(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Fun,

It will b tough @ 1st but hv to let go lah, it's better for Alden.

Actually hor now I realise my Janelle is really "terrible" leh.. U know we brought her to talent plus for trial rite. She jus wave bye bye to me & walk in e class w e teacher. No fuss even though I didn't join her inside. I peep from outside e window, she didn't even try to look for me lor.

But she's different if in enrichment classes where I've to sit in. She will b v clingy @ 1st.</font></font>


Thats wat i called : ְֺ!! haha We will hope to let go asap for their seek but when they are willing to let go.. we find them "terrible" like wat u said!! :D
hi mommies
does your ds & dd know how to pee & poo in the potty already? aiyo kaiser still dunno how to tell when wanna pee & simply refuse to sit on the potty to poo...
headache manz!

Alden will sometimes bring us his potty for peeing.. we havent train him on poopoo, he still does it on his diaper :p
hi Fun
how's Alden doing at the CC so far? hope he is slowly getting used to it. This Wed the schools/CC are celebrating National Day - should be lotsa fun for the kids.

Me from Mar thread, just saw your good news and I want to congratulate you and your husband!

Congratulations! So happy for you! Take care!!
<font color="119911"><font face="comic sans ms"> Patsy:
I'm so happy for u.. Congrats!!! how many weeks preggy??
<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Patsy,

Finally decided to annouce ya.. Don't worry. Just leave everything to our Abba Father and enjoy the moments</font></font>
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Don't be scared. Quote something my HB has been telling me DAY & NIGHT - Guard your heart against trouble & worries, Jesus will provide for all. Cast everything to him.

I know it's easy to say den done but try k. Jus keep praying to him.</font></font>
Patsy: finally you annouced!! Once again Congratulations! kekeke.. poor us who kept this secret for so long.. whahahahah..

God loves you!

Keep your prayers, i am sure you will go through the Scan with excellent results!
jen, thanks. Have been praying about it... just hope it is in His will this time!

Carole, yah lor.. keep secret for so long tough hor?
hi patsy, i'm from the mar 06 thrread too. saw your good news and i can't contain my excitement! congrats to you and your hubby!!! may god bless you with a healthy baby!!
patsy: waliew.. u know damn long or nt.. whahaha u in 12 weeks, means we kept ur secret for 8 weeks! whaahaha..
missy, ginger, thanks!!!! from the time of Sabie till now, you guys have been so much comfort and encouragement!!

carole: hehe.. thank you thank you!!

Today like more crying den yesterday leh... keke havent got any notice for tomolo yet.. hmm gotta wear Red liao..keke
<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Patsy,

Ya lor... so tough. Especially for me cuz need to keep 2 secrets *hee*.

Duno who's e stupid idiot who came up w this cannot tell till 12 wks thing</font></font>
Hi Patsy,

Congratulations! My 2nd baby will be born next Jan... so very close to yours! How was your first trim?

Hi Sweetie... just realized both our kids would be very close in age, if Sabie was still with us.... Sabie shared the same birthday as Grace, right? I miss her...

My first trimester was spent with major nausea but no throwing up, but mostly after lunch. what about you??
Carole, i know.. but really hard to do leh... so many things remind me of her.... i actually avoid this thread coz it's too painful to read bout what your babies are doing while i don't have mine... haiz.
patsy: first and foremost, congratulations. and also i wish u all the best in this pregnancy. and it's a good thing that you still think of saby..u can always think of how she made u laugh.. how she made ur day... i am positive that she'll want the best to happen for you. So, u just gotta live stronger and look forward to your little one! am happy for you.. really.
patsy: its hard, real hard... cos i still think of her.. her smile.. her little cute face..everything. being a friend, we can only tell u to let go as much, but its all up to u at the end of the day.

Just as much as we all missed her, i am sure she misses you too. Being in the arms of Jesus, she will surely better than here now. At least she is far away from all pain. Now, He has blessed you with a little one, she will be always ard to bless this little one. She will hoover ard this little one to spread her teachings and show her love too.

patsy, life goes on. I know its always easy to say. I have been through that, till today i still missed that someone.

All the best, and i am sure God will be there on sat to watch over you and little one.

I bet your God knows that u have been praying well and hard so now he is ready to give u another bundle of joy he has created over these few mths to compensate u for taking Saby away to keep with him
Gives Thanks and dun look back!!
hi carole, thanks... i know.. i just have periods where i miss her so much it hurts. I'm blessed to have a new little one to look forward to, but then i think about how sabie would have been with the baby... etc, i have lots of good memories...but sometimes they're just not enough

it could be Alden initial curiosity abt this new plc has been satisfied already, so more crying to get home (Same for Kaiser last time).

As taught by other parents/teachers, the important thing is must harden the heart & say a short goodbye in front of the screaming/wailing child & then go off to work (& no peeping somemore). I recall that kind of scene also very sian. But must go through this lor, in order to let him know that crying wont work & then he will gradually stop once you are off. And then he will know that him gog to school is a routine every morning & crying wont change anything.

I think his flu is kicking in.. today suppose to let him try napping in school but we decided not to. wait till next wk ba...
angry angry! my stupid maid ran off this morning 10.45!!!! MAD!!!!

dun tell me reason!!! shit. i see her, i sure shout at her....

my maid is the 2nd precious in the house, i never scold her and even buy her clothes on festive seasons and on her birthdays! And all i got return was running away without telling me!

i always gotten scolding from hubby n my mum that i side my maid, but i see her so poor thing, must come here work, i thot i should treat her like a human. I tell u all, next one wont have such things like having food like i do, i eat, they will stand n watch. I treat her so well, i get shit back!

i told the maid agency, maid dunno how to cook, i cook for her and the family. wat else man! super angry!
<font color="aa00aa">aiyo! den how? she got mobile? call her? report to the police first and call the maid agency immediately to ask them to call the embassy to see if she has gone there or not.. anyway, she confirm is run away or maybe went out to get some stuff onli?</font>

my first trim was lots of throwing and nausea... infact still is now... hopefully it will be better soon....

Congrats!! Very Happy for u ^^ Have a smooth 9 mths & soon will carry a healthy bb in ur arms! =)

I'm from Feb 2006 thread. Happen to saw your posting that you are pregnant. Congrats!!! and I'm happen for you and your family. Take care.
to all mummies who congratulate me for my early pregnancy...

sad to say, little bb's heart has stopped beating on 6wk3ds. and i did a D&C this afternoon. I tried very hard to fight back my tears infront of hb, mum and clarisse. but when i head into the waiting area of the op, tears just came beyond my control...

well, i am fine and well. Tks you all for those lovely congrats msg for the past weeks.

