(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

so sorry, didn't have time to post. my sam is down with stomach flu...haiz...nevertheless, i am always up to date with Sabie's development and is constantly updating my mum to accumulate prayers. am sure with all our prayers (from everyone who knows Sabie), she WILL MAKE IT! Patsy & James, stay strong and have faith in both Sabie and our merciful Lord!

hey patsy!

waiting for more good news from sabie!
she is such a brave little girl & such a strong fighter! see how much she have gone thru & i believe she is really fighting for her life & for all of us too!
auntie piggi really wish to give u big hug once u recovered ok!! jia you sabie !!
<font face="kristen itc">Latest not so good update from Patsy:-

<font color="ff0000">Sabie's heart is stil not working, BP is dangerously low, blood chemistry going down wards again. Doctors saying it looks bad but I'm hoping prayer can intercede.

Sabie is having multiple organ failure now. We need a miracle.</font>

Mummies, please continue to pray for Sabie</font>
dear friends, please pray for our little Sabie. that's the least we are able to do for her. she's had enough and it's time for her to recover. let's all keep the prayers going!!!!
Glad to know that Sabie's condition has improved.
Hope MORE GOOD NEWS on Sabie keep rolling in......
Pls do take care of yourself too...
<font color="ff0000">Little Sabie</font>
Everyone of us are praying for you right now and please be strong. God is watching you and placing His healing hands on you.

<font color="ff0000">Father</font>
Please watch over Sabie and we pray for your mercy and please heal her!
Sabie is not well, we have been asked to prepare for the worst. only slim chance she will make it. Please pray for a miracle NOW!
Sabie, u have make it for so many days. Plse be strong n fight for it. Really hope to see u well n healthy again. Dear Sabie, jia you!

U hve to be strong too!
There will be a miracle for you...your fighting spirit and strong willed will challenge it all.

All mummies out here will pray very hard for you and really hope to hear good news.

Patsy and family, please be strong! Your gal needs all your support now.
Dear little Sabie, you have been so brave for so many days, please please do fight on.. really do hope to see you well & happy again.

Dear God, Please bless little Sabie & help her though this.. please heal her.

Patsy, please stay strong, Sabie needs you.
Carole: Pls call her. I am worried.
<font color="ff0000">Sabie & Sarah

U both have been real brave up to this point!! Please dun give up coz we are all not going to give up on u both!! </font>
dear jesus i pray that u wil see this and please answer our prayer ... they need you to be there will them lord ... heal her jesus look after the parents lord ... Juses show them that u are around always ..with them always lord ... AMEN
Oh Lord, please heal little Saby and bring her out from this critical time. God please use your Mightly power to heal the one in need! We trust you can heal Saby and let Saby to live on with her family.

Lord, you hear our prayers, you hear our sorrow for little Saby. Please! Lord, show your mercy on little Saby.

We pray to you for your kind and powerful hands to heal Saby. Heal this little fragile body!
sms from Pammie @ kkh

Sarah looks like gng to collapse. James and her mom just accompied her upstair to rest. hope she can rest. Just now she came out of ICU and felling down becos Saby's heart is still not pumping. But we dun give up ok?
<font face="Kristen ITC"> I swing by to visit yesterday and Patsy is really in very bad shape, I could hardly recognise her. My heart really aches for them.

The only thing we can do now for them is to pray so please help. Drop by your church to light a candle for Sabie or get your sis/bro in christ to help pray. I'm sure GOD will hear and answers our prayers soon</font>
Sabie, God already had a plan for you when he formed you in Sarah's womb and I'm sure that plan includes many many more years on earth. Don't give up and grow strong and be a woman of God. Everyone is praying for you.
hi carol its been an hour ... any improvement ???

will be praying for them ... tell the MUM God will havea plan for her and her little gal he is always in control
patsy has stopped messaging me too..she didn;t reply my last sms to her at 3plus.. if sabie's heart has stopped beating completely, it's not good news..pls update if anyone hears good news fr patsy k?....
dear sarah & sabie,

.. pls pls we wouldnt wan to lose any of u ! ... oh dear little sabie...it was really hard on u ..it so heartpain to see what u're going thru....but pls pls hang on! ...pls pls both of u hve to be strong ok! ..
Sarah i guess in the room. She din sms cos she wont know wat is happening in ICU. I am heading down later, will update whenever possible.

anyone online after 6pm? sms me your number, i will sms you to keep everyone updated.
I guess all of us understand the pain Sarah is gng through. We all have to gear ourselves up to be her pillar.

Being mothers, our wish is for our child to be strong. Having to see Saby going through such suffering is really hard and upsetting.

Dear Lord, Our generous Lord! Please show your mercy to our little baby here. She is barely 18mths old, please heal her and let her celebrate all her birthdays till she is old. Till she marries.

Sabie, dont be lazy now. Auntie Carole & Clarisse promise to celebrate all your Birthdays with you and bring you to Pulai Spring for holiday. We will all go to Bangkok & Manila to shop. And mummy will let you have all the toys you want, and also bring you to US to see American Idol.

im in office still til quite late today.. so call me oso can.. im refreshing the page here now n den.. u can call the no i used to call u jus now

Dear Sarah and Baby Sabie,
I am from the august mtb 06 thread. I just said a little prayer for little sabie, she will pull thru. Have faith!!
