(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???


my CL more like a "maid" then CL. she doesnt really teach one lor. and she so scared i hurt my wound.

aiyor... u can sit down ah. i cant so now searching for changing cum bathing unit. cos cant carry water to nursery so the unit will have to be mobile and be in my room.

You sleeping with BB in nursery or in your own room. think once CL leaves, i have to sleep in nursery with BB and hubby in our room.
so sad. unless he wants to join me la.

My MIL dont let me bath BB this week cos she say cant touch water. alamak.... so bo bian lor, can only bath him next week or after BB one month. actually i already touching water cos i always wash the Breast pump myself after each use and sterilise. so sure got to touch tap water ma... but if they are around, i keke, ask Cl to wash for me. hahaha

u didnt try football hold? u on TBF? me still supp with FM if BB demands, but can see that the no. of FM each day is lesser. I'm also pumping during his feed, but i think its going to be diff to manage if CL goes. so prob gotta latch and latch until he song.. cant pump liao. or at least not so often. what about u?

pammie: tks for info, i have ordered 30pax of coffee and 55 pax of food which still likely to increase. will surely take note of the extra drinks
Hi SSL an pammie

tks for the feedback.. huh drinks not enuff.. btw ssl they change the dessert for me to honeydew sago (u may try if u like but dun say it is from me :p). yup she offered to give both rice and bee hoon.

how about veg? wat is ur choice? huh i better feedback on the drinks...

m eating 'cos tot we finish our confinement by then liao... unless u r doing till 40days. my cl leaving on dat day me very stressed tot should hv done one week earlier but too early leh...

i hv not tried bathing my bb relying on my husband and mil :p.

so far, i only use cradle style. ya realise need more info on bf and ebm.

my bb struggles in fact he can unlatch and then cries wen he suddenly realise he needs more. he likes to stretch too which also causes some milk flowing out after feed.

my boy also dun like to sleep on the baby cot irregardless day or nite, he prefer to sleep in the infant carrier think he want those very cozy feeling like in my womb.

but i really stressed about his sleeping pattern...he sleep alot in the day but during the nite especially 4am~6am he is wide awake so tiring.

i took mix cab.. my CL also left at 6pm after FM celebrations ended.. she called me from Malaysia yest to find out how i was coping..

SSL - re drinks, 2 tubs for 60pax still wont be enuf one! i think they count by cups n who stops at 1 cup? besides, all the ice inside tub, actual drink is not enuf.. trust me, pls standby some softdrinks..

Y cannot sit? i've been sitting, squatting for a few weeks now.. is it a old wive's thing again? u are v compliant! I scold my mom everytime she tells me something ridiculous like cannot wash hands.. yest i was washing bb's clothing n she already scolded me, i answer back! haha.. v defiant hor?

i sleep in master room - my hb on my left my bb on my right! :D my hb v sound sleeper so even if I wake up 3x to change diapers or feed baby hb sleeps thro' .. so it was ok. i dont use football hold cos' dun like it, it's good for small bb i think but with 4-5kg bb that may be uncomfortable for her..

sad thing to say, my BM seems to be diminishing alot.. last nite after sucking and sucking bb still cried, not like her.. so I warmed up the 50ml of EBM meant for 3am feed and gave to her, she finished it every drop... I can feel like my BM is no longer like before. She doesn't gag when she drinks as she did before. I have been on TBF from about day 5 or so. INitially gave her 30ml of FM to supp her wt gain as advised by PD but after that, only BM. I feel that my BM is leaking away, and I dont know how to stop it.. maybe that's y i'm losing milk..

my girl also sleeps alot! some nites she's v restless, but fortunately last nite she was ok.. every nite before putting her to bed, i pray over her that she'll sleep well and so mummy can also sleep well..
SSL: you really v guai leh ... me hor oso start eating the buffet food only never touch seafood lor.
I squat down and bath my boy leh .. anyway their bathing water is warm water mah ... better than yr tap water rite? keke
I suggest u start learning while CL still ard leh .. ask her more questions lor

This wk is CL last wk so I start bathing, feeding, burping, wiping him liao.

Pammie: u ordered the same dishes as me except the fried beancurd.

think i will just stick to my seacoconut cocktail. i ordered Luo Han Chye for vegetables.


maybe your boy hasnt got used to the day/night routine.


how many pax did u order? hubby say if not enough then he go buy. heehee

not old wife's tale cannot sit la. i tried sitting on those stools while suntanning my boy. and find that i cant sit too long cos the wound is "squeezed" and i feel very uncomfortable after that. your confinement over liao right? why still cant touch water?

whow, u can do TBF. thats very good. how long will she latch per feed? i think i cant latch my son for too long cos i will get backache.
used to have backache problem lor. so i think when CL leaves, i will cham cos if i latch still not enough for him, then i have to suppl with FM. dont think got time to pump unless at night when hubby is back.

Leaking? too much. then pump out and keep la...

btw, spoke to hubby about the sarong cot. do u think u can email me your friend's contact or email cos we rather deal personally than through ebay. u can email to me at [email protected]


huh, me not 100% guai la. its for my own good too. but i oso got wash my hands with tap water at times when bo bian. heehee.. shhhh...

but i will eating the buffet food this sat
and yes, no seafood too. I think i prob squat to bath BB when he is bigger. cos by that time, maybe wound better liaoz.

Huh, no leh. MIL and MUM FORBID ah.... so better dont. MIL even ask me to ask CL to cook water for me to bath on sat, when i told her i will be bathing on Friday!! she say cant use shower water. alamak..... told hubby and hubby say nevermind, she cant see what water i bath ma. hahaha. so i will use my shower water. will be in there for 2 hours. scrubbing away all the dirt.

Yap, me also starting to learn to carry BB on my own for BF, burping (tried once just now). probably try wiping him this evening.
Bottle feeding should be ok. Told CL that i will make FM for BB if he demands more after i latch on.

so the only thing i dont touch for this week is bathing BB. may get the bathing unit this sun (since i can go out liao) then can learn bathing from CL next monday and tuesday. she will leave on wed.
i am also having the same problem. baby now wants to be carried to sleep in the day. once we out her in the cot, she cries! but so far at night, she's still willing to sleep in the cot. i wonder how if i am to handle her alone during the day, cant be carrying her the whole day! may surrender to sarong! anyone any solution?
Hi ladies
I am from the Nov thread and currently approaching 36 wks. My girl is in breech and was advised by doc to go for c-section if she doesn't change her position by end of the wk.
Can I check if it's better to go for epi-c or GA and how soon can we place our girl our breast for breastfeeding and bonding?

Am apprehensive abt c-section cos I think I will not bond as quickly to the child as have to wait for the anaesthesia to wear off before she can latch on?

sorry to hear your baby's in breech posn but dont worry, if your gynae adv to go C section, it's not that bad.. I went thro' epi C and recovery was v fast. I was actually able to bond with bb immediately as there was no need to wait for anaethesia to wear off. But not everyone can take epi C, some prefer not to be 'awake' to know the tugging and pulling going on in your body. Your gynae shld be able to advise u which is a better option for u.

Some ppl experience some side effects with Epi.. like post op nausea, headache but these will not hinder your bonding. For me, I just shook alot after epi was administered but the shaking wore off aft 2-3 hrs.. 1st feed for my bb was FM but after that, she was on TBF. I could have given her BM for 1st feed but I didn't know cos it was 2am in the morning and nurse said I shld rest tho' I was awake all the time until 6am.. at 6am, they wheeled my bb to me and I gave her BM from then on..

my CL already gone back so Im taking care of bb myself. My mom only comes to cook for me and then goes back.. she doesn't take care of bb..

Your situation is same as mine. I opted for epi c section cos in this way, i can still enjoy the moment that Baby is delivered
I was very scared with the tot of caesarean too cos i've never been into Operating Theatre. But i managed to make it through and it wasnt that bad at all

Like Pammie, I shake before epi (cos cold) and shake alot after epi. But thats nothing to worry cos its the side effects. After the op, i actually lie on bed feeling nothing, but still shaking. As i decided to rest after the op, i didnt latch my boy immediately. Only do so on 2nd day but with no breast milk. but learning the ropes of latching wasnt easy but managed to have few successful tries though.

U may wish to discuss with your gynae. btw, i think for GA, your hubby wont be able to join u in OT. But for epi c section, he is able to. thats another reason why i opted for epi c section


me also intending to cater lunch. most good recommendations serves tingkat dinner only. I intend to try one (gotten brochure from mailbox) its $130 for 1pax (with rice) for 20days. not sure good or not. but no choice.

MIL wanted to come and cook but me and hubby prefers that if she comes over to help, she help to take care of BB while i eat and rest and not be bothered with the cooking stuff. so we intend to give tingkat a try. if it doesnt work well, will probably ask her to cook.
Pammie and SSL- Thanks for the reassurance and info. I will def give Epi-c more consideration now that 2 mums have gone thru the experience. Will see what doc says after this wk's scan.
april: keep talking to bb, hope it works. mine was in breech at 32 weeks still, then at 34 weeks she turns. my gynae kept asking me to talk to bb, so i decided to nag at her.. lol. its works.. at 34 weeks she went head down and getting engaged.
pammie:jux wondering how long will your mum be cooking for you?is it 2 meals currently?

ssl:can u give me the caterer's name and contact no? during pregancy, i ever catered lunch b4, and it was so horrible that i wasted moz of the food. maybe its also due to my bad appetite during pregancy.

remember u mentioned that your shifu choose the delivery date for you. can the timing be choosen as well?

my girl doesn't really slep in day time. She can sleep only 2hr and spend the rest of time feeding or lay in cot with eyes big big looking around. Have been feeding her ebm and latching on off since 7am today and she's still feeding now
so tired and my arms aching already.

same like some of you, she also spit out nipple and fal asleep at breast then when I put her back in cot, her eyes big big again.
whitefloral: there is something like a nursing pillow for support, u might wanan check it out. it might help u in one way or another.

yes my mom cooks 2 meals a day for me.. tho' there's no need to as i can do so myself when bb goes to sleep but i think my mom doesn't believe in my cooking! i hope after 40days she'll stop so that I have more freedom.. with her around scrutinizing me, it's v difficult for me to do as I please..

I need help on maid - whoever had exp.. I called 2 agencies up - both say i can't have f2f interview with maid - can only select on paper. Neither of them have called me up. One agent quoted 750 and another 1200.. is it true that agent fees are charged at the liberty of the agents? isn't there any governing bodies? what do i do besides waitng? v lost n frustrated...help!
clarisse's mom..

thanks for the list.. v helpful! i had experience last week at suntec's family link. v baby friendly! highly recommended..

The tingkat food no. is 97572749. dont know nice or not hor cos i also havent try yet. heehee. the kitchen is at woodlands so they told me will deliver between 1030 to 11!!

Yap, the shifu also gave me the timing. its during a 2hr period. eg. 1-3 or 5-7. etc. so u can tell the doctor the delivery time. as long as within the period, its ok. And after birth, we gave him the actual timing so that he can give us name options to select for BB.


i got a table in the nursery. but the thing is that i cant carry heavy stuff due to my caesarean wound recovery. so its not feasible. Anyway, hubby bought those standing bath cum changing unit for me
will be delivered tomorrow and I can try to bath BB in my room cos got toilet.


i heard about such saying so i reduce my ginger intake during the first 2 weeks when i'm home.
Clarissemum- Yes, my doc also advised me to just persuade her to turn instead of trying any other methods like the external cephalic version which may do more harm than gd.
Been talking to her daily, hope she listens.
hi april

i also go through c section. the process is okay for me except i shiver due to epi. the more diff part is the recover afterdat (2-3 days after op) and coping wif bf. still can bf but in sleeping position. did not handle bb much during initial days.
april: try using ur hands to touch ur tummy when u talk. i bet she will listen. kekkeke.. i nag at my girl everyday ... kekek hope it works for u.

pammie: the only plc i went so far is Taka, for tt little while for some little shopping for my girl's stuff n lunch. maybe after my full mth i will venture out to more plcs with my girl. but i have to be sure she gotten all the required jabs before i am gng to bring her out to shopping areas
Something to share-I must be thinking too much about baby's position that I even had a dream of being placed on the metal op table and seeing a nurse/doc? cut me up...shudder..but the funny thing was I felt no pain and could even 'see' my baby being placed on my chest with the umbilical cord attached... 'seeing' her pinkish body on me gave me renewed strength to go through c-section when I woke up.
sorry for the late reply..my confinement lady is good. Very experienced. Takes good care of bb and myself. She is also very pro-breastfeeding.

1 question for all who had engaged CL before, does your CL take afternnoon nap while the bb is sleeping? I actually find that its ok cos they have to take care of bb throughout the night. My mil complained about that so I just want to see if all CL behave the same?
its ok.. yesterday paid deposit to PEMConfinement liao.. so now is waiting for my girl to pop lor.. the lady I talked to said must give CL afternoon nap if she is taking care of baby at nite.. I find that its reasonable lor.. if not she will be too tired.. btw how old is ur CL?

Yes, my CL also sleeps when BB sleeps. she even watch TV too at night when BB sleeping and she got nothing to do. but she usually go to bed around 9
ok, at least now I know all CL do take naps. In fact I personally also feel that they should rest in the afternoon since nothing much to do.
Just that my mil is so fussy..tot she is lazing around..as though they are robots! cant stand her at times..
when is your edd? very soon?
How much you paid for the deposit? is it $500?

my CL is 51 yrs old.
Think PEMconfinment agy not bad leh..all their CL quite experienced and they will have to take on 6-8 assignments each year. This is wat my CL told me.

let me know if your CL is gd when she arrives ok?
hi all
what is the temperature for normal new born. my bb temp now is 36.8. should i take him to see the docter ? is GP ok cause near to my house.
my EDD is this sat 29Oct lor.. yup I paid $500 deposit.. hopefully mine will be as good as yours.. so far how's the food that she cooked?
LinT: i allow my CL to take nap. either she nap with my girl or while i taking nap with my girl she take her nap too. As CL take cares of my girl in the middle of the nite.. i think its alright to allow them to have a take a wink in the afternoon.

36.8-37.0 is normal body temp.
Dun worry, think all CL are quite qualified cos they have this feed-back system from customers and they do 'sack' those CL who were often being complained.

My CL told me they dun accept inexperienced CLs also.She actually recommended her cousin but due to no experience, thus not being engaged.

Food wise ok, not too bad. She will use whatever is in your fridge. If needed, she will ask your hubby or mum to buy.

Just take note..watever she requested for, you just gauge for yourself if its essential.If not, no need to oblige. Eg: She will say buy this herbs for wat and wat soup, but if you think its not necessary, just tell her no need lah. But they meant for your own gd lah.
ok noted.. but then hor.. my fridge got nothing inside.. haha cos no cook at home.. everyday go my parents in law house for dinner.. so first day have to bring her go do marketing.. if not no dinner to eat.. haha.. my mil says wat she needs just tell her she order in market for her just need to go down collect.. hehe
hi all, can i check with you regarding bb's poo? I breastfeeding bb abt 90% & 10%, what shld be the normal color of the poo? My bb's poo is green in color and is watery. Is it normal?
Hi Mummies,
My gal has popped on my actual EDD 24/10, weighting 3.03kg, 51cm long. Natural birth with epi.
Below is a pic of her

ya, me plan to do that also. ask my hubby to go marketing with her during wkends. ha.

wah..ur mum got such lobang ah..not bad leh.
