~

potty training ~ ash has been telling us mmmmmmmm.. when she wans to do business den we have to bring her to the toilet bowl
but den for wee wee.. cannot make it.. ha ha.. still early.. anyway we did not train her for the poo thingy, we jus came to realise tat period of time when she feels like it, she wil come to either one of us and go mmmmmmmmm.. so we decided to let her sit on the 'throne' and ta da! hee..

#2 ~ as much as i want, but den like wat some mummies mentioned above or wat carole has mentioned before the few things we have to bear in mind.. and i dun think im in the rite position now for it

patsy ~ about the adopting issue, guess it takes alot of sitting down and thinking properly... not much comments on this area though but den maybe slowly first?</font>
patsy: Adopting is never a bad option. Will the adoptive parent gng to love the adopted child as much as their own? I guess its a very tough question to answer, as its really depends on how much you wan the child to be part of the family. If i cant have a 2nd by natural, i will may one day adopt one too. But u have to always bear in mind 2 things, 1 - will be able to teach the elder child to accept the adopted child, 2 - the legal $ and adopting $.
carole: yeah, i know.. one consdieration is whether the hb can accept, coz i think as long as i explain to xaby the situation she will appreciate the adpoted child, not sure about HB tho, coz he didn't really want kids in the beginning, so dunno if he'll love the adpoted one as much as he loves Xaby now.

is it ex to adopt children here in singapore?? never thought of that!
patsy: very ex.. at least 10-20k at least.. excluding legal papers.. if i am nt wrong

Adel: helium tank is here.
<font color="ff0000">Fun

I dun think have much Singaporean babies arounds up for adoption and they oso scrutinise every single adoption to the max..


have another one the best!! hee</font>
<font color="ff0000">Patsy

erm.. i think more or less i noe y.. erm.. den see how lor when the time comes.. dun worry on this first!</font>

My friend is fine with the sling colour. She wants to know if you can sell her at $30. If this is not your selling price, let me know what is your comfortable selling price
ssl: mmm.. actually i would prefer to sell at 35. if am not wrong, i still have the disc with me. but must let me find. the sarong.. sling.. i relatively new still.. used it less than pathetic 5 times too.. i got one grey colour cotton one too.haha.. too many but didn't use. backside itchy. grey colour piece (cotton) i can sell it btw 15-18 bucks.
Fun: My older girl takes the Nordic Naturals Omega3-6-9. Really good.
You wanna do a BP is it? Or you got lobang for discount? I have a 10% discount on the oils.
yo kris!

I wondering if order overseas isit cheaper anot lor... 10% ah... very little leh hehe... ALden now taking the $4 cod liver oil niah..hehe.. i saw GNC having the childlife brand.. they also have similar 369 oil.. cheaper.. $42.99, if for card will be less 20% somemore..

In wat way can u see that its effective?
Fun: This Nordic Naturals is available only at Vitakids. The omega3-6-9 I'm giving my girl costs abt $62 after the discount. During my birthday month I get 20% off. heh.. My girl used to have bad eczema and she was always prone to respiratory problems like bronchitis/cough/cold etc. My friend whose 2 kids are asthmatic tried the oil (recommended by someone else) and saw drastic improvements in both her boys. Their asthma attacks have lessened and when they fall ill now their recovery is much faster. The same is happening to my girl too. The eczema has cleared and she is not ill so often anymore. More importantly the bronchitis hardly comes back and when it does it is mild and she recovers quickly within days. However, the oil has to be taken continuously for abt 6-8 weeks to see the effects.
My girl is already onto her 2nd bottle. Each bottle lasts very long cos they only take 2.5ml per day.

If you recall some time a few months earlier the Straits Times had a feature on fish oils and Nordic Naturals is one of the very few certified safe fish oils available in Singapore. Fish oil is good, but with all the chemicals ppl are pumping into bred cod/salmon etc these days our fish really aren't all that safe anymore.

so your ger ger onli taking this, not taking other cod liver oil? wah u make me wana get leh haha

BTW when is yr bday?? hehe.. can get the disc with u not ard?
Fun: haha! My birthday is in JUNE leh!!! Still v long.. I'll need to get a bottle in a couple of months I think. The last time I bought 2 bottles but my maid accidentally broke one of them! Heart v pain but too bad, no use crying over spilled oil.
You can tongpang 1 bottle with me the next time I go and buy lah. Got 10% better than no discount right? Maybe if we can get a few more mommies I can see can get 20% from Vitakids or not.

Yea, my girl only take this oil. Other oils nvr try. She likes the taste of this oil too. But personally I can't stand it! Haha.. When Ember gets a bit older I'll make her take the oil too!

I will like to get one by this mth end..
Why dun u chk with vitakids if they can realli give more disc if order more?
I should think its v possible, but gotta see what the response from the mommies first leh. Alternatively you can bring bb to Vitakids and sample the oil and see if bb likes it. When they are v young it could be a struggle getting the oil in leh. That's y I'm also waiting tilll Ember grows bigger. Oh, and the oil should be taken cold so that it tastes better.

Alden already taking Yu Gan You leh. seems very ok.. he taking the original favour somemore.. yea i just call vita.. just get a dozen of the same prdt with membercard can get 20%!

hehe.. ok we can arrange. U can come my place over the weekend. Saturday/SUnday mornings are good. Before 2pm will be fine.
<font color="119911">Fun: I maybe interested to get but hubby said want to seek approval from her PD 1st.. even though I told him that Jenifur had already seek approval from Janelle's PD..</font>
