(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

anybody have any recommendation for bb full month celebration..I need a venue n caterer for 100 pax.

so sian...actually dun want to have a big event but no choice got lots of relatives and my hubby got to invite his frens n colleagues too *sigh*

initially thot of doing a small one at home can liao..but how to accomodate 100 pax leh.


my boy is on 80% BF. His poo is watery but mustard colour. I'm giving him Similac as FM.




think only some jabs will have fever after vacination. think is the one for polio
hehe.. no lah.. my parents in law selling chicken at market just opposite our block.. then they know the other stall owners mah.. so can order for us.. just need to tell the CL go which stall collect can liao.. hehehe

inc: gng to GP. my PD charge super $$$ almost fainted when i brought my girl to see her on 20 oct. just consultation and no medication cost me 84!!!

Celine: where u located? maybe i can help to think of some plcs for u
ClarisseMum: Which PD u bring yr gal to? Do you know there's a bb clinic call Kidslink at the building beside Lot 1? Me intending to bring my son there for his 3rd mth injection instead of gg back to GlenE the Baby clinic leh ...
mayday: i went Raffles.. cos tt time i discharge they arrange a PD there.. kena chop chop chop ... so not gng back unless maybe impt sickness. my BIL is GP, gng to let him do all injections.
garfield: does ur baby have jaundice? if so.. then i think its normal... coz jaundice baby has got greenish poo.. but its definitely a good thing to know tt they are pooing well coz they are jaundice(dunno wat cells) are broken down.. and let out of body thru faeces.. so.. keep it monitored! tts all.. i think.. dun have to worry so much..

my baby's poo is also yellowish.. so on an average i think he poos almost after each feed.. hiak hiak think about maybe 5-7 times a day ba..
ling: wah.. u really kena chop chop man.. its really ex wor.. for my baby's pd.. i went.. he charged around 54 bucks if i am not wrong..

another day has gone pass.. mm..
congrats! welcome to motherhood

I stayed in Punggol21, any recommendation bor?

my boy on 100% BF, poo also yellowish n watery. My boy got jaundice but now drop alot liao coz keep letting him drink milk the birublin (dunno the correct spelling) will be flush out.

y not consider breaking the 100pax into 2 sessions, one lunch and one dinner. so that u can still have it at your place. i will have about 70+ guests too but i bochap, all invite together :p

i think its much more easier to have it at our own place cos at least all the baby stuff are there and if BB needs changing or change of clothes or sleep, at least the cot and baby necessities are all readily available.

If cant split the sessions, have u considered renting those function rooms at country clubs or community centres? or if any of your friend stays in condo, can ask them to help u rent their function room
(though i'm not sure if its mahfun or not)
the pd charged too exp!
I just brought my bb to my pd in Mt E. for the 1 wk chkup and my pd just charged me 40. No medicine.
Celine: DownTown East? Yishun Safra? Chalet? or any friends area u staying in condo? can use their function room too, just ask them for help. but now book seems little too late. Cos i super KS, i book the Function room on the day of discharge which is one mth before the full mth. both hubby n myself already thinking the dates to have the full mth, so chop chop book.

Adel & LinT: kena chop big time.. mai say liaoz.
can use this $84 to makan good food.. idiot.

SSL: lol, then ur house super crowded!
Every morning my balcony like hanging WHITE FLAGS like tt... dunno to surrender to who manz.. aiyo!

worse.. the stupid <font color="ff0000">RED</font> thing... WHEN WILL IT END!!!!
yes, when will the discharge end? I in 3rd week still having it.

want to engage a confinment lady for next preg, can see mum v tired helping out and doing nite feeds. The other day she told me she felt like she's on a boat, groggy from lack of sleep. When I made juice for her and put a chopstick in the glass as stirrer, she thought it's a straw and when she can't get anything juice out of it, she took it out to see why it's stuck then realise :eek:

any gd CL that mummies here have engaged? can pm me contact at [email protected] ? xie xie.
whitefloral: need the contact for CL now? kekeke expecting the 2nd one real soon? lol...

i am having tt like for the 3rd week.. haiz.. i hated the RED!!!! cos it always make my pte area irritation.
u delivered same day as me yah? i will bring baby to polyclinic for vacinnation next wed. can juz call in advance and book a timing and be there 15 to 30 mins earlier. cost $10.

i got long corridoors ma. FOC one
inviting neighbours as well so they wont mind one.

Yap, mine too. still have but getting lesser and more to yellowish brownish colour. It would last more than one month wo.
<font color="0000ff">CONGRATS, Taobaby!!!</font>

jenifur: please update my baby's measurement. he weighed 2.8kg and measured 48cm at birth...thanks

ling: my <font color="ff0000">RED</font> still around after like 1 month...however, it is so little and brownish that i'm using panty liner liao...
mybabydream &amp; SSL: the stupid RED things killer.. haiz... ONE MORE MTH!!!! kaoz! wan me to die .... tell u all a secret, i hate wearing PANTIES!!!! throught out my pregnancy i wear gstring hor.. so asking me to wear auntie panties.. is a killer.. haiz
my bb dun poo a lot leh....quite worried. in fact, think she only poos 1 to 2x a day only...and hor she poos in the morning like 3.4am!! this morning (at abt 3am)her poo is yellow...think shld be the correct color for bb who is being breastfed right?

anyway, my lochia sometimes heavy with red dishcarge sometimes light with brown discharge. normal a not huh? so sian...hate wearing the pad every hr....already cannot bathe..and still have to wear the pad...
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Tao_baby</font>,

Congrats.. Welcome to Motherhood.

<font color="0000ff">Morraine</font>,

U still here?? Hv u given birth? Did I miss ur update or u still doing e waiting game?

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Updated Sam's weight/length. Btw do keep me informed of ur maid's status. She's doing her interview today rite? How much u paying for her salary</font>
garfield: its not really normal for babies to poo only 1-2 times a day only.. when they are less than 1 month old..leh.. i tink ya better check with a professional..

baby usually poos a lot of times.. so if ur baby is suffering from jaundice.. he will be on the way to recovery.. if not.. really dunno how le.. coz jaundice is cleared only by urine and faeces..
<font face="Calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

I dun hv her hp number. Plus it's not really tt important so dun wan to disturb her</font>

so sexy ah... g-string. heehee. ya now those auntie panties, itchy also....


my boy also poo once or twice a day, but each time alot. i checked with kris and she say its normal, if thats his habit all along. So i guess my boy poos all in one go where some babies poo bit by bit.

u mean u have to change your pad every hour??
SSL &amp; adelyee: my bb poos a lot each time though only 1 - 2x a day. cham...now i worried whether it is normal to poo 1 - 2x a day but a lot or must poo many times a day??
being a mother is really tough!!!

I dun change my pad every hr....just change when i wear for too long or when the pad is heavily soaked.

mybabydream: i so far have not bathed yet wor. only use the herbal water 1x to wipe whole body. then whenever i feel sticky, i will use hot water to wipe. think shld use herbal water from now on...
may I know what FM are you all giving your bb now?
And how much?
My bb is now abt 2 weeks old and he's drinking like 50-60ml 2hrly. Is it too much or too little?
<font face="Calisto mt"> Jus wanan vent some fustration here bout my MIL.

Yesterday had to go for prayer ritual for my deceased grandfather so left Janelle in my MIL's care. Passed her 5 bottles of EBM since estimated will b away for bout 5-6 hrs, also taught her how to warm up using e warmer, how to feed w syringe etc..

Came back in e evening &amp; saw her feeding Janelle w milk bottle. I was angry but kept quiet as I know feeding w syringe will take v long so perhaps she dun hv e patient so used bottle instead. Also noticed tt e content in e milk bottle seemed abit different. I offered to wash e bottle after Janelle done but she refused, insisted to do it herself.

I was only gone for 5 hrs &amp; she told me Janelle had finished all 5 bottles of 120ml EBM. I was v surprised as 120ml of EBM can last Janelle for at least 2 hrs, how could she hv finsihed all 5 bottles? I wanted to double confirm w MIL &amp; she got fed up saying I dun trust her, wat would she want to do w my EBM etc... So I had to give up asking.

On my way home, HB secretly told me tt my MIL had poured away all my EBM cuz she thinks it's too diluted, sure not enuf for Janelle. She went to purchase a tin of FM &amp; fed to Janelle instead.

I was really v pissed. I mean even if she wanted to feed FM to Janelle, she dun hv to pour away my EBM rite!! 5 bottles of 120ml, it took me so much effort &amp; time &amp; amt of sleep I scarfice to pump out &amp; all went down e sewerage pipe

I feel like thrashing it out w her but then scared put HB in a difficult position cuz he not supposed to tell me. Oh &amp; she still got e cheek to ask HB pay her back for e milk bottle &amp; FM</font>

i'm also using herbs water to sponge myself, twice a day.


me giving my boy Similac. he is 29days old now and drinking 120ml and can last him about 3+ - 4hrs.
I really dun have an idea how much should I feed him leh. Do you still remember how much u gave your bb when he's 2 wks old? last how long?
I supplementing my bb with Enfalac A+.
Like to check with all who breastfeed, what is the duration between each breastfeeding session? Mine is like 1-3hrs interval.

Jenifur: wow...ur mil very gou fen!!!!! i will be very angry too!!!! actually, the elders keep having the thinking that breastmilk is not good.just dun understand why they are like tat. i sure angry also like u if my mil does tat.
Hi Jenifur,

oh dear...i can imagine the anger u must feel. Yes all the hard effort to express out the BM. Its really too much of her to do such a thing. Next time u know never to give her ur EBM.

Btw, can u pls update for me my son's details?

His birth length was 48cm

One month: 4.06kg / 52.5cm

<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Garfield</font>,

Ya lor, So angry w her.. Was supposed to bring Janelle over to see her today but told HB want till I simmer down first

Janelle also bout 1-3hr interval, not fixed one

<font color="0000ff">MrsTan</font>,

Noted will update. How's Kenshin doing?</font>

I gave 60ml. so about the same as yours. but each BB is different ma.


Mine is about 2-3hrs and supplementing with EBM or FM if BB still hungry.


Dont be angry. at least u know now u cant pass Janelle to her to take care for u. my MIL also keep saying that issit cos my BM not enough thats why my boy keeps crying for milk. aiyor, sometimes he is not, but they keep saying he is hungry. blah blah blah.

btw, whats the weight gain range for infants har? anyone has any idea? eg. 1 week must increase by how much, etc.

Mrs Tan

Is your son on TBF? or u supplement with FM occassionally?
jenifur: cool down cool down... i understand the effort to pump out 5 bottles of 120ml. i too having to take a long time to do tt. dun get too pissed, older generation thinks FM is better. But u hubby oso very cute, picha lobang.. relax ok.

LinT: my girl is abt 2 weeks old and still drinks abt 90ml on Nestle Nan 1HA and BM.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">SSL</font>,

I helped MrsTan answered. She supplement w Similac @ night.

<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

Cuz HB knows if dun b honest w me now then if next time slip of tongue tell me, he will sure gana till v jialat</font>
jenifur, can understand how u feel. xinxin kuku. tought all MIL will want their grand children BF. relax jenifur... calm down ya.

jenifur: wah.. sounds like u gng to be lion when he makes u angry.. dun ok.

amari: slowly... i first started with less than 10ml, 2nd day only 90... today, abt 360-400ml. not totally on BM, once BM finish, my girl will go on FM. try drinking more Anmum milk (for breast feeding mothers) and liquid. i have lots of them... and fish too... not sure abt the papaya soup thingie. cos my CL tells me, she once made lots of papaya soup for one woman, and it dont work at all, and she did not make for me. she ask me if i wanna try, and we both giggled, says ok.. once.. to see if it really works.

Jenifur: Stupid MIL u have.
