(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

kuririn: the blood stain maybe from the vagina. dun worry. tampines... is ur hubby working in west? maybe u try to get less concentrated antiseptic cleanser or lotion to help u. make sure u keep it dry. but with the blood flow, its difficult to keep the stitch area dry. my girl's chinese name into english let her daddy write to Han Yu Pin yin, Leong Rui Ying.

i dun understand how come ur gynae fixed an appt so long. i tot suppose to be one week after discharge?

mybabydream: dun scare me leh.. really cant wear? then i better start trying out my pants.. if not die big time....

Claisse's Mum:
we r also thinking of using dialect for surname and han yu ping for her name.. no idea whether that sounds weird or not

is it a norm to go back for checkup one week after discharged.. if it is then something must have screwed up for mine..

My gynea tat time made a 2 weeks later appointment after my dischrg for me

dialect for surname, hanyupingyin for name? very funny leh....
Here's my burping method..

I let him sit like normal burping position, hold his outer arm using one hand across his chest and my other hand holding his other hand and supporting his back. keeping his back as straight as possible, push him towards the outside and pull him back towards yr body..(like rocking him lor) do this a few times.. if he still doesnt burp, massage his back in circular motion.. not up nor down. den do the pull and push again.. must make sure he is sitting straight hor..

This method seems to work more often than the normal burping method lor.. at home onli i can get him to burp! hahaaaa
i shall call up and ask..

now me n hubby cracking head for the dialect name.. duno how to translate..
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Fun</font>,

Sorry I was unable to come by earlier as Janelle is rather cranky &amp; grouchy after shaving her head. Plus we had spend some time to resolve "world war 3" between my MIL &amp; moi so I jus got back to my mum's place. My HP batt died liao so cannot sms u to inform. Will get my HB to pick up from u over e wkends; will sms u 1 hr b4 he pop by.</font>
Hi Jenifur,

Some updates from me. I have given birth to my baby girl, Grace on 25th October. Weight is 3.21kg/ length 50c.m.

OK, noted. Will check with my gynae whether he got "Danzen" not...

Dr Terence Tan's charges are quite expensive too.
I brought my boi for first consultation, he charged me $89 (consultation fees + 1 jaundice test).
Ya, like wat Nuttnuts mentioned his clinics are located at Mt A &amp; Holland area.

I think Winston's charges shld be abt the same as Dr Terence Tan. Let me know the packages he offered after you checking wif him, ok?
Hmm... I think I won't go polyclinic.

Thanks for the package info.
Will consider &amp; compare the prices wif other PDs, then decide to go which PD.
girls.. so happy today.. managed to pump out some breast milk.. even though not alot but still an achievement.. this morning woke up with engorged breast.. then realize i got milk :p but failed to latch baby on.. she simply dun want my breasts.. later going to put cabbage on my breats to relieve the engorgement..
hi jenifur,
where did u go for your bb's haircut?

actually is it better to shave bb's hair? my bb's hair quite alot and I cant bear to shave it leh..
Yep, i remb hearing the clinic nurse once said to a patient to come only after her 1st menses that's y i'm puzzle.
I've called up dr ang's clinic to check on the follow-up post-natal check after the 1st wk, mdm chan answered the phone. She said come after 6wk in a very sloppy tone(hate talking to her cos she always hav mood swing)

So, i'll make an appointment on the 6 wks or after.
San,try not to use too much cabbage for engorgement. It will affect your ss later... try to put on warm towel and massage, then express. This will be more painful but should be ble to build up the ss faster.

I dun know if I want to continue bf after going back to work... quite troublesome leh... must bring a lot of barang barang to work ... how har?

used your dialect to pronuounce your bb name then can form dialect name oredi...you get what i mean?


if my bb cranky again i will use your CL method
ya we did n it sounds wierd.. but anyway we settle liao.. hubby went to did her birth cert this morning..

how long do i have to massage n pump? had been massage n pump for an hr plus only got 20ml.. then breast still engorged.. how often should i pump n massage?
kuririn: try to have a glass of hot drink like milk or milo before pumping. it helps to let the milk flow. why
? whats wrong? wanna tell?
cos i pump like very little come out.. my cl say my milk flow still not smooth yet thats why pump very little.. and its very painful.. and my girl dun wan to cooperate with me.. latch her she dun wan my breasts.. thats why
kuririn: when did u latch her? when she is hungry or when she is not hungry? there is a diff. u try latching her when she cries for milk, while CL is trying to heat up the milk or make the milk. dun be dishearten kuririn, practice makes perfect. try having hot towels over the breast and then massage and pump out. i too first time leh, i learn through practice. i was far worse than u, i keep feeling so depressed when i pumped for the 1st time, only less than 10ml. now i can express to abt 500-540 per day. take time ok.
we are all here to support and encourage each other... we hasnt give up trying, so u oso ok.

CL should understanding... when i first started, only tt little bit, my CL says its normal for a start. as for painful, nipples are sore after pumping due to suction. like u i was having bad nipples sore, cos i using a batterty operated pump. Now i change to Medela pump, the pump is gentle on breasts n nipples too. relax.. dun be upset... most of us experience what u are gng through... Jia You.
Nuttnuts &amp; Puea,
Realised Dr Terrence Tan charges realli much higher....
I live in Sengkang, check it out via web, there is one clinic at Rivervale Mall (Kid's clinic) which charges only $400 for 6-in-1. So much cheaper leh.
But Dr Terrence Tan's service realli good.... hmm...still hesitating.
ever tot of buying OTO Trimax for slimming? Some of my frenz tried it, and they all said effective leh.
I gonna buy it after my confinement,cos the saleslady said we can start using after our 1 mth confinement.
Clarisse's Mum:
i try to latch her when she is looking for something to suckle or when she is hungry.. she will latch but then spit out.. i'm also usiing medela electric pump.. even after massage n pump.. my breasts still feel engorged.. the milk flow very slow leh.. i duno is it that the pump is spoilt or wat.. the pump was given to me by my friend.. i'm on the verge of stoping liao.. hubby keep encouraging me to perceiver..
Kuririn, in comparison, the Avent Manual pump works much better for me. Somehow, with the Medela pump, I can't get much. You may want to give it a try.

BTW, anyone put your baby on a bouncer(the netted type) already? Are they able to lie in there? or how big muz they be ?
Its cheap.. Think can buy a New 2nd hand from marketplace easily at $40-50. New ones from the shops I think is around $50.
BTW, it puzzles me why the Medela pump can pump much.. But the Avent pump amazes me.
i shall try out a few more times on the medela pump.. if still cannot then will consider to change.. cos my breastmilk just came in today.. n i got engorgement.. is it normal to get engorgement on the 1st day when breastmilk comes..
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">LinT</font>,

I made e Tai mao bi (Baby hair brush) for Janelle so they shave her hair for me too. Actually heard tt e BB hair will start to drop ard 4 mths so better to shave.

<font color="0000ff">San</font>,

Dun despair.. U've to keep trying to latch so she can get use to your nipple. Try to latch her when she's half full so she will be more patient to try. Jia You. I'm sure u will see result soon for ur hardwork

Btw would suggest u get someone to loan u Avent pump to trial 1st b4 u buy. Cuz it works for Ruff doesn't mean it will work 4 u. But dun let BB drink e trial milk. Would suggest u buy new pump if possible due to health reason. Buying/borrowing Used Pumps</font>
hmm ok.. my hubby told my cl to bring my girl to me whenever she wants to drink.. right now she dun have a fix feeding time.. she will cry for milk as n when..

as for breast pump, really hoped that the medela one will work on me.. cos dun wan to waste money to get aonther one..
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">San</font>,

Where do u stay? I've an Avent Pump, can pass to u to trial. e Pump is abit old cuz my aunt trade her old one with my new one since Avent dun work for me.

Why not jus feed her half of her FM then try to latch her after tt?</font>
i stayed in tampines.. my girl gets very cranky when she dun have her milk.. plus right now she dun have a fixed schedule for her feeding.. n also the amount of milk she drinks also varies.. very difficult to catch her pattern..
Tao baby,
me thinking of buying Osim Uzap as they got 2 motor compare to 1 motor of OTO Trimax. I tried yesterday and find it not bad too now still considering. Osim having promotion - pay by UOB card can get a scanner. The scanner can measure fats level and dunno wat ... me forget liao

But better playsafe leh ... even after confinement dun straight away use for our tummy coz u never know how the vibration will hurt us ... I intend to use on my butts &amp; thighs then mayb 3mths liao use on tummy.
Ya lor, Dr Terence Tan's charges exp compared to normal GP or PD.
But like wat you said lor, his service is very good, so I'm oso quite hesitating ley.
Somemore he is the first PD which seeing our bb, so I'm thinking it's better to "stick" wif him lor... :p

I'm using Avent manual pump. It works quite ok for me. But you need to have abit of patient, bcos it's manual so you got to pump &amp; pump, &amp; your hands will get tired lor.

I'm using Kodomo's detergent for my bb clothes. It smells very fragrant.
You may want to give it a try.
kuririn: using the single pump? or dual? dun give up. take time to get things right ya.
keep pumping when there is engorgment.
sure can..
i wasted money to buy one single battery operated pump. like i told u.. it hurts alot. my hubby see me so cham, fork out to buy the Mendela PIS for me.
dear all,wanna share
i deliver my boy on 13 Oct 05 normal delivery, till now its been 3 weeks. the stiches area havent heal completely.

when went back 1 week check up, my gynae said my wound got tear. o gosh.then she give me antiseptic to apply on the wound area.

yest after 2 weeks i went back to see her. she mention my wound is recovering.but got excessive fat. she said have to cut it but wait until my wound completely heal. she also said my skin is prone. haiyooo...

gals i am so scared as the wound is on the pte area. and i didn't dare to use mirror to see it or even touch it. what can i do to make the wound heal faster ? did u all use cyteal ? when to apply ?
Clarisse's Mum:
I'm using this one.. http://www.medela.com/NewFiles/pumps_personalUseElectric.html#double_select

but i'm only using only 1 side.. cos i only bought 1 head lor... its not painful.. just that find that the pumping a bit slow.. or is it my milkflow not smooth yet.. today my engorgement got better.. massage with hot towel and pump but din pump out a lot... today pump 2 times.. each time abt 1.5 hrs.. first time can get about 30ml.. 2nd time only about 15ml.. very pathetic.. later going to pump again..
How much is the Medela PIS? which model did ur hubby buy for u?
Hi Amari, besides the bottle that my gynae gave me, i actually use salt water (tap with cottenwood) to clean my wound. It actually speeds up my wound recovery. Not sure if this works for you.
isn't it very painful?? My mum actually asked me to use Dettol dilute in water to dap on the wound.. I tried once.. next day the wound more painful..
hi tao baby
my gynae asked me to soaked with salt water for 20 mins each time and 1 day 3 times for 2 weeks. but later yest she gave me sprayer to spray my wound area after pee or poo. i wondering when my wound will really heal ???
How's all mummies getting along? I am so exhausted taking care of my bb for the past 1 mth and 6 days. She will sleep oni when I carry her, and since bb will oni grow when they sleep, I have no choice but to carry her...but luckily recently i discovered a new way to coax her to sleep...I will put her on a bouncer and rock her there...

I almost spend quite an amt of time pumping milk out, 4x per day. waking up in the middle of the nite to pump milk is the most shiong one...but no choice, I learnt my lesson not to be lazy when i suffer from high fever due to engorgement. Btw i have reduced the no. of x i let my ger latch per day, as I want to wean her off now and start her on bottle before i go to work in January. She is on mostly EBM now. but when we go out and i have engorgement, she will be my 'pump' to help relieve abit..haha

I am bringing Genevieve to cut hair tomorrow. Will be gng to chinatown point to do the taibaobi as well. Her hair is so nice, abit heartache to cut though but no choice cos i heard that if dun cut now, next time it will all drop even worse.

here's some pict to share

It's not painful. But i nv soak for 20mins, i juz tap the wound with cottonwood. I did that everytime aft i pee for abt 2days. It realli helps leh.
