(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

fun: some outlets carry full range of Medela accessories. i use other bottle then medela. from the PIS i have 4 medela bottles, and i mix with Nuk bottle

garfield: i am using the PIS traveller..
love it!
anyone of your baby got oral thrush? looks like ulcer in mouth.

any idea how to treat it? my MIL broke it saying will heal fast thou got blood.
she say no break baby feel pain when drinking milk. not sure if its the reason why brennan has been fidgetting so much when i BF him

are u the one that says your cl uses glycerine boride to clean BB's mouth? issit suppose to prevent oral thrush?
tks for replying. My bb has not been wrapped after coming home from hospital cos I m afraid he's too warm. Dunno will he be timid next time cos he will get startled sometimes...

hi all
btw, do you all clean your bb's tongue frequently? Using towel will do?
Is your baby's face oily? Mine has rather oily forehead and the area around the eye.

Mine gets startled often too.. her hands will come up (Like a Conductor)..

I don't clean her tongue.. It has white stains.. Don't know what to clean with.
LinT and ruff

think the startle is baby's reflex. Mine also like that. i use blanket to wrap around the tummy area of BB and put beansprout pillow on top of it.

As for cleaning of tongue, i do that when i bath and wipe bb. i use soft handkerchief and i always the same one to wipe his tongue and gum.
ya rite,hahaha, the hands will suddenly 'come up'. really worried if he gets startled too easily.
cant seemed to wrap the hands cos he will struggle so hard, then in the end the hands will still come out from the towel.

can try using piggeon wide neck peris... something nipple bottle teat size S. my girl uses both avent teat 2 and this and realised her feeding time is much faster using pigeon. Have since stopped using avent.

have stopped wrapping bb in daytime since she was 3 weeks.

i m using the milk storage bag but so far only have 2 packets of 'stock' in freezer

must relax coz stress will reduce ss. dont give up, u have made it past 1 mth. just set yourself tentative targets on how long to bf bb like 2 mths or 3 mths and see how things go.

girls, frozen ebm must use within 2 mths rite? how long does it take to thaw at botom of fridge? it's a little yellow when frozen, normal? will the bag tear in hot water?

anyone using anything to reduce tummy? Is biotherm abdo choc good?

any bb tends to turn to 1 side when sleeping? mine always sleep on her left face, her head getting flat liao. we need to get a wet wipe box to 'block' her.

me thinking of BF BB for 6mths, but setting a 3mths target first.

my boy also tend to sleep one side. even though we put him on his back, his head to turn to one side. heehee.... sometimes wont la. have to monitor lor.

My mum use cotton wool wrap her finger than put drinking water to wet it. den put finger with cottonwool into Alden's mouth to wipe
Do you put your babies to sleep in the netted bouncer? Mine seems to nap better in there, esp after drinking.
gals: use gauze is the best.. can get it from pharmacy.. no traces of wool.. n it cleans well.. my baby's tongue is free from those white white things..
SSL: no. not me leh.

LinT: bb's mouth should be cleaned daily before bb taking bath

Fun: thats wat my CL n myself did to clean bb's mouth.

ruff: mine noti girl sleep on my living room sofa kekeke
Mine enjoys the bouncer cos its really cool. But bad support for the back....so I don't let her sleep for long..
Topic of the Day:
How can I tell if my baby has a fever?

Here's a quick, easy way to find out whether your baby has a fever: Kiss or touch his forehead. If you think he feels hot, you're probably right. Studies show that this simple touch test is accurate a fair amount of the time. A thermometer will confirm what you probably already know, and an exact temperature reading will help you and your child's doctor figure out the best way to get your baby back on the road to health.

Most pediatricians agree that a normal body temperature for a healthy baby is between 36 to 38 degrees Celsius. If your baby's rectal temperature is over 38 degrees C, he has a fever. Call your child's doctor right away if your baby has a fever and is younger than 3 months.
any idea if robinson or JL sell warmer? the brach at causeway point dont seem to have. thinking of buying one, either avent or tollyjoy, so that warming up chilled EBM is faster.

anyone using warmer to warm your EBM?
SSL: i bought a AVENT warmer.. kekek till now hasnt open yet.. whahhaha... will start using after CL is gonez.

I bought from Taka. i saw robinson have!
for those not latching your bb but giving EBM, may i know is it due to latching problem that you have decided to express out and give via bottle?

i am on the verge of doing that. not that my BM ss is high. i faced this problem especially at the evening feed. Brennan will struggle and cry and suck on my breasts. yest was worst. latch, suck, cry, pull out from nipple, relatch. again and again from 7-8pm.

i tot i dont have milk so i try using my hand to squeeze. have leh. but duno y he acted like that. i just cried while feeding him cos really dont know what happen.

thinking of pumping but dont know if i can spare time or if my BM is enough for one feed per pump session.


how much u bought? not sure if worth it to buy. me using normal method last time when i pump out my bm. but takes quite a while n have to gauge the temp if ok. so tot with warmer better gauge. just press button and it will heat to the right temp. issit?

thinking of buying a second hand one but since i got so many robinson voucher from friends, might as well use them.
for those not latching your bb but giving EBM, may i know is it due to latching problem that you have decided to express out and give via bottle? i am expressing and latching. i express out so it enables me to know how much she has consumed, and latching so that next time out in a shopping i can latch her too.

how much u bought? abt 50+, its by turning the knob to the specify description in the instruction manual.
there's only two knobs right? one for glass bottled food and one for milk bottle?

mind me asking how much can u express per session and u express after latching your ger?
Avent : only one knob. it comes with an avent bottle with sealing disc (no teat)

8am usually abt 240ml, the rest of the time is abt 90ml. per day abt 720ml. i latch her like before feed, not very long abt 5mins.
this is to let her remember how to latch.
sigh.. my bb.. is latching on.. suck a bit.. let it flow out of mouth n is sleeping!!!!!

worse.. n i feel like going out today..
so u latch her not to feed but to remember your "nipple" heehee

wa, u really got milk ah. just now my breasts engorged and i pump out cos leaking and my BB still sleeping. i got 120ml only.

So gerger on TBF la. so good.
adel: lol normal.. my CL give her pacifer, she pui out.. whahha.. my girl just suckle n sleep too..
normal lahz
SSL: not totally leh... after 12 midnite she is on FM till 6am. all my EBM only enough for her day feed.
like cow manz.... lol she remembers the COW's smell.. whahahaa... she so cute.. CL carries her she turns her head to smell.. looking for milk to suck. whahahaha...
u have to give yr boy time to learn how to latch onto u.. they are not born experts know.. if u keep letting him take EBM.. he will nv learn.

For me, i intially have a prob for Alden to latch on my right side.. nipple is shorter.. but now he got the hang of it already
clarisse's Mum: eh? i thought ur hb says pacifier is bad habit? mm.. am still deciding whether to give him pacifier or not.. i know its not good.. but apparently.. it looks like he suckle for comfort leh..
i've got the Avent food warmer too. it's quite useful. but i usually will turn off when the milk is almost ready in order to save electricity. if i place the bottle inside it for too long, the milk will be too hot for bb's consumption. in fact, i don't really know how to use it as in...when is the milk ready?

as most of you are aware, my BM ss was getting low. i called up the Breastfeeding Mother's Support Group for counselling the other day and was told that if i continue to latch of pump regularly (2 hourly), my BM ss will come back. therefore, i had invested in the Ameda Dual Electric Pump. today is day 3 and i haven't really been that obedient to pump every 2 hours. i pump around 3 - 4 hours and true enough, my BM ss did increase a bit. i was wondering if i am determined enough to continue cos i'm returning to work really soon. i have mixed feelings now leh...how ah? if i wanna sell my pump, anyone interested?
finally got the standard breastshield from
mums & babes yesterday.. the suction is much much stronger compared to the comfort breastshield.. and also can pump out more..

i'm also expressing out for my girl.. she dun have the patience to latch on.. but when she is hungry she will keep on turning her head looking for my breasts to sucke.. very cute.. keke.. but when u latch her on.. she will suckle for a few minutes and pui my nipple out.. give up on her man..
Tao_baby, Nuttnuts,

I have checked with the GP at my neigborhood here. He only charges $100 for 6-in-1, & $85 for 5-in-1.
Means Dr Terence Tan's charges is too high liao... :p

no la, he already latching full time during day after CL leaves. cos no time to pump out. only today i pump out cos breasts very full lor.

am trying to endure. seeing lactation consultation this fri. hope got help.

i dont know if the problem i'm facing is normal but i will try my best to endure. but i'm also human lor. sometimes just break down.

I've long given up up latching my bb on, as he is too impatient, gets into a rage until his face looked like
and ensures all my immediate neighbours can hear his screams...so I give up... got few times I break down also cos I felt rejected & useless..

So now my bb is on total EBM, less stressful & frustrating for me coz only latching on once a day (max. 15 mins if successful). I pump every 4 hrs, each time have abt 180ml..have enuff to last my boy day & night...
breakbeats: my bb also like yours leh...he will cry so pitifully when i force him to latch on. he will suck a few times and cry after that...i think it's because my milk flow is too slow to cope with his demand. me too, at one stage felt so rejected and useless.

pammie: i bought it for $310 on Monday and am willing to lose $50...but i'm still deciding leh...you're interested? actually i've tried the medela pump also. i chose ameda because it's more silent and of course it looks nicer...keke...the medela pump produces a constant vibrating sound (quite loud) and can be quite irritating leh...

i see.. im still deciding also. U see, i dont know how to pump, either that or I haven't got much to pump cos' always latch on and if I engorge n dont latch, it leaks like a tap so when I pump, hardly anything comes out. At the very most, 60ml only.. i dont know if it's the pump or what .. now using medela. what if I switch to ameda n it's the same thing? then i waste money..
how have u been? ya we same same. I also latch on the most once a day if kenshin in gd mood and not very hungry. otherwise he can bring the house down with his screams. and he can really scream i tell u.

btw girls, have u all started going out shopping or town area etc with baby? I am very scared of doing that cos kenshin is very unpredictable, he is slightly colicky too so fuss and cry often, even after feeds. So i so worried he will scream anytime and attract attention. But i am getting bored at home and wanna make use of maternity leave to go out, yet no confidence still. sigh...i very sad leh.
pammie: both Amenda and Medela looks alike. funtion are almost the same.

Sneaky: the motor not very loud lahz.
i using the traveller PIS not bad.
I am latching on during the day and giving FM at night. During the day, my girl will latch and sleep. I am really worried if she is taking enough.

At night, I pump out only once and its normally 130ml so far... squeeze till dry liao. Wonder why there is no increase in my milk flow...

How much should a 2 hour interval volume of milk be? Any idea?
seems like alot of mummies are facing the same problem. Thats y u are pumping. Do u pump near BB's feeding time? or u just pump every 2hrly?

I also scared my BM is not enough to last him through the day hence hesitant to pump. last time tried pumping got to pump 3-4times before i can get enough full feed for him. And pumping makes my nipples sore and sensitive. I usually latch BB when he signals his hunger.

Now that he is on BM day time, i dont wish that my low BM ss will affect his BM intake and i have to supplement with FM lor.

Do u all wake up at night to pump too? me using pigeon pump and friend loan me medela electric pump.
hi girls.. just want to know is it ok to feed bb with FM after feeding with ebm? my ebm not alot not enuff for a feed.. so now wat i do is feed her ebm 1st then supplement with FM.. just wana check if its ok?

pammie: i think it's better to read up about the ameda pump before you buy it. if i'm not wrong, this one is quite useful cos it has controllable cycles (to mimic baby's sucking pattern) and vacuum strength. the controllable cycles helps to let-down engorged breasts faster. this one may help in your case.

mrstan: i've already brought Samuel to Taka for shopping liao. in fact, he's gone many places with me already. apparently, he loves going out and will sleep throughout, hence not fussing and making any noise. yesterday was my 1st attempt to bring him to my mother's place without my maid. he slept through and fro in my car (in the infant car seat) and taking him out is really a breeze for now... :D

ssl: the pigeon pump is hopeless lah...it's so tiring to use unless it's an auto one...
